
Oct 28, 2017
I honestly still can't believe how good this game looks when I see some of these gifs from it. I mean what an accomplishment. Just beautiful.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Feb 2, 2018
Is this the whole sexual piety {in the eyes of the general straight (often white) men} thing that presumably has prevented developers from having straight female leads with love interests to ensure the protagonist is not devalued?

I can not remember a single game from recent memory where a game exclusively featured a straight female lead that included a romantic arc. Plenty of examples on the flip side though.

And, gay relationship for the aforementioned, imHo, does not challenge the inhibitions of a straight men who vicariously live through their PC's story arc.

Granted, romance in games, when left to player agency via series of options, have been generally been executed rather poorly.
No. Relationships in video games tend to always be nonsensical garbage that are set up by silly dialogue trees. If you honestly closely examine the shit in bioware games (they are usually praised for it) it's hilariously bad. Seems more like people only want it to set up their own sexual fantasies which you allude to by the claim "live vicariously through". As a black men there are very few games I pretend to live vicariously through. That's just me though. Has nothing to do with the gender of the main character.

Now, my reservations of a romantic arc stem from my skepticism of them getting it right. Same reason I would be skeptical of voice acting being added to a japanese rpgs in general. If they got it right, well what could I say about that. But It's much more likely they get scared and throw the options wheel at you. Which sort of just lends itself to laughable interactions

Keep that relationship nonsense.


Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
No. Relationships in video games tend to always be nonsensical garbage that are set up by silly dialogue trees. If you honestly closely examine the shit in bioware games (they are usually praised for it) it's hilariously bad. Seems more like people only want it to set up their own sexual fantasies which you allude to by the claim "live vicariously through". As a black men there are very few games I pretend to live vicariously through. That's just me though. Has nothing to do with the gender of the main character.

Now, my reservations of a romantic arc stem from my skepticism of them getting it right. Same reason I would be skeptical of voice acting being added to a japanese rpgs in general. If they got it right, well what could I say about that. But It's much more likely they get scared and throw the options wheel at you. Which sort of just lends itself to laughable interactions

Keep that relationship nonsense.


I do agree (as already mentioned in my previous post). Nuances and the feeling of genuine love arising out of bonding over time, shared activities and circumstances has so far never really come together in player choice driven projects. As you alluded to, it all comes off as "gamified". Personally, the best bonding in VG I have seen, where it feels earned due to the highs and lows such an intimate relationship, was in Uncharted series- a franchise comprising 4 (main series) entries and where the relationship utilized both time on and off the screen to the evolve into something that eventually felt genuine and grounded.

As such, I do feel (and I will be the first to admit if I am wrong) that there is a greater chance that Aloy's romantic quest, if left in the hands of the player by way of selecting "proper" responses and doing side quests together, over the course of one entry, may come off as a Friends with Benefits situation than genuine romantic relation.

Princess Bubblegum

I'll be the one who puts you in the ground.
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
A Cavern Shaped Like Home
My only wish is for actually play an older, more mellowed out Aloy so that she can also interact with her world in a more casual way.

I completely understand why she was the way she is due to the story, but I was still frustrated that for such a beautiful open world with all these civilizations, the only way I could interact with it was through killing things or scoffing. Not even being able to sit down to listen to the musicians in the regular game, or like wonder what are the small games and occupations from the populace. There was also the issue that the game makes huge parallels with actual native tribes, only to be painted actually in a pretty damn poor light, with Aloy sometimes acting as the "enlightened white saviour" (not all of the time of course and some aspects of the tribes were very cruel like the shadow carja of course. But the game paints a pretty poor light of all the tribes in the end, and Aloy expresses very little wonder or surprises to some things that would genuinely charm even people here (I was enchanted by my first sight of Meridian for example, but then was bummed that basically Aloy does not give a crap).

I absolutely loved the game overall. But I hope for a sequel that we could play like maybe a late 20's/early 30s aloy who'se now more integrated to her whole (without losing her sharp wit of course). Not necessarily to be more "friendly" (as I played her as combative and defiant when I could) but I would enjoy if I could interact with world more less as a total outsider
Some very good points. GG really needs some cultural advisors as they continue borrowing from indigenous cultures. It's a big budget game so there really is no excuse for them or Sony. Sure, all the different tribes are shown to be racially diverse but that doesn't protect them from criticism. On another note, all of the settlements didn't feel like proper towns, even Meridian.
Oct 27, 2017
I know what I'm talking about. I do that stuff for a living. What are your references?

I'd be interested to know what you do for a living and what sales insights you might be able to bring?

That would be great! It would be even better if there were multiple ways to complete quests depending on your play style throughout the game like a traditional RPG.

Yeah, that would be awesome. Like you have to enter a hostile enemy camp, and you have the option to sneak in and speak to the chief, or kill a robo that has been terrorising to give as a peace offering, or fight your way in and get what you need by force (with different perks/armour/builds to make each tactic viable).

Amazing...I wonder at what level is Uncharted 4 atm, people were doubting it reached 10M when obviously it has

I think it was 8.7 when we last had a sales update? I would guess that it's in the 12-14 million range by now.

And early exposure to strong female characters is so important, so fundamental. I grew up reading a series of teenage mystery books that had a female main character and it had an immense impact on me.

Yeah, I agree. I think it's been good to at least introduce the idea to him. Normally he likes physically strong male characters like Hulk or Thor or whatever, but I know he likes Aloy too. I've also been emphasising how awesome Hornet is in Hollow Knight and how I'm looking forward to her being playable in the sequel.

Single player game. No microtransactions. Sold 10M. In this current climate, a win for H:ZD is a win for us all.

Absolutely. I find this particularly delicious at a time when Anthem has come out and is a fucking mess. EA should realise that there is still a huge market for quality single player games, and BioWare's time would be better spent making a new Dragon Age or Mass Effect.

Something something female protagonists don't sell something something.

And this, too. Female protagonists are great, and have little to do with whether a game sells well or poorly.

Yeah that happened a couple of time in botw and is a flaw there, but I swear to god it happened at least five or six times on horizon trying to do the most basic of things exploring lmao. (And the text is a bit worse too, literally calling it "the play area")

Why do they do that at all? Have a cutscene with god striking you down with lightning and killing you if you've got to do that sort of thing. Or you could have it bounce you back and it play the sonic spring sound effect. anything would be better. The text is so immersion breaking.

All open world games have boundaries. Horizon's are just more noticeable than Zelda's. I will agree though that sometimes you'll be climbing a mountain which clearly she cannot scale and that message pops up before she reaches an impassable wall. They should have just boxed her in and not needed any such message.

I feel like Horizon emphasizes responsive controls over immersion anyway so it's not a big deal that this message pops up.

Yeah, the controls are so smooth and responsive which is a huge part of the reason why I prefer it to The Witcher 3, for instance.

Doesnt that makes them the biggest Sony studio? Or is Naughty Dog bigger?

When they've finished fully expanding they will certainly be up there. I think Naughty Dog is over 400 people, but that includes the ICE Team too. I don't know what size Japan Studio is, but they were certainly a few hundred several years ago. I think most other WWS devs are considerably smaller than this.

The cities needed to be more alive and exploration gameplay needs to be more deep. Hopefully the sequel improves this. Basically they have combat down, now I want other ways to interact with the world

Yeah, I agree with this. I would like a couple of big cities in the next game, and hopefully more to do in them and for them to feel more alive. Meridian looked amazing but it was pretty hollow overall.

The article literally says "more than 45m Euros" so we have no idea how much the budget actually was. A lower bound tells you nothing concrete. It could be 46m or it could be 1000m. Based on the article I'd say the second most expensive production in the Netherlands was 45m and GG just confirmed that Horizon was more expensive than that without actually giving the budget.

No idea why so many people mistakenly use this article to say Horizon's budget was 45m.

Okay, fair enough. I did look at the link but as it was all in Dutch I couldn't read it.

The best news is it's 2 years old. Next gen could start 3.5 years after the game launched. Possible that HZD2 will be out for PS5 launch and very likely by holiday 2020 at the latest.

I reckon they'll be looking at a 2021 launch and make the game the best it possible can be. Getting a good product out should take precedence over getting it out early in the generation, and if they play this right Horizon will undoubtedly be one of their key franchises. EDIT - I also think that if they are prepping a multiplayer game for early in the PS5's life (whether it's Killzone or otherwise) then that will probably impact the development of Horizon 2, in which case I'd expect a small delay.

oh it's already bigger than Halo, it probably sold more than Halo 4 and 5 combined

I'm not sure that's quite true. I remember reading a long time ago that Halo 4 had a huge launch and was on track to be the fastest-selling in the series, although from a quick Google I can't back that up with a link. We know that Halo 5 had done about "5 million" within 3 months, so if we assume that to be sales and we assume Halo 4 had done at least as well if not significantly better then the two games together are well above 10 million sold, and likely to be >15 million copies sold by now.

GT on Sony's huge PS4 is selling the worst on a console where they've had the most success in first party games is so weird to see. Back when first parties weren't such a huge success GT was colossal and now not only are first parties better than ever but GT sold markedly worse! It wasn't just that the others got better, GT Sport was just not liked.

The racing genre isn't as big as it once was, there's a lot more competition from other high-quality games and the GT series spent many years lagging behind in some regards (I don't know if that is now reversed with GT Sport). I certainly don't think Sony & Polyphony handled it the best way they could have during the PS3 era.

They want to release games in the two or three years, both new titles and games based on existing titles. (July 2018)

I think these hires are mostly for a second team on a multiplayer game
Guerrilla has enough multiplayer experience from their past games, why would they hire these developers if it's not to put them on a new game ?

I wouldn't be surprised if Sony has them making a multiplayer game for the PS5 launch. They're possibly Sony's best studio for it, and it is a segment in which they have been lagging behind this gen in particular. Many of their MP games last gen were excellent, but they just didn't have the audience to sustain it.


Gorgeous photo. What is she holding to make it look like that? Reminds me of one of those metal album cover artworks from the 70s or 80s.

Since we're sharing shots, here's a few from my romp in the frozen wilds... makes me want to go back looking at these shots



These are wonderful too. I loved the look and feel of the environment in The Frozen Wilds compared to the main game.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Well deserved. What an absolutely fantastic game! It truly was something special and I loved the scifi story being told bit by bit. Fascinating.


Oct 31, 2017
Great news for a fledgling franchise/new IP!

Personally I really don't get the big deal about this game, I can barely tolerate getting past the opening area. But this is still really encouraging news for a first attempt at this kind of game!
Oct 27, 2017
Hey mods - I know bumping old topics is generally frowned upon, but I was thinking of HZD and reading over this topic, and I wanted to discuss the relationship aspect of the sequel, so bumping this and quoting a bunch of old comments seemed like the best way of having this discussion. Hope this is okay!

I actually hope there is a male love interest for Aloy in the sequel

For me it was very clear she was attracted to Varl but ultimately realized her quest was more important than having a relationship in that moment
I'm here for Aloy x Varl.
Aloy straight up says she like Varl, but not the time to be thinking about that.
It's a Rost's grave conversation

Yeah, Varl was great, and from a representation angle it would be really good to see a white female protagonist hook up with a well-written black man. I bet Sona could make a really fun mother-in-law figure as well!

I like Petra for Aloy tbh

I legit had a bit of a crush on Petra, to be honest (as much as you can for videogame characters I'M NOT WEIRD HONEST!)

Please no relationship nonsense.
For real. I can't handle the cringe.

If it's written well with one or two potential love interests then I don't mind, provided they flesh out the relationship and little and it's not just sex and then return to the status quo the following day.

I don't think I could entertain a male love interest for Aloy. I just have zero interest in that. Either give me options or just don't go there at all.

Aloy x Talanah is pretty much the only relationship I'd even consider.

If they're going to go with more than one love interest it would be interesting to let the player choose between one man and one woman - I think a lot of people would like the option to choose if their Aloy is gay.

You can never have too much Nil, the one true (sociopathic) husbando.

Nil is great, but he doesn't strike me as boyfriend material. You'd want to settle down for a cuddle by the fire only to find out he has written a note in blood saying he's tracking a group of bandits he wants to murder and he'll be back in a week or two.

The only thing I don't want them to do is let you choose between abunch of people, either commit to 1 or 2 fully fleshed out relationship or don't bother. If Aloy just bangs anyone (like AC Odyssey handles it) I'd probably just ignore it all together and keep Aloy uninterested.

Yeah, I fully agree with this. I usually find relationships in these games horribly written, so I would prefer it be a proper questline with decent writing and something that is consistent for the rest of the game thereafter. Like, if you do settle down with Varl then you have a house together in the Nora region and you can go back there and meet him - maybe for conversations like she would have with Rost's grave where she talks a bit about what has happened, and so on. And then sometimes you go back there and he's not there because he's out hunting or protecting the Nora region borders. But please, don't fridge him for character motivations or anything like that!

On the other hand I fully expect Horizon 2 to take place in another area altogether, so it could be that the supporting cast will be entirely new. Except maybe Nils - him showing up in a new region would make sense for his character!


Oct 25, 2017
I know a lot value choice, but I agree with the sentiment above. Have a choice between two (1male 1female) romantic interests and go all in on them, all the content that would be spread across multiple instead focused on just them, and integrate your choice into the main story and flesh it out. Would be so good, and while I love a few of the HZD1 characters I think it would be better to have these two be totally new that you meet in the next stage of Aloys journey.


Oct 27, 2017
Nil is great, but he doesn't strike me as boyfriend material. You'd want to settle down for a cuddle by the fire only to find out he has written a note in blood saying he's tracking a group of bandits he wants to murder and he'll be back in a week or two.

Which would fit Aloy imo.


Oct 25, 2017
Everyone focusing on Aloy's relationship and I'm far more excited for the burgeoning buddy comedy between Sylens and Hades


Oct 27, 2017
I hope for a lot of new characters in the sequel and i would like at bit of romances if the player chooses to. From the first game there are of course Vanasha Varl Petra etc. (and i would looove Vanasha) However, one that i also would really love is in my opinion the most likely (from the old characters).
And that would be Ikrie from the Frozen Wilds. I really liked the dynamic between her and Aloy. She is Aloys age is banned by her Clan and said that she wants go far away which would make her someone perfect to accompany Aloy when she is leaving and travels to the Forbidden West.


Oct 28, 2017
I still haven't bought this or Spider-Man. Too much other stuff to finish first. PS4 library is too stacked.


Oct 28, 2017
Bought the complete edition on BF and going to give it another go. Started it two times and dropped off after about 5-10 hours. Couldn't get in to it, but it was mostly because i was expecting an RPG and it really is just a stealth/action game with some RPG elements. Maybe this time going into it with the right mindset helps.


Oct 27, 2017
Fantastic, such a great game and one of the few new ips this gen. I really hope we get a sequel for PS5 launch.


Oct 27, 2017
well done

Managing a new amazing IP + setting a stunning engine that can easily be used for next gen and gave birth to death stranding stunning graphics. Well done. Horizon 2ps5 please


Oct 31, 2017
You would have to imagine a sequel is not very far away given how quickly Death Stranding was built on the same engine.


Oct 27, 2017
so well deserved. How on earth did they even manage to pull it off is beyond me. Like going from doing fps games to tackling an entirely new genre, new story and worlds. Good god Guerilla, you're an inspiration to many studios to try out bold new things!

Jimmy Joe

Aug 8, 2019
10m units almost a year back; that makes me wonder where the game's at now

It's been bundled quite aggressively this year, right? Not, like, Last of Us aggressively, but pretty aggressively?
Oct 28, 2017
I didn't like playing this game very much and visually it's not for me at all, but its popularity makes sense I guess. Marvel movies also make a lot of money.


May 24, 2018
United States
Should be closer to a million.

Also the sale price is $10 now, I'm sure they're getting lots of impulse buys.

Amazing game. I didn't finish everything but I finished a lot, just loved the world and the story. Can't wait for the sequal although I'm a little worried the plot won't hold up as well without the original mystery to uncover. But I'll trust in GG!

Relationships... Eh no thanks honestly, agreed with folks above that it's usually just cringe, and it honestly adds nothing to the game for me. Leave it for the fanarts. I liked how they sort of set it up with Varl and then there was no way to say yes lol.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Game is probably the sole exception of big modern open world type game that I actually enjoy and loved. Had its issues sure but I had a hell of a time with it.
Oct 25, 2017
To me it still looks better than death stranding even with a downgraded version of decima engine...
Death Stranding went for desaturated realism. Horizon went for color bombast, both are great looking games, but Horizon is a bit more in your face with how gorgeous it is.
Indeed that would be great, especially for the side quests. The animation wasn't bad, but could be better
Yeah I was never put off by the facial captures, but others were. Any improvement on that would be great.


Oct 25, 2017
Bring on the sequel. I had some issues, but overall it was a great game and story. For a new IP the future is bright!!


Oct 25, 2017
Well deserved, one of my favorite games this gen.

Congrats to Guerilla Games!

Now bring on Zero Dawn 2! :)


Nov 2, 2017
I've owned it for ages and was about to start playing...but with that (albeit unlikely) PC rumour, I think I'll just wait till Feb and see...