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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
The reason for the weird verbiage is likely Growth-Chamber Guardian. You actively don't want to draw extra copies and the wording on this allows you to keep a creature card inside your deck if you desire.

It's already a "may" ability, I don't think that's the issue.
Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage; Davriel's Shadowfugue


Oct 25, 2017
Feb 16, 2018
limited's going to be weird

the difference between using some of these walkers once and dying vs twice and sticking around is massive

lots of value if you're already winning usually makes for bad limited. we'll see


Oct 25, 2017
Here's Brandon Sanderson's article for these cards. He created Davriel for last year's Children of the Nameless.

According to him, Davriel came to Ravnica specifically to prove he was useless and no one should ever ask him for anything again.

I feel like these were made without Davriel as a character in mind. He's more the spell stealing type than just discard.

My guess they already had the mono-Black PW designed and swapped in Davriel after working with Sanderson.
Feb 16, 2018
Guys, is Kaya's Ghostform busted? I think this card might be busted.

the 1 mana resurrect is less busted because most planeswalkers can't minus immediately and kill themselves
getting resurrected on opponent's turn or on your end-step means they can still combine creature damage and a removal spell so you can't even use abilities twice


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This limited is gonna be so grindy. So many Planeswalkers that are going to be attacked instead of the face.


Oct 25, 2017
Will be hilarious if there are literally no (good) burn spells in the set. Prove me wrong Wizards.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
the 1 mana resurrect is less busted because most planeswalkers can't minus immediately and kill themselves

But they can get to the ability to minus themselves to death and if you attach it then you do get 2 loyalty abilities on the same turn and refresh the counters.

getting resurrected on opponent's turn or on your end-step means they can still combine creature damage and a removal spell so you can't even use abilities twice

Not sure what you mean by this. If they use a removal spell on your creature and you get it right back then they traded a removal spell for your one mana enchantment. How is that not good? It also makes board clears and stuff like settle the wreckage less good. You can use it in Commander as protection.

Because it can bring back the creature even from exile, many of the normal ways you would punish an effect like this are just now off the table.


Oct 27, 2017
That fake blood artist is cool and all, but without a manaless sac engine, standard aritocrats will always just be meh. It's also just your creatures and not all creatures. I'll still play it tho....

Already a shit ton of cool b/w cards though, gonna be a fun set for sure.
Oct 28, 2017
So, regarding The Wanderer:


This Reddit post has a really interesting theory that seems very credible. He believes The Wanderer is Emrakul (or some part of Emrakul). For evidence, he cited the art for the card Shrine of the Forsaken Gods.

The similarities in visuals are pretty close. The Shrine art depicts Emeria, an angel that represented Emrakul to the people of Zendikar when they thought she was a god. There is some distinction - in the Shrine art, Emeria clearly has tentacles whereas there are none here. I think this is not distinctive. It's also important to note that Emeria was white, as is the Wanderer. The Wanderer is a wanderer, obviously, and so is Emrakul.

Another Redditor followed up with a story from Amhonket. This is where Nissa has a vision. I've added annotations (most of them courtesy of Reddit) that indicate this vision references the events of WAR now that we have most of the picture:

A large golden disc, shaped and stylized like a sun, descending from the sky [The Immortal Sun]. The sun disc approached a large circular stone tablet covered with strange sigils [The Guildpact], and the two discs merged, becoming a single golden disc. Cracks appeared in the golden disc, small at first, then widening, growing. The disc crumbled away into nothingness.

The scenes shifted faster now, barely even an image forming before being replaced. A fizzling torch. A broken clock with a clean face. A mummified head facing backward atop a mummified body. A split tree, its sap oozing into the ground. A shattered shield, its shiny metallic pieces torn and scattered.

She closed her eyes against the onslaught, but still the images came tumbling through her head, crumpling her in mid-air. A falling dragon [Niv-Mizzet]. Giants, covered in metallic blue [Look at the art for Wanderer's Strike], stomping through streets [Ravnica]. A massive flash of light, consuming a world [Bolas' spell].

An angel descending from the sky.

Nissa opened her eyes, and the angel continued to descend. It was the angel from her nightmare. The angel that reminded her of Emrakul.

So nothing concrete, but I think it's an incredibly interesting theory and believable actually serves to move Emrakul into a new thread of character development beyond "all-powerful, incomprehensible god." I don't think they can do that storyline again, so this makes sense.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Is Davriel really that bad? Mind Rot is already kind of playable in limited. And later in the game that puts your opponent on a serious clock. They can't just take two damage every single turn.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
But they can get to the ability to minus themselves to death and if you attach it then you do get 2 loyalty abilities on the same turn and refresh the counters.
A lot of the Uncommon ones can't minus themselves to death without help because they end up at 1 counter with a -2 ability or whatnot. The rare/mythic ones generally can, but if those are sticking around along enough to get there, you're probably happy already.

Not sure what you mean by this. If they use a removal spell on your creature and you get it right back then they traded a removal spell for your one mana enchantment. How is that not good? It also makes board clears and stuff like settle the wreckage less good. You can use it in Commander as protection.

Because it can bring back the creature even from exile, many of the normal ways you would punish an effect like this are just now off the table.

They probably won't be using the removal spell if this card is on it then. And if they have an instant speed spell up when you cast this, you're gonna have a bad time.

From a limited perspective, if you have a spectacular bomb planeswalker or creature, this could be worth it, but there's enough weird stuff that can happen that'll make this not work (Pacifism, bounce, flicker) that it's risky. And it does actual nothing on it's own, and doesn't even enhance the thing you put the aura on except make it come back once, so there's a lot of situations in the game where it does nothing.
Feb 16, 2018
But they can get to the ability to minus themselves to death and if you attach it then you do get 2 loyalty abilities on the same turn and refresh the counters.

the scenario where the card might be busted is when you play a fresh walker, pay 1 for the enchantment, minus it immediately, and then get a brand new planeswalker that can use abilities again

minusing from any other loyalty requires surviving a whole turn cycle, and that's a lot less busted

Not sure what you mean by this. If they use a removal spell on your creature and you get it right back then they traded a removal spell for your one mana enchantment. How is that not good? It also makes board clears and stuff like settle the wreckage less good. You can use it in Commander as protection.

Because it can bring back the creature even from exile, many of the normal ways you would punish an effect like this are just now off the table.

it's a sorcery, so the creature can just be killed in response and you don't get it back

i'm not saying it's a bad card, but i don't think the creature part is busted. we've had instants that do the same thing, and those don't get as easily punished like aura sorceries do


Oct 25, 2017
Hankering for Aristocrats is like hankering for zombie tribal to be standard playable. It was only good for one standard block. Move on, people lol


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
Is Davriel really that bad? Mind Rot is already kind of playable in limited. And later in the game that puts your opponent on a serious clock. They can't just take two damage every single turn.
After reading the story and getting to enjoy his character I wanted something a bit more fun and flavorful than a monoblack 'kind of playable in limited' enchantment.


Dec 17, 2017
But this planeswalker is very specifically the only one we've ever had with no subtype, correct? No naming convention to connect it to others of the same entity. That's the cutest piece of information lending credence to the theory.
Oct 28, 2017
But this planeswalker is very specifically the only one we've ever had with no subtype, correct? No naming convention to connect it to others of the same entity. That's the cutest piece of information lending credence to the theory.

The only other known reasonable choice is Elspeth, which also does fit. Wanderer's abilities are similar (getting rid of creatures with 4 p/t or more). As well, the lore says that when someone leaves the Theros underworld, their face is ruined (becomes just eyes and a mouth), they have no memories and they cannot form new memories, but they do have all their skills and abilities and personality.

One other detail for Emeria/Emrakul/Wanderer is that it exiles, which is a very Eldrazi thing to do. Elspeth always destroyed.

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Oct 27, 2017
I wonder if Davriel will be a budget replacement for Lili in 8 Rax or if 12 Rax actually becomes a thing.


Nov 9, 2017
Guys, is Kaya's Ghostform busted? I think this card might be busted.

It would be busted if it had Flash. Without it, it's still probably pretty good and definitely playable in the right sort of deck.

Even just a 1 mana removal insulator for a creature that can beat exile is pretty solid, without the Planeswalker clause. You can load this up on ol' Carnie-T and just give your opponent your best, "What now, bitch?" face.


Oct 25, 2017
The Wanderer has to be someone we already know. Obfuscating someone's identity like that and then revealing that they're an entirely new character that we don't already have an emotional attachment to is bad storytelling.

And, honestly, Emrakul makes a lot more sense than Elspeth. Her coming back from Nyx behind the scenes would also be bad storytelling.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
i'm not saying it's a bad card, but i don't think the creature part is busted. we've had instants that do the same thing, and those don't get as easily punished like aura sorceries do

Instants that do this have to be played whenever the removal spell is on the stack. With an aura you can slap it on the creature at any point and it's protected for the rest of the game.

Also, it can matter that it's a permanent. Think Muldrotha or Sun Titan.


Oct 26, 2017
Where is my man Ugin in all of this mess anyway. I feel like when his brother is about to destroy all planes walking abilities in the world, he should be there, did he die and I don't remember it ?


Oct 27, 2017
Ghost form is damn good at 1 mana, especially as it protects from exile.

Davriel is solid too, it actually gives discard decks a win con.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I orignally felt that it's too early for Emrakul to return, but Eldritch Moon was what, 5 years ago?


User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
Oh wow, Teyo is Latino? That's fantastic! I was literally just saying yesterday that it's a shame that there isn't a Latino Planeswalker yet.

Froyo Love

Oct 28, 2017
The Wanderer has to be someone we already know. Obfuscating someone's identity like that and then revealing that they're an entirely new character that we don't already have an emotional attachment to is bad storytelling.

And, honestly, Emrakul makes a lot more sense than Elspeth. Her coming back from Nyx behind the scenes would also be bad storytelling.
"cool mysterious wanderer who chops big things up with her samurai sword" is a completely fine premise for a new character


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Wanderer is our first hint at the Return to Kamigawa set coming this winter.

My faith won't be shaken.


Oct 25, 2017
"cool mysterious wanderer who chops big things up with her samurai sword" is a completely fine premise for a new character

Agreed, but the hidden face and missing type line both make a promise that when revealed will provide a strong emotional response. A new character won't do that. Wanderer's face isn't obscured by a mask, like Davriel's, just hidden by her hair and hat. *She's* not trying to hide her identity, WotC is. They wouldn't do that if there wasn't a reason.
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