
Self-requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
Uranus, get it?!? YOUR. ANUS.
I definitely don't want to hear anything about misinterpretation. As far as I can see, this is a bang on interpretation of The Killing Joke's Joker:

"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. "
"But my point is... my point is, I went crazy. When I saw what a black, awful joke the world was, I went crazy as a coot! I admit it! Why can't you?"

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
The Joker has always been someone going up against a rich guy who uses his money to do whatever he wants to whomever he wants.

He has always been someone you should cheer for.



(I don't care if you're being sarcastic it's still stupid.)

Monkey D.

Oct 31, 2017
I feel a little bad for Leto. His goal was to be a great Joker. He put everything in to create a great joker in his mind and at the end he was cut from most of the movie and now somebody else not only gets praised for their work but gets his own movie . That must sting.

Its like being in a relationship for years but you split up even though you thought it was perfect and then you see the person marry the next person 1 year later with a baby on the way. damn ^^


Oct 25, 2017
I feel a little bad for Leto. His goal was to be a great Joker. He put everything in to create a great joker in his mind and at the end he was cut from most of the movie and now somebody else not only gets praised for their work but gets his own movie . That must sting.

Its like being in a relationship for years but you split up even though you thought it was perfect and then you see the person marry the next person 1 year later with a baby on the way. damn ^^
He got paid millions.

Deleted member 29682

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
I feel a little bad for Leto. His goal was to be a great Joker. He put everything in to create a great joker in his mind and at the end he was cut from most of the movie and now somebody else not only gets praised for their work but gets his own movie . That must sting.

Its like being in a relationship for years but you split up even though you thought it was perfect and then you see the person marry the next person 1 year later with a baby on the way. damn ^^

It really makes you think about the society we live in.

Monkey D.

Oct 31, 2017

He got paid millions.
so? at a certain point the goal of most people in that position ( if they take their work seriously) is not money first but to be great and seen as great. Thats why we have all these award shows for them.

Iam sure he is hurt by what happened.

If you are at work and think you did great but your boss says damn wtf did you do and then another person gets your job and they get praised to the sky no money in the world will make up for it. People are still people, rich or poor.

The fall is maybe softer but its still a fall.

just rewatch the interviews he did before release and after. Like 2 different people. Before he was full of life and he couldnt wait to have people watch the movie and after he is dead inside.
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Oct 28, 2017
I feel a little bad for Leto. His goal was to be a great Joker. He put everything in to create a great joker in his mind and at the end he was cut from most of the movie and now somebody else not only gets praised for their work but gets his own movie . That must sting.

Its like being in a relationship for years but you split up even though you thought it was perfect and then you see the person marry the next person 1 year later with a baby on the way. damn ^^

Who's to say that Leto-Joker wouldn't have been better had more of his scenes not been cut...yet what was there left a lot to be desired.

But the stories of Leto's "tricks" towards his peers on set shows he had no clue who Joker was or any sort of interesting take on the character in his mind.


Nov 7, 2017
the HELP Menu.
Maybe that world wouldn't need a crime boss if there wasn't a guy wasting billions on flying penis extensions so he can beat up people who don't have the same wealth.

Everybody keeps saying this, but the only people without wealth that Batman beats up are already working for fucking Supervillans.

As an aside, this rant isn't directed at anyone, I'm just working out my feelings on this particular subject. My apologies if I am incorrect or rude.

I would love to see a story about how the heavy set clown thug protecting the new year's ball stuffed with chattering teeth has two daughters, one who he lost custody of and works as a clown thug to pay the child support as he works through court to see her again.

But then Batman punches him because he's working with a fucking Supervillan and he later gets murdered by the fucking Supervillan he works for because he got sprayed by a flower containing cyanide or something.

Point is, Maybe I haven't seen the comic run where Bruce Wayne starts wavering dollar dollar bills in front of street urchins, or Batman starts indiscriminately punching homeless people, laughing all the while, but like, he's a fantasy rich person who ACTUALLY PUTS MONEY INTO THE CITY TO HELP IT'S CRIME PROBLEM, and Gotham ALREADY HAD FUCKING SUPERVILLANS IN IT, BEFORE BATMAN.

Like, you could say Batman's refusal to kill keeps these fucking Supervillans from stopping their reigns of terror, but you can just as easily blame Gotham City itself for not having an effective way to deal with these villains busting out of custody.

Are you telling me the cops, under commissioner Gordon, are SO well behaved that they would just plug the Joker or Two-Face the moment he entered custody? This is barely ever explored, and the fact that it hasn't entered public consciousness as a concept is unfortunate and disconcerting.

There are many reasons why this continues to happen, but Batman existing doesn't hold the most water. If you want to get pissed about fictional rich people, I would suggest ones that more accurately reflect real life, like Lex Luther, or even the fucking Penguin.

Bruce has nearly always been shown to contribute the most to cleaning up Gotham in more ways then just being the terror that flaps in the night. It's not his fault, ultimately, that the city council is so ineffective at making it's own decisions, even assuming Wayne Tech lobbies them to better deal with the rampant crime.

And yeah, as the threat escalated, he uses his wealth to escalate his ability to deal with it as Batman. It's a growing necessity, and his Incognito status allows him to most effectively prepare for these issues. How much of his tech is going to get stolen or misused if just given away to GCPD, and how much does Wayne Tech provide to GCPD in funding and tech already? Do we even know?

I may be making assumptions, but I'm pretty sure that although Batman doesn't kill as a principal, he doesn't prevent the city from making it's own decisions regarding justice. He's basically the ultimate, romanticized ideal of a cop and detective. He'll do the best job to uphold justice on His end, but at the end of the day, it's the city's responsibility to follow through.


Oct 25, 2017
So were the leaks real? What happens to the "love interest"? I really don't care about spoilers.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe that world wouldn't need a crime boss if there wasn't a guy wasting billions on flying penis extensions so he can beat up people who don't have the same wealth.

...nani ???
Are you saying poor people are criminals??

joker's trick ?

On topic though, this movie should be interesting if nothing else. I am more interested in Joaquin Phoenix's performance rather than the plot. Will he rise above it?


Nov 4, 2017
The Joker has always been someone going up against a rich guy who uses his money to do whatever he wants to whomever he wants.

He has always been someone you should cheer for.

You are out of your depth and sound like you have a real light familiarity with Joker or his history in comics and other mediums. If you were to just watch Dark Knight you wouldn't say something like that unless goofing/joking around.


Oct 27, 2017
He was in the most popular amd third most popular movies.
So one of the most popular villains of all time is:


He is in the 2nd biggest movie of all time.

Or alternatively, Joker like Venom, Lex Luthor has always been able to outshine and outname other villains no matter that they were temporarily more in the spotlight due to their movies. Batman makes you go Joker, Superman Lex, and Spider-Man Venom. The three biggest superheroes ever, and their iconic counterpart.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe that world wouldn't need a crime boss if there wasn't a guy wasting billions on flying penis extensions so he can beat up people who don't have the same wealth.

I disagree. These villains would exist without the billions and gadgets. A Bruce Wayne character could very easily be written as a middle class orphan and keep the rest of the Batman universe largely unchanged.

Sure, there would be no Bat - car, plane, boat, or ultra high tech cave/lab. But those items could easily be written out. A ninja detective who sneaks in that badass costume is 95% of what people look for in that character.


Nov 4, 2017
So one of the most popular villains of all time is:


He is in the 2nd biggest movie of all time.

Or alternatively, Joker like Venom, Lex Luthor has always been able to outshine and outname other villains no matter that they were temporarily more in the spotlight due to their movies. Batman makes you go Joker, Superman Lex, and Spider-Man Venom. The three biggest superheroes ever, and their iconic counterpart.

Spider-Man's isn't Green Goblin? I know Venom is popular I think Norman would be more globally associated with Spider-Man.

Deleted member 1698

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I disagree. These villains would exist without the billions and gadgets. A Bruce Wayne character could very easily be written as a middle class orphan and keep the rest of the Batman universe largely unchanged.

Sure, there would be no Bat - car, plane, boat, or ultra high tech cave/lab. But those items could easily be written out. A ninja detective who sneaks in that badass costume is 95% of what people look for in that character.

Sure, but that isn't what the character is.

The bat mobile and cave etc was not made to defeat the joker. If anything batman would have been stoked to see some competition rock up, to give him some sort of legitimacy


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
The "would super villains exist without super heroes" chicken or the egg thing has been explored in films before and is kind of an interesting take. In the MCU, Vision in Civil War ponders whether the Avengers invite challenge by merely existing. And in the Dark Knight, I think it's all but explicitly stated that Joker basically only comes about as a response to Batman.


Oct 25, 2017
Every single trailer looked great in spite of a lot of the criticism I've seen here. Nice to have confirmation that I still know what a good movie looks like.

Now I just hope this movie sees enough commercial success to no longer have studios hesistate when giving the green light to comic book movies not driven by spectacle.

He was in the most popular amd third most popular movies. Leto didn't do a lot for Joker's rep
So were random goons. Riding coattails isnt enough. Memes based on his actions are more popular than Thanos himself.

Leto's effort didnt hurt the joker's legacy. There's way too much, long established depth to the Joker that has been experienced over several generations in mass media.


Oct 25, 2017
I am down for DC making drama villain character study like Penguin or Two-Face next.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
I feel like I've read so much more complaining about how incels may react to this film than I've actually seen incels engaging with the film


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like I've read so much more complaining about how incels may react to this film than I've actually seen incels engaging with the film

This. Its pretty stupid that we live in a world where this is all people can muster about this movie and even go as far as to give it a bad review like the dude from time magizine.

10 years ago none of this would have been said. Just the climate we live in now and its pretty stupid its a joker movie like people need to stop over analizing


Oct 25, 2017
Rewatched King of Comedy yesterday, still a great film. Something I had forgot or even missed earlier, was Pupkin's very troubled childhood. Also how hasn't Sandra Bernhard become a bigger star, she was perfect.

Kinda figured this is how it will be. People being overly concerned and then people trolling, those who were concerned taking the troll as something to justify the concern. Sigh.
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Dog of Bork

Oct 25, 2017
People are definitely going to see RISEUP memes, not realize they're satire, and shame people who enjoy this movie. I guarantee it.

Sgsgsgsgsgs or whatever that means