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Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
CP2077 is still buggy as hell, with the newest update (most enemy heads artifacting all over a screen after a headshot, freezing UI, missing sounds, crashes, bugged quest rewards, weird lighting etc.) running on PS5, so I'm really not expecting much.

Fingers crossed for TW3 tho, definitely gonna dive right back in once it drops.
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Oct 25, 2017
My PS4 copy is still sealed..... lol.

Never thought I would wait till 2022 to play this game. Wouldnt believe those words if you told me.


Oct 28, 2017
I'll try out the patch, but I'm not optimistic. I don't think I've ever been so disappointed in a game that I was so hyped for before.

All the good standing CDPR built up over the years with the Witcher games, just immediately evaporated. They went from me buying their games day one on zero information, to wait a few months after launch before I'll even consider a purchase.


Nov 12, 2017
I think people are also expecting way too much of the current gen versions of The Witcher. The game will probably look like before, just run at 60 fps with the bells and whistles you already have on the PC.

Well they already talked about ray tracing and new textures on PC, so I don't think new consoles will look like the game I'm playing.

They also revealed the box art with Geralt's new face. The update is coming to the PC as well, so it just being "the bells and whistles you already have on the PC" is clearly not true. Fingers crossed for DLSS.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I dont really beleive they can save it. Like the entire 'simulated world' is broken. It would need a complete overhaul that may as well be a new game. And that's not even taking into account that the gameplay was pretty terrible on top of all that. They should really try again with a sequel but tbh I think the name is tarnished in the video game world for now


Jul 10, 2018
It's crazy how early they released this game. Sixteen months later, and we'll be getting the versions we had hoped for back in late 2020. I'm glad I held off playing it.
I don't know what miracles people expect from the PS5/Xbox Series launch but what you'll be playing in a month or so is what has been playable on PC for a while now.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
My PS4 copy is still sealed..... lol.

Never thought I would wait till 2022 to play this game. Wouldnt believe those words if you told me.
Same. Something happened and my release day shipping with Best Buy turned into it showing up almost 10 days later. Its been on the shelf, sealed, since it showed up at my house. I'll probably still wait for the next big patch AFTER whatever they release.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Boy if it's late Feb/ early March that's gonna suck since Elden ring dops.

Still glad I can pick up my run from where I left off last year.


Oct 27, 2017
I dont really beleive they can save it. Like the entire 'simulated world' is broken. It would need a complete overhaul that may as well be a new game. And that's not even taking into account that the gameplay was pretty terrible on top of all that. They should really try again with a sequel but tbh I think the name is tarnished in the video game world for now

I agree, put only an hour or maybe two into it and while it looks pretty, the world seems devoid of life. Like almost too artificial. Tried hard to like it because the aesthetic is appealing but it just felt stale.

And the dialogue was far from mature. It just kind of felt like edgy and swearing for the sake of it? I don't know how to put it exactly. That made the story less interesting to get engage with

Going to avoid reading reviewers who gave it 10's and maybe even 9's. I have no idea how they could've come to that conclusion.


Oct 27, 2017
The fundamental thing to me is regardless if the game ran flawlessly with these next gen updates, the game still severely under delivers on the promises and scope they presented in the lead up to the original launch.


Oct 27, 2017
The game is just alright even at it it's best, which I played on high end PC. The story never really hooked me in as much as Witcher and then it just kinda flatly ends.
The best part of the game was just cruising around the world taking in the sights, I did that for hours. But even that part is slightly ruined because of those ugly constant repeating sex ads plastered on every screen every direction you turn kinda ruins the look.

All of the ads looked unbelievably awful. The one where that guy has the ass in his face is literally pure pain to look at. It's so tasteless and disgusting, but not in the way they were going for. It really did ruin the look of the game world in a significant way, they could have easily made ads for anything but it takes a special level of poor taste to actually make them so actively bad and incongruent with the world's aesthetic.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
I've had xbox version since launch played it 2 times on my series x and stopped have no idea how it runs now.

It always ran the best on series x from the get go because it had next gen aware features that the past version on ps5 didn't. Sadly, all their optimizations have lowered a few settings to match the lower consoles, but it was always a relatively smooth experience since it Brute forced passed the issues, especially in performance mode.
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Oct 27, 2017
San Antonio
It always ran the best on series x from the get go because it had next gen aware features that the past version on past didn't. Sadly, all their optimizations have lowered a few settings to match the lower consoles, but it was always a relatively smooth experience since it Brute forced passed the issues, especially in performance mode.
nice to hear I'll start up again.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
I'll most likely buy and play Cyberpunk when the next gen patch arrives. The way they released the game was awful and a complete shit show but I still have a desire to play it eventually.


Oct 31, 2017
All of the ads looked unbelievably awful. The one where that guy has the ass in his face is literally pure pain to look at. It's so tasteless and disgusting, but not in the way they were going for. It really did ruin the look of the game world in a significant way, they could have easily made ads for anything but it takes a special level of poor taste to actually make them so actively bad and incongruent with the world's aesthetic.
Yeah that's exactly the one I was thinking of too it's so ugly and repeated everywhere, I wouldn't have even been bothered if it was just shown in a few places but freaking everywhere is so bad looking and annoying.
Getting a screenshot without one of those in it is almost impossible.


Jan 7, 2018
I dont really beleive they can save it. Like the entire 'simulated world' is broken. It would need a complete overhaul that may as well be a new game. And that's not even taking into account that the gameplay was pretty terrible on top of all that. They should really try again with a sequel but tbh I think the name is tarnished in the video game world for now

"Simulated world" what does this even mean? CDPR never created game worlds like for example Rockstar or Bethesda .. yeah, they had their day/night cycles for NPCs and yeah they reacted to for example rain and danger but for them creating game worlds is more for windows dressing and immersion.. they aren't making sandbox games, which Rockstar or Bethesda games are even if in the case of Bethesda mixed with RPG.. if someone expected RDR2 NPC behaviours from a CDPR game really didn't know anything about their games .. and if someone expects them to make their NPCs behave like that, well, they never going to get that.. I'm more disappointed that NPCs in CP77 don't behave like they used to do in previous CDPR games, like they don't even react to rain or they don't have many unique interactions, like when I played any Witcher game there are always NPCs talking to each other .. yeah they have for the most part the same conversations from start to end of the game, but there are unique worldbuilding conversations in each village and each part of the game's cities, some conversations that only start after some quests or choice made in them and you have NPCs that are working on building a house, washing their clothes, going to work and then at some part of the day going to the pub for lunch and in the evening for a beer and so on.. this is what is missing in the game when it comes to NPCs.. I don't care about RDR2 NPC interactions, probably no other game developer is going in this route because they don't have hundreds of milions to spent on something like that and having 1500 people working on a single game.. CDPR definitely not

And that the gameplay was terrible? What? Sorry but I had great time playing as a stealth+hacker character in the game, level desing is absolutely fantastic and on par with the best level designed for Deus Ex games, Vampire Bloodlines or Prey 2017 - just so much ways, paths, routes to find, many so much hidden that I didn't found them being mentioned even in various walktroughts that are on the internet and that they made this on their first attempt at this style of a RPG and pretty much the first time a open-world game did that, that blows my mind..and thank god that this games doesn't has the cliché "you are a stealth player? Here is a vent you can use" that is used in almost all immersive sim games - the worst being of course the Deus Ex games, but other have the same problem like Vampire Bloodlines, Prey, Alpha Protocol, etc.. I never had so much time hacking in a game as I did in CP77.. and from what I played as a more gun orientated character, shooting and guns are absolute blast + the different cyberware..
There are definitely some gameplay systems that are underdeveloped, not working properly and the game balance is all over the place and some other things that I think that could be done better but saying that the gameplay is terrible is such BS in my opinion.. sorry, but yeah I totally, totally don't agree with you on thit part


Oct 27, 2017
Played through this at launch on PS4 and recently started a new play through on Series S which I'm really enjoying. There are lot of secrets, and story subtitles I missed the first time around. I guess I'll pause it and wait for this to drop.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
I don't really care about the simulated world aspect outside of a superficial way. I'm not saying that's not the game they tried to sell and lied about. But I'm not really going in expecting a GTA style world. That was never the personal draw for me. Open world games for me are just kind of a setting. I don't necessarily go in expecting or needing an immersive world simulator.

I understand how creating a half baked version of the world is a bit annoying but I love Deus Ex for example and I've never thought those were actual real worlds once in a game. They were just kind of playgrounds to exist and play in. This comes from a place of course of having not played the game yet.


Oct 29, 2017
"Simulated world" what does this even mean? CDPR never created game worlds like for example Rockstar or Bethesda .. yeah, they had their day/night cycles for NPCs and yeah they reacted to for example rain and danger but for them creating game worlds is more for windows dressing and immersion.. they aren't making sandbox games, which Rockstar or Bethesda games are even if in the case of Bethesda mixed with RPG.. if someone expected RDR2 NPC behaviours from a CDPR game really didn't know anything about their games .. and if someone expects them to make their NPCs behave like that, well, they never going to get that.. I'm more disappointed that NPCs in CP77 don't behave like they used to do in previous CDPR games, like they don't even react to rain or they don't have many unique interactions, like when I played any Witcher game there are always NPCs talking to each other .. yeah they have for the most part the same conversations from start to end of the game, but there are unique worldbuilding conversations in each village and each part of the game's cities, some conversations that only start after some quests or choice made in them and you have NPCs that are working on building a house, washing their clothes, going to work and then at some part of the day going to the pub for lunch and in the evening for a beer and so on.. this is what is missing in the game when it comes to NPCs.. I don't care about RDR2 NPC interactions, probably no other game developer is going in this route because they don't have hundreds of milions to spent on something like that and having 1500 people working on a single game.. CDPR definitely not

there is an ocean between rdr 2 and cp77's sandbox. its not an all or nothing situation. Wanting police chases or some minigames in the open world, or i dunno, maybe the ability to sit down and have an animation while you drink instead of your loot menu opening up is not that big of an ask for an AAA open world game. Especially not when CDPR couldn't stop talking about how immersive it's gonna be. Oh speaking of stuff CDPR said... the developers have said countless times, and also in the marketing, that the game will have vast, living, breathing, dynamic open world well worth exploring. It's a flat out lie.
Don't go around blaming people for expecting that.

It's a bit weird to bring up the "small dev studio" excuse when they were valued higher than ubisoft leading up to CP77, worked on the game for 5+ years and were notorious for crunching, like all the big boys. It's a big ass AAA game project.


Oct 28, 2017
I couldn't stand the game when it launched on PC, and not cause I was disappointed (expectations were super low). I got a refund since but with modding and a massive patch rework I might look into it again at least to finish the story

What I'm really hoping for is a 3rd person PoV addition to the game as I still think going first person is one of the main reasons they struggled so much.


Oct 27, 2017
I played through Cyberpunk 2077 for the first time on PC very recently and had very few bugs and issues. The game is barely worth it even patched on PC. Cool world design though, but that's about it.


May 14, 2020
It's a bit weird to bring up the "small dev studio" excuse when they were valued higher than ubisoft leading up to CP77

and you can agree with me that CDPR is vast vast overvalued while Ubisoft is incredibly undervalued lol

Like, Ubisoft Montreal alone has way way more devs than CDP and their games made way way more money than TW1-3.


Oct 25, 2017
I really hope that they increase the npc/vehicle density in the PS5 version, that's probably my biggest gripe against the PS4 version. Game feels like a ghost town compared to PC.


Jul 10, 2018
Oh speaking of stuff CDPR said... the developers have said countless times, and also in the marketing, that the game will have vast, living, breathing, dynamic open world well worth exploring. It's a flat out lie.
Don't go around blaming people for expecting that.
This kind of marketing spiel is far too common for AAA open world games. Take a look at Forbidden West:

"When you walk through the Forbidden West, everything should feel like it belongs there. The Living World team at Guerrilla works on aspects of the game that make the world feel authentic and alive: the tribes, the settlements, and the people within them. There's an intention behind everything we place within the world."

'It then becomes all about the details, the animations, and the behaviors. Within their settlements, you'll see the Tenakth working out, readying themselves for battle. They're often younger because they need to be capable warriors. Their base is an ancient ruin, from which they've picked up certain Old World gestures that they may not fully understand – like using a military salute to say hello.'
They are marketing their "Living World" team. To Guerilla Games, they've probably created something more immersive than Red Dead Redemption 2. I'm ready to be disappointed.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
This kind of marketing spiel is far too common for AAA open world games. Take a look at Forbidden West:

They are marketing their "Living World" team. To Guerilla Games, they've probably created something more immersive than Red Dead Redemption 2. I'm ready to be disappointed.
I think some of it is marketing spiel gone amuck but I think it's also fair to say that they mislead and lied about a bunch of stuff. CDPR I mean. I think it's a fair complaint but one that probably resonates differently with people based on what you were looking for in the game.


Jun 3, 2018
Do we have any ideas on the improvements in the next-gen versions?
Time to get PS4 copy just to get the free upgrade while it's still pretty cheap because the relaunch probably is gonna boost the price a notch.
Jul 26, 2018
Do we have any ideas on the improvements in the next-gen versions?
Time to get PS4 copy just to get the free upgrade while it's still pretty cheap because the relaunch probably is gonna boost the price a notch.

More than once I've seen xbox used copies for 5 bucks, and also I think BB from time to time sell new copies for 10 bucks or so. Unfortunately I don't do physical games and these are discs, not digital codes, but otherwise it sounds like crazy value. It was tempted a good couple times but digital went down to 30 only and I guess when the next gen patch comes out they'll try to hold their price as long as possible.


Oct 27, 2017
A big part of the expectations being high at least here I think came from that initial closed doors E3 demo that all the enthusiast gaming press were gushing about, saying how alive and next gen the world felt. In reality it was just npc density which obviously took a big hit on the console versions. I played on pc at launch and while the world looks nice and npc and vehicle density is decent there so much of the open world is window dressing. You can say that about a lot of open world games obviously but the difference is most other open world games have a lot more to do in them. As others have pointed out 2077's world really is just a backdrop in service of the story focus, its one of the most "this didn't need to be open world" cases I've seen. But it came from CDPR so of course it wasn't going to be something like pre-Witcher 3 titles with more segmented regions.

I highly doubt we'll see any major changes to the open world or general reactivity, my hope is they at least fix the cops spawning in from 20 feet away, that is some of the most janky shit I've seen in a modern open world game.


Oct 27, 2017
I wonder if the next-gen version of Cyberpunk will be able to improve the AI to the level of GTA: Vice City on PS2.

I know it's a lot to ask.


Nov 7, 2017
Did they announce the date? I'm confused as to why this thread is suddenly on the front page 😂
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