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Oct 28, 2017
Was it widely predicted to be THE tentpole though? I remember people claiming it would do well, but was it touted as some sort of a system seller?

I'm sure some people would claim that of course.

Also, based on these estimates , did DOOM do well enough for itself to justify the game's of it's nature on the system? I mean Skyrim is an enduring property so it not doing well would be a damper on third party prospects in general, but DOOM is far more interesting to me.

As far as I know DOOM has amassed only a couple of million sales across all platforms while heavily discounted (under 3 million? Correct me if I'm wrong) so I imagine it doesn't need much more than a few hundred thousands at full price worldwide to justify the late port.

I would say yes there were threads on how Nintendo cleared it's release schedule for Skyrim and how it was the Zelda for the Fall.

I think Skyrim will pass a million WW by the end of the month. Expecting sales to grow in December.

As for Doom I wouldn't judge anything by it's sales. It's not like it informed great on any console.

Sander VF

The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Tbilisi, Georgia
I would say yes there were threads on how Nintendo cleared it's release schedule for Skyrim and how it was the Zelda for the Fall.

I think Skyrim will pass a million WW by the end of the month. Expecting sales to grow in December.

As for Doom I wouldn't judge anything by it's sales. It's not like it informed great on any console.
Well Nintendo did clear a space for third party late ports, chief of them Skyrim. Some might have overestimated it though, but it seems that some others underestimated it at the same time.

Wait, a million for by the end of this year? I thought we were talking LTD. That's gotta be a good ass result. I guess Bethesda should be pleased. Unless I'm overselling it in my mind, I guess this means we might see Fallout 4 if they can get it to run.

Should be a positive signal for third parties in general if it can break a million by early 2018.

The reason I'm interested in DOOM is because I'm interested in the viability of:
1) Hard M rated games on Switch
2) First person shooters on Switch.
3) When Bethesda announces DOOM II HELL ON EARTH, I want my 30fps portable DOOM goddamnit. With exclusive Samus Aran DLC. Also, Doomguy in Smash. What? Let me dream people!

Stilton Disco

Oct 27, 2017
Nintendos software split between physical and digital in UK and Spain:

Don't see why US would be vastly different.

Didn't the last Nintendo quarterly report have a similar 20%ish digital ratio too?

Either way, every time we here about Nintendo's Digital sales ratio compared to other platforms, they're considerably lower.

And between low storage, high prices and the generally poor quality of the online services, sales and ease of use they provide with anything to do with online, it really shouldn't be a surprise.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
So Skyrim did pretty well and can conceivably make it to 1m worldwide?

Am I understanding these estimates correctly?
Skyrim Switch did a little over 100k at retail from what we have been told. A figure of 40% has been suggested to use for eshop in a post related to this title IIRC. Extrapolate that worldwide however you fancy, but if you wish to see a figure of 1,000,000 you might want to employ the use of hypermathematics.

Or you could take a revenue chart, take some unit sales numbers, sprinkle in some hardware numbers, make a few vague assumptions, snips, snails, puppy dog's tails, a pinch of salt and a lock of Reggie's hair, blend in a nutribullet and serve in a tall glass. Then I'm sure we could prove it passed 1m already.

Sander VF

The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Tbilisi, Georgia
Skyrim Switch did a little over 100k at retail from what we have been told. A figure of 40% has been suggested to use for eshop in a post related to this title IIRC. Extrapolate that worldwide however you fancy, but if you wish to see a figure of 1,000,000 you might want to employ the use of hypermathematics.

Or you could take a revenue chart, take some unit sales numbers, sprinkle in some hardware numbers, make a few vague assumptions, snips, snails, puppy dog's tails, a pinch of salt and a lock of Reggie's hair, blend in a nutribullet and serve in a tall glass. Then I'm sure we could prove it passed 1m already.
I meant reaching a million as in making it to 1m eventually (as in LTD, but some have suggested it making it this year, though perhaps that is off the mark) not already.
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K Samedi

Oct 27, 2017
I think its reasonable to expect Skyrim to sell 500k worldwide by the end of December. I think it will also leg it to one million in 2018. Its a pretty great result so far.


Oct 28, 2017
Why would they think that? It's only the best selling game of 2017 and one of the highest selling games of all time. Stupid Microsoft!
Why are they stupid? That's why they're bundling it with the X isn't it? It should make the X sales increase massively as you point out it's the best selling game this year. I don't understand your reply to be honest, what other game have they got that is as popular and such a sales juggurnaut as pubg that would shift the X? I thought software sold hardware?
Oct 25, 2017
They are selling it for $60 with no mod support, it will continue to sell as the price goes down

I'm not arguing otherwise. I just don't see how Skyrim, an incredibly popular IP that has sold millions and millions of copies on other platforms, now selling copies on the Switch, somehow makes up for lackluster sales of other singleplayer IPs by Bethesda.

The conversation would be different if Wolfenstein on Switch sold a considerable amount to make up for lackluster sales on PS4/PC/XB1. But if the Switch version of Wolfenstein doesn't do well, then Skyrim success on Switch is irrelevant to the success of Bethesda's other single player IPs.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Can we just wait until Bethesda or Nintendo give numbers to see how well it did digitally?


Oct 25, 2017
It's not unlikely when it's actually a fact.

I challenge your "impossible" - with fact!

Oh okay I didn't know. Thank you very much for your insights.

I guess the hypothesis of a 17% digital ratio is the one that could cause such a miscalcutation. It should be higher than that.
Oh yeah there is also the fact that the Splatoon bundles were not counted in the NPD charts !

So thank you to give us an idea of its performance. Given the number of unquantified factors, it may be impossible to make a good guess.


Oct 28, 2017
He is talking about the Switch - your graphs is for 3DS, WiiU and Switch.
Not even talking about the regional differences when it comes to digital distribution on Nintendo hardware.

Is there a single piece of evidence pointing to switch having the same digital attach rate as ps4/x1? I'd imagine if switch digital ratio was significantly different from Wii U and 3DS it would be broken out of the grouping and highlighted.


Oct 25, 2017
He is talking about the Switch - your graphs is for 3DS, WiiU and Switch.
Not even talking about the regional differences when it comes to digital distribution on Nintendo hardware.

Excluding almost completely dead WiiU and declining 3DS (software sales of 3DS have dropped 39% this FY) is not going to make up for that gap. Also going by recent articles at least UK should have very similar digital adoption rate to US with some PS and Xbox titles having over 50-50 split. Why that would be different with Nintendo? Well you can also look at the financials and the ridiculously big gap between digital revenue between Nintendo and Sony. Digital split has surely improved with Switch but there is zero reasons to believe it's yet near PS or Xbox .


Oct 28, 2017
Isn't the switch driving eShop revenue significantly.

I would also like to touch on the progress we have made for our download sales. This figure shows the download sales of digital content for dedicated video game platforms compared to past years. Sales through the second quarter were the highest in our history for a six month period. Download sales for Nintendo Switch highly contribute to increase of total download sales.


Nintendo's Financial data like this is all eShop revenue or just Nintendo software?


Senior Analyst at Niko Partners
Oct 24, 2017
Isn't the switch driving eShop revenue significantly.

Nintendo's Financial data like this is all eShop revenue or just Nintendo software?

It's eShop revenue. But tbh Nintendo has really missed the boat in building out its digital ecosystem. The below is what Sony have done with PSN vs what Nintendo have done with the eShop.
So a lot of opportunity for Nintendo in the future. But missed opportunity in the past too.



Oct 28, 2017
It's eShop revenue. But tbh Nintendo has really missed the boat in building out its digital ecosystem. The below is what Sony have done with PSN vs what Nintendo have done with the eShop.
So a lot of opportunity for Nintendo in the future. But missed opportunity in the past too.

View attachment 60

No doubt. Nintendo's attitude towards a digital ecosystem was one of an afterthought for far too long.


Oct 27, 2017
No, that's not how it works. You're the one making assertions that the Switch's digital adoption rate is in line with the PS4 and XB1's, so you have to provide the evidence to back that up, otherwise you're basically just making shit up. Unless you have evidence, it makes far more sense to assume the Switch's digital adoption is in line with previous Nintendo systems like the 3DS and Wii U, than competing systems with far more established and promoted online networks.

The PS4/X1 aren't in-line with the PS3/360 so I think it's disengenious to state the Switch is in-line with the previous Nintendo systems. I've said it's very possible it's below PS4/X1, but we just don't know.

I've been very clear where the figure came from and why I used it. I said "it's probably close" in my original post, meaning we admittedly don't know. The figures were clearly rough estimates, using other estimates since we don't get actual numbers. What exactly am I making up?

Since we don't have figures we can have this argument all day and neither side will be able to prove their stance and provide evidence. With that said I'm not sure it makes sense to continue having the discussion.

Nintendos software split between physical and digital in UK and Spain:

Don't see why US would be vastly different.

Thanks for posting but from my understanding when this has been shared previously it's for Wii U/3DS and doesn't include info on Switch specifically.

Bitch Pudding

Oct 25, 2017
It's eShop revenue. But tbh Nintendo has really missed the boat in building out its digital ecosystem. The below is what Sony have done with PSN vs what Nintendo have done with the eShop.
So a lot of opportunity for Nintendo in the future. But missed opportunity in the past too.

View attachment 60

A lot of opportunity, but it will be an uphill battle. People do not only subscribe on PSN because of the free games - which Nintendo could offer - but also because they have to in order to play games online. Online gaming itself is yet another one of Nintendo's missed opportunities so far, with very few exceptions. What's more, I think that a decent amount of Sony's PSN revenues stems from sales / royalties from 3rd party games. Just another thing which won't fall from the sky for Nintendo.

That said, I think this graph shows everyone that there's more to consider when evaluating industry's health than just hardware sold...


Oct 27, 2017
It's eShop revenue. But tbh Nintendo has really missed the boat in building out its digital ecosystem. The below is what Sony have done with PSN vs what Nintendo have done with the eShop.
So a lot of opportunity for Nintendo in the future. But missed opportunity in the past too.

View attachment 60

You have to bear in mind however that the meteoric rise in Playstations digital revenue has also coincided with the meteoric rise of the PS4. It will also include things such as PS Plus subscriptions. My point being Nintendo simply hasn't been in a position to capitalise and expand its digital revenue that much in the past because the Wii U sold nothing and the 3DS is not exactly the most digital friendly platform and has a much younger, more retail focused demographic. So I'd certainly see it more as an opportunity for the future as oppose to a missed one in the past - not sure how much more they could have exploited it already.


Oct 28, 2017
It's eShop revenue. But tbh Nintendo has really missed the boat in building out its digital ecosystem. The below is what Sony have done with PSN vs what Nintendo have done with the eShop.
So a lot of opportunity for Nintendo in the future. But missed opportunity in the past too.

View attachment 60
Could you allign that graph by quarter? It would provide a really good idea of how much Nintendo should expect with Switch going forward.

Thanks in advance (even if you don't do it).


Oct 26, 2017
The PS4/X1 aren't in-line with the PS3/360 so I think it's disengenious to state the Switch is in-line with the previous Nintendo systems. I've said it's very possible it's below PS4/X1, but we just don't know.

I've been very clear where the figure came from and why I used it. I said "it's probably close" in my original post, meaning we admittedly don't know. The figures were clearly rough estimates, using other estimates since we don't get actual numbers. What exactly am I making up?

Since we don't have figures we can have this argument all day and neither side will be able to prove their stance and provide evidence. With that said I'm not sure it makes sense to continue having the discussion.
Current PS4/XB1 digital adoption isn't even in line with the PS4/XB1 from 2014, when digital accounted for just 10-15% of sales, so of course they aren't in line with the PS3/360 and that's my point. The PS4/XB1 were a lot closer to the PS3/360 in 2013 than they are now in 2017 and both companies spent years getting where they are now. So logically, the Switch is likely closer to the Wii U than it is to the PS4/XB1 because the idea any marketplace's digital adoption suddenly doubling overnight is completely ridiculous, especially when there's so many factors going against it that Stilton Disco listed above.

Also, since you keep bringing it up, by saying "probably" you're still saying "I'm right but there's a small chance I'm wrong" and that's still a ridiculous thing to say when you have no evidence to back up your argument.

Snake Eater

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I'm looking forward to the sub $300 sales of the PS4 Pro, if there is a trade in bonus on top of that I can myself upgrading,

Soony Xbone Uhh

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Sorry for not being clear.

Let's align Sony's first quarter with Nintendo's first quarter. The look like they are similar in terms of raw sales numbers. It would be interesting to see if Nintendo trends the same as Sony did.

Sony and Nintendo both start their Q1 in April, so it's the same.
But i think i know what you're talking about.
You want Sony to start in Q3 FY08 and Nintendo in Q1 FY13!?

Nintendo did just not provide any numbers before. I don't know if that would be a fair comparison.
PSN launched in November 2006
eShop launched in June 2011
So maybe an alignment to those launch dates would be a decent comparison...

Or do you want a Switch and Ps4 launch alignment?
That would make somewhat sense, too if you're just interested in growth rates since their respective first modern (online focused) console launch...

Sorry. Let's compare Nintendo and Sony's first data points (Nintendo Q1/13 to Sony Q3/08. Let's use it to see if Nintendo follows the trend Sony established.
Yeah, you can do that.
But i don't think it makes any sense, as those quarters are both fairly random for both Sony and Nintendo.
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Oct 25, 2017
Santa Albertina
Sorry for not being clear.

Let's align Sony's first quarter with Nintendo's first quarter. The look like they are similar in terms of raw sales numbers. It would be interesting to see if Nintendo trends the same as Sony did.
It is not the first quarter for Nintendo eShop... just when they started to share this data.

The graph didn't have the first quarter for PSN too.


Oct 28, 2017
Sony and Nintendo both start their Q1 in April, so it's the same.
But i think i know what you're talking about.
You want Sony to start in Q1 FY08 and Nintendo in Q1 FY13!?

Nintendo did just not provide any numbers before. I don't know if that would be a fair comparison.
PSN launched in November 2006
eShop launched in June 2011
So maybe an alignment to those launch dates would be a decent comparison...

Or do you want a Switch and Ps4 launch alignment?
That would make somewhat sense, too if you're just interested in growth rates since their respective first modern (online focused) console launch...
Sorry. Let's compare Nintendo and Sony's first data points (Nintendo Q1/13 to Sony Q3/08. Let's use it to see if Nintendo follows the trend Sony established.


Nov 2, 2017
I wanted to revisit something apparently discussed earlier in the thread.

I was going to ask Mat or others if there is a demonstrated link suggesting consumers who opt for a higher priced SKU (e.g., XBX) go on to spend greater amounts on software and the associated platform than their counterparts who opt for lower end SKUs (e.g., XBS). A few pages back someone mentioned this exact link.

Before I read that, in thinking about Microsoft's motive for releasing XBX it occurred to me that it might not just be designed to retain the Xbox userbase in general, but its highest spenders (who, having a greater portion of expendable income, might be likelier to jump ship to PC, a demographic Sony had mentioned targeting with Pro).

If there is data, I would be much obliged to see it. In hindsight, this seems fairly obvious, but could be taken for granted without it.


Oct 25, 2017
Hmmm I went for the Slim over the Pro last year when getting my first PS4 and I've got 10 plus games for it in just about a year now. Maybe closer to 15. I play a lot of games, but I don't really go in for technically superior audio-visual stuff so much as gameplay; narrative, premise, and characters; and the artistic angle on audio-visual stuff. It'd be interesting to know that I am a weird mix of things if that is the case :P.


Oct 27, 2017
I wanted to revisit something apparently discussed earlier in the thread.

I was going to ask Mat or others if there is a demonstrated link suggesting consumers who opt for a higher priced SKU (e.g., XBX) go on to spend greater amounts on software and the associated platform than their counterparts who opt for lower end SKUs (e.g., XBS). A few pages back someone mentioned this exact link.

Before I read that, in thinking about Microsoft's motive for releasing XBX it occurred to me that it might not just be designed to retain the Xbox userbase in general, but its highest spenders (who, having a greater portion of expendable income, might be likelier to jump ship to PC, a demographic Sony had mentioned targeting with Pro).

If there is data, I would be much obliged to see it. In hindsight, this seems fairly obvious, but could be taken for granted without it.

Not necessarily, hardware is a permanent investment that pays dividends over several years. No doubt a lot a buyers are dumping their whole load to get it, in lieu of buying $60 games day 1. Opting rather for sales, rentals, trading, etc.. to acquire the games.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
As someone reminded me earlier, you have to keep in mind that part of November is going to be counted for December. So Amazon isn't entirely indicative here since the NPD reporting period and the Amazon list don't match up exactly.
Wasn't Cyber Moday better for Switch than BF?
You are right, maybe some of those 199 PS4 sales made it into December.
Iirc it was already sold out at the time of Cyber Monday
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