Has Era had an impact in your life?

  • Yes. I think I'm a better person now.

    Votes: 107 17.9%
  • No. I'm the same.

    Votes: 283 47.2%
  • I'm actually a worse person now thanks to this forum.

    Votes: 209 34.9%

  • Total voters

Rad Bandolar

Oct 25, 2017
This is my first stop whenever I need a laundry list of things that are wrong with media that I enjoy.

On a serious note, this is a good place to get perspectives from people that I usually don't encounter in daily life.


Oct 25, 2017
it gives me an outlet to talk about certain things with some cool people that none of my irl friends are particularly interested, so I would say yes, it has had somewhat of a positive impact on my life.

downside is i waste way too much time on here just endlessly refreshing lol, but if it wasn;t Era it would be reddit or something else

e: wouldn't say it has changed me much as a person though


Oct 29, 2017
They are biased in favor of "no".

How so? Seems like a clear distinction between "Yes - positive impact, yes - negative impact, and no - no impact." I don't see how the wording would lead anyone on to pick any one option over the other two either.

They certainly get the point across, we don't need to hold Era polls up to the same standards as a poll whose results are going to published in a peer-reviewed journal or something.

Personally I think Era (and GAF) have probably made me a worse person, but I don't really care too much. I don't know anyone IRL who's really into games, or media in general for that matter. Most of my family and friends aren't interested in discussing much of anything critically, so forums feel like the only way I can talk about games with other people who are more passionate about them.

But while it can be fun posting here is also a pretty clear waste of time. It's easily the least productive thing I do regularly, and it can be disappointing to consider the number of books I could have read or skills I could have picked up in the time I've spent posting and lurking.

I'm overall happy with where I am in life though and don't feel the need to over-analyze how I spent every hour of every day though, so here I am.
Last edited:


Aug 9, 2018
It didnt changed me, but honestly this place isn't good. It's better than gamefaqs or any dump of racism like 4chan, because it bans the shitheads, but it still doesn't mean it is good. Any discussion is full of people attacking each other in the most basic and sarcastic way possible that won't get them banned, and since most of people can say how they actually feel about said game/company(because they would get outed) there's always this passive-agressive feel to every discussion.

Not to talk about thread clickbait titles and inflamatory generalizations that some try to pass as a joke, because they know it's going to make people mad and bring it more attention. It's a good place for getting news, however, so i'll still use it. I probably should avoid posting tho.
Oct 27, 2017
Actually before everything went off the rails GAF is the place that influenced me the most, it really pushed me Left politically and socially. Many of those voices are here on Era too

Bad Advice

Jan 8, 2019
It certainly exposes me to topics that I wouldn't encounter otherwise. That's the main reason I visit this site, for those rather niche topics. But I wouldn't say it has changed me.
Mar 30, 2019
I have no idea. I still feel like the same person, but I have learned about a lot of topics I wasn't aware of. This forum is the most I have bothered to participate in after years of lurking. I think that even though there can be some negative subjects talked about in the OT, the fact that it is being spoken out at least is healthy.

Most people just want to be heard and understood. If they are clumsy about getting their meaning across I want to make the effort to understand it and listen. I can put up with some caustic language. Wanting to change for the better is a worthwhile process, albeit a messy one.


Feb 14, 2018
I'm not on here enough for it to affect me at all, but I get what people are saying about it increasing their anxiety. OT is pretty negative a lot of the time.

Deleted member 25606

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Me personally? Not much change though I think the forums existence is a positive, it's nice to have a place to shitpost and talk about games and comics without the racism, homophobia, transphobia, and other nasty phobia's and ism's that seem almost mandatory for most other forums or outlets for these sort of interests.


Jun 10, 2018
I wouldn't say I'm a worse person, but if I'm not careful to stick to VERY light topics this place can quickly put me in some kind of mood.

There's an underlying toxicity that permeates the forum and I often leave it with more negative thoughts than what I came with.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
It's definitely made me think more about the effect what I say/do has on other people, like the more harmful context of "harmless" jokes and so on.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I would say yes. I pay much more attention to politics now due to off-topic discussions of them. I also have a much better understanding of the issues minorities deal with day to day due to those who chose to share on this forum.


Oct 25, 2017
Because of this forum I can no longer taste vanilla or see the Lexus color Desert Twilight Magenta. 😞


Oct 31, 2017
I went vegan as a result of a thread in OT and there's been lots of helpful stuff posted in gaming side such as the AI uscaling thread. Hip-hop Era is cool too.

So yeah.
Oct 27, 2017
Pretty much. The dog piling here, and the seemingly completely random moderating here makes some discussions very dangerous if you don't want to get jumped on or banned.
This. You can say something that may be factually wrong and people will automatically assume you had malicious intent and either jump all over you or ostracize you completely. It's a never-ending game of gotcha and it can be depressing as fuck when trying to connect with people online.


Oct 25, 2017
Urinated States of America

No forum is 'just a forum'!!

It's by definition a community, a place of discourse, the pub, the watercooler, a place to unwind or see what's up!! To sh*t on friends, to lurk, to wallow in self hatred, to see the hottest topic or to be dumb together where no one (actually, everyone xD) is looking..!

SO, maybe Era is just Era... but if you log on to a forum as a regular, then that forum is a part of your life in at least a small way. Either to mock and laugh at, to belong in and engage with, or to figuratively rain curses down on before an epic ban hammer. Forums, social platforms, chaotic conference calls, whether you know it or not, you are drawn to it because it accessorizes your life wall, baby. Some people find family, solace, guidance in forums. Others, an outlet. Some people are indoctrinated into debilitating subcultures. They can do a lot of good, a lot of bad, a lot of neutral, but do, they indeed do, sometimes deliberately, sometimes inadvertently. Thus is the power of compartmentalized vox populi.

...also actually had no reason to post this but there's no blog function DUDE!


(That said, if you are breaking keyboards from flame wars or arguments online, then yes -- this is just a forum. :p)


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
This place has made me hate my PlayStation, Star Wars and Marvel. Which should not even be possible but seeing the fan boyism just ruins shit for me. Not everyone is like that but enough are where it's embarrassing to see anything those 3 things produce put on a pedestal.


Oct 27, 2017
it's a good place to keep up with news and stuff. but moderation is heavy handed, i find myself steering clear of threads that are 'controversial.' not such a bad thing though since i am spending less time just browsing like some kind of grazing cattle.


Dec 8, 2018

No forum is 'just a forum'!!

It's by definition a community, a place of discourse, the pub, the watercooler, a place to unwind or see what's up!! To sh*t on friends, to lurk, to wallow in self hatred, to see the hottest topic or to be dumb together where no one (actually, everyone xD) is looking..!

SO, maybe Era is just Era... but if you log on to a forum as a regular, then that forum is a part of your life in at least a small way. Either to mock and laugh at, to belong in and engage with, or to figuratively rain curses down on before an epic ban hammer. Forums, social platforms, chaotic conference calls, whether you know it or not, you are drawn to it because it accessorizes your life wall, baby. Some people find family, solace, guidance in forums. Others, an outlet. Some people are indoctrinated into debilitating subcultures. They can do a lot of good, a lot of bad, a lot of neutral, but do, they indeed do, sometimes deliberately, sometimes inadvertently. Thus is the power of compartmentalized vox populi.

...also actually had no reason to post this but there's no blog function DUDE!


(That said, if you are breaking keyboards from flame wars or arguments online, then yes -- this is just a forum. :p)
Every forum is just a forum :P


Oct 28, 2017
Wut? Two are yes (one positive, one negative), and one no.
How so? Seems like a clear distinction between "Yes - positive impact, yes - negative impact, and no - no impact." I don't see how the wording would lead anyone on to pick any one option over the other two either.

They certainly get the point across, we don't need to hold Era polls up to the same standards as a poll whose results are going to published in a peer-reviewed journal or something.

Personally I think Era (and GAF) have probably made me a worse person, but I don't really care too much. I don't know anyone IRL whose really into games, or media in general for that matter. Most of my family and friends aren't interested in discussing much of anything critically, so forums feel like the only way I can talk about games.

But while it can be fun posting here is also a pretty clear waste of time. It's easily the least productive thing I do regularly, and it can be disappointing to consider the number of books I could have read or skills I could have picked up in the time I've spent posting and lurking.

I'm overall happy with where I am in life though and don't feel the need to over-analyze how I spent every hour of every day though, so here I am.

DreFu - you are right. Didn't see that options were actually "yes positive", "no", and "yes negative". I messed that up.

But the "yes positive" option's wording still bugs me. "Yes" and "Yes, I think" convey two different messages.

Clay - I understand. Ultimately it's not that big of a deal.


Oct 27, 2017
More often than not I end up with bad mood after visiting here. I can't blame them, it's reflection of general mood of the world.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm actually more cynical than I was on the last forum. Plus I have more issues with authority now. Aside from that I'm the same. Gaf helped me to be a better person so maybe it's because I went through a transformer there first, so I didn't need to on here?

Or something is causing a disconnect for me on this site.

I'll just blame Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a good news aggregate but the only thing I'd say it's actually taught me is how much it must suck to be a video game community manager.


The Fallen
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
I use it as a news source and I interact with some people I think to have the same interests as me. I'll also post in some gaming posts too.

The Off Topic section can be a really bad place. I've grown to dislike it; I usually hide it.

Deleted member 179

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The echo chamber of it has made me a better person. Constantly surrounded by R fanatics who think minorities dont do enough to improve themselves, and that universal healthcare is bad, etc. Having a place like this that refuses to listen to those views, and is an echo chamber of the right thing, makes the days a lil easier.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
No, but I've learned quite a few things, meet nice people and laugh my ass off several times. Love the place.

Deleted member 4262

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Not really. This place is basically a nicer version of GAF, which was my go-to source for gaming news.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 1, 2017

This place peaked with this thread:


I found a baby...something [rat?]. Help! (Update: Despite best efforts, now passed away)

Necessary update: Even though Powerhouse passed away, I'm never going to forget this week. Life can be amazing, or cruel, or treacherous, or unpredictable, but if I hadn't picked up that little baby and taken him home, I never would have known what I was capable of when it came to caring for...

Now it's just:


how can people go to nightclubs when they know the kitchen and bathroom need to be cleaned?

The stove, dishes, and refrigerator need scrubbing The toilet and bathtub need to be sanitized.


Oct 25, 2017
Aside from a few really cool OTs and some informative news articles, ERA is just a neat time-waster.

I try to focus my attention on the cool and friendly people on ERA rather than the miserable sadsacks who also congregate here.

Sly Chimera

Alt Account
Oct 29, 2017
I def try to cheer up more people in my daily life after seeing how absolutely depressing some people are on here.


Oct 25, 2017
Toxic fanaticism and just shitty attitudes towards the industry in general. I play like one or two video games tops now. Not blaming it all on Era but it's definitely a huge contributor.

Then why don't you just play games and stay away from anything negative? I mean if you no longer have intrest in playing games fine but ignore fanaticism and shitty attitudes and just have fun playing games.