Oct 25, 2017
I am looking forward to his come back in some years. Really hope he will pull an awesome roll, as he did so often in the past. It was a mistake for him to stick to House of Cards for so long... but money makes the world go round, right? The only reason Netflix parted ways with him publicly after all.
A little soon for that, don't you think?
Oct 25, 2017
I am looking forward to his come back in some years. Really hope he will pull an awesome roll, as he did so often in the past. It was a mistake for him to stick to House of Cards for so long... but money makes the world go round, right? The only reason Netflix parted ways with him publicly after all.

You seriously think this asshole is gonna have another role in anything after all the shit that has been revealed about him? Really?

It's not happening.


Oct 31, 2017
Oh he's gonna continue acting. He'll just go indie. He could fund a studio himself if he wanted. Plus there are other equally huge markets (eg, China which is poaching hollywood actors) that hold no scruples about such things.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
Remember when Mel Gibson's drunken rant was the biggest public "scandal" in hollywood? I am utterly disgusted by the amount of sexual assault, rape and attempted rape that went on in Hollywood. Corey Feldman has been talking about it for years and no one believed him. This is upsetting and angering at the same time.

All these rotten pedophiles and sexual harassers need to be locked up.


Oct 31, 2017
We're just seeing the tip of the iceberg. This is decades and thousands of abusers in the making. It is by now an integral element of a $100 billion industry.


Oct 25, 2017
So wait they fired him and said season 6 is the last of HoC. But isn't it the final season anyway and they have already filmed it?

Or will they now refilm it without Spacey? That'd be expensive.


Oct 31, 2017
Spacey is synonymous with his roles because he usually played a rendition of himself. Creepy Spacey (House of Cards), Serious Spacey (American Beauty), Comically overacting Spacey (Superman), Mellow Spacey (K-PAX).

An entire library of classics now ruined or at the very least made creepy.


Oct 27, 2017
It's kind of interesting how these kind of people can act in movies like American Beauty, which is, in huge parts, about a middle-aged man being attracted to an underaged person and at the final moment realizing that it wouldn't be appropriate to take advantage of a young person who very likely doesn't fully understand what he/she is getting into.

And then they go ahead and go through with that shit in real life.
Oct 26, 2017
Good lord this is all going so fast. Netflix clearly has their own reasons because their staff complained as well. Those may be anonymous to us but not for Netflix. However unless i'm mistaken all the other accusations except of course for Rapp are anonymous though, right? If he's now being investigated by police too, Spacey that is, we probably haven't heard the last of this yet.

It's almost impossible to prove things that happened so many years ago but apparently he misbehaved at the Netflix set too then.


Oct 30, 2017
Shame... The shame being what he put his victim(s) through. I enjoyed the show immensely, and I feel sorry for members of the cast that may suffer due to all of this.
Oct 26, 2017
I noticed a lot of people bitching about "innocent until proven guilty" for Kevin Spacey here. And while the allegations outside of the show are still allegations, I guarantee Netflix did research on their own show with their own staff and got many similar findings. So it's most definitely justified.

Honestly, continuing with just Claire is a mistake though. 50% of the show is gone, and as amazing as Robin Wright is in the role, her character is played out and not interesting anymore. Especially since the basis for Season 6 is the only potentially interesting thing that has happened in the show in several seasons.

Normally i would say that too. I don't jump to conclusions too fast, but exactly what you said, Netflix staff confirmed things too. They spoke of a toxic workspace, well....ok then. If all the other allegations turn out to be true too he really can't just get away with that. But how do you prove such a thing?


Oct 31, 2017
It's kind of interesting how these kind of people can act in movies like American Beauty, which is, in huge parts, about a middle-aged man being attracted to an underaged person and at the final moment realizing that it wouldn't be appropriate to take advantage of a young person who very likely doesn't fully understand what he/she is getting into.

And then they go ahead and go through with that shit in real life.

OR...Spacey chose/pushed for the role because he felt he could act himself.
Oct 27, 2017
This is the article about the Netflix staff


I however then do wonder why these people didn't come forward sooner and waited until Rapp started talking about the situation he was in when he was 14. I am not doubting it, don't get me wrong but you'd think people would go straight to Netflix and inform them of the behaviour.
Spacey was the most powerful person on that set and they were worried about their jobs.


has a title.
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe they'll end the show with him committing suicide?

Or just end it. No conclusion?


Oct 25, 2017
So wait they fired him and said season 6 is the last of HoC. But isn't it the final season anyway and they have already filmed it?

Or will they now refilm it without Spacey? That'd be expensive.

I could definitely be wrong, but I remember reading when the allegations started and the show went on hiatus for a bit, there was talk that filming of the season was two-thirds of the way through. It's definitely going to be expensive, but scrapping him out entirely and giving Robin Wright the sole lead role is the right move.


Oct 29, 2017
Last season's writing was so bad i hope it kills the show.

If it was good and with Spacey in it I would watch though. An actor is not a character.

Same goes for Heidegger or Polanski. A piece of art, a writing, a film is not it's author and vice-versa.

But of course you gotta have a good Judiciary system that ensures they get punished for what they did.

Let's hope more victims come forward now.
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Oct 25, 2017
Good decision. The show itself has been in a death spiral for several seasons, with season 5 being horrendous, just kill it. The show building around Claire as the main character sounds like a disaster, as her character has been one of the biggest factors in the shows downfall.


Oct 26, 2017
Just kill it
The show's quality went to shit anyway
It was a chore watching the latest episodes


Oct 28, 2017
Seattle, WA, USA
Man the amount of careers being flushed by social media "exposed" revelations is frightening. If I were in Hollywood and had done ANYTHING remotely shady in my past, drunk/sober or otherwise. I would be shitting myself right now.


has a title.
Oct 25, 2017
Just kill it
The show's quality went to shit anyway
It was a chore watching the latest episodes
I could barely get through season 2 and 3. Stopped watching shortly after that.

Also the first scene in season 4 is ridiculous and gross and an awful way to kick off a new season.


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I have to say it fills me with a bit of joy to see these guys get bitten ever so deservedly so in the ass by karma. Anyway i didnt watch the show, but the more of a stance taken in situations like this the better.


Oct 27, 2017
Hopefully they just do one more season to put a conclusion to the story. I love Robin Wright but I don't see her carrying HoC without Spacey.


Oct 25, 2017
Millionaires firing millionaires to keep their name clean one more day until it's their turn to have a personal scandal isn't something I'm interested in, they could witness someone killing toddlers and they wouldn't give a crap until it's made public. I hope they just kill the show though, the first two seasons were pretty good but now it feels like a damn soap opera. Last season was a drag with its crazily weak and nonsensical plot and cringe dialogues.
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Oct 25, 2017
This is the article about the Netflix staff


I however then do wonder why these people didn't come forward sooner and waited until Rapp started talking about the situation he was in when he was 14. I am not doubting it, don't get me wrong but you'd think people would go straight to Netflix and inform them of the behaviour.
This is the second time I've seen you asking about why people don't come forward. The answer is the same as the last time. Please stop.


Oct 25, 2017
Ever considered the fact that House of Cards isn't a one man show? It has hundreds of normal, hard working people who are getting the most raw deal of all: Taking the hit for someone else's shit.

Even Charlie Sheen's ungraceful exit on that crappy sitcom at least provided the cast and crew to leave on their own terms. But gutting the entire production MIDWAY just because of one man's fuck up is spitting in the face of viewers who watch the series, and spitting in the face of the crew who've been working on it. This really DOES make it entirely about him and effectively renders them irrelevant.

There's so much more to a TV show or a movie than just one main actor. Seriously. You're kind of nasty for making light of this.

It mystifies me how either of you read that post and take it as giving a shit about the crew in any way whatsoever. It's looking at an actor being fired for some horrible things and thinking "well what about my viewing experience" above all else and I think it's ridiculous to look at something like this and be upset about how it inconveniences you personally.

I thought that was pretty apparent but if it makes me "nasty" then whatever I guess.


Oct 28, 2017

Frank is in jail (Claire doesn't give him the pardon)
So frank is trying to kill/fuck claire from jail
With the help of Doug
We never saw frank, so the season is just about
Doug vs Claire

Frank dies off screen in jail and Doug prepare his vengeance on Claire on the name of frank.

Kinda work isn't?


Oct 26, 2017
Gonna be honest and didn't expect Netflix to do this, props to them.

In a couple days his entire career is gone, shit goes fast.
Oct 26, 2017
This is the second time I've seen you asking about why people don't come forward. The answer is the same as the last time. Please stop.

I think you mean my post from yesterday? That was about my conversation with a friend of mine. He was the one that wondered why it took people so long and I said I had no idea. I don't recall that I asked this before.

But with that being said the incident with Netflix staff at least is recent, that could be proven if there actually is going to be a case which remains to be seen. But people from years ago, how can they prove it?


Oct 28, 2017
Netflix is like all now:


Oct 27, 2017
This is the article about the Netflix staff


I however then do wonder why these people didn't come forward sooner and waited until Rapp started talking about the situation he was in when he was 14. I am not doubting it, don't get me wrong but you'd think people would go straight to Netflix and inform them of the behaviour.
They're afraid. When you're a low-on-the-totem-pole PA, you're easily replaceable. Easy to think that you could not only lose your job and but be totally blacklisted for reporting on your show's biggest star (who is also one of its producers). That's why predators like Spacey and Weinstein are allowed to get away with this shit for so long: they know the people they're harassing and abusing are never going to say anything for fear of retaliation.

The only reason these people feel free to come forward now is because they see that the momentum is on their side to get their stories out and not have them dismissed or be punished for telling them.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, no big studio going to be involved with Kevin Spacey after this mess. Not after weinstein

Baby driver sure as hell sound a bit unfortunate after this case...