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May 20, 2019
*You* don't see a problem with it. Again, I was replying to your point about what the deceased first wife would hypothetically think about her husband going on to marry their daughter's schoolfriend vs any other woman. I guarantee you that 'I hope you find love again if I should pass away' doesn't usually include 'amongst our kid's former classmates'.

You said the deceased wife wouldn't want her husband to marry their child's friend twice but didn't say why

Flame Lord

Oct 26, 2017

"Has little to no interaction"? According to the dad, Madison "fell in love with the house" since middle school. So, clearly, she has been at the house a lot...

With the house, not him. idk, my brother brought people to our house tons, and I don't even know their names and barely what they look like. Couldn't see myself interacting with kids much besides to say "hello."


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
I don't get the assumption of grooming. People encounter people years later who they last met when the other was a kid all the time. And on amenable: man if some of my childhood friend's parents hit me up right now trying to hook up, I would be about it. And moreso b/c I was sweet on them when I was young- I have fond conceptions of them so I'm more interested than if they were an unknown person of that age. Only now I
am a "consenting adult".

You also gonna look your close friend in the eyes and say I'm your daddy now?


Master of the Reality Stone
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
a) He says his new wife "has loved the house since she was in middle school", so "barely saw her" seems unlikely, no?
b) Just so you're aware, this is literally Woody Allen's defense for marrying his step daughter. "I barely saw her" etc.
The dad could have been a traveling salesman that was on the road 11 months out of the year for all I know?


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
I don't get the assumption of grooming. People encounter people years later who they last met when the other was a kid all the time. And on amenable: man if some of my childhood friend's parents hit me up right now trying to hook up, I would be about it. And moreso b/c I was sweet on them when I was young- I have fond conceptions of them so I'm more interested than if they were an unknown person of that age. Only now I am a "consenting adult".

At least you're honest lol


Nov 22, 2019


Nov 8, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
lol any due in their 50's marrying someone in their 20s should get side-eye

maybe don't fuck your daughter's childhood friend at her wedding who visited your house often enough as a child to fall in love with it (lmao that's a line)


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I have to say, using scare quotes to mock the idea of the age of consent is really classy and not at all creepy behaviour. This thread sure is something.


Oct 26, 2017
You call me "gross", then admit that my conclusions are based on something that's likely. Okay dude. 🙄 Hopefully you also have this level of vitriol aimed at those in the thread who are shrugging off fucking/marrying your daughter's childhood friend as "amenable".

Anyone who supports pedophilia is more than gross and deserves a ban from this site at minimum. No one has done that here.

It is gross to insinuate things and judge fellow posters who don't agree with the possible and maybe probable story you have concocted. It is a virtue to not jump to conclusions and make moral judgements based on incomplete information.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
I suppose but I still feel like placing the advice column's reaction as on par with the situation itself is super off. Maybe it shouldn't have been published at all but the advice itself is pretty tame, you know?

The advice being tame is part of the problem

He shouldn't be encouraged to stay marry his daughter's childhood friend, he shouldn't be encouraged to find a solution so that said friend can also keep the house

If you can't publish the necessary advice don't do this.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I think there's reasonable criticism of the father: this is odd, messy, and a fucked up thing to do to your daughter.

Reasonable criticism of the bridesmaid: it's a shitty thing to fuck your close friends dad and then have a relationship with him. Not a nice thing to do as a friend.

Reasonable criticism of the daughter: it's bonkers to be outraged at your dads behavior, but then put a price tag on your outrage. I'm so mad at you and that's disgusting and I'm not letting you see your grandkids! But….. if you give me your house then its not that disgusting anymore.

Advice columnist: I actually think it's pretty good advice generally. Can't change the past, can't force your daughter to change her demands, so you can only control what you can control, get a will and figure it out with a lawyer. These columns are always nuts and the columnists have a pattern of trying to focus only on what the person who wrote in can control. They also usually don't doubt the story of the writer because that's the whole point of advice columns.

Anything else is all speculation and nobody has the evidence of it. There's no evidence that the father raped or groomed the bridesmaid , zero,, so people saying he's weird and shitty but not calling him a rapist aren't enabling rape. Also I think I'd the father was grooming the friend and raping her then the daughters reaction would be way different, like I can't imagine she'd be upset with her friend if her dad was grooming her, she'd be a victim, which would then make the daughters reaction even more bizarrely transactional than it is.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
"We only have his side of the story and he didn't admit to grooming her."

Like lmao of course this fictional (probably) man will just straight up admit that.

a) He says his new wife "has loved the house since she was in middle school", so "barely saw her" seems unlikely, no?

In his "letter" he straight up claims having seen her as a "gawky teenager" so she must've left some sort of impression on his mind.


Oct 27, 2017
it's ok; Isabella will keep the grandkid away from Madison and his grandpa

Madison keeps the whole house; 20 years later, the dad dies, and now the grandkid meets and marries Madison, bringing the house back to his mother and reuniting the two women


Oct 28, 2017
The advice being tame is part of the problem

He shouldn't be encouraged to stay marry his daughter's childhood friend, he shouldn't be encouraged to find a solution so that said friend can also keep the house

If you can't publish the necessary advice don't do this.

If only he had written to the judgmental whinging and righteous indignation column, instead of the financial advice column.

Sadly, you will be forever disappoint...


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
What is that supposed to mean? It seems you're implying something hostile
You defended the act of older dudes fucking their daughter's friends when they knew them as children, and creepily described their relationship as "amenable" to that effect. Super gross. So it is not at all surprising to hear you say that you would fuck your friends' mothers. Also super gross.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
no parent is entitled to grandchildren. any relationship is at the parents' discretion. the circumstances show plenty of reason to withhold that.

For sure, plenty of reasons to withhold access to grandkids, unless you're gifted a house, then those reasons aren't as bad anymore… I'm outraged at you fucking my friend, I'm so disgusted with your behavior I don't want you to be around my children ! But Your behavior is less disgusting if you give me your house, then you're cool enough to be with my kids.
Oct 25, 2017
This post and others like it are gross. You don't know the details of the story and jump to conclusions that are likely, but not in any way fact, and then proceed to judge those involved and fellow posters on some imagined moral high horse. No one is excusing anything we are discussing what is known. The situation is weird and if he's a pedophile then he should go straight to jail. Children still aren't entitled to their parents' property in my opinion.
Let's just be thankful the dad doesn't own a pizza joint.


Nov 22, 2019
You've said there's a difference but not what it is so I'm losing the thread here
Do I really need to spell out the difference between "I'd be OK with you finding love again with someone else if I die' and "I would not be ok with you marrying that schoolfriend of our daughter that used to come over all the time"? Because as hypotheticals go, the former is sweet and wanting your grieving spouse to be happy, and the latter is a perfectly rational objection to creepy behaviour.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Anyone who supports pedophilia is more than gross and deserves a ban from this site at minimum. No one has done that here.
I'm not gonna comment on potential bans, but just so you know, someone earlier defended the idea of fucking their children's friends as being "amenable" due their youth, and used scare quotes to apparently ridicule the idea of age of consent. You do you, but I find this, at the very least, creepy and gross. 🤷‍♀️

It is gross to insinuate things and judge fellow posters who don't agree with the possible and maybe probable story you have concocted. It is a virtue to not jump to conclusions and make moral judgements based on incomplete information.
a) Good thing I'm not doing that, and I'm judging people who agree with the hypothetical scenario as being likely but defend it anyway
b) Literally everyone in this thread has "incomplete information", yet you only finger-wag "one side" of opinions. I wonder why.

In his "letter" he straight up claims having seen her as a "gawky teenager" so she must've left some sort of impression on his mind.
B-but maybe he was travelling 11 months out of 12!

Let's just be thankful the dad doesn't own a pizza joint.
Is this a pizzagate reference? Are you fucking for real right now?


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
For sure, plenty of reasons to withhold access to grandkids, unless you're gifted a house, then those reasons aren't as bad anymore… I'm outraged at you fucking my friend, I'm so disgusted with your behavior I don't want you to be around my children ! But Your behavior is less disgusting if you give me your house, then you're cool enough to be with my kids.
To be fair it could be the difference between just seeing the grandkids at Christmas vs never for all we know


May 20, 2019
I think there's reasonable criticism of the father: this is odd, messy, and a fucked up thing to do to your daughter.

Reasonable criticism of the bridesmaid: it's a shitty thing to fuck your close friends dad and then have a relationship with him. Not a nice thing to do as a friend.

Reasonable criticism of the daughter: it's bonkers to be outraged at your dads behavior, but then put a price tag on your outrage. I'm so mad at you and that's disgusting and I'm not letting you see your grandkids! But….. if you give me your house then its not that disgusting anymore.

Advice columnist: I actually think it's pretty good advice generally. Can't change the past, can't force your daughter to change her demands, so you can only control what you can control, get a will and figure it out with a lawyer. These columns are always nuts and the columnists have a pattern of trying to focus only on what the person who wrote in can control. They also usually don't doubt the story of the writer because that's the whole point of advice columns.

Anything else is all speculation and nobody has the evidence of it. There's no evidence that the father raped or groomed the bridesmaid , zero,, so people saying he's weird and shitty but not calling him a rapist aren't enabling rape. Also I think I'd the father was grooming the friend and raping her then the daughters reaction would be way different, like I can't imagine she'd be upset with her friend if her dad was grooming her, she'd be a victim, which would then make the daughters reaction even more bizarrely transactional than it is.

Yeah, a columnist's role is hard. You have to respond with good advice to the writer, while being mindful that what you say could affect the other real people in the situation who did not write in. And yeah, if her father had groomed her friend, you'd think she'd want more than "give me the house and it's cool"


Oct 25, 2017
Okay no don't fuck your friend's mom because then you can become your friend's step dad and that's just fucking weird. If you end up having a kid that's also just gonna get really fucking weird really quickly.

Can we not be weird ERA thanks

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
To be fair it could be the difference between just seeing the grandkids at Christmas vs never for all we know

Yeah I think the transactional nature doesn't change much for me. Still fucking crazy from the dads decisions to me, but I love how the daughter is outraged enough to withhold her children, unless she gets a cool house.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Then I go back to holding the advice giver accountable

I don't think the advice is that bad, the writer us giving advice to the father based on what he's asked, it's the point of advice columns. Like if you go to a lawyer and you pay the lawyer to get you out of some messy legal situation, the lawyer might be very opinionated over your life choices, but you've hired them to clean up your current mess, not to give you a time machine to change your past decisions.

The advice giver can't change the feelings of other people in the saga, only advise the father on the best solution to get what he wants, which is to lawyer up and also recognize the hurt feelings, but..l lawyer up. Pretty good advice imo.


May 20, 2019
You defended the act of older dudes fucking their daughter's friends when they knew them as children, and creepily described their relationship as "amenable" to that effect. Super gross. So it is not at all surprising to hear you say that you would fuck your friends' mothers. Also super gross.

Well, fathers, but yeah. What's gross


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think the advice is that bad, the writer us giving advice to the father based on what he's asked, it's the point of advice columns. Like if you go to a lawyer and you pay the lawyer to get you out of some messy legal situation, the lawyer might be very opinionated over your life choices, but you've hired them to clean up your current mess, not to give you a time machine to change your past decisions.

The advice giver can't change the feelings of other people in the saga, only advise the father on the best solution to get what he wants, which is to lawyer up and also recognize the hurt feelings, but..l lawyer up. Pretty good advice imo.
Then I go back to it shouldn't be published

You can't defend the publishing as gotta post the clicks

And defend the advice as can't upset the creep.


May 20, 2019
Do I really need to spell out the difference between "I'd be OK with you finding love again with someone else if I die' and "I would not be ok with you marrying that schoolfriend of our daughter that used to come over all the time"? Because as hypotheticals go, the former is sweet and wanting your grieving spouse to be happy, and the latter is a perfectly rational objection to creepy behaviour.
Again, yes

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Only move she has against something completely fucked

I dunno if bartering access to children is really any more or less ethically good or bad than your dad fucking your bridesmaid. Like… on the scale of shit things to do those are both pretty shit things to do from any sort of ethical or moral perspective.

But from the perspective of daughter wants her dads house, of course, sell your children, they're a strong asset.


Oct 25, 2017
Like goddamn, this situation is literally the second one in the SNL skit I posted. The joke is that they're all sleazy perverts!
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