Mr. Nice_Guy

Oct 27, 2017
There are other turn based options which is good, but in a effort to make it as accessible as possible, and for good reason, I can't imagine it'll ever have the gameplay depth to be truly great. Unless they go full Kingdom Hearts II again, then maybe, but I really don't see that hapeneing after KH III.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
People keep saying "there are other turn based games, play those", but seriously what? Aside from Atlus who else is making quality JRPGs that aren't filled with overdone harem anime tropes and lazy storytelling? Nobody is making games in the vein of the SNES-PS2 era FFs. Just because someone liked Final Fantasy VI or X doesn't mean they're going to like Atelier Rorona or Trails of Cold Steel. Very different.

And I like modern Final Fantasy, I loved XIII and XIV, and I think XV was a good enough time. But don't pretend there's a huge offering out there for people craving what the series used to be.


Oct 28, 2017
I had more fun with 7Remake's combat than any other game in like a million years. I have full confidence in them creating something fun and exciting with FF16.


Nov 12, 2017
Not a fan. It's gets really boring and repeititve. Works better with boss encounters. But mash, mash, mash, KH style gets really boring.

Regular encounters get boring with turn based battles often too though.

I thought VII Remake was one of the better games I've played that kept even regular encounters engaging in a while. So hopefully XVI has engaging enough systems as well and doesn't let you get by just button mashing everything.
Nov 4, 2017
I think that if they are going full action it's a much better idea to have people that worked on Dragons Dogma and DMCV to help out rather than what happened to FF15.

I would love another game that went back to a really interesting and complex turn based system one day. Persona 5 proves that can still be popular and I think ATB or some other system would be fun.


Nov 12, 2017
There are other turn based options which is good, but in a effort to make it as accessible as possible, and for good reason, I can't imagine it'll ever have the gameplay depth to be truly great. Unless they go full Kingdom Hearts II again, then maybe, but I really don't see that hapeneing after KH III.

KH3's DLC has way more depth than KH2.


May 24, 2018
United States
Don't love it. I liked the various evolutions of turn based/ATB like FF12, FF13. To me FF is always changing, so I guess this is part of that, but it's also supposed to be tactical, so I'm skeptical until we see what the system in 16 is really about.


Jan 17, 2019
While I would like to see new turn-based FFs, I'm not exactly hurting for new turn-based games... so I don't really mind one way or the other. Though I think embracing action completely is better than XV's wonky ass combat.


Apr 24, 2020
i'd be more excited if it was turn based. probably wouldn't end up playing it either way tho tbh.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm fine with Final May Dogma as long as it feels good to play. So far, none of the real-time Final Fantasies have felt right.
Oct 27, 2017
Pretty much wrote off my interest of the game unless there's a lot they're not showing. I want a party with strategic, stat-based combat, not button mashing action.


Feb 4, 2018
Should be fun, but FF7r really perfected jrpg x action hybrid combat and it's a bit bummer going straight from that to pure action. At least FF7r-2 should continue the excellent combat. It would've been nice to see more SE games use versions of what FF7r is doing.

Action games/character action games are great and if this is a good one it'll play great. Just like more strategy elements in my rpgs personally.


Jun 19, 2018
Seeing the names behind it, a game from those guys is more important for me than the series staying truthful to its roots(something it hasn't done for a mainline title in almost 20 years). Just give me a good game, how ever it looks like.


A Big Deal
Nov 2, 2017
Loved and played every FF game but for the most part the battles were my least favorite parts of them. The only battles I truly enjoyed were Tactics cuz it leaned more into the strategy/placement and 7remake. Don't hate turn based but it was never a selling point for me and at worst was something you had to tolerate to the next story bit.


Oct 25, 2017
I personally didn't like FFXV action combat while I found the FF7R style to be pretty good with its more hybrid-like approach; I hope they work on something along those lines.

I like turn based RPGs but that is never coming back to mainline FFs, Bravely Default and the likes will have to carry on the legacy.


Apr 6, 2018
Every action game nowadays has weapons/gear, skill trees, quest markers anyways right? In my mind, everything is in service of finding that epic quest adventure feeling and turn-based battles were just a practical game-y abstraction that used to be necessary to get there. We still have Persona and Dragon Quest, S-E nailed it with FFVII-R, so lets see what Final Fantasy May Cry can do. If they abandon a party members I will be disappointed but this reveal is too early to call that. I think we still get party members.

Deleted member 43657

User requested account closure
May 19, 2018
I dropped FF when they dropped turn based battles. This new direction doesn't work for me. I played FFVIIR and really wished it was turn based the entire time.


Oct 30, 2017
I don't mind it. I just want a game that has a good story/gameplay.
FFXV, while ambitious, just didn't quite do it for me.
I want a return to form - FFXVI looks to be just that. Considering who is behind the game, it's even more exciting.


Jul 19, 2018
if its good to play, whatever. but i would love to see a small project with a medium budget and a tactical or turb-based modes.

actually i just want FFIX remade with nice graphics, the art on that game alone deserves a high quality models and scenary.

Deleted member 43657

User requested account closure
May 19, 2018
I'll play Dragon Quest.
I feel the same way.

Honestly, I'm surprised how many posters are for it. That's cool, it's your opinion, more power to you. I'm just kinda surprised. I thought there would be way more people who prefer FF games with turn based combat. But, I guess this is the direction the series is going. Bummer for me, but that's cool if you're into it.


Oct 28, 2017
Considering their big mainline FF games are so few and far between lately I think it's smart to stick to Action as that's more likely to resonate with new audiences and align with modern expectations.

I think there's room for hybrid systems or ways to maintain tactical aspects of combat that go beyond twitch-reactions or flashy combat designed to look good above anything else. I'll reserve judgement until we see more, but if they continue to go with Action combat I just don't want them to make it auto-pilot and effortless


Oct 27, 2017
Dragon Quest series is our new king after DQXI, FF has been off the rails since PS2.

I hate the action-based combat, personally.


Oct 25, 2017
Keep that shit out of Final Fantasy, if I wanted to play an action game, I'd play an action game.


Oct 25, 2017
Sounds great. Definitely more engaging than mindlessly grinding out of a challenge.


Nov 12, 2017
Q Q10
I'll have to check that out! I didn't really enjoy the base game a ton, so kind of tuned out everything past it. Sside from hearing the DLC bosses were possibly the best of the franchise which was a pleasant surprise.

Yeah the new boss fights make the data fights in KH2 look like a joke (I played Critical both games). Not just in spectacle (which is a HUGE difference) but also movesets and difficulty. I went back and watched some of the fights from KH2 to refresh my memory and was like wow these look lazy in comparison (serious). It's shocking that these fights came from the same people that made Mysterious Figure. Either they learned a lot in between games or they were holding back the whole time. It makes the prospect of a KH4 more exciting. Trust me when I played KH3 for the first time on Proud pre-DLC I was disappointed in the combat, but that got rectified.

Would be nice if FF XVI had comparable fights.


Oct 27, 2017
Still wish is it was turn based. Miss that classic FF aesthetic too. FFXVI looks a lot more interesting to me than FFXV though.


Oct 25, 2017
The absolute most irritating thing about this is Square established multiple FF gaiden games and series to explore these other genres. And then they still completely warp what the core FF experience is supposed to be. If you're happy about this, more power to you. I hope it ends up being great, and if it does, I'll probably still check it out. But it's not what I want.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Im fine with that. Just hope that it will be unique compared to other action games
It's rpg Devil May Cry

Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Not happy at all. The combat was the thing that put me off xv initially then the story was the final nail.

This just outright looks bad to me and doesn't resemble final fantasy combat at all.
Nov 1, 2017
I don't mind either way though I do think even though the trailer showed us action segments that there's still a fair chance we're going to see some sort of meter management, party management during battles, or cool down system.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't like it at all. If we can't get turn based again in a main series game give me XI/XII/XIV style combat at least.


Oct 25, 2017
Bummer for me but the new FF Tactics they're going to announce in fall 2021 will make it up to me...


Oct 26, 2017
It looks fun, but I would prefer a party ... I think VII's system was great and should have been used for other entries as well


Oct 31, 2017
I hate it. I haven't played VIIR or XV because I don't like what I've seen of the battle systems. If I want to play a button mashing action game, I'll play an action game. I don't play Final Fantasy to be playing a shitty hack and slash game. I want a RPG. I would honestly pay double for a version of XVI with the battle system and all the monsters removed so I could just go through the world and go from plot point to plot point. Final Fantasy just isn't for me anymore.

It's rpg Devil May Cry


And if I wanted to play Devil May Cry, I would play Devil May Cry. I don't like hack and slash action games. I don't want to play fucking Devil May Cry. I want a Final fucking Fantasy.