
Oct 29, 2017
and y'all wonder why trans people are all leftists lol

why would we want to be in the same party with people like this
As I said, after enduring Trump I don't care about morals only results. Joe Manhchin could personally call me a nigger to my face and I'd still be unphased if he voted with Dems for progressive legislation when it counts. I don't care for the man. He's not my friend. He votes transphobic. He's misogonystic. He's probably a racist. I don't care as long as his dumbass casts his votes with the rest of the democratic party when it counts. Because unless there is some progressive in WV that can primary his dumbass, an even shittier Republican is waiting in the shadows.

I only care about realpolitik. I only care about results now. Everything else is a luxury.


Oct 27, 2017
What are you even doing here? There are trans people living in West Virginia. Joe Manchin should stand for their human rights as their representative. Your stance is "throw disadvantaged people under the bus when convenient". Do you understand how gross the argument that you are making in this thread is? Manchin is helping give transphobia weight and reach with his vote here, making it a bipartisan position.

Yeah, he should. But he values his seat more than his morals.


Oct 25, 2017
It also sucks that we're no longer in a place where we could count on the Supreme Court to strike down blatantly discriminatory laws such as this.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Damn he was only try to give himself cover? Shit I thought he was just being transphobic. I'll be sure to let all the other trans people know. Though it is funny that he was willing to go against his voters when comes to the minimum wage or giving people bigger checks (things that are overwhelmingly popular in WV), but once trans people get involved then it becomes the time for him to listen to his voters. Very strange.

Yeah I feel like i'm losing it with people keep willing to go to bat for this dude assuming he's playing some type of 5D chess. Maybe, just maybe, he's actually a piece of shit.

Froyo Love

Oct 28, 2017
Whenever his vote matters.

He can vote for whatever abhorrent shit he wants, as long as it doesn't matter. As soon as it stops progressive shit from happening it becomes abhorrent as far as I'm concerned. Give him all the pork and R-cover he needs. But, the minute the fucker goes against the Dems in a needed vote that's when I lose my shit. So, things like the minimum wage increase where the motherfucker and seven other shit ass "Dems" voted against it.


After Trump, I don't give a shit about appearances. All I care about is getting what I want, which is progressive policies. I don't care what a politician has to do get them done.
remember when supposedly moderate Republicans spent decades fanning cultural hatred and tolerating bigotry for electoral gain, because they thought extremist views in the party didn't amount to anything and wouldn't matter so long as they got enough votes for tax cuts

the "I don't care about appearances, only results" attitude was the cause of Trump, not the remedy
Oct 26, 2017
As I said, after enduring Trump I don't care about morals only results. Joe Manhchin could personally call me a nigger to my face and I'd still be unphased if he voted with Dems for progressive legislation when it counts. I don't care for the man. He's not my friend. He votes transphobic. He's misogonystic. He's probably a racist. I don't care as long as his dumbass casts his votes with the rest of the democratic party when it counts. Because unless there is some progressive in WV that can primary his dumbass, an even shittier Republican is waiting in the shadows.

I only care about realpolitik. I only care about results now. Everything else is a luxury.
Have some fucking self respect man, Jesus Christ.
As I said, after enduring Trump I don't care about morals only results. Joe Manhchin could personally call me a nigger to my face and I'd still be unphased if he voted with Dems for progressive legislation when it counts. I don't care for the man. He's not my friend. He votes transphobic. He's misogonystic. He's probably a racist. I don't care as long as his dumbass casts his votes with the rest of the democratic party when it counts. Because unless there is some progressive in WV that can primary his dumbass, an even shittier Republican is waiting in the shadows.

I only care about realpolitik. I only care about results now. Everything else is a luxury.
jesus fucking christ


Oct 27, 2017
remember when supposedly moderate Republicans spent decades fanning cultural hatred and tolerating bigotry for electoral gain, because they thought extremist views in the party didn't amount to anything and wouldn't matter so long as they got enough votes for tax cuts

the "I don't care about appearances, only results" attitude was the cause of Trump, not the remedy

I mean, fair point. Tolerance of abhorrent views allows them to become mainstream. The only counter would be whether a Republican controlled WV seat is preferable. Of course, the counter-counter argument is that Manchin didn't have to vote at all. Sure, voting against an amendment would've allowed a Republican challenger to run ads against him in an ultra conservative state. But simply abstaining from voting wouldn't have hurt him. Instead, he chose to court the bigoted vote. So, is that price worth potential future "progressive" legislation knowing what tolerance of such bigotry can do? In that case, I'd argue not. As it simply delays the effects of shitheel conservatives.

Have some fucking self respect man, Jesus Christ.

I don't know, my self respect died the moment Trump was elected. And then watching Joe Biden get elected in the primaries over every other progressive Dem was a further blow. I just want results man, I don't care anymore how its done or the cost anymore.


CEO of Traphouse Networks
Nov 3, 2017
As I said, after enduring Trump I don't care about morals only results. Joe Manhchin could personally call me a nigger to my face and I'd still be unphased if he voted with Dems for progressive legislation when it counts. I don't care for the man. He's not my friend. He votes transphobic. He's misogonystic. He's probably a racist. I don't care as long as his dumbass casts his votes with the rest of the democratic party when it counts. Because unless there is some progressive in WV that can primary his dumbass, an even shittier Republican is waiting in the shadows.

I only care about realpolitik. I only care about results now. Everything else is a luxury.
delete this post


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, he should. But he values his seat more than his morals.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
As I said, after enduring Trump I don't care about morals only results. Joe Manhchin could personally call me a nigger to my face and I'd still be unphased if he voted with Dems for progressive legislation when it counts. I don't care for the man. He's not my friend. He votes transphobic. He's misogonystic. He's probably a racist. I don't care as long as his dumbass casts his votes with the rest of the democratic party when it counts. Because unless there is some progressive in WV that can primary his dumbass, an even shittier Republican is waiting in the shadows.

I only care about realpolitik. I only care about results now. Everything else is a luxury.

Radiating some strong "Fuck you, got mine" energy there.


Oct 29, 2017
I mean, fair point. Tolerance of abhorrent views allows them to become mainstream. The only counter would be whether a Republican controlled WV seat is preferable. Of course, the counter-counter argument is that Manchin didn't have to vote at all. Sure, voting against an amendment would've allowed a Republican challenger to run ads against him in an ultra conservative state. But simply abstaining from voting wouldn't have hurt him. Instead, he chose to court the bigoted vote. So, is that price worth potential future "progressive" legislation knowing what tolerance of such bigotry can do? In that case, I'd argue not. As it simply delays the effects of shitheel conservatives.

I don't know, my self respect died the moment Trump was elected. And then watching Joe Biden get elected in the primaries over every other progressive Dem was a further blow. I just want results man, I don't care anymore how its done or the cost anymore.
take the boot on my neck out of your mouth pls


Oct 25, 2017
What the hell does this have to do with a stimulus bill? That's absurd, even if it weren't inherently discriminatory and anti-trans. Which it clearly is.


Dec 30, 2020
As I said, after enduring Trump I don't care about morals only results. Joe Manhchin could personally call me a nigger to my face and I'd still be unphased if he voted with Dems for progressive legislation when it counts. I don't care for the man. He's not my friend. He votes transphobic. He's misogonystic. He's probably a racist. I don't care as long as his dumbass casts his votes with the rest of the democratic party when it counts. Because unless there is some progressive in WV that can primary his dumbass, an even shittier Republican is waiting in the shadows.

I only care about realpolitik. I only care about results now. Everything else is a luxury.
Trans rights aren't a vote that counts, huh? What the actual fuck.


Oct 27, 2017
Manchin is fucking transphobic trash but I don't really see people supporting him. I see some accepting the grim reality of who his is in the seat he's in, but support? I don't see it.

Basically how it boils down.

It need to be screamed to the high heavens: there are no other Democrats in West Virginia. West Virginia is so blood-red they're practically a Trump state. We're currently in a 50-50 Senate split, literally every member counts, the fact that this guy's able to hold his seat is a miracle that needs to be kept up as long as the current split it what it is. Get more Dems in and his weight goes down.

Deleted member 2834

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What are you even doing here? There are trans people living in West Virginia. Joe Manchin should stand for their human rights as their representative. Your stance is "throw disadvantaged people under the bus when convenient". Do you understand how gross the argument that you are making in this thread is? Manchin is helping give transphobia weight and reach with his vote here, making it a bipartisan position.
I think that's a bit of an uncheritable reading of BossAttack 's position. If I understand him correctly his claim is that it's obvious that Manchin is a transphobe. However, he's the best you'll get out of WV. His alternatives (Republicans, as progressives stand no chance) are likely transphobic as well. So those things being equal (unfortunately), he'd rather have a transphobic Democrat in the senate than a transphobic Republican, because the Democrat will vote favorably on other things that matter to him. A pro-trans senator isn't on the table in that particular state. That's my reading of his post anyway.
Oct 27, 2017
Basically how it boils down.

It need to be screamed to the high heavens: there are no other Democrats in West Virginia. West Virginia is so blood-red they're practically a Trump state. We're currently in a 50-50 Senate split, literally every member counts, the fact that this guy's able to hold his seat is a miracle that needs to be kept up as long as the current split it what it is. Get more Dems in and his weight goes down.
We can use him for now. The minute we get another senate seat elsewhere, we should throw him to the wolves.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
'Why you shouldn't care when someone votes in support of something transphobic that's been a consistent issue for trans people looking to excel in sport, and for trans women's legitimacy in general'.

Sincere clown shit.

Deleted member 3542

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
He's exactly who we think he us, Democrat in Name Only. Fuck him and Dems better come get their boy because he's going to laud over the fucking Senate for at least the next few years with this shit.

I assume he's doing this because there's not enough votes to actually get it attached and he's doing it for cover with his constitutes. But you're still going on record as a piece of shit, period. He's showing what he stands for and that's saving his own ass at the cost of decency and standing up for peoples' rights.


Oct 27, 2017
He's exactly who we think he us, Democrat in Name Only. Fuck him and Dems better come get their boy because he's going to laud over the fucking Senate for at least the next few years with this shit.

I assume he's doing this because there's not enough votes to actually get it attached and he's doing it for cover with his constitutes. But you're still going on record as a piece of shit, period. He's showing what he stands for and that's saving his own ass at the cost of decency and standing up for peoples' rights.

It's him or a Republican.

Bear in mind- If it were a Republican, this bill wouldn't even be on the floor.

He sucks but he's necessary.


Oct 27, 2017
Not like this, my brother. We deserve and should demand better

We absolutely do. But, I'm not going to close my eyes at reality.

People are getting all out of whack acting like I support Manchin or think he's some great guy. The man is shit. He voted for transphobic legislation. But, if the alternative is a R in his seat that kills any and all democratic/processive agenda then I'll take what I can get. I don't need my politicians to be my friend or even like me, I just need them to do what I want.

With regards to Manchin, I think he can be criticized for simply not abstaining from the vote. But any expectation for a WV Senator to support LGBTQ+ efforts is fool hardy. Noble? Yes. Morally right? Sure. But politically real? Nope. The day WV can elect a true progressive will be nice, until then I'll squeeze what I can out of Manchin.


Apr 23, 2019
You're not gonna get better from West Virginia, unfortunately. Hopefully in 2022 Democrats can win more seats and Manchin can go back to being the completely unimportant shitstain he always has been.

I was specifically referring to LBJ. Manchin doesn't need to care about anybody but the WWC since his state is extremely poor (median hourly of like $16) and 96% white. Though, he's going to lose in 2024 if he doesn't retire which is why his hemming and hawing confuses me. His margins have significantly shrunk as the WWC has become polarized in the conservative camp.
Aug 12, 2019
Another thread where I see all of the blame ascribed to Maine voters and none to Gideon being an awful candidate. Maine may usually go 3/4th blue comfortably, but it's hardly a wealthy state and has lot of struggles that Gideon utterly failed to touch upon when the other winning candidates including Collins were at least able to speak to the voters there. She ran behind every other candidate on the Democratic side, and that's not just cause Collins was this untouchable beloved moderate, plenty of people dislike Collins in Maine. The Democratic party cannot fail, it can only be failed. Every. Damn. Time.

And Manchin is obviously not the safe "break with party for appearances" that people have stated time and time again, there's a much more malicious intent of self preservation going on here when he's increasingly unlikely to survive another election. But he's going to wield his 50th vote in the Senate in ways that will negatively impact people and that really fucking sucks.
Oct 27, 2017
He's the most powerful person in the senate until 2022. He's the reason we don't have majority leader McConnell anymore. But after people like fetterman get sworn in? Dude can go eat shit forever.
I hope he realizes that his term in the senate is over. Let him run for governor. We can't let up in 22. We need three more seats and to protect everyone that we have.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
People going at BossAttack as if pragmatic voting hasn't unfortunately been what black voters have been forced to deal with in a anti-black white right wing country. We literally had to rally and vote in a guy who helped jail a generation of black men because most of America couldn't get it's shit together to the point they were willing to throw away democracy because of white supremacy and 'taxes.'

That said, giving up a basic civil rights are not the way. Its just cruelty. Codifying bigotry isn't a concession, its actively giving your enemy points. That simple consession might take years to undue and has actively set back trans rights. I get holding your nose and voting that's America, an inherently vile and evil country. But this is different.


Oct 26, 2017
Y'all coming at bossattack like he's got a joe manchin button on. Progressives tried to primary him and got stomped. Then ran the same person against capito and got stomped. If we didn't have manchin dems would still be in the minority and we'd have at least two years of gridlock. Joe manchin is shit. But the alternative is worse.

Do the best we can for now. Fight like hell for more seats in 22 and dump his ass.


Oct 29, 2017
Y'all coming at bossattack like he's got a joe manchin button on. Progressives tried to primary him and got stomped. Then ran the same person against capito and got stomped. If we didn't have manchin dems would still be in the minority and we'd have at least two years of gridlock. Joe manchin is shit. But the alternative is worse.

Do the best we can for now. Fight like hell for more seats in 22 and dump his ass.
read his first posts in the thread before he started crawfishing after getting dogpiled.


Oct 27, 2017
People going at BossAttack as if pragmatic voting hasn't unfortunately been what black voters have been forced to deal with in a anti-black white right wing country. We literally had to rally and vote in a guy who helped jail a generation of black men because most of America couldn't get it's shit together to the point they were willing to throw away democracy because of white supremacy and 'taxes.'

That said, giving up a basic civil rights are not the way. Its just cruelty. Codifying bigotry isn't a concession, its actively giving your enemy points. That simple consession might take years to undue and has actively set back trans rights. I get holding your nose and voting that's America, an inherently vile and evil country. But this is different.


As for giving up basic civil rights, so far that hasn't happened yet. Manchin voted for it, but it would've never passed. I do think the point about coddling bigots is how you can cause bigotry to become mainstream is a good one. And its why Manchin should've abstained. But, that doesn't change the fact that Manchin is pragmatic voting encapsulated. If there is someone better, I'll gladly support and donate to them.


Oct 29, 2017
there is an athlete ban bill in wv. this vote of his is making trans people's struggle harder back home. y'all are clowns for adding "but"s after your condemnations.


Oct 27, 2017
read his first posts in the thread before he started crawfishing after getting dogpiled.


Here's my first post:

Is it? If it gives him R cover in his state and was never going to pass, why wouldn't he vote for it?

Here we have an acceptance that Manchin is not an ally but a pragmatic vote. So I'm recognizing I don't expect him to vote like an ally, but to protect his seat.

Now, second post:


My view of Manchin as a human being is as low as you can get. But, he's also a WV D-Senator. So, it can always be worse. The question is whether you expect politicians to vote based on their morals or vote based on pure political capital. Or rather the question is whether Manchin voted on the amendment because he genuinely believed in it or whether he voted on it because he figured it would give him R cover so he could keep his seat and keep voting for more Dem policies. Then again, he also voted against $15 minimum wage, so...

Breakdown of Manchin being nothing more than a pragmatic vote and that it can always be worse in WV. Thus, I question his usefulness when it comes to progressive legislation when it counts. After that, its me further clarifying my pragmatism in voting (ie harm reduction) as opposed to optimistic ideals of what a politician should be. especially after Trump threw all morals and pretenses out the window.

Deleted member 2699

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
there is an athlete ban bill in wv. this vote of his is making trans people's struggle harder back home. y'all are clowns for adding "but"s after your condemnations.

Seriously. Stop throwing trans people under the bus to defend some fan-fiction version of Manchin you wrote in your head. Literally all the bullshit about him being some sort pragmatic voter was disproven over the last couple days. Fuck him and fuck anyone who would defend his transphobic ass.
Oct 27, 2017
I feel so bad for the trans community on this forum. Being treated as a bargaining chip for political gains by politicians, and people on this forum telling them that voting against their interest is good, actually. You just need to be on top of the 4D chess!

Voting against trans interests makes you a transphobe. Full stop. Defending that makes you, at the very least, a transphobia apologist.


Oct 29, 2017

Here's my first post:

Here we have an acceptance that Manchin is not an ally but a pragmatic vote. So I'm recognizing I don't expect him to vote like an ally, but to protect his seat.

Now, second post:

Breakdown of Manchin being nothing more than a pragmatic vote and that it can always be worse in WV. Thus, I question his usefulness when it comes to progressive legislation when it counts. After that, its me further clarifying my pragmatism in voting (ie harm reduction) as opposed to optimistic ideals of what a politician should be. especially after Trump threw all morals and pretenses out the window.
You went from why wouldn't he vote for it to he should have abstained and both are terrible looks