
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's something worth trying out at least once. I'm a high poster usually, but I can make a post cap work and it would be a fun challenge. Certainly would help make games more manageable to keep up with.

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
I don't like them, I don't see a point and especially when the game contains stuff like events, how will you count that?
I think we just wouldn't do them for games like that because it wouldn't make any sense.

But yeah, Fanto explained it. I thought I would hate it but it really cuts down the noise and makes for a more even playing ground. I'm a big poster and yet I know that creates a barrier to entry for some.


Oct 26, 2017
Post count caps. In the Mafia Universe championship game they have a 150 post count limit each day phase which gets lifted at EoD.

I'm indifferent on it I guess, if someone wanted to try running a game with a post-count limit it would be interesting to see at least. I feel like it would be highly dependent on who is on the roster for this community, since there are only a handful of us that consistently make 100+ posts a day anyway.
Oh, yeah, I'm not worried about that since I'm not a big poster. If it was a hard 50-80 post cap then that would be an interesting experiment, but as it is I think it's best to just set a minimum.

Thanks for the explanation.


Linked the Fire
May 9, 2020
its not just my high post count i dont want others to post less or only post serious post about gameplay

maybe a post count makes gameplay better but a big reason I play mafia is to get an opportunity to socialize with people since I don't have many real life friends and mostly stay at home.

if most people talked only gameplay do to post limit that would sap a lot of fun away from me.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Re; extension for the vote tool.

The consensus so far seems to be not to extend time if the Vote Tool is down but have that option if Era goes down. If the majority of folks here agree we can make that a rule/guideline. :x

Great idea! I'll add a little blurb to that so people will hopefully see it. My worry about moving those to OM was just what you described: people wouldn't know they existed and they'd be there for naught. Hopefully with this talk and adding the link then word will get around more.

Sure. Monkey has elaborated on it already but things can change, not set in stone, yadda yadda but I'll see if we can fit it into the OT and have the list there. We're still working on when games will run but so far the list is looking like:

Knives Out (11 player) - Normal
Horror Movie (17) - Role Madness
Corrida Colosseum (20) - Unusual Role Madness
Mario Kart (22) - Unusual Role Madness
HvV3 (32) - It's HvV

Probably a Mini in there somewhere too.

Thank you both for these. I'll start throwing together a list and see what can be done!

Any other game recommendations are welcome as well. I think Hawthorn has the right idea of a game being short, having plot twists, and not-too-intensive mechanics are ideal for this list. :>


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
As someone who posts a lot A LOT a lot just to get the juices flowing I'll say it's a good thing to try them out, this way we actually have to put a little bit more thinking into the posts.


Community Resettler - Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I recall someone(faddy? sorian?) saying they played games with post caps in one of those specialized mafia forums and they mostly led to games with low engagement until everyone spent their post just before EoD so that's something to take into account if someone wants to run the concept


Oct 28, 2017
Not sure if I just haven't seen it anywhere but I think there should be an easily copiable list of players who are still alive (not including timezones, pronouns) for the purposes of making reads lists


Is this tag ok?
Oct 25, 2017
Not sure if I just haven't seen it anywhere but I think there should be an easily copiable list of players who are still alive (not including timezones, pronouns) for the purposes of making reads lists
I can try to do this for my own games at the least, that's definitely a nice convenience. I do try to keep a list of who's still alive in one of the first posts of my games, but it has all of the timezone/pronoun info still and I also keep dead players in there but cross out their name and write their role. I could probably find a way to better format that so it can be used as a template for read/claim lists for sure.


Oct 26, 2017
Not sure if I just haven't seen it anywhere but I think there should be an easily copiable list of players who are still alive (not including timezones, pronouns) for the purposes of making reads lists
I can try to do this for my own games at the least, that's definitely a nice convenience. I do try to keep a list of who's still alive in one of the first posts of my games, but it has all of the timezone/pronoun info still and I also keep dead players in there but cross out their name and write their role. I could probably find a way to better format that so it can be used as a template for read/claim lists for sure.
Could it be added to day starts, so there's an easy threadmark to follow?


Oct 25, 2017
Not sure if I just haven't seen it anywhere but I think there should be an easily copiable list of players who are still alive (not including timezones, pronouns) for the purposes of making reads lists
I can try to do this for my own games at the least, that's definitely a nice convenience. I do try to keep a list of who's still alive in one of the first posts of my games, but it has all of the timezone/pronoun info still and I also keep dead players in there but cross out their name and write their role. I could probably find a way to better format that so it can be used as a template for read/claim lists for sure.
Could it be added to day starts, so there's an easy threadmark to follow?
This is a good idea. Not having a current list of players to copy is one of my peevs, and exactly the thing I was thinking of in suggesting a checklist for game runners.


Oct 25, 2017
I typically post the remaining players and tag them at day start. It requires slight editing (removing the @ sign) but it's close to what is being asked for and also serves as a way to remind players of day start.


Oct 25, 2017
I recall someone(faddy? sorian?) saying they played games with post caps in one of those specialized mafia forums and they mostly led to games with low engagement until everyone spent their post just before EoD so that's something to take into account if someone wants to run the concept

Defintely something that happens.

on MafiaUniverse so called Light games still have high post limits (compared to here)... 150 posts limit until near EoD when it becomes unrestricted. Essentially it bunched the game into the 2 hours before EoD. And everything before that was like a pre-conversation. We obviously wouldn't do it the same way. A post limit would be around 50 imo.

I can see the benefits for someone like Stan that is around for EoD but not available beforehand.

If people want to try it I would be up for running a game with that kind of limitation. I posted in the Review channel about running the common video mafia set up call All Stars. As a live mafia set up it is ideal for having posts condensed at start/end of day.

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
Defintely something that happens.

on MafiaUniverse so called Light games still have high post limits (compared to here)... 150 posts limit until near EoD when it becomes unrestricted. Essentially it bunched the game into the 2 hours before EoD. And everything before that was like a pre-conversation. We obviously wouldn't do it the same way. A post limit would be around 50 imo.

I can see the benefits for someone like Stan that is around for EoD but not available beforehand.

If people want to try it I would be up for running a game with that kind of limitation. I posted in the Review channel about running the common video mafia set up call All Stars. As a live mafia set up it is ideal for having posts condensed at start/end of day.
That's the really big benefit if you don't get everything crammed in just at the end - you get a more reasonable day phase, easier to catch up if you are not like, a thread camper (like me....) and as long as it's not like a really low cap, it doesn't impede fun and jokes, just makes you think a little more about the posts before you hit enter.


Oct 26, 2017
You all covered the main topics pretty well so I wont touch on that now.
Sawneeks i noticed you added the list of games for new players to read on OM and it looks great!
I cant recall who suggested those games to read but it would be helpful to newbies if there was a sentence that entailed a 'learning summary' so to speak for each of those games. Like, what a new player could takeaway from reading those games?

The reason i say this is because i think They Might Be Giants Mafia is a game every new player (and veteran player) should read if they do decide to go back and read past games.
It includes the greatest game long bus i've seen in this community since joining it and new players will learn right away that bussing is indeed a thing when they finish reading it.
I've never seen a player execute a bus like that before and TWE still haunts my dreams after it lol luckily he's such a nice guy i forgave him


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Eeeh, TWE pretty much bused every teammate hard which was a bit not teammate like. It's like being a mafia vig and shooting a teammate, sure you'll get massive town points, probably ending in a win but is it really a team play?


Oct 26, 2017
Eeeh, TWE pretty much bused every teammate hard which was a bit not teammate like. It's like being a mafia vig and shooting a teammate, sure you'll get massive town points, probably ending in a win but is it really a team play?
I think it's a good learning read for Town players. For Mafia players, that's up for debate.


Oct 25, 2017
I dunno, I'll go for my teammates bussing me if it would give us the games. But I do agree it really depends in the player,

Even if your teammate decides on his own that he would just bus every other scum member all the time and decide to never post or share info in the scum chat?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Even if your teammate decides on his own that he would just bus every other scum member all the time and decide to never post or share info in the scum chat?
I'll think that is very ballsy and I would enjoy it very much, but I also really liked Dragon Ball Evolution so there is clearly something wrong with the wiring in my brain.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Since discussion is slowing down we will start wrapping things up here. We have a few changes that have been implemented.

Firstly, we are going to link to Era's announcement of the pronoun feature in one of our rules regarding pronouns. It will read:
8. Please respect all of your fellow community members in terms of personhood and accessibility. In this community we require that you respect person's pronouns and be aware of accessibility when using non-default text (do not change text color unnecessarily and be mindful of small and large fonts' impact on readability). [Era has a public pronoun feature. It is not required to play in our games but we encourage its use.]

We are going to tell gamerunners that if the Vote Tool dies near Day End that they do NOT extend the time. Extending time would only happen in certain circumstances such as Era crashing for a period of time. For now this will not be hardcoded into our rules but this can change if problems arise.

A link to the resources posted on Outer Mafia will be included in the 'Mentorship' section of game OTs! Hopefully this will let people know it is available to them.

An 'Upcoming Games' section is being added to the main OT. This will list all games currently planned for that season and in rough order. Do note that these can change at a moment's notice and are not set in stone. Mini Mafias also will not be listed there.

A list of games that are better suited for new players to read has been created! It can be found HERE or under the resources section of Outer Mafia.

The 'Venting Buddy' idea is going to be shelved for now and will be brought up in a future review thread. Approval of it seems a little split and there is a worry over its implementation and how effective it would be.

Thank you everyone for being involved in this season's review thread! The new OT will be posted in the next two days. <3