Jun 1, 2019
Those drawings of Sonic killing Mario are just....wow. I don't remember the console wars being this disturbing between kids back then lmao.


Oct 3, 2019
Everyone talking about the nazi Sonic but no one gives love to scythe-executioner Alex Kidd, history repeats itself

Stuart Gipp

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Cambridge, England
Back then, the idea of any kind of Nazi sympathy or encouragement was so absurd, that something like this would be looked at as an extreme joke rather than an endorsement. Not even that extreme of a joke, to be honest, given how virulent the console warfare was at the time. Related:



Oct 27, 2017
Wow!! That's crazy.

I remember in Kindergarten/Grade 1 (long before Sonic - or even a Sega home consoles was a thing), I drew a picture in class of war, and some of the planes had the swastica on it. I got in so much shit from both the school and my parents when I got home. I truly didn't understand why, other than I knew that the people who used that symbol were bad.

It amazes me that a magazine, many years later, got away with this type of content.


Oct 24, 2020
omg, Sonic even has a Hitler-mustache . This is so bad


Oct 25, 2017
90s British game magazines were amazingly mean, petty and heavily into console warring. It was quite a time to grow up in and no doubt heavily influenced my own console warring as a little kid, which took me years to grow out of.


Oct 25, 2017
90s British game magazines were amazingly mean, petty and heavily into console warring. It was quite a time to grow up in and no doubt heavily influenced my own console warring as a little kid, which took me years to grow out of.
Yeah, even the official ones were pretty wild. I guess it was before the platform holders took notice.

I remember Nintendo Magazine System's letters pages routinely tearing into their readers, the competition, and even Nintendo UK. The latter was perhaps justified because it was usually over the lack of RPGs making it onto PAL systems.


Oct 25, 2017
First it was yoshi and his tax evasion.

Now it's Sonic being Nazi.

What next?


Aug 20, 2018
90s British game magazines were amazingly mean, petty and heavily into console warring. It was quite a time to grow up in and no doubt heavily influenced my own console warring as a little kid, which took me years to grow out of.

I bought the official sega saturn magazine in the 90s and the amount of clearly jealous and mean spirited articles & jabs written by the editors and writers of that magazines towards the PlayStation ("grandia is the best!! Bow to your king, ff7!!!") were astounding. Even as a 15 yo teenager then, I thought those editors were even more childish than me.
Oct 26, 2017
Oh my god that drawing of Mario in a noose and all the shit around it takes me back to a fucked up thing I saw as a kid, how about a story?

I was 8 or 9 at the time (this was in 98 or 99), I was at my local grocery store in Canada with my mother. We were finishing up and leaving, and I passed by the magazine rack.

I spotted this magazine that for the fucking life of me I can't remember the name of. It could've been Mad or Cracked, but either way, what I saw has stuck with me for my entire life.

It was a collection of VERY well drawn Nickelodeon characters (as in, they looked virtually identical to their actual selves from the shows), and the main focus was Blue (from Blue's Clues) LITERALLY tearing Tommy and Chuckie (Rugrats) to bloody, gory pieces. One bit was Chuckie's shoe with his foot and BONE still in it dismembered. It was FUCKED UP. You saw what's his name Steve (Blue's owner) as a real person pointing a gun towards him face-palming in fear/shame. I think Angelica and Catdog were in this but they were just background characters.

And this was either the front over, or the back cover. Full color and everything.

Does this sound familiar to ANYONE here? I've googled for that image from a decade to no avail. I almost wonder if it was a crazy dream or something, but I swear I saw it because I remember the location and where I was in it when I saw this.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 8, 2020
So is this indirect confirmation that Mario is antifa? Because I can live with that


Oct 28, 2017
Honestly this is pretty shocking. Especially the stuff where they make fun kids' art by mocking people with disabilities.


Apr 5, 2019
what the fuck?

I can only speak by Nintendo's Brazilian magazine of back in the day, but was Nintendo Power this grotesque? SEGA definitely wanted to embrace the image of edgier kids of the street, and as always, looked dumb in the end


Oct 25, 2017
It's hard to believe they would even post this image, but the editorial comment of "Great!" to the idea of a swastika-wearing Sonic is honestly shocking.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
I love that in the pic of a white ninja killing Mario, the kid labelled the former as "Shinobi" (because few would know who the hell that was supposed to be), but, of course, didn't need to label Mario for the opposite reason. The way that int itself makes a statement probably so opposite to the artist's intent would be funny in itself, even ignoring the fact that a) Shinobi is the name of the game, not the character (Joe Musashi), and b) the white ninja, as far as I know, only appears in Shadow Dancer, and is considered a different character altogether.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 12, 2019
This type of shit was encouraged by marketing in the past, and I'm *pretty* sure the kids that bought deep into it, and the people producing the marketing, never shook it.

Gamers, huh


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
I grew up with these magazines, this doesn't surprise me at all. The art pages were always full of gross images of Sonic or Mario killing each other, the nazi imagery is a little odd but I don't think my child mind would've registered it at the time..

That was 90s gaming magazines. I still remember one printed fanart of Mortal Kombat's Mileena nude saying "I love my boobs" that they barely (not really) censored.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Was gonna say that Japan has always been kinda okay with nazi imagery but this is the English magazine, so I'm confused


Oct 27, 2017
Oh man these were the days. I'm laughing at way more than nazi sonic and dead mario. I love how they have to write sonic and mario and show arrows so the viewer knows who is who. Stink lines lol.