
Oct 26, 2017
I think they can fix it by the time it comes out in the west. I feel for the early buyers in China though.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Wow. I bought the game and redeemed it on steam already. I also have a i5-3570k. I'll be pretty fucking pissed if this doesn't work.


Oct 27, 2017
This is hilarious! So I can't play it with my OC'd 3930K which is still crunching all other games just fine....


Oct 27, 2017
I was thinking of picking this up, guess the decision was made for me (2500k).
R.T Straker

R.T Straker

Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Begs an interesting question at what point can a dev stop supporting older hardware. I mean are they really expected to still support 2500ks?

Yes.... because the devs have nothing to do with it and it's the DRM itself that requires the said instructions?

An overclocked Sandy Bridge CPU can still rock any game with no problems.


Oct 25, 2017
B-B-B-But ERA user #837627 said Denuvo doesn't affect performance at all and there are no accurate tests to indicate as such!!!!

You mean to tell me that they just pulled that out their ass??

Also, fuck Denuvo.
Oct 25, 2017
If anyone wants to check whether their CPU has FMA3 or not , run CPU-Z


Deleted member 1777

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Well one of the PC Gamer folks had used a 2500k on the build they were testing a while back and I'm assuming denuvo wasn't implemented then.

Tom: I've been playing on medium settings at 1920x1080 borderless windowed on a machine with a GTX 970, Intel Core i5-2500k 3.3 GHz CPU (which is an older CPU and below the minimum spec) and 16GB of RAM. At low-intensity moments the game can exceed 60 frames per second, and during a hunt or two in the first area it hovered between 40 and 50, but the big problem so far has been consistency of performance.

On my PC the game regularly stutters and sometimes pauses for five our more seconds at a time. The issue was pronounced enough to cause the audio to go out of sync with the visuals in the opening cutscenes. In the middle of a fight these pauses seriously disrupt the action. Those with older CPUs like the 2500K will likely need a substantial overclock to get smoother performance.

If you're on weaker hardware, to get steadier performance at 60 you can turn on variable resolution. Unfortunately this looks horrible and the sudden drops in fidelity really aren't worth it. As you can see in the screenshot below, the combination of a resolution drop with the game's post-process anti-aliasing solutions creates a gruesome smeary image quality.


Oct 25, 2017
Begs an interesting question at what point can a dev stop supporting older hardware. I mean are they really expected to still support 2500ks?
It's one thing for a game to require newer hardware and another thing when it's DRM that's blocking older hardware, especially when it's blocking even the CPU listed in the recommended requirements...
Review outlets could even run the game on a 2500K...


Oct 25, 2017
Birmingham, UK
Begs an interesting question at what point can a dev stop supporting older hardware. I mean are they really expected to still support 2500ks?

IMO, yes. Until a point is reached where older processors are simply unable to run the games at a reasonable rate, they should continue to be supported. CPU evolution has been so slow over the last decade, and CPU power demands in games so limited by console development, that there hasn't been a performance related need for a lot of people to upgrade. Overclocked 2500Ks are still plenty fast enough for virtually every game out there. Worst case scenario: two executables could supplied. One compiled that uses newer instructions, one that doesn't.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, I don't care how good the game is, which dismal support like this, I won't even consider spending more than 20 bucks on this.
How hard is it to try booting up the game on a few different systems? Tencent is even publishing the PC version in China, shouldn't they have the money and resources for some quality QA?


Oct 27, 2017
Imagine defending Denuvo in 2018. Also the Sandu Bridge era shouldnt be dropped from support any time soon while its a bit old its stil the last real major update for Intel processors.

Deleted member 1849

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
DRM system requirements ahaha.

Guess my Ivy Bridge PC can't run this then. Fucking 3770k wouldn't have any problems with this game if Denuvo didn't exist.
Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017
Denuvo seems like a constant source of trouble for consumers, but I guess publishers have crunched the numbers and found that the reduction in piracy was worth the negative PR from DRM-related issues... right?

Surely there's research showing that implementing Denuvo has actually improved sales, and this isn't just another case of clueless executives attempting to control something they have no understanding of. Surely.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Haha. You drunk Denuvo, go home. Why even bother putting this into effect? What does it even achieve?
Seems like this is the newest version of denuvo. They constantly 'improve the protection', which I believe would also affect the system requirements.

Now I re-read that last part of my sentence. I imagine in the near future, Steam would have another set of requirements on Steam stores.

Denuvo Requirements.


Oct 25, 2017
Birmingham, UK
Denuvo seems like a constant source of trouble for consumers, but I guess publishers have crunched the numbers and found that the reduction in piracy was worth the negative PR from DRM-related issues... right?

Surely there's research showing that implementing Denuvo has actually improved sales, and this isn't just another case of clueless executives attempting to control something they have no understanding of. Surely.

Who knows? It wouldn't surprise me at all if executives were buying into Denuvo's marketing more than anything else.


Dec 8, 2017
Hilarious but not my shitty FX-6300 can run the DRM yet guys in here with far faster CPU's can't. Yeah that makes total sense.

Deleted member 27751

User-requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
Seems like this is the newest version of denuvo. They constantly 'improve the protection', which I believe would also affect the system requirements.
So in line of "we encrypted/made it harder to spoof by requiring higher CPU line" without consulting as to what is actually listed as required by the game. Most likely its a blanket update but jeez, this shit is hilarious. DRM never works, ever, and this is just another step in that continued effort of uselessness.

Make the games affordable and worth it, and people buy it. Or make it GaaS online ala SoT, WoW etc. with no need for DRM because pirating that type of game is either impossible or not worth it. Such useless behaviour to stop a few while affecting a larger, legitimate purchasers.


Oct 27, 2017
Denuvo was a mistake. It's nothing but trash.

I hope Capcom get the right amount of shit for this.


Oct 27, 2017
Denuvo seems like a constant source of trouble for consumers, but I guess publishers have crunched the numbers and found that the reduction in piracy was worth the negative PR from DRM-related issues... right?

Surely there's research showing that implementing Denuvo has actually improved sales, and this isn't just another case of clueless executives attempting to control something they have no understanding of. Surely.

When I was younger, like 15+ years ago I would pirate and just wait for a crack. If it wasn't day 1 or day 0, that didn't bother me. I wasn't buying the game either way. I would assume that's the case for anyone still pirating to this day. You're not getting money out of them regardless.

Deleted member 32018

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
Like it's bad enough that it looks like it can't run on hardware that is more than capable of running it. It's the fact that they list a 3770 on the recommended specs that is hilarious. This is certainly a no buy for me and I'm glad I never preordered.


Oct 28, 2017
We shall see how this affects the Steam launch but they better fucking remove that Denuvo and fast if this ain't even running on the recommended specs.

My SO is running an i5-2500k so I'll be having a bad fucking weekend if this ends up being so. Fuck Denuvo.