
One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
Only the Switch version because there are way less reviews compared to the PS4 which was the primary console it was reviewed on.

No, the PS4 version has 25 reviews and the Switch version has 23.

The PS4 score is 87, the XB1 score is 89, and the Switch score is 91. I would say that maybe Nintendo reviewers are more likely to enjoy platformers, but honestly it looks more like random variance.


Oct 29, 2017
Movie reviews are fine because the movie industry is mature enough to understand that that 3/5 is a perfectly good score for a blockbuster movie. Game reviewers aren't going to be giving a 3/5 unless they want to be harsh on a game.

This is a pretty shortsighted false equivalency. You can't really compare movie criticism with game criticism. There is a reason Metacritic isn't doing this with movies or music.
Please explain this. How exactly is this so different from movie criticism? It's the same to me. I guess you don't have an equivalent to console warring for movies so is that your point?
Oct 27, 2017
Please explain this. How exactly is this so different from movie criticism? It's the same to me. I guess you don't have an equivalent to console warring for movies so is that your point?

3/5 star movie is still passable, hell rotten tomatoes calls it fresh. A 60% game is a death sentence. Not really that hard to see the difference.


Oct 26, 2017
I was wondering what this was about when I looked up how much Metroid Prime did back then. Welp. So now devs have to reach 90 to get that sweet bonus...


Oct 30, 2017
Sell all your shitty 89-rated games, people!

If you've ever played an 88-rated game, you're a filthy untouchable. Wallow in shame!

Nothing wrong with this, unless it gets tied into bonuses.

It's just a bad name for it too.
You "Must Play" this!
No I don't. Stop telling me what to do.

If they want to provide actually useful recommendations to people, they should start building a database of review scores and tags and make user specific recommendations based on that stuff.
Netflix used to be quite superb at predicting what I'd like. Then they made it worse by inflating the scores before completely ruining everything with the daft thumbs up/down and % matching rubbish. It is now totally useless and you have to rely on IMDB and RT.
And I absolutely hate that I can't do anything with movies I thought were neither good or bad. Those aren't the only types of movies that exist you fuckos.

Anyway, something like how Netflix used to be could be useful. As in, predicting based on available data what score you would give a game. They could do that for other media too. They should do that. Someone should do that. Why is no one doing that?
Yeah Netflix's new rating system is a complete joke. Seems Netflix thinks its users don't care about useful ratings. They just want to shout LIKE or DON'T LIKE about everything.
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Oct 29, 2017
3/5 star movie is still passable, hell rotten tomatoes calls it fresh. A 60% game is a death sentence. Not really that hard to see the difference.
One 60% score won't do it. Multiple, sure. I still think this is fine. Not sure why so many are bothered. Only a few will be must play. Those games may get some more sales. This is good stuff


Apr 27, 2018
Bad move, Metacritic.

Overcentralization of a game's reputation through review aggregates is a bad idea. I usually agree with having aggregates because it gives a point of comparison and an actual, objective indicator of consensus towards games and movies. But these aknowledgements should only go towards perception, and not and inquisitive term like "Must-Plays" that explicitly disencourages sales for titles that don't fit this oftenly biased criteria.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Movies do the same with advertising it has a certified fresh rotten tomatoes score

True but for a film to be certified "Fresh" it only needs an aggregate score of 60% or higher.

90% is insanely high and it's crazy to think how many top notch games will fall short, including something as stellar as Spider-Man.

80-85 seems like a much more reasonable cutoff but whatever, it's not my call.


Oct 30, 2017
True but for a film to be certified "Fresh" it only needs an aggregate score of 60% or higher.

90% is insanely high and it's crazy to think how many top notch games will fall short, including something as stellar as Spider-Man.

80-85 seems like a much more reasonable cutoff but whatever, it's not my call.
Please stop publicizing an unworthy sub-90 waste of time like S****r-M*n. It is not a Must Play.


Oct 30, 2017
This is like a badge for people that just got kids, works and study.
It's a badge for people who think aggregate review scores filtered through an arcane weighting system, scores that have nothing to do with their personal preferences, are somehow informative.

Or the Xbox version could actually be better than the PS4, all DLC added, performance, graphics, controls.... Why shouldn't two different versions of the games get different scores?
This is where the hypothetical crashes into the bedrock of the real. If you've played Nier: Automata you'd understand how crazy it is to suggest that the original version is so flawed that it doesn't deserve the same high praise as the XB1 port. It's a stunning work of art that hardly needs superficial crutches to drag itself into the holy light of Must Play status.
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Using an alt account to circumvent a ban
Oct 27, 2017
All games in OP are definitely worth playing, so it seems okay.

Someone who bought games of this list will probably be happy and entertained.


Oct 25, 2017
I give it a year before they lower the standard because almost no games are getting 90s.


Nov 9, 2017
It will be harder to be a 90 from now onwards.

I can see some pirate outlets selling notes.
Or delaying their reviews to become the outlet that converted a 89 to 90 or viceversa. (Im looking at you Sterling)


Oct 25, 2017
Urinated States of America
An extra misnomer on top of a simplified numerical value is a natural next move, really. It's not like this breaks any patterns we've come to know.

Aggregates have a useful and informative place. But people should be savvy enough to distinguish the roles of aggregate sites versus that of individual publication reviews. Gauging taste and quality comes down to a combination of both aggregates and individual publications you are privy to. There is a difference between calling a game great based on what's objective as opposed to a single subjective, open-ended, relatable opinion. Nothing wrong with the former, per se -- but sometimes it's forgotten that turning it into an absolute byline is an option, not mandatory. Particularly when marking it down to the very digit.

It is probably safest to say that all games with a score of 3 or lower are at least pretty bad, or, similarly, all games with a score of 96 or above are at least okay. It is less so to say that only games scored 90 or above are the best games of their respective year, or every game below 80 is a waste of time. A game beloved by most of the review circuit is not necessarily absolutely equivalent to modern classics, but it's probably a well-made work. It's the small disparities -- not big ones, but subtle distinctions that can pinpoint the characteristics of a game's surrounding discourse.

Another form this manifests in is in the different demographics of art/entertainemnt. Most media can be spliced in three portions. As applied to this hobby, it can be spelled out like so:

A game that is loved by the critics and loved by the gamers may not be loved by yourself. You may also love a game that the critics enjoy but the mass gaming 'consumer'-base has a distaste for, while another day, the critics may pile on something that both you and the wider gamer base adore. And etc.

It's important to remember what correlates with what, and where the values held by the game press community fall with respect to yours, as well as the general, current state of video game critique and its relationship with both you and the gaming community.

As for the badge, it's just putting into graphic what many people already stand by to some extent, anyway. It's the branch, not the tree.
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The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
The only complaints I really have against this is that I'm in agreement with others that the threshold of 90 is too high and that the label --from the look of things-- also lacks a threshhold for a review count. IIRC, RT's Certified Fresh label (which this is clearly aiming to the gaming industry's response towards) has a lower threshold of at least a 75% Tomatometer and also requires a significantly large count of reviews (at least 50, I believe). If they retooled the label to address these two elements then the label can properly represent a large group of games that have widespread critical praise.

Other than that....

ITT: people say how review scores don't matter then proceed to overreact to review scores.



Oct 27, 2017
Please explain this. How exactly is this so different from movie criticism? It's the same to me. I guess you don't have an equivalent to console warring for movies so is that your point?

Movie critics and the audience know that a 3/5 is a fine score. Try telling gamers or game reviewers that a 6/10 game is acceptable.


Oct 26, 2017
All my GOAT games are 88, so I'm going to chuck a sad.

Stupid move, but Open Critic just became a bit more relevant.


Mar 4, 2018
No, the PS4 version has 25 reviews and the Switch version has 23.

The PS4 score is 87, the XB1 score is 89, and the Switch score is 91. I would say that maybe Nintendo reviewers are more likely to enjoy platformers, but honestly it looks more like random variance.
Never mind I was thinking the standard version which has 70 reviews and Switch has 21.


Oct 27, 2017
This seems fine. I have no issue with aggregation, and if the label helps some games than all the better.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Seems flawed when the Xbox version of Nier: Automata is a Must-Play, but the PS4 version isn't.

PC versions of both Celeste and INSIDE aren't Must-Plays, however the console versions are... I could go on.

That's because this list only includes games released this year, Nier PS4 was released last year

Deleted member 11093

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
There are thousands of games in the 80s that are must-plays too, and I could name a bunch of video games in the 90s that aren't and my opinion won't be even controversial.

Is MGS5 a must-play? Most would agree now that it isn't. Is RE7 a must-play on VR? Most people would say so.

Hopefully Opencritic won't do something this dumb.


Dec 6, 2017
Oh no! They put a little tag next to some game titles! This is terrible! The world is ending!


Should have been 95 or above. Game reviewers will throw 7/10s at any game that boots up without crashing and 9/10s at anything more than baseline functional.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The only complaints I really have against this is that I'm in agreement with others that the threshold of 90 is too high and that the label --from the look of things-- also lacks a threshhold for a review count. IIRC, RT's Certified Fresh label (which this is clearly aiming to the gaming industry's response towards) has a lower threshold of at least a 75% Tomatometer and also requires a significantly large count of reviews (at least 50, I believe). If they retooled the label to address these two elements then the label can properly represent a large group of games that have widespread critical praise.

Other than that....


OP pretty clearly states a game must have a minimum of 15 reviews to qualify for the label, which is up for, the 4 review minimum to get a score at all. Also I think 90 is fine, that's an A-plus rated title, which isn't to say an 8 isn't good, but it isn't a 9.


Oct 27, 2017
Dead Cells on Xbox One and Switch - Must Play!

Dead Cells on PC and PS4 - GTFO with that trash!

Makes perfect sense!


Oct 28, 2017
I mean it's just like getting an extra honor for having a high grade like in school, if anything it should be a harder restriction like 93 if we are going for the comparison with an A in the American School System. At the end of the day it all comes down to personal opinion about whether something is must play or not.

I personally don't see the problem here except some people are going to use this for console wars. But to be honest it does make sense that you won't automatically give the praise to the game across all systems. Bayonetta on PS3 runs like garbage but on 360 it was fine and reviews account for things like this. Plus lets be real if one version had 91 and another had 87, that's not so crazy that you would automatically say the game is suddenly trash on a different platform just that it resonated more or less with certain reviewers. If the gap is ever wider than 6 pts then it's time to ask questions about performance.


Oct 25, 2017
So messed up.

I mean look at NieR: Automata - Become as Gods Edition.

Rated 90, and according to Metacritic, it's a "must-play".

Yet, it's the same game that's on PS4 and PC. So not "must-play" on the original platforms and where it is most-played?

This system doesn't work.