
Oct 25, 2017
So Cole is the new.
MK roster is pretty big, why even create a new character? His power is stupid and his family is just boring.


Apr 14, 2018
This was movie was only ok. If the fight scenes here were more intense instead of choppy and short, then I would challenge anyone here to still call it a bad movie. That's the number 1 thing to fix in the sequel, which I do think they'll make. Both of the big battles in Act 2 and Act 3 were cutting between multiple fights at once. I do not know if that was to cut them for time or a stylistic choice, but it was bad the first time then even worse the second.

If Cole Young had just gotten the damn Scorpion powers like he was set up to, then I'd say make him better in the sequel. But the armor crap is unsalvageable. After the Goro fight, it doesn't even do the glowing (Black Panther?) thing anymore.... Conceptually it's awful, appearance-wise it's awful, those goofy ass wobbly tonfas you cannot be serious. And that's cheating to wear armor anyways. The actor should blame the writers. Please write him off


Drive-In Mutant
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So Cole is the new.
MK roster is pretty big, why even create a new character? His power is stupid and his family is just boring.

He took Cage's place as the audience surrogate into this crazy world because the producers thought there were too many white people in MK. They also didn't think the audience could just roll with the story as-is without thoroughly explaining every little thing throughout the film. Even though in the 1995 film, Cage was exactly that audience surrogate who was figuring all this shit out as the film went along, and I never once had to explain what was going on to my Mom. Seems like they thought the audience was as stupid as the writers.


Mortal Kombat producer reveals Johnny Cage was too white for movie

Much to the dismay of fans a producer for Mortal Kombat has revealed that Johnny Cage is too problematic and white to appear in the movie. According to


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad this exists, and hope that the next one can be closer to what I want but really this was just an R Rated CW Pilot. There were plenty of "HEY GUYS LOOK, WE SAW THIS IN THE GAMES" moments and those were nice, but then the story was just kind of... bleh.

Kept hoping Cole's family would get killed and he'd go Full Scorpion but here we are.


Jan 3, 2018
It definitely had MORE story but to say it's better...wtf

I mean, it does. For one more than a few of the characters have much better, more fleshed out character arcs. Granted this is because it has the backstory of 9 and X to build off of, but the characters are much more complex in their motivations and character arcs. Take Jax or Raiden for example: much more going on with their characters than in this movie. Do characters even have arcs in this movie?

Like, MK11 aint winning any Oscars but it's at least trying with its characters.


Oct 26, 2017
just finished watching it
6/10 from me, whatever :/
you got joe taslim and the fight scenes still had so many cuts :<


Oct 28, 2017
The Good:

Kano -
Great casting, fun character
Sonya Blade - Great casting
Jax - Great casting
Kabal - Great voiceover, awesome fight scenes. Would have liked to see more of him in the movie.
Kung Lao - Great casting, fun character
Sub-Zero - I liked his character and his use of powers were pretty fun
Goro - It was fun seeing Goro and his fight scene was fine. I would have preferred he fought one of the other characters though.
Costumes - In general, most of the characters looked pretty cool
Special effects - The special effects were fine

The Bad:

The story -
The story should have centered around the tournament and fighting. I never felt like the good guys were going to lose. There was no intensity to the story.
Scorpion - When he came back I would have preferred him to have white eyes and for the spear to come out of his hands.
Gaining powers through the dragon symbol - I didn't like this. Would have preferred it if everyone just had powers initially.
Reptile - I would have preferred human reptile or a human reptile who could turn into this beast. The fight was cool though.
The music - What a let down. They downloaded AvengersSoundaLike.mp3 and attached it to the movie. It just didn't fit and the orchestral music didn't hype up the fight scenes. The music completely deflated any sense of excitement I wanted to have while watching the fight scenes. I wish they would have gone with some music that actually had a pulse.
Raiden - Didn't like the casting. Maybe he should have been taller? He didn't look like Raiden to me.
The original character - Didn't like this character or care about him. I'm watching MK to see the characters I love, not someone new.
Liu Kang - I didn't like the accent and he looked too skinny
Shang Tsung - I didn't like the casting here. I didn't feel the intensity in his acting. They missed the mark here.
Martial arts - I didn't feel like the fighting was particularly interesting. I would have liked to see better karate style fight choreography
Last edited:


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Dude... he was ripped.
Re-quoting myself from earlier in the thread:
I wasn't feeling him at all until that scene when he was training Kano




Nov 16, 2017
Stop. I wouldn't watch the movie if Miz is Cage. This is disgusting.

Cage is also very likable. Miz is not. His precense in the movie as Cage wouldn't be believable, and many would just want to see Cage get his ass kick or killed off.

In my estimation, the entire point of Johnny Cage is that he isn't likable at all. Especially fresh from Hollywood Johnny Cage. He's the fucking worst. Wanting to see Cage get killed off or beat up is my opinion of Johnny Cage any time he's on screen. And Miz is perfect for that.


Oct 26, 2017
The story of the games play extremely fast and loose with the history of the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu. Originally, Scorpion was a wraith who wanted revenge against sub zero for the murder of him and his family. When Mythologies of Subzero was released, this was retconned to be that Quan Chi killed Scorpions clan as payment to the Lin Kuei for Subzero finding the map to Shinnok's amulet. Also, Subzero ends up killing Scorpion on the way to the map because, secretly, Quan Chi actually contacted both clans to retrieve the map as a hedge in the case one of the ninja's died before retrieving it. Scorpion then becomes a wraith, while in the NetherRealm, to seek revenge against Subzero for killing him. Later, this is expanded upon to show that Quan Chi actually brought Scoprion back form the NetherRealm as a wraith to get revenge on Subzero for defeating him, and Shinnok, during the amulet incident. Quan Chi motived Scorpion by lying to him and telling him that Subzero killed his family and clan.

With the above being said, Bi-han Subzero is an anti-hero at best, but I would really classify him as an amoral merc. His younger brother, Kuai Liang, is a good guy though, and carries the title of Subzero in every game beyond the first Mortal Kombat (excluding Mythologies: Subzero which is a prequel).

Thanks for the explanation.

I want to say if anyone else has the sudden urge to play MK Mythologies Sub Zero: don't play on easy. The game throws you to a game over screen before heading to the Netherrealm with a "play on a harder difficulty, nerd" message.

I gave up. For me it ended with Raiden hiring Sub Zero to fix his mistake in aiding Quan Chi.

Sort of interesting how this new movie mostly kept to the formula of the old movie and original games. The lore seemed to go in a broader direction at a point. Maybe a bit too far? Feels like no one cared much for those PS2 era MK games. But the 2011 reboot of sorts with MK(9) and onward is well liked.

Maybe one day they do a MK vs DC movie. I think Sub Zero becomes Batman in one of the endings.
Oct 27, 2017
I saw the movie earlier. I loved it, it had all the violence and brutality I was hoping for.

I very much want a sequel.

Only problem I really had was Cole Young. Not a fan of the OC Do not steal. I was actually hoping he Shang Tsung was going to claim his soul. I was so disappointed that it was instead Kung Lao. Man had the best fatality in the film and he got his soul stolen by Shang Tsung. Hopefully Cole and his family get killed off in the opening 5 minutes of the sequel. Everything else about the movie was a ton of fun.

I do wish Scorpions face went full skull when he burned Sub Zero Alive. I got plenty of the fatalities I wanted and I liked the characters saying the announcers lines like "Kano Wins" and "Flawless Victory".

Hyped for Jonny Cage in the sequel. Also probably Noob Saibot. Hoping for Kitana, we saw her fan in the temple. Also hoping for Smoke, Rain, and all the Ninjas.

All in all my expectations were exceeded.
Nov 2, 2017
God it was such a piece of shit. The action wasn't even good. I honestly have no idea what the hell they were thinking with a lot of the story.

Also, I loved the shit out of it.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 16, 2017
Cole was like all the default settings for a Create a Character and they forgot to customize anything.


Jan 31, 2018
You got some dysphoria going on here. Plenty of heavy hitters in real life(mma, boxing) that aren't even as thick as angelface Liu Kang. He looked good
He really didn't. Especially when he flexed and his shoulder blades winged out. Idk his character was a shadow of the original movies to me.


Oct 26, 2017
You got some dysphoria going on here. Plenty of heavy hitters in real life(mma, boxing) that aren't even as thick as angelface Liu Kang. He looked good

I recall him being bigger in Black Mirror, where funny enough he played a video game fighting character. But he's a lot more cut here.

Kung Lao was awesome. Especially how deranged he looked during the fatality. My guy was enjoying it a bit too much.



Mar 10, 2020
The only thing that really sucked for me was how they decided to use an original character. I think they should have just used Liu Kang as the main, I did like the set up for Johnny Cage tho.

Deleted member 68874

Account closed at user request
May 10, 2020
Really hope we dont get a sequel.

No Kung Lao and Liu Kang team ups in the future films is a major bummer.

If there is a sequel they better just get The Miz to be Johnny Cage.


Oct 30, 2017
Movie kinda sucked. I liked Kabal and Scorpion's introduction at the end, but that's about it.

All the stuff they created for the movie sucked. Every conceivable aspect of Cole sucked. A super generic character, poorly acted. Hopefully if they do ever add him to a game for whatever reason they change his godawful costume.

The whole thing with the dragon markings and everyone getting a "special power" was so dumb. Both were clearly invented just for plot or "character development" purposes. Was Kung Lao's power literally hat-throwing? What was Jax's power, exactly?

Actually, I did also like whenever they would just cut to Shang Tsung's throne bridge just to go "and here are some more cannon fodder weirdos you may recognize!"


Oct 30, 2017
The more I think about it the more Cole bugs me. I can understand wanting to leave your own stamp on the material, but creating your own OC and basing the whole story around him is just too much. Especially when his story isn't even particularly original or compelling.


Oct 25, 2017
Still dont understand how they were pressed for time before the tournament to get this group ready, but now they have time to go champion hunting and get a new group ready. The story is really thin in this movie and they still made it seem useless. And to make it worse, they could have pretty much told the same story as the start of the tournament, instead of having Outworld go to Earthrealm. Pretty much just use the same setup as MK95.

Yeah, no one really dies in Mortal Kombat.
There should be a running gag, Kano is resurrected and brutally killed in every sequel.
I'm really hoping they bring him back with the metal face plate and laser eye. Mileena better come back as well. Kung Lao seems like the most difficuot to really bring back, which sucks since I think he was the movies best character. If they make him a revenant it won't be the same.


Oct 30, 2017
I really missed the "mysterious kung-fu island" setup. Going into a strange location and gradually finding out what's going on is inherently more interesting than the Harry Potter / Slasher movie they ended up making. And that info-dump from Sonya.. ugh.

It felt like the Dolph Lundgren Masters of the Universe movie. Just some nobodies in budget-conscious urban environments.