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Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
One thing that's routinely annoyed me is that Quick Resume doesn't seem to work on this. Whenever I Quick Resume into Infinite I need to close the application and re-launch to have it recognise that I'm logged in and online. Is there a more elegant way to get it to connect to the multiplayer service once I Quick Resume?


Oct 25, 2017
One thing that's routinely annoyed me is that Quick Resume doesn't seem to work on this. Whenever I Quick Resume into Infinite I need to close the application and re-launch to have it recognise that I'm logged in and online. Is there a more elegant way to get it to connect to the multiplayer service once I Quick Resume?

No there isn't the only other way to do it is to essentially do a destiny which kicks you back to the log on screen.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
No there isn't the only other way to do it is to essentially do a destiny which kicks you back to the log on screen.
How do you get back to the Log-In (Press A) screen post QR? I tried last night but couldn't figure it out.

Feels like a huge miss considering it's one of the core features of the new consoles. Surely it came up in testing.


Oct 25, 2017
How do you get back to the Log-In (Press A) screen post QR? I tried last night but couldn't figure it out.

Feels like a huge miss considering it's one of the core features of the new consoles. Surely it came up in testing.

It's not implemented in the game so currently all we have is to restart the application

Bill Gaitas

Oct 25, 2017
Damn, I pretty much won all of my Fiesta games, feeling pretty good about myself and all that. I get a challenge to win three Fiestas and I can't stop losing lol


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
I am all for community feedback and asking for changes, but the hostility about the battle pass and unlock speed is too much for me. I know some people have said "It's not a beta, they have items for sale" ..but it still really is, the game is in early preview at best. They said when they started the beta: "Your progression will carry over when we officially release the game on Dec 8th." So I hope the community can calm down a bit, they are listening. 343's multiplayer team is on a break before and on Thanksgiving week, so any changes are probably a week or more away.

I actually had to leave the /r/Halo community on Reddit. You'd literally think the world is falling there.

I've continued to have an absolute blast with the MP beta and the consensus around the internet is still extremely positive. They just need to clean up the progression stuff. Which I'm confident they will.


Prophet of Truth
Apr 22, 2020
I actually had to leave the /r/Halo community on Reddit. You'd literally think the world is falling there.

I've continued to have an absolute blast with the MP beta and the consensus around the internet is still extremely positive. They just need to clean up the progression stuff. Which I'm confident they will.
Exactly! You'd think with how people are acting, that 343 punched their dog.

They nailed the gameplay loop - could we stand to get a better progression system? Sure. More maps and modes? Totally.

This is a live service game - those will be here in due time. I'd rather 343 be in this position, than having released a game with good progression and maps/modes but that was just not fun to play.


Nov 4, 2018

This is a pretty good vid on it. I find people have trouble responding to it at a long range, especially with the base AR/Sidekick loadout. Once the tracking on the orbs kicks in it really comes into its own

Yeah I'll give you that, I've gotten some kills with it but shields is what it does best

TL;DW (seriously why did that need to be padded out to 8 minutes)
- Pulse Rifle is best used to harass at range and drop shields quickly and then swapped to cleanup.


Oct 28, 2017
Someone told me you can change the display so teams always show up in one color ala red vs blue.

I have it now as green vs orange which I like, but it is still just outlines. Is there ô way to make everyone a solid color?


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Im so glad you cant kill your teammates throwing a fusion coil. Someone started meleeing my teammate in a corner and I just slammed that coil right in there with them 😂


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
TL;DW (seriously why did that need to be padded out to 8 minutes)
- Pulse Rifle is best used to harass at range and drop shields quickly and then swapped to cleanup.
I'm convinced it's marginally better on controller because of the sight magnetism/aim assist. On mouse it fucking blows at any range
Dec 4, 2017

This is a pretty good vid on it. I find people have trouble responding to it at a long range, especially with the base AR/Sidekick loadout. Once the tracking on the orbs kicks in it really comes into its own

Yeah I'll give you that, I've gotten some kills with it but shields is what it does best

I don't know, I would believe him if he showed some gameplay against humans, no bots. By the time he finally kills someone a normal player would have already killed me or escaped.
Also, playing with a controller seems so easily than m+k lol
its almost aimbot

Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
As of right now I am fine with the progression system except one thing. Please don't just limit our current attainable set of weekly's to just 4 and allow us to progress through all of them. It is dumb when earlier you actually complete those challenges, but since it is not in your active pool of 4 too bad.
Apr 25, 2020

This is a pretty good vid on it. I find people have trouble responding to it at a long range, especially with the base AR/Sidekick loadout. Once the tracking on the orbs kicks in it really comes into its own

Nnnnnup. He's kidding himself. It's easily the worst gun in the game. They clearly had a kneejerk reaction to the tracking orbs in Alpha testing and nerfed it into the ground.


Dec 3, 2018
OK now you have my interest. I'll give it a go.
Good luck!
TL;DW (seriously why did that need to be padded out to 8 minutes)
- Pulse Rifle is best used to harass at range and drop shields quickly and then swapped to cleanup.
Yeah.. the YT algorithm controls all
I don't know, I would believe him if he showed some gameplay against humans, no bots. By the time he finally kills someone a normal player would have already killed me or escaped.
Also, playing with a controller seems so easily than m+k lol
its almost aimbot
Yeah I've had some pretty good success with it on controller lol. I wouldn't say it's S-tier or anything but I don't hesitate with picking it up anymore like I did at launch.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
I sort of don't believe the AR was nerfed, it seems no different to me.

Also, yeah, Pulse Carbine is the worst gun in the game by far. The whole "using it to harass and pop shields" thing on paper is good but the problem is by the time the Pulse Carbine pops shields you could have already killed them with a different weapon.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I sort of don't believe the AR was nerfed, it seems no different to me.

Also, yeah, Pulse Carbine is the worst gun in the game by far. The whole "using it to harass and pop shields" thing on paper is good but the problem is by the time the Pulse Carbine pops shields you could have already killed them with a different weapon.
It's the same for the ravager only the gun is way more obnoxious and loud about it.


May 16, 2020
To me, most of the weapons are pretty good.

I wanted the AR nerf to remove headshot bonus all together. But requiring more headshots is probably the right answer because it allows for some skill gap between AR users while still allowing more difficult guns to have a chance to beat it.

The sidekick could be good if they ditch the RNG. It's fun to use, but also really frustrating at times. Especially sidekick v sidekick. The best strategy is to spam, because that affords the quickest kill time. Someone who is using "trigger discipline" as 343 put it, runs an elevated risk of dying to someone who is lucky. It's just not right.

commando would be great if they ditched bloom. Recoil is enough to balance that weapon.

The Ravager is pure trash. It does basically no splash damage. And even if you perfectly land all three shots in a burst, you haven't really done enough damage to make the effort worthwhile.

the pulse carbine is my little secret I guess. Everyone hates it, but it's at worst- a long range plasma pistol, that you don't have to charge. Just fire one burst and clean them up with a precision weapon. At best it melts anyone caught out in the open with little effort. It's also a turret gunners worst nightmare because they are stuck on a straight line path.

Mangler, spiker , sentinel beam and shock rifle kills are sooo satisfying.

this iteration of the hydra is much better than Halo 5s. And the cindershot is a fine grenade launcher , and I'm sure we'll get some highlights out of the alt fire.

I couldn't ask for better equipment implementation. Hopefully we get even more equipment as this title lives on.

all in all, I don't think we've had a sandbox this good out of the box since Halo CE.
Completely agreed. My special shout out goes to the Bulldog shotgun - everyone hating on its downgrade, meanwhile I'm loving it's range, semi-auto firing, and shot-melee combo at close range. Some of my best sprees are thanks to that bad boy!


May 16, 2020
Copied from Xbox thread. Hoping people can realize there are human beings on the other end of this, and they just launched an extremely fun and addictive Halo game that has the potential to go down as the greatest Halo if they keep working on it.

343i proved with MCC that they have the ability to listen to the community and implement the changes people want to see. Personally, I have faith this game will continue to evolve in tandem with community wishes into something even more special than it already is. They should be proud of what they've accomplished thus far.

Wishing them and everyone else a Happy American Thanksgiving!


Oct 27, 2017
My personal issue with this BP is that it is encouraging people not to play the objective, there is an actual in game reward for not playing the objectives. If people want to spend money on BP and grind it, that's fine with me, but the BP should not impact gameplay for everyone else. People running around trying to get in a warthog turret to get kills towards a BP challenge vs trying to capture a flag or even play near the objective, that's bs.
That's is a huge problem. Rewarding you for playing the game is what should be the guiding principle here. I think a lot of these challenges are trying to get people to chase down weapons and 'moments' that 343 wants us to see and do. Same with the lack of specific modes to choose. They want people to try new modes, because if they don't, no one would try new modes at all. However, that eventually just annoys people.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Completed all the weekly challenges. Took around 6 hours playing solo. Gained 12 levels in the battle pass while using 2 XP boosts.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd rather use the pulse carbine than the ravages any day. That's the only gun I haven't found a use for - and I've tried to use the charge fire on choke points! Thought it would be so good for asset denial but nah.


Oct 26, 2017
Have they talked about incoporating medals into xp/progression? Would that even be a good idea? To me it feels like it should.


Mar 17, 2018
I think my preference would be for the challenges to only be tied to the weekly reward, and battle pass progression be tied to performance in games. So if the weekly reward is something you really want, you can focus on completing the challenges, and if not you can ignore them. This way they can keep the challenges actually challenging without stopping people from progressing in the battle pass.


This guy are sick of the unshakeable slayer
Nov 11, 2017
I am convinced there's some kind of splash damage bug with the Ravager. Even the fire effect from the charged shot seems to barely tickle enemies. Nearly every other weapon (once I figured out their specific applications) feels like it's in a good place. This is the best BR Halo has ever had, full stop. I feel like the Commando needs a slight recoil reduction so that you can take longer bursts with it before accuracy jumps off a cliff; if they brought it back up to 7 shots to kill, I think that might make it slightly too all purpose.

I am looking forward to hearing how 343 plans to improve the MX pricing/progression system after the holiday weekend passes. In addition, I think it would be helpful for the long term for 343 to have a very rough road map when it comes to plans for new maps. Just knowing that another, perhaps more open, BTB map is on the horizon in the next 6 months or so would do a lot in giving me something to look forward to. Of course, once we have Forge and (hopefully) a gigantic canvas map, the doors to map variety will be blown wide open, but right now it looks like the wait for Forge will be a long one.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I'd rather use the pulse carbine than the ravages any day. That's the only gun I haven't found a use for - and I've tried to use the charge fire on choke points! Thought it would be so good for asset denial but nah.

I've snagged a couple kills with the Ravager but it feels SO inconsistent in a way even the Cindershot doesn't, and the Cindershot has RICOCHET mechanics to worry about.

Feeling pretty okay about this Fracture event, though. I'm already at level 3 from last night alone even though I stopped playing early because a friend needed help with something. I should definitely be able to snag my samurai armor by Saturday or Sunday considering I have the next few days off.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Get 10 Kills with the Pulse Carbine...even if I wanted to do that it feels impossible.

This one I would enjoy. You usually get to learn the more obscure weapons better when doing these. And these are challenges after all.

My issue with the challenges is that they incentivise people to not play the objective. There is too much focus on these now, and I am not sure if Destiny style challenges are the best fit for this game.

The challenges should be tied to scoring objectives, winning games, and progressing your rank.


Jan 20, 2021
It will only track when the red reticle is active (in range). Which I guess they removed on PC because of brilliance.
No they removed on PC because of Cheaters. It's pretty easy to write a bot that will automatically press the fire button when the reticle in the center of the screen is red, like under 100 lines of code easy
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