
Oct 27, 2017
Got an email from Best Buy talking about alternate store hours and only a small number of customers in the store at a time.

Had this to say about its employees:
As for our employees, let me start by saying this: We will not make any employee work if they aren't comfortable doing so. Further, if an employee is sick or needs to take care of their children home from school, we are paying them. Additionally, with our reduced hours and less staff in the stores, we are paying affected employees for their regularly scheduled hours.


Oct 25, 2017
For the confused, this was the comment I saw that i asked for elaboration but to which they responded only with "it was earlier in the thread":
I agree, it's hard to keep up with the thread and any important news/findings/debunkings should be threadmarked for reference if possible so we have an accurate picture of what is and isn't true.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
In regards to the US, I get the feeling this virus is so wide spread it's already to late to contain it by quarantine and isolation. If we were all able to get tested we'd probably see hundreds of thousands if not a million people with it.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm 12 days into isolation after a potential exposure. There was a massive dental conference in Vancouver two weekends ago (number of cases came from it) and we had one of those individuals come through our office to attend a pop-up/satellite session.

Feeling fine and can't wait for it to end over the weekend.
Oct 27, 2017
In regards to the US, I get the feeling this virus is so wide spread it's already to late to contain it by quarantine and isolation. If we were all able to get tested we'd probably see hundreds of thousands if not a million people with it.
I mean yeah. We went past that point a long time ago. I'm not going to comment on any speculation of numbers, but the stage of containing it is long since past.

The Wraith

Oct 27, 2017
Today I was diagnosed as a presumptive positive. No test, the clinic was out of kits and the doctor says that the central Texas lab is so backed up that it would take 10+ days to get a result even if they sent me on a chase to find a test.

So 14 day quarantine for me, my fiance, and my kid. Not great. I feel bad but I've been way sicker than this so hopefully it stays mild.
I'm sorry to hear. I hope you recover quickly. I have a dry throat but I don't have a fever My anxiety is through the roof at the moment.


Oct 25, 2017
Today I was diagnosed as a presumptive positive. No test, the clinic was out of kits and the doctor says that the central Texas lab is so backed up that it would take 10+ days to get a result even if they sent me on a chase to find a test.

So 14 day quarantine for me, my fiance, and my kid. Not great. I feel bad but I've been way sicker than this so hopefully it stays mild.
Central Texas, so this is in Austin?

hopefully you recover quickly and the rest of your family doesn't get it.
Jan 10, 2018
So a lady in the supermarket proudly claimed she participated in a Corona party and therefore she is safe. Some people deserve to get their head kicked off.

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah all of it's great, but what stood out for me was they are going to pay the employees that are too uncomfortable coming in. I really like that. As someone who used to work in retail, that kind of compassion goes a long way.

Surprised me too. I've never had a problem with Best Buy. My brother worked there, still can be stressful because of custumers, but he had way less to say bad about it than other places.


Jan 21, 2018
That's a brutal schedule. Basically you'll either be awake in the middle of the night or right after lunch when everyone else is working. At least there shouldn't be too many customers around.

Luckily I'm an early riser. In the summertime I get up at 5am anyway. This schedule means I have to get up at 4am. I think I can do that. But yeah, I know there are people who have it much worse atm, but being affected this directly sure is scary.


Oct 25, 2017
Seems we are talking about it now, yes I'm pretty annoyed people are not taking this seriously. I have a job that allows me to work by myself away from people, and I stay my damn distance.

The radio station I listen to(They are all broadcasting from home)today one host says he sees a bunch of people in the park playing soccer, as well as full on basketball games.


Oct 25, 2017
I just assumed it was because they have a younger, more flexible immune system. Like how they can handle chicken pox better than adults.

Children seem to not die due to it, but it is more severe in young children and especially infants compared to older children. China released epidemiologic data a few days ago with info on what they saw.

Nobody knows why exactly, I've heard maybe it's due to the protein used by the virus to gain entry to your cells is not as well expressed on children's cells


Oct 27, 2017
Surprised me too. I've never had a problem with Best Buy. My brother worked there, still can be stressful because of custumers, but he had way less to say bad about it than other places.

Yeah it's supposedly a lot better to work for than it used to be some years ago. Really seemed to change it around (at least on the surface). I remember BB was on a "Worst Employers of America List" years ago, maybe that was the wake-up call.
May 26, 2018
Do you guys support the idea that Federal government order/mobilize U.S army to construct large quarantine hospitals facilities across the red zone? China could build two hospitals in a short period of time, EU could not achieve that with limited manpower and resources, but I believe U.S fully has the capability to accomplish that.

Don't see why not.
She was a customer at the cash registry and saying that in loud in reply when the cashier was wishing well

Being a willing vector should be a fucking crime.


Jun 12, 2019
For reference,
French numbers for today :
10995 positive tests + 1831 in 24H
4461 people are hospitalized ( + 835) , among which 1122 are in reanimation (breathing assistance) (+191)
372 dead + 108 in 24H

reminder for last 3 days
2575 -> 3626 -> 4461
intensive care:
699 -> 931 -> 1122

King Fossil

Oct 26, 2017
Just kind need some affirmation here... does it seem wise to change jobs right now (in the US)? I applied for a job a month ago and they finally got back to me, but obviously the world was much different a month ago. I would just be looking for an increase in pay and a new opportunity, but my current job is stable in the midst of all that is happening.

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
Just kind need some affirmation here... does it seem wise to change jobs right now (in the US)? I applied for a job a month ago and they finally got back to me, but obviously the world was much different a month ago. I would just be looking for an increase in pay and a new opportunity, but my current job is stable in the midst of all that is happening.

This... is interesting. What field are you in? Stunned people are hirering during this time. Anyone that would hire now might either be looking for a fast turn around or it is stable too.


Oct 28, 2017
Coronavirus timeline:
- January 19: 100 cases
- January 24: 1,000 cases
- January 28: 5,000 cases
- February 12: 50,000 cases
- March 6: 100,000 cases
- March 14: 150,000 cases
- March 18: 200,000 cases
- March 19: 240,000 cases (so far. 12 hours left)
So from
March 6 to 14 (8 days) +50K
March 14 to 18 (4days) + 50K
March 18 to 19 (1day) + 50K
March 19 12:00 am to 1:30 am +50K

Is it squaring each day?
50k cases per hour if trend continues tomorrow?


Aug 5, 2018
In more uplifting news: "A junior high school girl has handcrafted 612 masks from materials bought with some 80,000 yen of her own savings to help out the elderly, orphans and others facing shortages due to the spread of the novel coronavirus."