hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Our public television company is often accused of having a left-wing slant by politicians and voters from the right. The notion that it would have a right-wing and anti-immigration agenda would seem pretty laughable for most Swedes, irrespective of political leanings, imo.
when the post you responded to was made, what was labeled as the source in the OP was breitbart-adjacent nyheteridag

and indeed the reporting there had a lot less nuance than the actual source of the study, which was the public television


Oct 26, 2017
Uh, why would 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants need to be "taken into account"? Second generation immigrants aren't immigrants.
Why wouldn't it need to be? The implication of the OP, whoever is committing these crimes, is that there's clearly a cultural element to the disproportionately large rate of rape amongst those not born in Sweden. Culture doesn't just disappear in a generation, and as an example on a similar matter the https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal was primarily committed by British-Pakistani men who were not first generation - but I don't think anyone doubts there was a cultural element to it, despite them not being first generation migrants. I mean, two of them shouted "Allahu Akbar" in court and they specifically targeted girls of from the same British-Pakistani community, knowing that the sense of shame and resulting social ostracision that results from admitting to being victims of rape would help keep a lid on things. Obviously I have no idea if this is the case in Sweden but the idea that the status of someone as a second or third generation migrant can't possibly matter is tremendously naive.


Nov 2, 2017
It's here because the Swedish reddit link used that as its source. If mods think it's inappropriate or whatever I'll let them handle it. For now it's staying.

You've been given other, non rightwing links. Can you please replace it so new readers don't give clicks to Fascists? It's not rocket science.


Oct 27, 2017
What causes more rape in the home countries of these immigrants?

That is a worthwhile discussion, but I think the majority of citizens would think that the good of the citizenry is more important than the good of citizens of other countries. And the "cold and objective" evaluations apply to your implied conclusion as well -- "it doesn't matter that by bringing all these people in, our country endangers its own citizens, because more citizens of those other countries will be helped than citizens of our country will be hurt."
You should say how you really feel.


Nov 2, 2017
Zeit isn't Axel Springer. Educate yourself before discrediting others.

Well, integration for you simply means: Bombing the shit out of Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and let the people flee to Europe and other Middle Eastern countries. But don't let them get to us!!

EDIT: Also, The US apparantly still has a higher degree of rape overall than any other country in Europe. (source)
And when it comes to violent crime, I don't think America isn't overall a good example for anything, eh? Integration to the US would mean becoming part of one of the most violent countries on earth, so your drive-by post is hilarious garbage.

Zeit isn't Axel Springer, wtf are you talking about? Do you mean Welt?

Yeah, I had them confused for a bit, dancing on too many parties right now. Sorry.


Oct 25, 2017
It seems like America is far better at integration than European countries
America is separated by two huge oceans, and you have some of the strictest immigration laws, so you don't even get poor immigrants but mostly your doctors and engineers who are wealthy enough to immigrate and also much easier to integrate. You mostly deal with illegal immigration from South America, and you have problems with that, now imagine being part of the world where most of the world's population resides... with direct land connections.

Europe is one continent, Eurasia, and of course passage from Africa is also easy (relatively), this means a lot of immigration from people with no education and from deeply conservative countries and societies. You cannot compare U.S integration with Europe at all, it's not even the same reality.

It's much, much more difficult to integrate hundreds of thousands of people with no education vs. your carefully selected engineers, doctors, etc. There are people that come from countries in the ME like Syria where antisemitism is state ideology and common in society, they don't all of a sudden drop these beliefs as they enter European countries which is why there has been a significant rise in antisemitism in countries over the last few years like Germany and Sweden.
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Aug 22, 2018
Our public television company is often accused of having a left-wing slant by politicians and voters from the right. The notion that it would have a right-wing and anti-immigration agenda would seem pretty laughable for most Swedes, irrespective of political leanings, imo.
Historically SVT have been accused of leaning left yes, that doesn't mean that things can't change with time. SVT Göteborg in particular do seem to have developed an unhealthy obsession with immigration in the last few years.


Oct 27, 2017
More fuel for the right.

I would like to know what causes this.
Short answer is same as always: rape culture. It's well understood how culture infliences these things, and it isn't shocking nor bigoted that different cultures with hugely different understandings of things like consent and the role of women might commit related crimes at a different rate.

What would be more interesting is to see how fast this changes across generations. I imagine it dissolves pretty quickly.
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Oct 30, 2017
Why wouldn't it need to be? The implication of the OP, whoever is committing these crimes, is that there's clearly a cultural element to the disproportionately large rate of rape amongst those not born in Sweden. Culture doesn't just disappear in a generation, and as an example on a similar matter the https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal was primarily committed by British-Pakistani men who were not first generation - but I don't think anyone doubts there was a cultural element to it, despite them not being first generation migrants. I mean, two of them shouted "Allahu Akbar" in court and they specifically targeted girls of from the same British-Pakistani community, knowing that the sense of shame and resulting social ostracision that results from admitting to being victims of rape would help keep a lid on things. Obviously I have no idea if this is the case in Sweden but the idea that the status of someone as a second or third generation migrant can't possibly matter is tremendously naive.
You got it. I really don't feel like it merits explanation because it should be blatantly obvious. If people want to be naive and dense it's on them.
FYI, starting a conversation about rape with the phrase "not a good look" is, in itself, maybe not the best look.
You're right, I'll try to do better in the future. I don't want to be burning the books so I'll let the statement stay.

Deleted member 4247

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This has been "known" for a long time, but here's confirmation. And it makes perfect sense. People from MENA countries (which aren't the only ones this is about, but they seem overrepresented within the larger overrepresented group) have been brought up in cultures with often horrific views on women and gender equality, decades or even centuries behind the generally progressive views of Sweden. This is NOT a controversial thing to say (or it shouldn't be), and it's not a racist or xenophobic thing to say. It's not a "brown people are bad" thing, it's a "certain cultures are stuck in the past" thing.

Now, what do we do about it? I don't know, there's no simple answer, obviously. But I guess it's about teaching immigrants Swedish values, and making sure they understand they are expected to abide by them. That starts with learning Swedish, which should be mandatory. Then learning about Swedish culture, values, etc. That doesn't mean "leave everything about your own culture behind", the good parts you're welcome to keep. But we can't accept viewing women as the property of men, honor culture, etc.

Also integration in general has to start working. It has generally failed spectacularly in Sweden, with massive segregation resulting in insular communities of like-minded people who don't mix much with society in general. Partly because of failed politics, partly because they don't want to. Well, I think they'll have to.
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Oct 30, 2017
Uh, why would 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants need to be "taken into account"? Second generation immigrants aren't immigrants.
Because it's a matter of seeing if the culture of immigrants contributes to, or even comprises most of, rape culture in Sweden. Second-generation immigrants are still part of this culture, so it would be wrong to conclude that only first-generation immigrants are representative of this problem.

Personal experience with rape victims (I've known quite a few while I was in therapy myself) paints exactly this picture of Middle Eastern and African immigrant families monopolising the non-incestuous rape market. It's an inconvenient truth. First-generation offenders were probably a minority because there are more second- or third-generation immigrants than people actually born in a different country. So these numbers don't even tell the whole story.

I understand why you take issue with the term second-generation immigrant though. Maybe it shouldn't be used, because surely these people being treated as different by society is part of many of the issues they encounter and the problems they cause - but for research purposes it is good to acknowledge later generations still fall into a different group, representative of the issue that is Middle Eastern and African treatment of women.


User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
Assimilation is always necessary. It doesn't always mean completely wiping out the culture and practices you bring with you, but instead always means adopting local cultural practices that allow you to become a productive member of said society and the betterment of both locals and foreigners. Of course this is a two way street and often a native population will need to adapt to the culture and practices of new residents, but this is most often, again, for the better of both parties

Lack of assimilation means you're essentially part of an isolated enclave in a larger society, which is not ideal for either the immigrant or the native population.
I'm not so sure this is true. It's highly dependent on what cultural norms and practices we're talking about here.


Usage of alt-account.
Oct 28, 2017
I know it would be controversial but the problem in Sweden isn't "immigrants" in general, it's immigrated men. Looking at Sweden statistics we've taken in 10 000-30 000 more men than women yearly. Why have we allowed assh**** into the country that advocate sharia laws? We should at least stop allowing men into the country until we've balanced the numbers out.
We have a huge problem with men in this country, 80% of assault suspects are men. 98% of rape suspects are men.

I haven't found any statistics yet when it comes to comparing illegal immigrants vs. immigrants. My guess is that a lot of these rapes comes from illegal immigrants living in the streets.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, a non-native is not necessarily a refugee. My follow up question would be how much of Sweden's young population is non-native. Young people in their teens and 20s commit by far the most crime and as far as I know Sweden has only recently accepted much immigration, so their native population is probably relatively old on average. To me it's common sense that if you have an influx of young people, whether by baby boom or immigration, your crime rates will be pressured upwards and the new people will be overrepresented. Which is why it still surprises me to be reminded that in the US, a drop in crime rate over the next 10 years tends to follow admittance of a large amount of refugees. So if the same is not true for Sweden they might be fucking something up with integration here and might need to take a page from America's book for once. I also know there's a massive difference in the crime rate of North African refugees and Syrian refugees. Perhaps Sweden needs to change something about how they handle the former. What, I don't know, as I'm no expert and know nothing about Sweden.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not so sure this is true. It's highly dependent on what cultural norms and practices we're talking about here.

Naturally. It's a give and take, and while often time immigrant cultures need to "give" more by shedding cultural norms they brought with them that directly clash with native norms, they also bring with them some norms that are either tolerated or sometimes wholly embraced by the native culture. Sometimes this is done explicitly or sometimes it's done in more subtle ways over time.


Oct 25, 2017
This isn't about assimilation. You just gotta screen people better. You can't just let anyone in your country.

We don't have this problem in the u.s. At least not when it comes to Arab and North African Muslims.

This is bad. Not just for the women who are now afraid to live in their own country but the rest of the Arab immigrants who have nothing to do with this and will always be looked as rapists.

Bernd Lauert

May 27, 2018
Odds of SD becoming the strongest party this year? Odds of them forming a government coalition? I assume the former is quite high, while the latter is near zero but I know next to nothing about Swedish politics so pls hook me up with some info.


Oct 25, 2017
yeah but in the context of sweden, there is broad political consensus about relative openness for labour migration, while nearly all of the political controversy is about refugees (even though they only correspond to around 10% of total immigration to sweden currently)

Yeah, whatever feeds the narrative and is in the public eye more. The most ridiculous thing is they can't even do anything about refugee policy realistically -- just whine and create boogeymen.

These statistics are really concerning though. Clearly something is going wrong with integration of regular migrants.


Oct 25, 2017
This isn't exactly a surprise to anyone who has read BRÅ 1996:2 and BRÅ 2005:17.

Yup, the fact that a lot of people in this thread can't accept this report from SVT's Uppdrag Granskning (Swedish state television) about something that has been known for quite awhile isn't surprising as it's an uncomfortable statistic.

It seems like America is far better at integration than European countries

European countries are taking on refugees from wars/conflict etc while America doesn't is the difference.

Also, convicted rape stats here per capita is still far lower than America.


Oct 27, 2017
Odds of SD becoming the strongest party this year? Odds of them forming a government coalition? I assume the former is quite high, while the latter is near zero but I know next to nothing about Swedish politics so pls hook me up with some info.
I don't think this report will make a massive change in their favor. This is something they have been talking about for years, so I doubt it will change things up much. This is pretty much the number one thing people turn to when trying to back up their racism.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Odds of SD becoming the strongest party this year? Odds of them forming a government coalition? I assume the former is quite high, while the latter is near zero but I know next to nothing about Swedish politics so pls hook me up with some info.
odds of both are quite low

opinion polls routinely show them coming in second or third place, and swedish opinion polls are usually quite accurate

Oct 25, 2017
Odds of SD becoming the strongest party this year? Odds of them forming a government coalition? I assume the former is quite high, while the latter is near zero but I know next to nothing about Swedish politics so pls hook me up with some info.

THE strongest? Pretty low, but they are already 3rd biggest and could become 2nd.

Imagining this guy being the PM gives me the creeps.



Oct 27, 2017
THE strongest? Pretty low, but they are already 3rd biggest and could become 2nd.

Imagining this guy being the PM gives me the creeps.

Holy shit at that image. Absolute perfection.

Yeah, I completely agree. He is totally not a nazi, but he has the singer of a nazi band as an idol, and he thinks that everyone should read alternative medias. Totally not a nazi. I promise.


Dec 4, 2017
I'm curious what the rate of sexual assaults are perpetrated by native swedes vs the stats on native US perpetrators in their own countries. I would not be surprised at all if there's a much larger % of non-immigrant Americans committing sexual assaults compared to non-immigrant swedes.

So the stats in the OP could seen extreme but if Sweden already has a lot rate of sexual assaults than it could easily seem like a difference in cultures and laws of surrounding countries that aren't working as well as whatever system Sweden uses. (IE: laws, teaching about these things in schools, average morals and values of swedes, punishment vs rehabilitation, etc)

I mean we all know our system in the US is completely fucked though.


Oct 30, 2017
That's lower than I expected, I've seen the "25%" number many times so I assumed it to be correct. Looks good.

Depends on the poll. With all the recent news seeing them north of 25% wouldn't surprise me.
THE strongest? Pretty low, but they are already 3rd biggest and could become 2nd.

Imagining this guy being the PM gives me the creeps.


This dude just screams basement Nazi.

Fuck me.


Oct 27, 2017
I understand why people are concerned about the looks of this and how it gives ammo to the right, but this isn't something that can be ignored. It is a serious amount of data and the thing is, unless there was a huge social difference in terms of class between natives and non-natives, it is quite alarming.

The issue with immigration and integrating large amounts of those from regressive countries, is that countries will also be taking in people with regressive beliefs. The belief that woman serve men, the belief that rape is okay, the belief that certain things aren't rape or sexual assault, and the belief that woman is just generally inferior and they can do whatever they want to them. Another issue is that this isn't just with rape, even though that is what many of us hone in on, there is a dramatic difference in violent crimes.

More than 50% of rape being committed by foreigners is ridiculous, and not a moment or data we should look at and be concerned about the alt-right, but on why such a difference and how to deal with it. It is very complicated and this is why I can understand people not wanting to take in immigrants who hold views that are seen as regressive (handshake thread). Is there a better way to deal with this other than lowering immigration? Why is integration so terrible? How can the state taking them in lower such crimes? Its just really difficult because it requires a lot of resource on the country taking them in to get them up to speed.


Oct 25, 2017
Some of y'all talk way too much about SD instead of the subject at hand here. I get that many of you don't want SD to get more support, but it's frankly disrespectful when we're talking about victims and an integration issue, not the election.


Oct 25, 2017
If this is conviction rate I wonder if people are learning the wrong lesson from the statistics.

Black men are way more likely to be convicted of rape than white men in America. I don't believe there is any evidence to indicate that they are more likely to rape though.


Oct 30, 2017
I thought this statement from a swedish shelter for women was very well put and gave some nuances on the subject so I translated it.

"Today Göteborgs Posten as well as many other news outlets in the country are publishing an article from TT. It starts with the headline "Convicted rapists often foreign born" and finishes with the question "how much is ethnicity and how much is poverty?".

To our great surprise, the only relevant paramter is non present: "gender". At the Ada-shelter we face raped women on a daily basis. We know that the amount of rapes reported are an insignificant amount and than an even smaller amount leads to conviction. The basis is therefore not valid for speculation about which men commit sexual crimes against women and why.

We know that the women who are believed and get help are the ones that have the "right" kind of assailant. The support from the community varies with the social status of the perpetrator which is the most likely cause of the numbers in the article. Meanwhile the middle class swedish men are sailing under the radar. We would also like to point out that our movement existed long before the "immigrant wave" that nowadays is said to have changed our society.

At the women's shelters we don't care about who the perpetrator is, we are here for all women. We do not sign off on any other explanations for mens violence against women other than gender opression. We oppose a description of reality where womens suffering is used to put suspicion on a certain part of the population. In our shelters all women are welcome, middle class swedish women whose perpetrators get away as well as foreign born women with traumas that are judged not to be reason enough for asylum.

To make progress with men's sexual violence against women, we have to talk about men. "

I believe this, and it's good they brought some nuance to these numbers. But, they do stop short of denying the majority of offenders are immigrants/children of immigrants. Since the research states that 80% of assault rapes and attempted rapes are done specifically by first-generation, foreign-born immigrants, even if it's true that in those cases women are three times as likely to report the crime, the remaining percentage is still over 50.

Of course native Swedish rapists will be the first to embrace these numbers and blame everything on foreigners. So good on the shelter to speak up.


Oct 27, 2017
Some of y'all talk way too much about SD instead of the subject at hand here. I get that many of you don't want SD to get more support, but it's frankly disrespectful when we're talking about victims and an integration issue, not the election.
These things tend to become nothing more than a number that people fight over. Especially when there is an election in 18 days. The racists use it to fuel their agenda, and the non-racists go into anti-propaganda mode. It's horrible when there are actual people being raped and assaulted, but I doubt this way of using statistics is something that will ever change. Empathy for the victims is not something that is valued on either side, most of the time.


Oct 30, 2017
Some of y'all talk way too much about SD instead of the subject at hand here. I get that many of you don't want SD to get more support, but it's frankly disrespectful when we're talking about victims and an integration issue, not the election.

They're faceless numbers. Unless people are confronted with the horror in person it's just another statistic to fight over.

Deleted member 19003

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I thought this statement from a swedish shelter for women was very well put and gave some nuances on the subject so I translated it.

"Today Göteborgs Posten as well as many other news outlets in the country are publishing an article from TT. It starts with the headline "Convicted rapists often foreign born" and finishes with the question "how much is ethnicity and how much is poverty?".

To our great surprise, the only relevant paramter is non present: "gender". At the Ada-shelter we face raped women on a daily basis. We know that the amount of rapes reported are an insignificant amount and than an even smaller amount leads to conviction. The basis is therefore not valid for speculation about which men commit sexual crimes against women and why.

We know that the women who are believed and get help are the ones that have the "right" kind of assailant. The support from the community varies with the social status of the perpetrator which is the most likely cause of the numbers in the article. Meanwhile the middle class swedish men are sailing under the radar. We would also like to point out that our movement existed long before the "immigrant wave" that nowadays is said to have changed our society.

At the women's shelters we don't care about who the perpetrator is, we are here for all women. We do not sign off on any other explanations for mens violence against women other than gender opression. We oppose a description of reality where womens suffering is used to put suspicion on a certain part of the population. In our shelters all women are welcome, middle class swedish women whose perpetrators get away as well as foreign born women with traumas that are judged not to be reason enough for asylum.

To make progress with men's sexual violence against women, we have to talk about men. "

This is good. We have to talk about men. Period.
I do wonder if adjusting the huge gender imbalance in immigration would help curb these numbers from foreigners. Take in a more balanced number of genders, and preference to families and women over so many single men.

The solution isn't to ban refugees and immigrants, but looking at the gender ratio for adjustments to policy could help. It doesn't have to be a black or white issue, there can be asylum and immigration and responsible policy at the same time.