
"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Will be cool to use this in multiplayer games like PUBG, was always apprehensive about using reshade for fear of being VAC banned.

Deleted member 1067

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah the whole "select games" part ruins it. Nice novelty feature for those who can't be assed to spend the 3 mins it takes to do a reshade install I guess, but until it offers universal compatibility I don't care how nice the UI looks it's always going to be a b class reshade.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
I know the first thing I'm going to do. Update Diablo 3 and make the most gritty D3 I can. Maybe not, but I'm sure someone else will. I never minded D3's color, and I never played the old Diablo games.


Oct 25, 2017
This is cool. If it consistently works with Afterburner OSD (unlike Reshade) I'm sold.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
Oh it's tomorrow. No wonder I didn't see screenshots flooding this thread. I hope someone get it working with most games. Having to go through that list for each game will get annoying if it turns out to be awesome.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
What about in the instance of Dark Souls II where the lighting system was removed entirely and it was basically the equivalent of playing Half-Life 2 in fullbright mode? What about Fallout 3 and removing that awful green tint? I could include plenty of games that were butchered to accommodate the hardware of the consoles. Should modders not step in and reimplement the graphical features that were shown to us during the reveal of Watch Dogs and removed at release because that's the "creator's intent"?

There are plenty of edits for movies where the color correction was "done wrong" and I don't think anyone should be stuck with something they don't like if improvements can be made. Hell, even movies have entirely different cuts done by fans and for some (The Hobbit and the Star Wars prequels) we're better off for it. It's up to the user to determine whether it's worth the effort to download a mod/apply a ReShade filter or whatever.

Dark Souls II I get, but are you trying to imply Half-Life 2 looks like that top shot? Because it doesn't.


Oct 26, 2017
Reminds me of old ass digital vibrancy. Or the custom post-process shaders of the SM2.0 Radeons.


Oct 25, 2017
Seems quite dumb to lock it to certain games, I don't even see how this would need in-game integration, something like ReShade can inject itself into pretty much any game, using certain graphics APIs. Nvidia should be able to do the same.


Oct 26, 2017
Absolutely dreadful idea, with the exception of some of the settings to help with colorblindness. But just applying a sepia filter to a game because you think you like how it looks is a very, very bad idea. Games are works of art. The artists behind these games spend a long time working on the visual palate and style of a game, especially in terms of color. This simply distorts and wrecks that vision for no good reason. Games should be presented as the artists behind the games intended them to be presented. This is as foolish as applying a sepia filter to films like The Thin Red Line or a washed out bleached filter to Empire of the Sun. Those films should be presented as the directors intended, and the same principle applies to games.

Nope, I disagree. If I don't like the game's look it is a good thing that I can change it. Artists may be limited by technology, performance or any trends of the time and they're certainly not infallible.


Oct 27, 2017
"Supported games", and my interest immediately killed. These filters should be able to apply to any game...


Oct 27, 2017
Wow, this is how nvidia is winning. Massive sales/revenue and light years ahead on software.


Oct 25, 2017
This is useless to me if they limit it to select software. What's the point? Might as well just use ReShade.
Oct 28, 2017
Dark Souls II I get, but are you trying to imply Half-Life 2 looks like that top shot? Because it doesn't.
Half-Life 2 looks like that if you disable the lighting. It's very similar to Dark Souls II's case of cutting out the lighting system last minute and the environments suffering when they were designed around that system being in place.

When they removed the lighting system from Dark Souls II, it made the world look flat and lifeless.... Except we couldn't enable it even if we had the hardware capable of handling it.



The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Its weird to me how spotty the support for the assassins creed series is. they went and added it all the way back to the first one but couldnt be bothered with Black Flag and Syndicate?


Oct 27, 2017
It would be interesting to know how the compatible games were selected. Do they have anything in common that could warrant a place in that list?

I am sure that they'll introduce more games as soon as possible, alongside new features.

Reshade does a similar thing, yes, but is can be damn awful and simply not work with some games. LotRO is quite nasty with Reshade, no matter how you tweak settings.

This is only a good thing, lazy people like me can use NVidia's offering, and other people can use Reshade and similar.

Reshade is decent, but it loads so damn long that I don't like to use it. I switch frequently between a browser and a game, and if the game is in fullscreen reshade reloads every time I change to game. It is annoying and the main reason I don't use it very much. ESO is beautiful with my own preset, and luckily it works even when using windowed mode.

I just can't understand why people would be AGAINST this? I mean, it adds a tool that many people would like to use. It doesn't take away anything.


Oct 28, 2017
Warning: Inflammatory
I just can't understand why people would be AGAINST this? I mean, it adds a tool that many people would like to use. It doesn't take away anything.

because most of the people on these video gaming forums are mentally 12; it's emotional child like reactions

and people wonder why gamers are seen as childish and a meme to be shat on


Oct 25, 2017
nope; nice meme comment though not based in objective reality but kids whining about in youtube comments
It's objective reality that the compatible number of games is less, and if other Nvidia software like Ansel is any indication this will be a Black box too. "Memes" though right?


Oct 27, 2017
It's objective reality that the compatible number of games is less, and if other Nvidia software like Ansel is any indication this will be a Black box too. "Memes" though right?

Give me one, one reason why NVidia shouldn't do this or why I shouldn't use it? I've used Reshade for years, before it was called reshade (or whatever the earlier thing was, that Russian guy's program).

You haven't offered a single reason why NVidia is doing wrong by making this.

I will use the NVidia version if it is better or better compatible with games I play. Especially if it takes less resources.

EDIT. Removed unnecessary aggressivity.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow lots of people in here are upset about having an option on the PC. Isn't that why everyone loves the PC, options to do what you want. It isnt even out and people are upset over something that is free and could possibly offer different options to reshade. I am mainly playing Warframe right now, so I will probably play around in it a bit.


Oct 31, 2017
As a colour blind person the fact it's a post process filter is not helpfully at all honestly for my colour blindness at least...

It's likely nice as a driver level alternative to enb / reshade tho, shame it's not all games.

I'll explain why.... As I have Deuteranopia pretty bad I commonly confuse colour like:

  • Mid-reds with mid-greens
  • Blue-greens with grey and mid-pinks
  • Bright greens with yellows
  • Pale pinks with light grey
  • Mid-reds with mid-brown
  • Light blues with lilac
Bright Greens with yellows for example for 32 Years I believed Wasps like this:


were Bright green until someone actually corrected me only last year... it still looks green to me even tho I know now that is not the case.

Anyway some games will have colourblind modes that will replace colours for UI makers (Say arrows to show Teammates and non teammates).
Rather than being say a mid red and a mid green which will look the same to me they replace the colour with say Bright red and Bright Blue....

This is good as a can tell those apart.

Other games (Doom 2016 is a good example of this) basically applies a filter to entire display... This is bad..
Just cos I'm colourblind doesn't mean I can't tell you've applied a piss like filter to the game and ruined it.

Why is that bad.. well I was born with this colour blindness so I know no different at all. sure I confuse colours... similar applying a filter on the entire display output is lazy AF as all it does make the game look terrible... I can still tell the difference and it's a worse experience.

I don't need the entire display filtered to help me I just need important indicators that clash with me to not be colours that clash.

It's better that the devs take time to make sure environmental indicators, UI etc are to colours that don't clash for me in a Colour blind mode.... sure it takes more effort.

So honestly a driver level filter sounds more like a the bad kind of colour blind mode.
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Oct 25, 2017
Give me one, one reason why NVidia shouldn't do this or why I shouldn't use it? I've used Reshade for years, before it was called reshade (or whatever the earlier thing was, that Russian guy's program).

You haven't offered a single reason why NVidia is doing wrong by making this.

I will use the NVidia version if it is better or better compatible with games I play. Especially if it takes less resources.

EDIT. Removed unnecessary aggressivity.
I said it's a worse thing than something that already exists, that it'll work with fewer games, that it'll be a Black box beholden to Nvidia for updates, compatibility, and modification, I didn't say anything about why people should use it or why Nvidia shouldn't have made it. Only pointed out why a shitty proprietary solution is just that.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Could someone @ me once the new GFE beta is up in case I miss it. Thanks.
Wow, this is how nvidia is winning. Massive sales/revenue and light years ahead on software.
Hmmm I don't agree there especially not after AMD'S recent Adrenalin release. Driver was maybe?
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Oct 25, 2017
The select titles means I'll probably be sticking with SweetFX

Absolutely dreadful idea, with the exception of some of the settings to help with colorblindness. But just applying a sepia filter to a game because you think you like how it looks is a very, very bad idea. Games are works of art. The artists behind these games spend a long time working on the visual palate and style of a game, especially in terms of color. This simply distorts and wrecks that vision for no good reason. Games should be presented as the artists behind the games intended them to be presented. This is as foolish as applying a sepia filter to films like The Thin Red Line or a washed out bleached filter to Empire of the Sun. Those films should be presented as the directors intended, and the same principle applies to games.
This is such a weird way of seeing it. First of all, people have been doing this for a long while with SweetFX and Reshade. Second of all, it allow for people to change setting to their liking. Seeing as PC games can have such variable settings already, I fail to see how this is any different than a player wanting to turn off DOF, god rays, shadows, etc...

Also, I just started messing with reshade to play Homefront, and the ability to turn up the saturation and clarity just a smidgen, made the game infintely more playable than trying to shoot another gray character against a grey backdrop.

Deleted member 5167

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Anyway some games will have colourblind modes that will replace colours for UI makers (Say arrows to show Teammates and non teammates).
Rather than being say a mid red and a mid green which will look the same to me they replace the colour with say Bright red and Bright Blue....

This is good as a can tell those apart.


So honestly a driver level filter sounds more like a the bad kind of colour blind mode.

I mean, if they use LUTs for colour correction (which I would hope they do, as it is fairly standard in video editing and would make a lot of presets already available) it will actually offer you the best possible solution as you (or someone else doing it for you) will be able to take a still frame of the title (like a screenshot) and then adjust the colours in something like photoshop and then export that and it will remap those colours in realtime to your chosen alternative colour - so the 'colour swap' you are talking about as being beneficial will be able to be done very easily.

It will also allow for fancier effects, such as Schindlers List / Sin City remapping of everything except red to a monochrome so you can make every game look like Mad World


Oct 31, 2017
I mean, if they use LUTs for colour correction (which I would hope they do, as it is fairly standard in video editing and would make a lot of presets already available) it will actually offer you the best possible solution as you (or someone else doing it for you) will be able to take a still frame of the title (like a screenshot) and then adjust the colours in something like photoshop and then export that and it will remap those colours in realtime to your chosen alternative colour - so the 'colour swap' you are talking about as being beneficial will be able to be done very easily.

It will also allow for fancier effects, such as Schindlers List / Sin City remapping of everything except red to a monochrome so you can make every game look like Mad World

That sounds good.. but if look at doom 2016 it has colour blind modes and for Deuteranopia mode below


As its a whole screen it doesn't help me at all... even tho I colourblind I can tell it's just a washed out piss filter.

So if it's a whole screen effect its not helpful to me and is actually worse, changing colours that actually don't need to be.

This article describes the issues far better than I can:

  1. Whole screen filters are, typically, not the best approach to colorblind accessibility.
    • Colorblind people see a limited range of colors.
      • Compressing the entire color palette pushes hues away from the problematic areas and bunches them closely up against other hues, swapping color clashes for other color clashes.
    • Changing all of the colors that are distinguishable to those with colorblindness makes the game look bizarre and unnatural.
      • Do not alter that which does not need to be altered.
      • Help the player distinguish between vital information necessary to play the game.
      • A player should not experience colors in games differently than they perceive them naturally in the world.
  2. Ideally, provide the option to let players select and customize colors for vital information.
    • These can be applied to outlines, health bars, icons, names, object indicators, etc.
    • "One size does not fit all"
      • There are varying degrees of colorblindness, so customization can offer a personal and, ultimately, more optimal experience.
  3. Avoid relying on color alone (by adding symbols, text, varying enemy design, etc.).
    • If not possible, include a simple color palette that can be used as a single-color choice that is not problematic for those with colorblindness (e.g., dark orange/light blue).
    • If neither of these are possible, a brief review of the game aspects that absolutely need to be differentiated in order to successfully play the game (e.g., teammates vs. enemies) can be done to decide if specific UI/gameplay elements can be modified.

It's far better to allow me the user to set important indicators to what suits me... The whole environment doesn't need to be changed, I think wasps are green, well you shouldn't desaturation a wasp cos I gonna think it looks weird, cos I was born with colour blindness I know no different.

I just need indicators and such to be right for me, and that's likely different for others with colour blindness too.. There is no such thing as a decent colour blindness filter... The best filter is to allow us to set our own palette for indicators, UI, particular effects, not change the entire environment or apply a whole screen filter.

After 25 years of video games It's never held me back, but is a problem sometimes... And although some devs are trying they are still wide of the mark and still don't get it, I mean why would they if they aren't colour blind.

I think the crucial point is:

  1. Do not alter that which does not need to be altered.
  2. Help the player distinguish between vital information necessary to play the game.
  3. A player should not experience colors in games differently than they perceive them naturally in the world.
Wasps are Yellow... make them Yellow... I'll say they are green but if you change for me in the game I'll know it's not right.
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Oct 31, 2017
Only pointed out why a shitty proprietary solution is just that.
You mean "Tried to paint as shitty a proprietary solution that is in beta and that I've not yet tried".
Doesn't sound as informed and constructive as you may think it is.

Let's give them the benefit of the doubt, if it ends up shitty and completely inferior to reshade everyone will keep using reshade, no harm done.

Deleted member 5167

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's far better to allow me the user to set important indicators to what suits me... The whole environment doesn't need to be changed, I think wasps are green, well you shouldn't desaturation a wasp cos I gonna think it looks weird, cos I was born with colour blindness I know no different.

I just need indicators and such to be right for me, and that's likely different for others with colour blindness too.. There is no such thing as a decent colour blindness filter... The best filter is to allow us to set our own palette for indicators, UI, particular effects, not change the entire environment or apply a whole screen filter.

I mean, outside of the scope of using iconography to convey information and not purely colour, which is literally down to developers to implement, this should still be a better solution (if it is user customisable) as you will be able to set specific colours to specific other colours precisely to achieve what you personally consider to look good.

Like... its literally the opposite of a one size fits all solution, which I think is what you're actually criticising, as developers often don't have the time or inclination to come up with multiple filters for multiple degrees or forms of colour blindness and opt for a 'catch all' compromise solution instead. You as an individual obviously would have that time and inclination to want to do that.


Oct 25, 2017
This is like leaving all of that post processing crap on while watching a movie. No thank you.


Oct 31, 2017
I mean, outside of the scope of using iconography to convey information and not purely colour, which is literally down to developers to implement, this should still be a better solution (if it is user customisable) as you will be able to set specific colours to specific other colours precisely to achieve what you personally consider to look good.

Like... its literally the opposite of a one size fits all solution, which I think is what you're actually criticising, as developers often don't have the time or inclination to come up with multiple filters for multiple degrees or forms of colour blindness and opt for a 'catch all' compromise solution instead. You as an individual obviously would have that time and inclination to want to do that.

Basically yeah... I might write a thread up on this as I don't think it's generally understood well. Non Colour blind people will see the colour blind option and think "Good on the devs for including this", whereas Colour blind people can be like "WTF is this?"


Oct 28, 2017
What about in the instance of Dark Souls II where the lighting system was removed entirely and it was basically the equivalent of playing Half-Life 2 in fullbright mode?
I don't know what relation restoring an entire lighting system through mods has to do with cheap-looking color filters. We can have that discussion if you want to, but it's not really what I'm talking about.
There are plenty of edits for movies where the color correction was "done wrong" and I don't think anyone should be stuck with something they don't like if improvements can be made.
Even changing a film's color grading, which is a really complex and controversial task for a number of reasons, is not the same thing as a filter which automatically adjusts the image of each scene to the same set of distorted parameters. But sure, let's go put a wacky rainbow color filter on Kubrick because we think the film isn't colorful enough. I'm sure that will improve Clockwork Orange.
Nah if I think it looks good I'll go ahead and use it thanks.
Butcher the game's art style if you want, but people should be aware they are destroying the carefully composed vision of artists. Video games are no different than any other art form.
Or people should have the option of changing what they want to change. It's why mods exist.
No, ban it. I'm actually the person running all world government, and I'm going to ban it. (see above)
If I don't like the game's look it is a good thing that I can change it.
No, it's really not. It's like saying "if I don't like how Picasso's Guernica looks, it's a good thing to be able to change it. Here, let me take pretty crayons and draw all over my full-sized print of the painting."

Art isn't just composed by random. You are being presented with the creative vision of the artists who toiled to make a work of art for you to enjoy, with the only conditions being that you appreciate it via the creative parameters they have set. No one can explain to me why this is a good thing beyond the petulant "thanks, but I'll do what I want" responses. Like watching a colorized version of Raging Bull or listening to a bass-boosted, distorted version of Sign o' The Times, no one's going to stop you, but you should be aware this is not what the creators intended. It may vary some from game to game. PUBG's devs might not care about these sort of filters, but imagine playing a game like Braid with an oversaturated, crushed filter or a sepia filter. At that point you're totally wrecking your enjoyment of the game's artwork.

This is like leaving all of that post processing crap on while watching a movie. No thank you.
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Btw GFE 3.12 is up on the website in case the GFE hasn't updated itself.


Oct 25, 2017
Couldn't give a rat's ass about a dev's "artistic vision", seems like a very foreign concept on a platform where many devs *encourage* people to create mods for their game.


Nov 1, 2017
St. Louis
Might use this for fullscreen "night" mode since Windows' native version only works on windowed games. Or I could just download f.lux, actually...

Cuboid 64

Oct 28, 2017
I'll gladly use this for FFXIV. I love that game and its world, but it's always looked so desaturated compared to WoW to me.


Oct 28, 2017
Vast majority of the consumers are not seeing the picture as the artist intended anyway. Every display is different and extremely few go through the trouble to properly calibrate their displays. So what the artist intended as a certain composition of colors, might appear like that but all in different tones. I don't see why anyone complain about these optional filters.


Oct 25, 2017
Would only be useful if it wasn't limited to select games. Feels just as worthless as Ansel to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Vast majority of the consumers are not seeing the picture as the artist intended anyway. Every display is different and extremely few go through the trouble to properly calibrate their displays. So what the artist intended as a certain composition of colors, might appear like that but all in different tones. I don't see why anyone complain about these optional filters.
Not to mention there really isn't a standard that I know of that game devs follow most of the time like the film industry. I do BT709 on most of my displays right now since I watch video content as well on most of them.


Oct 27, 2017
If there's sharpening filter, I might try it in Fallout 4 to mitigate that TAA blur. Been using Reshade for this earlier.


Oct 27, 2017
i'm in for the colorblind feature alone
I'm not sure if you're aware of it, but the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update added color blindness filters.
It's in the accessibility options and they can be toggled at any time using WIN+CTRL+C
I don't have color blindness, but find the invert option useful sometimes (though not for gaming).
Might use this for fullscreen "night" mode since Windows' native version only works on windowed games. Or I could just download f.lux, actually...
It should be working in most fullscreen games now if you have the Fall Creators Update.
I just need indicators and such to be right for me, and that's likely different for others with colour blindness too.. There is no such thing as a decent colour blindness filter... The best filter is to allow us to set our own palette for indicators, UI, particular effects, not change the entire environment or apply a whole screen filter.
Of course it would be best if developers included more options for color blindness, but in the absence of these options, the filters try to make colors more distinct so that there's less chance of them blending together.
It's not so that you can say "this is green, that is yellow", it's so that you can say "these are two different colors" so that a yellow object passing over a green background is visible rather than invisible, for example.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure if you're aware of it, but the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update added color blindness filters.
It's in the accessibility options and they can be toggled at any time using WIN+CTRL+C
I don't have color blindness, but find the invert option useful sometimes (though not for gaming).

did not know that thank you!