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Oct 27, 2017
So... wait, this is the bad news ZhugeEX mentioned? Not as bad as I thought... I thought maybe Ghost is PS5 Exclusive, or something.


Slayer of the Eternal Voidslurper
Aug 28, 2018
It's poor project management to have a massive blowout release date reveal after over a year of silence and then ~1 month later delay the game by 3 months. Do that in the real world on a project and see if your boss/the client doesn't give you an earful, you certainly aren't going to be winning any employee of the month awards for "making the correct call".

Nothing you wrote here makes sense. Projects get delayed all the time in the "real world". Also, software development is a chaotic, tough business where you're constantly out of time and every deadline is some form of compromise. For everyone - from small operations to friggin Apple. Last minute delays, feature-cuts or releases with known issues are not only common, they are practically expected.

This is literally nothing.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017


Apr 6, 2018
Apparently you lack basic reading comprehension of what I actually put there. I suppose that some just blindly praise any move by their favored plastic box brand no matter the context.

I'll ignore that last bit since you're obviously talking about yourself there.

Saying you're not a fanboy doesn't make you not a fanboy. The rest of your posts paint a clearly different picture.

Did I step into GameFAQs with these comments? Whining about people who liked multiplayer.

Are you surprised?

If MP was the cause of this delay then it's now a day 1 buy for me lol, otherwise it's still a sale buy.


Oct 26, 2017
Orange County
It's poor project management to have a massive blowout release date reveal after over a year of silence and then ~1 month later delay the game by 3 months. Do that in the real world on a project and see if your boss/the client doesn't give you an earful, you certainly aren't going to be winning any employee of the month awards for "making the correct call".

What in the... What is this?


Slayer of the Eternal Voidslurper
Aug 28, 2018
I can never understand why people get mad over delays for a few months. You're still getting the game, and it's not like early next year isn't packed with games.

I would take TLOU2 over all of these games that next year is packed with - combined.

With that said, I'm ok with the delay. If they need it, they need it.


Oct 25, 2017
FF7 has the month to itself on PS4 which is a big deal. Late May is a perfect time to drop though, honestly.


Oct 25, 2017
It's poor project management to have a massive blowout release date reveal after over a year of silence and then ~1 month later delay the game by 3 months. Do that in the real world on a project and see if your boss/the client doesn't give you an earful, you certainly aren't going to be winning any employee of the month awards for "making the correct call".
This is all Captain Hindsight nonsense. Get a grip.


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't the original game come out in May too? I remember people being like "OMG WHY IS IT COMING OUT AT SUCH A BAD TIME OF YEAR" and then it sold super well and they went "...oh."
I thought it was early June, but that's right when people are getting wrapped up with school. I know it'll be at the end of my semester instead of at the beginning, which is great.


Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver BC
It's poor project management to have a massive blowout release date reveal after over a year of silence and then ~1 month later delay the game by 3 months. Do that in the real world on a project and see if your boss/the client doesn't give you an earful, you certainly aren't going to be winning any employee of the month awards for "making the correct call".

Naughty Dog doesn't operate in the real world confirmed.

I bet Sony wants to sell them!
Jun 23, 2019
So we have an appeal to authority and strawman fallacy. Impressive, 2 in a single sentence.

Look guy, you can sit here and whine and moan to whoever will listen to you about the grand conspiracy of project management, even though several actual managers have come out in this thread and explained that this is a common occurrence in software development. So either you take their words to heart and actually learn something, or continue taking the intellectually false high road that you think you are on and trying to talk down to people. Your call champ.


Nov 10, 2017
I'm older too and trust me, TLOU was one of those games that got everyone's attention when it released, moreso because it was an exclusive. This game is going to break records easily.
Oh yea I don't doubt that for a minute. I think FFVII only sold something like 12 mil up until the PS4/Switch/Xbox rerelease, and the Last of Us went on to sell something like 18 mil. Since the dawn of the internet, people have been clamoring for FFVIIR and I think this game is gonna sell like crazy. Within the first few weeks I really thought that FFVIIR was going to dominate TLoU2.

Deleted member 8741

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
It's poor project management to have a massive blowout release date reveal after over a year of silence and then ~1 month later delay the game by 3 months. Do that in the real world on a project and see if your boss/the client doesn't give you an earful, you certainly aren't going to be winning any employee of the month awards for "making the correct call".

This is the real world. Naughty Dog makes a ton of real money in the real world.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I thought it was early June, but that's right when people are getting wrapped up with school. I know it'll be at the end of my semester instead of at the beginning, which is great.

You're right, it was June 14th. Still, this is a good time of year for a Naughty Dog game. Uncharted 4 came out on May 10th!


Oct 29, 2017
Wonder if this is like the last delay from Final Fantasy XV where they delayed it for two months because they didn't want the build on the disc to just be a joke.


Mostly Positive
Oct 25, 2017
Norway but living in France
I don't mind the delay but it's a tiny bit annoying that it resurfaced after 18 months mere four weeks ago with a big release date trailer, hands-on Gameplay etc. and now it has already slipped. Game should be great though!
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
It's poor project management to have a massive blowout release date reveal after over a year of silence and then ~1 month later delay the game by 3 months. Do that in the real world on a project and see if your boss/the client doesn't give you an earful, you certainly aren't going to be winning any employee of the month awards for "making the correct call".

Very surprised to learn Naughty Dog operates from a parallel universe instead of the "real world."


Oct 27, 2017
So since Spider-man at the start of September 2018 that would make about 21 months of drought without great Playstation game. Wow. That's a lot. Almost 2 years.

Sony is definitely the new Nintendo.


Oct 25, 2017
It's poor project management to have a massive blowout release date reveal after over a year of silence and then ~1 month later delay the game by 3 months. Do that in the real world on a project and see if your boss/the client doesn't give you an earful, you certainly aren't going to be winning any employee of the month awards for "making the correct call".
This happens all the time. They are going to get a lot less shit than if they released it broken so it's the right call. This is from someone who's company just released several of their software products broken. I'm getting more heat about shit not working as designed than I ever have about a delay for a feature release.

Deleted member 18944

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It's poor project management to have a massive blowout release date reveal after over a year of silence and then ~1 month later delay the game by 3 months. Do that in the real world on a project and see if your boss/the client doesn't give you an earful, you certainly aren't going to be winning any employee of the month awards for "making the correct call".

Is Naughty Dog doing this in an imaginary world where they aren't getting an earful from angry gamers who god forbid can't wait a little longer for a sequel to a game that is clearly defined as one of the best games of all time?

Also, I'm pretty sure people will be winning more than just "employee of the month" awards when this game releases.


Jan 8, 2019
yike this really got some of you in your feelings it ain't that deep. think of it as more time to play the amazing games coming out in the next 6 months
Oct 31, 2017
It's poor project management to have a massive blowout release date reveal after over a year of silence and then ~1 month later delay the game by 3 months. Do that in the real world on a project and see if your boss/the client doesn't give you an earful, you certainly aren't going to be winning any employee of the month awards for "making the correct call".

I guess ND doesn't operate in the "real world" now and Sony will soon be selling them lol.


Oct 27, 2017
It was repeatedly said that the news wasn't a big deal and people would get over it quickly.
True, but that could mean anything these days. People rant for days and days over little things, then get over big things in a couple. People are funny.
I think the Epic Games Store refund stuff for Shenmue 3 is a little thing that there's always complaints over (maybe it's a big issue for some I guess), yet big issues like certain devs abusing workers and we get hyped over their next game shows we're over our concern for workers well-being, or maybe it's a bigger issue for some, more than others.

With all that said, I thought this news could've been anything.


Oct 25, 2017
Take your time Naughty DOg, but that's some serious Egg on your face one month after announcing the launch date. This pushes it out of Sony's Fiscal year doesn't it?
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