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Oct 25, 2017
If your going to target oligarchs and Putin's cabal then fair enough but all these blanket measures do is hurt ordinary people. We've seen that time after time.

I mean those first announced measures aren't even against Russia, but rather forbidding American citizens to do any kind of business/exchanges with the separatists. Which honestly should have happened since 2014.


Oct 25, 2017
So again, what do you suggest countries do in this situation?
There is still time for diplomacy. Putin is acting out of fear and what he believes is an effort to box him in by western nations. Imagine Mexico joining a pro russian organization and Russia setting up shop there. Not a chance in hell would the US stand for that. Putin is a horrible despot but this is why they are ramping up the way they are. Hopefully its not too late for everyone to pull back from the brink.


Oct 29, 2017
I've never given Hasan a dime but I still watch out of habit as he talks about interesting/trending topics. He's really jumped the shark lately though.

Any recommendations for different sources/podcasts would be welcomed.

Podcasts | The Economist

Podcasts from The Economist. You've seen the news, now discover the story.

Basically all of their hosts have PhDs in their respective fields (even their daily news podcast host has a PhD in physics).


Aug 1, 2018
If your going to target oligarchs and Putin's cabal then fair enough but all these blanket measures do is hurt ordinary people. We've seen that time after time.

I tend to agree with this, but I'm not sure what you do here.

It's only imperialism if the US/UK are doing it.

There's definitely a blind spot for many leftists but it extends to Canada and Israel for most.

It's largely because that's what many American leftists are familiar with.

For the "online leftist" community as we know it this is literally true. That is always behind the masks, where the masks are actually present. Events like these are when people start telling on themselves in greater numbers.

This is literally every community though. It's not just leftists. How many Liberals are for letting the United States colonies become sovereign countries? Or Hawaii if Native Hawaiians decide on it? We all need to be consistent on being anti-Imperialist.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
There is still time for diplomacy. Putin is acting out of fear and what he believes is an effort to box him in by western nations. Imagine Mexico joining a pro russian organization and Russia setting up shop there. Not a chance in hell would the US stand for that. Putin is a horrible despot but this is why they are ramping up the way they are. Hopefully its not too late for everyone to pull back from the brink.
Ukraine literally isn't allowed to join NATO because they've been at war with Russia since the first Russian invasion.


Oct 25, 2017
There is still time for diplomacy. Putin is acting out of fear and what he believes is an effort to box him in by western nations. Imagine Mexico joining a pro russian organization and Russia setting up shop there. Not a chance in hell would the US stand for that. Putin is a horrible despot but this is why they are ramping up the way they are. Hopefully its not too late for everyone to pull back from the brink.

This must be satire.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
There is still time for diplomacy. Putin is acting out of fear and what he believes is an effort to box him in by western nations. Imagine Mexico joining a pro russian organization and Russia setting up shop there. Not a chance in hell would the US stand for that. Putin is a horrible despot but this is why they are ramping up the way they are. Hopefully its not too late for everyone to pull back from the brink.
No. There is not still time for diplomacy. Putin just unilaterally decided that a large section of Ukraine is no longer a part of Ukraine. Not only that he said that if Ukraine tries to stop them there will be bloodshed and that the bloodshed will be Ukraine's fault.

Where is the diplomatic solution to that?


Oct 25, 2017
There is still time for diplomacy. Putin is acting out of fear and what he believes is an effort to box him in by western nations. Imagine Mexico joining a pro russian organization and Russia setting up shop there. Not a chance in hell would the US stand for that. Putin is a horrible despot but this is why they are ramping up the way they are. Hopefully its not too late for everyone to pull back from the brink.

Putin just rambled for an hour that Ukraine is not a real country and that letting it leave the USSR was a mistake and you still believe that?


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
There is still time for diplomacy. Putin is acting out of fear and what he believes is an effort to box him in by western nations. Imagine Mexico joining a pro russian organization and Russia setting up shop there. Not a chance in hell would the US stand for that. Putin is a horrible despot but this is why they are ramping up the way they are. Hopefully its not too late for everyone to pull back from the brink.
NATO is not a threat to Russia and he knows it. Stop falling for Russian propaganda.


Oct 25, 2017
There is still time for diplomacy. Putin is acting out of fear and what he believes is an effort to box him in by western nations. Imagine Mexico joining a pro russian organization and Russia setting up shop there. Not a chance in hell would the US stand for that. Putin is a horrible despot but this is why they are ramping up the way they are. Hopefully its not too late for everyone to pull back from the brink.

Putin just said diplomacy is over...he's got troops moving into Donetsk *right now*.

In addition - he pretty much laid out in his "speech" that this not about NATO.


Oct 27, 2017
There is still time for diplomacy. Putin is acting out of fear and what he believes is an effort to box him in by western nations. Imagine Mexico joining a pro russian organization and Russia setting up shop there. Not a chance in hell would the US stand for that. Putin is a horrible despot but this is why they are ramping up the way they are. Hopefully its not too late for everyone to pull back from the brink.
Really impressive that somehow despite all we've seen, some people are still able to frame this whole situation as one of Western/NATO aggression against poor old Russia.


Dec 19, 2017
Apologies for the uneducated questions here but I'm curious as to the intrinsic motivations of this whole spiel.

What quality-of-life does the average Russian person has when compared to your average westerner? Does Putin see the "annexation" of Ukraine as a hail Mary attempt at improving the livelihoods of his own people in an economic sense? I understand that Ukraine's geography is attractive, but what good are those warm water ports when you're being sanctioned to death?

What does "peace with Russia" mean in a M.A.D world?

Last year I read up on Viking history. I think this is another reason why Putin will not stop hassling Ukraine. He's like a CK player trying to form a 'de jure nation' and won't be satisfied till Russia has Kiev. He probably idolises Vladimir the Great (958 - 1015).

Wiki said:
The Rus' people (Old East Slavic: Рѹсь; Modern Belarusian, Russian, Rusyn, and Ukrainian: Русь, romanised: Rus'; Old Norse: Garðar; Greek: Ῥῶς, romanised: Rhos) were an ethnos in early medieval eastern Europe. The scholarly consensus holds that they were originally Norse people, mainly originating from Sweden, settling and ruling along the river-routes between the Baltic and the Black Seas from around the 8th to 11th centuries AD. They formed a state known in modern historiography as Kievan Rus', which was initially a multiethnic society where the ruling Norsemen merged and assimilated with Slavic, Baltic and Finnic tribes, ending up with Old East Slavic as their common language. The elite of Kievan Rus' was still familiar with Old Norse until their assimilation by the second half of the 11th century, and in rural areas vestiges of Norse culture lingered as long as the 14th and early 15th centuries.[1]

The history of the Rus' is central to 9th through 10th-century state formation, and thus national origins, in eastern Europe. They ultimately gave their name to Russia and Belarus, and they are relevant to the national histories of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states.

edit: yep, found an article that goes more into my pet theory:

Whereas Moscow interprets the medieval ruler as the unifier and founding father of an All Rus' state, Kiev considers it the founding father of the Ukrainian state – a state that has its own history and future without Russia. Nonetheless, already since 1853 a statue of Vladimir the Great decorates the embankment of the river the Dniepr that flows through the Ukrainian capital. Besides that, he is also decorating the 1 hryvnia banknotes of Ukraine. It is without a doubt that both Kiev and Moscow value placing themselves within the legacy of this medieval East Slavic federation and its founding father. In modern days Russia and Ukraine are involved in a "Memory War". History is one of the crucial factors of national identity and it is used in the politics of history by states and societies. National collective memory of the Ukrainian state is among the building blocks of the independent state since 1991 – and it even may be the most important one. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Ukraine had to develop a new national narrative as the Soviet narrative became unsuitable. The controversy about Kievan Rus' is ahistorical, as it reflects the modern tensions between Russia and Ukraine into deep, medieval history. However, this is not unusual, as many conflicts within Europe have their roots in medieval times.

Both sides use and abuse controversies around the legacy of Kievan Rus'. After Vladimir the Great's statue was revealed next to the Kremlin, the Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko was infuriated with president Vladimir Putin. He accused the latter of historical revisionism. According to the Ukrainian president Vladimir the Great was a Ukrainian prince and made an "European choice" when he decided to baptize the Russian people in the 10th century. In addition, Poroshenko claimed that the principality of Great Vladimir in Russia represents nothing more than the 'Moscow horde'. Poroshenko's words reflect the geopolitical and cultural reorientation of Ukraine that endeavors to become part of the European community. Therefore the government attempts to legitimize its current policy with seeking for ties with Europe in the past. According to Poroshenko Ukraine has always been a European country since Vladimir the Great – something that Russia strongly opposes.


Oct 25, 2017
There is still time for diplomacy. Putin is acting out of fear and what he believes is an effort to box him in by western nations. Imagine Mexico joining a pro russian organization and Russia setting up shop there. Not a chance in hell would the US stand for that. Putin is a horrible despot but this is why they are ramping up the way they are. Hopefully its not too late for everyone to pull back from the brink.

In case you're serious, Russia partially invaded Ukraine already in 2014, as they invaded Georgia and Chechnya in the past. Always using the same recipe of pretending these countries represent a threat for Russia.

But today Putin went in an one hour rambling speech on TV about how all the territories that belonged to the Russian empire belong to Russia and how Ukraine is not real and how he will practically make sure that all the people who protested on the Maidan to make Ukraine democratic will pay for it. So tell me more how this is about NATO.


Sep 11, 2021
There is still time for diplomacy. Putin is acting out of fear and what he believes is an effort to box him in by western nations. Imagine Mexico joining a pro russian organization and Russia setting up shop there. Not a chance in hell would the US stand for that. Putin is a horrible despot but this is why they are ramping up the way they are. Hopefully its not too late for everyone to pull back from the brink.

He claimed Ukraine is developing nukes (there is 0%, read it, zero chance he believes and fears this, confident on that even with the "oh you can read his mind?" barbs), spent the past week outright inventing dozens of attacks by Ukraine, and gave a 52 minute history lesson on why the creation of Ukraine was a historical mistake and how the breakdown of the Russian Empire spanning from Poland to Georgia was 'madness'. It's a revisionist piss take to justify further action to secure what he believes is his legacy, which apparently is to revive the Romanov spirit.

And I'm only using his words here.


Oct 29, 2017
There is still time for diplomacy. Putin is acting out of fear and what he believes is an effort to box him in by western nations. Imagine Mexico joining a pro russian organization and Russia setting up shop there. Not a chance in hell would the US stand for that. Putin is a horrible despot but this is why they are ramping up the way they are. Hopefully its not too late for everyone to pull back from the brink.
Clown. You realise Russia already annexed parts of Ukraine in 2014, right? And then they supported pro-Russian troops in East-Ukraine, making it impossible for Ukraine to join NATO since NATO doesn't allow countries with internal divisions to join. And then Putin surrounded Ukraine with 75% of his entire armed forces.

But Putin is scared for being boxed in? Zoom out, man.


Oct 27, 2017
You can't consider yourself a leftist and support Putin's Russia. Hasan is a fucking clown and I wish liberals would stop giving him views and money.

Putin is also not a smart man, he's a power-hungry lunatic that is driven by delusional emotions of giving what is already the largest country on earth more territory. He wants to make everything that was perceived as Russian in the past part or Russia again, he doesn't give a shit about people and just believes that everyone will be content with a daily dose of Russian misinformation and trolling.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Really impressive that somehow despite all we've seen, some people are still able to frame this whole situation as one of Western/NATO aggression against poor old Russia.
I have to assume that now it's either trolling or ignorance.

We literally just watched Putin openly talk about how Ukraine isn't a country and that section of it are now independent. Then he basically said that it wasn't just about NATO. He also said that he was gonna move troops in and if Ukraine tries to stop them then it's gonna be "bloodshed". The guy spent a fucking HOUR telling us HIS plans for war and territorial gains.

Yet you still have these drive by derails that claim it's all the fault of the US or NATO. Its so ridiculous.


Jan 10, 2019
There is still time for diplomacy. Putin is acting out of fear and what he believes is an effort to box him in by western nations. Imagine Mexico joining a pro russian organization and Russia setting up shop there. Not a chance in hell would the US stand for that. Putin is a horrible despot but this is why they are ramping up the way they are. Hopefully its not too late for everyone to pull back from the brink.

This is a comment from someone who doesn't live in a country that is next to Putin's Russia. Did you even watch his speech? You really think that the countries he is threatening do not want to avoid war?
Sep 20, 2021
There is still time for diplomacy. Putin is acting out of fear and what he believes is an effort to box him in by western nations. Imagine Mexico joining a pro russian organization and Russia setting up shop there. Not a chance in hell would the US stand for that. Putin is a horrible despot but this is why they are ramping up the way they are. Hopefully its not too late for everyone to pull back from the brink.

Welcome to Resetera, Mr Corbyn.


Nov 5, 2017
So Syria is going to recognize these new independent states in support of Russia. I wonder if we will see some kind of anti-west alliance come out of this?

North Korea

Some kind of trade and business agreements to counter sanctions?

I have no idea but Putin didn't sound rational and I'm not sure he is stopping at Ukraine


Apr 20, 2018
It's honestly depressingly funny how some people who think themselves enlightened still fall for propaganda from friggin Vladimir Putin.

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
the meta commentary about leftists seems kinda pointless alot of the american commentariat doesn't know shit about global politics. the left is just showing their ass a bit more now

i don't think this means the left is forever dumb or centrists are now forgiven for their past dumb mistakes


Oct 31, 2017
Alliance, OH
There is still time for diplomacy. Putin is acting out of fear and what he believes is an effort to box him in by western nations. Imagine Mexico joining a pro russian organization and Russia setting up shop there. Not a chance in hell would the US stand for that. Putin is a horrible despot but this is why they are ramping up the way they are. Hopefully its not too late for everyone to pull back from the brink.
You're kidding... right?
Diplomacy has NEVER been on the table. You're a fool if you think it was.

He wasn't "boxed in".. those nations joined up to PREVENT people like Putin doing a hostile takeover.


Nov 10, 2020
I guess Ukraine's break away regions, once annexed, could and probably would be used for larger scale action.

Hoping for some sort of peaceful denouement. But I doubt it.


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
So Syria is going to recognize these new independent states in support of Russia. I wonder if we will see some kind of anti-west alliance come out of this?

North Korea

Some kind of trade and business agreements to counter sanctions?

I have no idea but Putin didn't sound rational and I'm not sure he is stopping at Ukraine

I believe China already came out and said they respected Ukraine's sovereignty a couple days back.


Oct 26, 2017
can we just ignore people like rangerx? always the same anti-west talking points, etc.. same goes for grifters like Hasan.
Its just derailing the thread on purpose.


Oct 25, 2017
I have to assume that now it's either trolling or ignorance.

We literally just watched Putin openly talk about how Ukraine isn't a country and that section of it are now independent. Then he basically said that it wasn't just about NATO. He also said that he was gonna move troops in and if Ukraine tries to stop them then it's gonna be "bloodshed". The guy spent a fucking HOUR telling us HIS plans for war and territorial gains.

Yet you still have these drive by derails that claim it's all the fault of the US or NATO. Its so ridiculous.
Most people just like to think in simple, black and white, terms. Bad guy, good guy. The US is bad, thus any opposing force is good. That's it. That's the entire reasoning that is happening here.

If someone is willing to put fucking Russia on a pedestal because they happen to do things the US government doesn't like, then they are pretty much lost for any kind of reasoned debate and any effort to talk with them is probably better spent watching paint dry. About as intellectually engaging.
Nov 23, 2019
RRT4 ▶︎▶︎▶︎

Hedging the Russian Ruble Hasn’t Been so Expensive Since 2015

Traders are rushing for hedges against big losses in the Russian ruble through options, sending the price of these instruments to a seven-year high and signaling the market is unlikely to calm down soon.



Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
the meta commentary about leftists seems kinda pointless alot of the american commentariat doesn't know shit about global politics. the left is just showing their ass a bit more now

i don't think this means the left is forever dumb or centrists are now forgiven for their past dumb mistakes

Nobody is saying either.

When I am getting mad at the left for defending Russia, I am mad as a leftist that others are defending a fascist regime in the name of my ideology.


Oct 25, 2017
There wont be an annexation. The whole point of the breakaway regions is to keep Ukraine in a perpetual state of war. The game being played now is the "Breakaway regions" only hold like 1/3 of the land they actually claim. Russia is essentially demanding Ukraine abandon and turnover land it controls. So Russia can use that as pretext. You are not giving up the land they own


Nov 16, 2017
I guess Ukraine's break away regions, once annexed, could and probably would be used for larger scale action.

Hoping for some sort of peaceful denouement. But I doubt it.

The vast majority of Russia's ~190,000 troops on Ukraine's borders are deployed in positions to move directly into Ukraine from Russia, rather than into the Russian controlled areas.


Oct 27, 2017
Alexandria, VA
So Syria is going to recognize these new independent states in support of Russia. I wonder if we will see some kind of anti-west alliance come out of this?

North Korea

Some kind of trade and business agreements to counter sanctions?

I have no idea but Putin didn't sound rational and I'm not sure he is stopping at Ukraine

China is ABSOLUTELY NOT going to be a part of this in any way, shape, or form as these events compromise their own policies towards Taiwan, Tibet, etc.


Feb 28, 2018
So Syria is going to recognize these new independent states in support of Russia. I wonder if we will see some kind of anti-west alliance come out of this?

North Korea

Some kind of trade and business agreements to counter sanctions?

I have no idea but Putin didn't sound rational and I'm not sure he is stopping at Ukraine
China is, first and foremost, interested in making money and gaining power on the world stage - they're not gonna achieve either of those purposes by joining the likes of Iran, North Korea and Syria. The West is by leaps and bounds the biggest money maker and trade partner for China.

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
can we just ignore people like rangerx? always the same anti-west talking points, etc.. same goes for grifters like Hasan.
Its just derailing the thread on purpose.
tbh while I think that poster poisoning the well

I do hope , however far off the chances are (don't think they're likely), our leaders are trying to talk putin down with behind the scenes stuff (like kennedy and taking missiles out of turkey)

again don't think it's likely, and don't want us taking defensive reponses off the table but would rather them not take it off our plate of options
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