
Apr 6, 2018
Some people really want to justify being bent over don't they?

"But it's only $20 stop being tight lol"

Even for a free service this level of functionality would be a complete joke.

It's also not like most of that $20 (or $60 in the other consoles) goes back into the service, it's just profit, so being cheaper still isn't an excuse for a crap service.
Oct 25, 2017
Worst product Nintendo has ever sold by far. I hope that 50ish million in revenue from it is worth all the frustration and disappointment from their consumers
The attach rate of PS Plus and Live Gold is around 50% of consoles sold. Assuming Switch users want to access the internet like other console owners, it would be more like $150-200 million in revenue (10 million users, various plans and regional prices, family plan).


Oct 25, 2017
My fear is that it's doing very well because it's required to play online and Nintendo is going to think people like it.

Nintendo ain't some small shop. I'm sure they see people's thoughts on social media and through other means.

The current state of their online is most certainly a deliberate choice.


Nov 2, 2017
I haven't subscribed yet, but may do so when Animal Crossing hits. Just depends on how that works in the new game. I'm guessing at least the same as new leaf.

Edit: Christmas ad next year from Nintendo will mention new Switch with voice chat


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The attach rate of PS Plus and Live Gold is around 50% of consoles sold. Assuming Switch users want to access the internet like other console owners, it would be more like $150-200 million in revenue (10 million users, various plans and regional prices, family plan).
I doubt it's that high given how new it is and with the family plan reducing the average price. I was going by Smash's GSP which right now is topping out just over 2 million, plus another 500-750k of weirdos who haven't bought Smash yet. Regardless of what the numbers are, and I don't think they have given any indication of what they are (the last investor breifing only mentioned the distribution of monthly/annual subs) it still isn't worth it for Nintendo.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't know about "dumpster fire" but I'd say it's really barebones which kiiiiiiinda works for its lower price compared to the competition but I'm certainly not especially happy with it. I can play games online, if I ever need to retrieve my saves they're on their cloud and that's it.

NES games are not enough as a "bonus", hope they add SNES games at the very least in 2019.

I dont really care about system messaging since I can contact people I want to play with through other means but I get how other people would want it.
I fail to see what the point of this thread is, other than to whine, tbqh!? All I've read is an echo chamber of comments, with the OP's premise stating that the Switch Online servive is "a dumpster fire", and that "it needs to change as soon as possible", followed by comments in agreement - It's fine and well to share the view that it's poor, but nobody appears to have told anybody what it is that they would change. Some constructive criticism, rather than hyperbole and personal attacks would be a welcome start, and some ideas, too. Anything else is just bash-and-trash or grand presumptions. I don't say that for this topic alone - I feel that a lot of topics are presented in (polarising) extremes, and set a bad tone for what COULD BE a positive discussion (By "positive", I mean listening to one another's views in good faith, understanding concerns without setting out to troll, learning from one another, and to put some ideas on the table). "Wait and see" is a fair, reasonable and valid stance to take with regard to this topic, and "being satisfied" with the service is, too - Could we please stop antagonising others for taking that position?

I know that many in this topic will read the above and bully me, suggesting that I'm part of some "defence force", and while I make no bones about the fact that I'm a Nintendo fan, the reality is that I've been critical of the service, too. It would appear that they're charging online subscription fees for less than what existed previously, and online-specific NES controllers strike me as a novelty item, if not a little off-the-mark. I can understand WHY the use of an app exists. Can the online service be better? Certainly. HOW might they improve it? I feel that the Wii U and 3DS are actually good starting points. Below is an edited version of a post elsewhere:

  • Dedicated Servers. It's both consumer and developer-friendly, and it's quite incredible that they don't seem to be there. It will also lead to better "third-party" support, and keeping their partners on board should be a priority.
  • Bring back Miiverse, but make it quicker and more efficient. Allow people to link their accounts to Twitter, Facebook, etc..
  • Include a mailing system with Miiverse. Call it MiiMail, or Mailverse, or whatever else, and have a Miiverse Directory. We already have unique IDs, but there should be an easier way to find, add and contact people. If there are concerns about safety, have opt-in/opt-out/parental mode defaults dependent on your age. So, if I want "Friends Only", you would have to add me first - If I don't know or trust, I can decline your request.
  • Developer Feature/Treehouse/Nintendo Minute/Q&A - Live sessions, where they invite their partners to talk about their games, and take 20 questions. Nintendo staff and developers can also take part. It gives developers a chance to understand what the fans are into, and fans can learn to appreciate the work involved in the game development process. "But they have Twitter and Facebook!!" - Sure, you don't get a personal, more intimate touch there. Maybe use it for Mini-Directs, or single game announcements!! At a stretch, announce and host Directs from there. Treehouse and Nintendo Minute could be hosted there as "First-Looks", too, before being posted on the Youtube channel.
  • Swapnote and Swapdoodle, perhaps integrated with with Art Academy tools. Perhaps an online gallery, with a Picture Of The Week feature, or some occasional competition.
  • Let people custom design their Miis with the Miitomo wardrobe. Add new items to it from time to time. It enables users to show their personalities a little more.
  • Other apps - Internet Browser, Youtube, Amazon, Netflix, Twitch, etc.
  • Chat options for people who wish to use them, but have "friends only/people you know" as the default option. Bans for people seen to be abusive.
  • Cross-play with XBox, PC and Mobile.
  • Promotional offers according to your subscription package model. Keep the Indie Channel and have a blog/feed for official updates, Directs, trailers, etc..

Virtual Console is a popular request, but a case exists, which says the library of titles would make Indies less visible. I'm not so sure about that. Perhaps there's another way - Have the separate VC libraries, but sold as packages, a bit like how cable companies do sports and entertainment suites. So, it could be $20/year for the NES, SNES and N64 libraries, and a further $10-20/year for GameCube, Wii and Wii U libraries. That adds up to $50-60/year, but you get full, unlimited access to their first-party libraries (How third parties handle their content is up to them, but ideally, it would be there, too). Or if someone wishes to download an individual title and own it offline/permanently, they can buy it. Keep the handheld VC on the 3DS as it is (with the online service free), so that people will have incentives to own both, as well as an accessible system for lower disposable income families.

Perhaps much of that reads as a wishlist, but while I feel that they can do better than drip-feed content, I also understand it's more complicated than that. VC has had content to fill barren spells in the past, but to my mind, closer positive and active engagement with their partners, and ensuring they get all of the forthcoming non-exclusive "third-party" content should be higher priorities. It will also result in a better service. I feel that these ideas would provide enough difference to set them apart from other services, and touch upon better, more plausible solutions than the typical bash-and-trash whines that follow in these topics.
Dec 23, 2017
This already happened for a long long time. Anything new happening afterwards? Nothing.

Don't expect this to change until Nintendo announces new features for the Online services. I personally expect them to drop announcements, paired with other game announcements.
Yeah I understand what you are saying. Like this is what frustrates me so much about them. They never can deliver a complete platform. They always mess something up big time. Online and voice chat is an embarrassment to how great of a console and experience the switch is.

Akita One

Oct 30, 2017
I think the service is fine for what it is. It's weird why people bought a Switch (or any Nintendo system) knowing that they hate all the services for it. Nintendo never promised anything more than what we are getting now.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean I have had it since launch, but only because I really wanted to play Splatoon 2 online. I don't randomly invite friends to games of Smash, I usually text them first asking if they want to play and then they find my game that way, so I guess I haven't run into that frustration yet.

Although the lack of messaging on the console sucks, and the lack of any functionality tied to the console sucks too. I hate having to use a nintendo app on my phone to do voice chat or messaging.

I hope it improves but even if it doesn't they aren't going to take it away now that they have a constant source of easy income.


Oct 30, 2017
Won't buy it out of principle and that's ok because I mainly use my switch for local multiplayer, online games on PC and the twins intrest me more. I do miss playing Splatoon 2 though...


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
It's embarrassing. So many potentially great online experiences this year ruined by their shitty service and refusal to move with the times. Super Mario Party with fully online board games? Nope. Lag-free Mario Tennis? Nope. Lag-free Smash? Nope.


Oct 26, 2017
Gotta agree that it's the one thing I'm a bit disapointed about regarding the switch.

I knew I wouldn't really mind because most of my MP sessions are local couch games of mario kart or smash, or when I play these online it's not often with friends, so I don't mind no voice chat.

But the few times I made private sessions with friends on Mario Kart, it was so weird not to have voice chat during the game , we just texted commentaries between races in a whatsapp group, kinda less exciting than live banter during the races (yeah we could have made a group call in whatsapp but most of us found didn't want to bother with the set up even though it's simple)

And before people jump me, YES 20€ a year is fucking cheap, I'm not complaining about the price and I don't mind that I don't have voice chat for 20 a year, but I still find it a bit weird not to implement it built in but still providing an app to do it. I mean integrate it or not, but don't half ass it with an external app (imo)

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
It is a complete disgrace. People seriously should have talked with their wallets.


Oct 25, 2017
East Lansing, MI
It's embarrassing. So many potentially great online experiences this year ruined by their shitty service and refusal to move with the times. Super Mario Party with fully online board games? Nope. Lag-free Mario Tennis? Nope. Lag-free Smash? Nope.

To be fair, you probably weren't going to get lag-free on a device where the majority of players are on wifi.


Nov 10, 2017
Nintendo's stone age network services are why I haven't bought their hardware in several generations. Even when I get tempted, it's a deal breaker. PSP had better online features than the Switch.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I edited, it wasn't worded the best. What I meant was, why buy a Switch if you hate all the services for it? The Xbox or PS4 are there for people that need more than what Nintendo is offering.

Ah, I see. I think there is plenty of reason to own a Switch. Good reasons. I just think those good reasons shine a spotlight on this facet of the platform that is completely mishandled. The online service in no way defines the Switch, but it is definitely tarnishes an otherwise positive image.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm ok with it, but I'm just one of those that just want to play online with randoms. So all lacking stuff I wouldn't use anyway. People say that the price isn't an excuse but 20$ per year for online + cloud saves + growing library of NES games and hopefully soon SNES (+what about the sales for subscribers Nintendo???) makes me content enough. I'm way more annoyed at paying 60$ per year for PS+ just because my bro wants to play FIFA online from time to time.
Lol no freaking way, there are no excuses for this shit, not even the fact that "b-but nah, I don't use these features". No way of interacting with friends, messaging them, inviting them to lobbies and more straight from the system is laughable, stop making excuses for them because those are features that would improve anyone's experience, even someone who claims to be "one of those who plays with randoms" conveniently because Nintendo's service makes it a mess to interact online with friends. Even worse now than the service is paid, pretty much every other platform gives you a much better service for free.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle WA
I agree it's way too barebones for a paid service. Smash was ok a few days after launch. It was like the low bandwidth users figured out it wasn't working and they quit. So it was bad yesterday too because people were opening presents. That said, it's still trash. Interestingly I get better performance with Splatoon 2. It just handles lag better somehow.

This will continue to be a big reason certain major 3rd party games will never come to switch. People expect huge rooms full of voice chat and easy grouping and messaging. They will not play those games on a platform that doesn't provide it.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
Boston, MA
Yeah I understand what you are saying. Like this is what frustrates me so much about them. They never can deliver a complete platform. They always mess something up big time. Online and voice chat is an embarrassment to how great of a console and experience the switch is.
Also, I don't know if anyone has ever pointed this out but from what I can tell, Nintendo is heavily invested in game content and less on the Switch Online itself.

Just polling articles from Famitsu revealed that Nintendo is pushing really hard with game contents and multiplayer stuffs from 3rd parties, but they only announced the Switch Online just once in the entire Famitsu published articles history.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I bought it the other day for smash. Super worth it but the online of smash is trash. There's no dedicated 1 v 1 anymore and it's all based on preferred rules. lol....
Oct 25, 2017
  • Dedicated Servers. It's both consumer and developer-friendly, and it's quite incredible that they don't seem to be there. It will also lead to better "third-party" support, and keeping their partners on board should be a priority.
What does this mean? Dedicated servers for what? Sony and Microsoft are not providing dedicated servers for games either other than their own first party titles. If you play COD or Battlefield on a Playstation or Xbox, the publisher sees zero dollars out of your $60/year sub, but they are doing all the work hosting servers for you to play on. It's why these online subs are so ridiculously profitable with extremely high margins - you're pretty much paying for nothing.

  • Cross-play with XBox, PC and Mobile.
This already exists.


Oct 28, 2017
I bought it the other day for smash. Super worth it but the online of smash is trash. There's no dedicated 1 v 1 anymore and it's all based on preferred rules. lol....

They patched it so the 1v1 preference actually works. since the patch it's been 100% putting me in 1v1 games.

The real shame is no online Squad Strike.


Oct 25, 2017

OP is feeling my anger from 2 weeks ago. Wait until you play and feel the lag.


Oct 28, 2017
The best way to experience Nintendo Online is to buy a Family Plan and then sell the family spots online to ERA members for $5 a year. You'll make all your money back and people are also happy to be paying 5 a year for this lame online service.


Oct 27, 2017
Why provide feedback when there are two huge online services that are highly successful. Its not a secret on how to make a great online service.

Deleted member 8791

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Lol no freaking way, there are no excuses for this shit, not even the fact that "b-but nah, I don't use these features". No way of interacting with friends, messaging them, inviting them to lobbies and more straight from the system is laughable, stop making excuses for them because those are features that would improve anyone's experience, even someone who claims to be "one of those who plays with randoms" conveniently because Nintendo's service makes it a mess to interact online with friends. Even worse now than the service is paid, pretty much every other platform gives you a much better service for free.
I mean, paying more for features I won't use wouldn't make me feel better. I understand I'm in a minority here and I hope Nintendo improves about it but my needs from services like this are so low I'm happy if it's just cheap. I was even more happy when it was free!

In the end I need to be able to play online so it could be worse and cost three times as much and I'd still be a paying sucker.


Oct 27, 2017
Remember how PS3's online service was free and still managed to be an order of magnitude better than anything Nintendo has done to this day?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, paying more for features I won't use wouldn't make me feel better. I understand I'm in a minority here and I hope Nintendo improves about it but my needs from services like this are so low I'm happy if it's just cheap. I was even more happy when it was free!

In the end I need to be able to play online so it could be worse and cost three times as much and I'd still be a paying sucker.
Geez, I don't get it at all. The other services offer a more robust service and thus, cost more so I don't even know why you keep bringing them up and their price in order to make Nintendo look better (despite being horrible with online for so long). The features I'm talking about wouldn't have to raise costs of a service that's already so poor and downright terrible. I gladly pay for PS+ because it offers me features I care about and a better overall online experience, I'd feel more of a sucker for paying for the crap Nintendo offers and I do because I'm currently paying for it in hopes they finally meet 2006 standards one of these days. Their app is a fucking joke.
I think the service is fine for what it is. It's weird why people bought a Switch (or any Nintendo system) knowing that they hate all the services for it. Nintendo never promised anything more than what we are getting now.
I bought a Switch because I'm very interested in Nintendo's first party games, but I will always complain about bullshit I don't agree with from any company, I got no sides here. Sony being stupid with cross-play and their terrible PS1 Classic? They deserve all the complaining and shit they got. Nintendo's online? It rightfully deserves all the shit it gets.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
There's no need to improve. Nintendo knows they've got their fans guaranteed, because online Smash, Mario Kart, Splatoon, etc is locked away.

What are you going to do? Cancel? They know you won't.

In fact they could jack the price up to $30 tomorrow, and nothing will change.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't believe I paid for it either, but I'm just hoping it improves. Not feeling all that optimistic though since there's still only the light and dark themes on this thing. I mean, is it that hard just to copy what they did on 3DS with themes and badges? No Miiverse either. Lots of missed potential for making the user experience fun and unique outside of the games themselves and beyond this paid service.


Oct 27, 2017
I think the service is fine for what it is. It's weird why people bought a Switch (or any Nintendo system) knowing that they hate all the services for it. Nintendo never promised anything more than what we are getting now.

A) Of course nobody bought a Switch to complain about things. Nobody, on Earth, does that. They bought a Switch, received subpar service, and now can complain. That's called feedback and it does affect change in this modern, online, social media-obsessed world.

B) DC never promised to make better movies, but we can still expect it of them and not pay them when they don't deliver what we expect.

Deleted member 8791

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Geez, I don't get it at all. The other services offer a more robust service and thus, cost more so I don't even know why you keep bringing them up and their price in order to make Nintendo look better (despite being horrible with online for so long). The features I'm talking about wouldn't have to raise costs of a service that's already so poor and downright terrible. I gladly pay for PS+ because it offers me features I care about and a better overall online experience, I'd feel more of a sucker for paying for the crap Nintendo offers and I do because I'm currently paying for it in hopes they finally meet 2006 standards one of these days. Their app is a fucking joke.

I bought a Switch because I'm very interested in Nintendo's first party games, but I will always complain about bullshit I don't agree with from any company, I got no sides here. Sony being stupid with cross-play and their terrible PS1 Classic? They deserve all the complaining and shit they got. Nintendo's online? It rightfully deserves all the shit it gets.
I bring them up because I'm more happy with Nintendo's offering for the sole reason it's cheaper. You keep bringing up features you're happy to pay more for but I'm not happy to pay for features I don't really care for. In the end it's just a weird conversation for me because I don't feel paying for online at all is worth so for me the yearly 80 I now have to pay for PS+ and NSO is 80 I'd rather not have to spend at all. And the fact one of these costs 20 and the other 60 when all I want is being able to play online does matter to me.
Dec 23, 2017
Also, I don't know if anyone has ever pointed this out but from what I can tell, Nintendo is heavily invested in game content and less on the Switch Online itself.

Just polling articles from Famitsu revealed that Nintendo is pushing really hard with game contents and multiplayer stuffs from 3rd parties, but they only announced the Switch Online just once in the entire Famitsu published articles history.
It really is just an embarrassment. Nothing more can be said. I know it's not all NOA fault and a lot of people like to place blame on Reggie. These decisions go higher up. I bought the online because my son was having a fornite/rocket league party. 20 dollars for a full year is the only good thing about the service. I find nothing else of use. I personally don't even play multiplayer games.... unless the switch ever gets a COD on the platform. Anti mean nothing else can be said. They have a lot of work ahead of them.... and sadly I doubt we will get the competent online service we are looking for from Nintendo.

Akita One

Oct 30, 2017
A) Of course nobody bought a Switch to complain about things. Nobody, on Earth, does that. They bought a Switch, received subpar service, and now can complain. That's called feedback and it does affect change in this modern, online, social media-obsessed world.

B) DC never promised to make better movies, but we can still expect it of them and not pay them when they don't deliver what we expect.

Come on, Nintendo will not make any of the changes listed in here, that's just delusional. Again, since launch, they never promised more than what we are getting. They never promised the equivalent of Xbox Live or PSN.

DC changed because people stop going to movies and their big tentpole releases flopped. If DC promised to make bad movies, and they were blockbuster successes, they would still be making bad movies.

Nintendo has always had an extremely conservative online strategy.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it's going to happen but it's not impossible either. It will get better though. I mean look at early PS+ and Xbox Gold were also shit at first but they also got better.

Maybe Ps+ but I have been a member of Xbox Live for 15 years now(basically since it started on the OG Xbox) and no way was it anywhere near the barebones that's Nintendo Online is. I think Xbox live included friends lists with messaging, voice chat(the Xbox live activation card came with the headset), you could invite friends to games etc...

Xbox Live was very well thought out before it went live. Hell, Sony did a great job with PS+ before charging for it on the PS4 because they saw how successful Live was.

Nintendo Online was doomed from the start because not including a built it party chat app in the OS was a bad move. I figured since they announced that they would be charging for Online 6 months earlier, you would have thought they would have been working on online improvements or some sort of app built into the OS but nope.... they didn't really do anything with those 6 months of preparation and instead gave us a Netflix type app for 30 year old games and cloud saves(which are free on other systems)

To those who paid for this crap, I really think it was a dumb move.