
Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I get it. it's fucked up. It just feels wrong having these discussions in this thread. Guy was really young and had a lot of obvious calls for help. People mistake self destruction for attention seeking and that's just not a problem here it's a problem everywhere.

But WE are HERE right now and WE can DO BETTER.
We can't talk about this in a fucking mythical "everywhere", we can talk about this in the spaces we move in such as this one.
Stop deflecting this bullshit with "#NOTJUSTUS" takes, who fucking gives a shit if others failed as well, this community fucking failed, we are part of this community and we can talk about in this community, especially when plenty of people on this forum love to stroke their cock to the idea of how progressive "we" are.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Thank you for sharing this. I'm sorry for your loss.

I only had the faintest idea of who Etika was until about a week ago, but there is a pattern around here of an unhealthy and unempathetic relationship to celebrity, and it's high time for the people complicit in this culture to take some responsibility. I only wish it didn't have to take an event like this.

Unless you have that order of magnitude of followers on your channels or social media, you truly have no idea how much pressure and scrutiny you are under day to day, even as a minor public figure. And yet we enable people who blow up every perceived transgression into an industry headline, as though they were doing some kind of noble service to the world as the only ones who will ever hold social media personalities to account. Everything is unforgivable and everything is permanently attached to your name. Can't have a conversation about them without someone butting in edgewise and dropping the opposition dossier, hiding under the excuse of keeping everyone informed, when all it amounts to is gossip and salacious gawking.

It's not enough to "talk" about mental illness and suicidality when for a high-visibility figure, talk just invites more goading and hands out more ammunition to be used against you.

All my sympathies to those who held him dear.

Good posts. I'm glad to see some open blowback here against site policies that can only be described with one word—cowardice—and which can be said to be actively causing harm. (The comparison to "thoughts and prayers" is especially inspired.)

Apparently we can't talk about moderation without inviting the trolls, so we can't talk about moderation. Does the staff not realize that this policy only serves to feed the trolls? They have no shortage of oppositional communities and back-channel gossip boards to run off to and complain, while the people least able to have their voices heard are the ones who mostly want to be here, who contribute to this place, who want to see it be better, and would strongly prefer to steer clear of those other places. Everybody gets a word in about Era except for those of us who want to use it.

Those who want to trash this place in bad faith have no limit of places to go. Those who want to improve this place in good faith have nowhere to go. It's the same familiar absurdity as providing written ban reasons to put on a charade of transparency, but burying them instead of making them available in a readily accessible in-house log. The policies here have created a situation where it is more convenient for those with minor grievances to run off to self-declared enemies who wear their bans proudly on their sleeves. Does the staff not see how this undermines the community's integrity? How that has only deepened the climate of paranoia where enemy trolls are around every dark corner, ready to strike? Do they not see the utter lack of trust and confidence in hashing anything out over PMs when the public face of the moderation team, ex-mods included, is one of condescension, snide dismissiveness, and shameless apologism for their own?

Quite right.

Those who have normalized this, by participation or by policy, are neither innocent bystanders nor paragons of accountability. They are enablers; they are gossips.

This is a fantastic post.

This discussions happen. They just happen without the whole input of the community...places like discord, twitter, being guided into a backdoor conversation via a PM, etc. Which...doesn't make sense.


Apr 14, 2019
But it is.

Those members who commented like that got away scott free.

There was no condemnation for their words, there was no calling them out by the moderation team. Them being allowed to say what they said and nothing happened is representative of the forum.
This is gonna sound strange to everyone right now, I'm sure; but I'd imagine that every single one of them is feeling absolutely awful about this. I COMPLETELY get why people are mad and I'm having a rush of emotions myself (right in the middle of a starbucks too which is a fun place to feel like part of your soul was sucked out of you) but like...

This is a really complex and different situation. Bipolar episodes are something that are very unique compared to a lot of other mental struggles and once again they are insanely hard to emphasize with unless you've actually had one yourself. I 100% understand the anger and frustration towards people who basically laughed this off and called Etika an asshole, but honestly if it weren't for the fact that as long as I can really remember I've been struggling myself I probably would have joined them myself.

Pointing fingers and creating this us vs them mentality with anything is largely what led to a lot of Etika's feelings like he completely fucked up his life. Part of the reason why this whole thing to me is making me personally feel a lot more wound up is because not only do I have the same fucking disorder that this guy had but I've felt and been suicidal over extremely similar things to the fucking point where in his goodbye video I was correctly guessing close to word for word what he'd say next. Right now I'm gonna get back to really trying to type up a post about what I personally think needs to happen but please try and forgive a bit, a lot of people seriously fucked up and I'm sure they feel awful... that's one of the problems that Etika himself really faced.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Feb 2, 2018
I get it. it's fucked up. It just feels wrong having these discussions in this thread. Guy was really young and had a lot of obvious calls for help. People mistake self destruction for attention seeking and that's just not a problem here it's a problem everywhere.
How many RIPs are necessary? This should be a thread to learn and grow from this experience. It shouldnt be about placing blame as I doubt anyone here was really the cause, but that doesnt mean we cant take something from this

The Last Laugh

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 31, 2018
The sudden influx of low post count accounts coming into the thread apparently SUPER KNOWLEDGEABLE about Era is a really good indication of why a public discussion about moderation and the community is not possible. 👍
Implying that post count equates to wisdom or validity is rather a poor attempt to discredit people with valid concerns. Spamming posts does not make you smarter or more qualified. You may find many who have been here since resetera was literally created still haunting and very much knowledgeable even if the faces are new.
I am not sure why anyone would be against open discussion.


Oct 31, 2017
God, the most telling thing about about that clip of his "funeral wishes" is that he's talking about his mom burying him when the usual expectation would be that she'd die first.


Oct 28, 2017
Social media and mental illness just don't go well.

Maybe some day some one will do a study on this. People with mental illness just need to be kept away from social media. For every 100 positive things you get on social media there, you only need one negative comment to throw you back into dark places.

Even people that are just meme-ing and joking can add to the negativity.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh, i wonder how level headed was the discussion on reddit, youtube, twitch or facebook.

Singling out ERA for this stuff is so silly, when every other site is far worse in how it actually moderates itself and the discussion. At least here people have still the decency of not using derogative terms like the r, or n word to attack each other and look cool and edgy.

But hey, let's keep the crusade against ERA libs, that will show them!!!111!!1
Imagine setting the bar so low that when you fail to meet it then "other sites arent that better" is an actual talking point


Oct 25, 2017
Ontario, Canada
The sudden influx of low post count accounts coming into the thread apparently SUPER KNOWLEDGEABLE about Era is a really good indication of why a public discussion about moderation and the community is not possible. 👍
Certain situations may mean more to people than others. I have not been an active poster on Resetera or NeoGAF since mid-2014 but I have followed this site due to the speed of its news and non..."alt-right" (to be perfectly honest) bias. This situation in particular hit hard for me, so much so that it went beyond "I don't care what these internet people think" so I post. This particular situation is dealing with attitudes that can have serious consequences and I want people to realize that. I am giving posters forum the benefit of the doubt to have an open mind, solely based on this forum's general socio-politcal leanings. Going to 4chan or a random twitch chat for example and posting what i posted earlier, i believe, would be a complete waste of time. So I can't speak for other "lurkers" but don't take my sudden posting in this topic as a means of harassment towards the entire forum.


Jun 11, 2019
When your first post in a month's time is about how the community is conveniently during a time where some members are genuinely concerned out of emotion then no I don't think you're being genuine. Especially when a quick look at posting histories reveals a repeat of that exact
-being dormant---->commenting only to make metacommentary on Era specifically:

Just a thought.

How many post did you make in this thread that weren't related to Etika ?

Fuck off and let people mourn the death of a young man that didn't deserve his terrible fate.

Nobody cares about your take on the problem and I don't think anyone in this thread cares about you at all.
Oct 25, 2017
The easy solution would be to allow discussion outside of the thread. But it's now allowed: https://www.resetera.com/threads/era-has-a-real-empathy-problem.124496/

And that's why people push for it here because there isn't really another place within the forum to do that.
I get what you mean but maybe the OP having "this place is 10x worse than any other place" (that is actually... worse) perhaps isn't getting off on the right foot. But what do I know, perhaps any and all forum meta discussion truly is banned from being thread-worthy.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Apparently we can't talk about moderation without inviting the trolls, so we can't talk about moderation. Does the staff not realize that this policy only serves to feed the trolls? They have no shortage of oppositional communities and back-channel gossip boards to run off to and complain, while the people least able to have their voices heard are the ones who mostly want to be here, who contribute to this place, who want to see it be better, and would strongly prefer to steer clear of those other places. Everybody gets a word in about Era except for those of us who want to use it.

Those who want to trash this place in bad faith have no limit of places to go. Those who want to improve this place in good faith have nowhere to go. It's the same familiar absurdity as providing written ban reasons to put on a charade of transparency, but burying them instead of making them available in a readily accessible in-house log. The policies here have created a situation where it is more convenient for those with minor grievances to run off to self-declared enemies who wear their bans proudly on their sleeves. Does the staff not see how this undermines the community's integrity? How that has only deepened the climate of paranoia where enemy trolls are around every dark corner, ready to strike? Do they not see the utter lack of trust and confidence in hashing anything out over PMs when the public face of the moderation team, ex-mods included, is one of condescension, snide dismissiveness, and shameless apologism for their own?

This is a very well thought out and delivered response, I do hope people take the time to read it. The way this thread has morphed isn't an attempt to harm or weaken reset, it's a an attempt to strengthen it through discussion and reflection. Both by the users and moderators. We're all responsible here for making it better than it is.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
course this forum needs to change for the better but right now I think we should keep negative stuff about Etika out of this thread.

I still can't believe he's gone. I grew up watching his crazy reactions. Especially every Nintendo direct!.

This fuckin sucks.

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
you're taking my original comment in the wrong context.

It's a reminder that the site's users steer the conversation's direction. Indeed, the outburst thread could have been far more productive than it was.

But we're talking like the moderators actively squashed any attempts at progression. Nobody was banned for empathizing with him. Nobody was banned for starting a fundraiser to support his mental health. All they could do was ban people who went out of line.

Again, all the moderators do is remind others of the site's rules. They're the minority in this forum. They don't deserve punishment for doing their job.
I think the case to be made here, and others seem to be trying, is that the moderators are in fact making it a harder place to feel safe and/or reflect the transparency that the site was originally founded on. Several members have posted in this very thread to that effect, but any discussion of the moderation on this site is, at least looking historically, systemically thwarted by the moderation team.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
But WE are HERE right now and WE can DO BETTER.
We can't talk about this in a fucking mythical "everywhere", we can talk about this in the space we are such as this one.
How about we wait until a day where the majority of the thread won't be
"Yea the mod team is shit."---->"not just the mod team"----->"*insert dog whistle about outrage culture here*" ---->"*insert members falling hook line and sinker for said dogwhistle*"---->*thread being used by offsite stalkers*


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Wow... This is so sad. My thoughts are with his family and friends, as well as other people stuck in similar situations. May he rest in peace.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
I would like this added to the op

Unfortunately, it's a reupload by another user as I believe YouTube took down the original, which is disappointing.
He posted this video not just as an apology for his actions but also as a warning of the dangers of social media and trying to keep up an online persona.
"In an attempt to be edgy, I fucked up my entire life"
"I was saying and doing things that made no sense. All because I was too scared to drop my image"


Oct 26, 2017
Thank you for sharing this. I'm sorry for your loss.

I only had the faintest idea of who Etika was until about a week ago, but there is a pattern around here of an unhealthy and unempathetic relationship to celebrity, and it's high time for the people complicit in this culture to take some responsibility. I only wish it didn't have to take an event like this.

Unless you have that order of magnitude of followers on your channels or social media, you truly have no idea how much pressure and scrutiny you are under day to day, even as a minor public figure. And yet we enable people who blow up every perceived transgression into an industry headline, as though they were doing some kind of noble service to the world as the only ones who will ever hold social media personalities to account. Everything is unforgivable and everything is permanently attached to your name. Can't have a conversation about them without someone butting in edgewise and dropping the opposition dossier, hiding under the excuse of keeping everyone informed, when all it amounts to is gossip and salacious gawking.

It's not enough to "talk" about mental illness and suicidality when for a high-visibility figure, talk just invites more goading and hands out more ammunition to be used against you.

All my sympathies to those who held him dear.
Thank you for putting it into words better than I could. We already have people in here trying to pull the same shit. In the thread about his death. It's unbelievable how far some people here take things just to get some moral high ground. And it's not just Etika, it's almost every youtube personality at this point. Granted, there's an underlying reason for this, because a lot of Youtube is in fact trash. But when I get in a Dunkey or Crowbcat thread and the same handful of people come in every single time trying to guilt trip others because they said a few harmful words years ago, it's pretty damn obvious what these people are going for.


Apr 2, 2019
Lima, Peru
Oh, i wonder how level headed was the discussion on reddit, youtube, twitch or facebook.

Singling out ERA for this stuff is so silly, when every other site is far worse in how it actually moderates itself and the discussion. At least here people have still the decency of not using derogative terms like the r, or n word to attack each other and look cool and edgy.

But hey, let's keep the crusade against ERA libs, that will show them!!!111!!1
Era is the ones that prides itself as being the a progressive safe heaven in the internet.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Oh, i wonder how level headed was the discussion on reddit, youtube, twitch or facebook.

Singling out ERA for this stuff is so silly, when every other site is far worse in how it actually moderates itself and the discussion. At least here people have still the decency of not using derogative terms like the r, or n word to attack each other and look cool and edgy.

But hey, let's keep the crusade against ERA libs, that will show them!!!111!!1
You're speaking some big facts, but it is also disheartening to see that the "prominent member" meme is actually real to an extent when select members get passes no regular user would image getting away with doing. That's the main sticking point for me coming out of this from the moderation side.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
This. As if they were having fair and balanced discussions

It's even more stupid considering the amount of nazi shit propaganda and alt right festering crap that's on every other site. Youtube, Twitter, Reddit...

But hey, the problem is ERA. This is ridiculous. The crusade should've been against the major sites that continue to spread bullshit around and allow bigotry and racism to fester. How can people not see that the attacks to this community are by people that already have a problem with it?

Though i agree there are things to fix, this is so blown out of proportion.


Oct 25, 2017

He's going all in and it's well deserved IMO. Tells everyone all they need to know about the true nature of the majority of this community. Before today I assumed that these people made up a small portion of ERA, but now I'm honestly not sure anymore.

This board has some 50000 members, of which ~500 posted in those threads at least once. Yes there is a problem to be dealt with on many levels, but it's an incredible leap to paint the community this way when most are not even aware of Etika, or even looked that the related threads.

While I appreciate Liam is calling attention to this, and rightfully so, it's disingenuous to do it in that way, and honestly comes off a little weird considering his history with GAF/ERA.


Oct 27, 2017
No shit. Lots of axes to grind huh. Love those screenshots of bans completely out of context too. Absolutely putrid and disingenuous.

If you are referring to my post then there's no fucking context but feel free to check it out: https://www.resetera.com/threads/in...dmark-staff-posts.111596/page-3#post-19855936

People who complain about Era want to make this forum a better place for everyone involved. Apparently, they are not allowed to do so because of low post count? I wonder why they don't feel safe enough to post? Maybe because of elitism of some of the members and not much leeway on what can actually be said? No, that can't be.


Jan 12, 2018
United States
When your first post in a month's time is about how the community is conveniently during a time where some members are genuinely concerned out of emotion then no I don't think you're being genuine. Especially when a quick look at posting histories reveals a repeat of that exact
-being dormant---->commenting only to make metacommentary on Era specifically:

Just a thought. 👍

It's not like anything I said was wrong


Sep 2, 2018
Stop blaming mommy and daddy for your mistakes, in this case the mods being mommy and daddy. This community shouldn't need to be told it isn't ok to attacking people, especially those with OBVIOUS mental health issues. We shouldn't need the mods to tell us what is and what isn't ok. This whole ordeal is an issue with this community itself.
yes thats true. but i do think its wrong for administration to not acknowledge or take a side in this mess and simply lock threads and ban metacommentary without handing out any kind of warnings or bans. especially when theyre so banhappy in other instances.
im sure its possible for the people making those posts in the previous thread to learn from their mistakes. they dont necessarily need to be banned. but administration needs to make it clear that their attitude is not welcome here, and unbefitting of what is supposed to be a welcoming community


Oct 26, 2017
I would like this added to the op

Unfortunately, it's a reupload by another user as I believe YouTube took down the original, which is disappointing.
He posted this video not just as an apology for his actions but also as a warning of the dangers of social media and trying to keep up an online persona.
"In an attempt to be edgy, I fucked up my entire life"
"I was saying and doing things that made no sense. All because I was too scared to drop my image"

Fuck I can't watch this again right now, even if I want to. Fuck everything man.

Deleted member 18161

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Even though I only knew of him I'm really upset. It's coming up for a year this week that I lost an extremely close person to me in the same circumstances.

If anyone has even fleeting thoughts of harming themselves then please at the very least let someone know.

I'm on my phone at the moment but someone should put up a list of phone numbers that offer someone to talk to if they don't have someone to talk to in person.

RIP Etika. You'll be very much missed by a lot of people x


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
The sudden influx of low post count accounts coming into the thread apparently SUPER KNOWLEDGEABLE about Era is a really good indication of why a public discussion about moderation and the community is not possible. 👍
I completely agree. Go to some other sites I named earlier and you can literally watch them planning this shit out and acting all mad when one of their accounts gets banned over it. And this is by far not the only occasion. It sucks, and I don't have a real solution for this.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
I'm curious how cutting off his means of making of living is supposed to be helpful to a person who is already mentally breaking down.

If Etika had received an extended psychiatric hold, there's no way that he would have been able to continue doing the streaming work that he engaged in. I also don't think allowing him to get continued access to his social media was good, because a lot of his fanbase was enabling very bad behavior and was clearly a bad influence on him. Even in his last communications it's clear the mental tolls he had taken were impossible to decouple from the means by which he made his income. I don't believe that in his state he could or should have been expected to hold any job, least of all one in which he is expected to engage with the public. My belief is that as our society stands there is no way that he could have gotten the help he needed, and the sorts of changes society would need to make in order to make sure people like him could are vast and, frankly, revolutionary.

I believe that Etika was at risk as long as he was in a public-facing position. I believe that in being so his actions could be -- and arguably still are -- triggering to people who have related mental health issues and thus he was a harm to himself and others by normalizing it.

I believe that in order for people to make a meaningful difference in the mental health of others that they must first accept that they cannot save everyone who needs help. The burden involved in keeping ahold of one's own mental and emotional baggage while helping to carry that of another person is massive, especially a person who was so close to ending it that we're now here reflecting on the fact that it's what he did. That so many people have received life-saving help by people able to provide it is, again, nothing short of miraculous. Few people are equipped to handle these issues in a way that doesn't expose themselves or others to greater risk, and I believe that the general public should not be counted on to intervene in severe circumstances like this any more than I would expect my next-door neighbor to be able to stop my house from burning down if it caught fire.

In any case, believing that we can simply fix someone with such severe problems is the height of arrogance.

And as someone who has had a non-zero number of psychotic breakdowns myself, I would like to quote these posts in order to reiterate them, as I believe they are important and correct.

As someone who has dealt with mental illness my whole life (even when I didn't know it), I think there is a certain responsibility we have to be cognizant of our blind spots and shortcomings and create healthy habits to reign them in as much as possible. The frustration largely comes from when someone refuses to seek help despite multiple incidents. I'm a mentally ill queer Jew and the idea that homophobic and antisemitic rhetoric is seen as a result of, or excused by, mental illness is distressing. We have a responsibility for the things we say and do and downplaying that makes marginalized people feel like our issues don't matter.

On the other side, at a certain point, you cannot help others if they are unwilling to help themselves. Especially if they are not physically in your life, or someone you even directly know, there's not much you can do. That's just the nature of it. If you aren't having a direct line to the person, it's unlikely your words will affect the situation much. None of us here would be in much of a position to "help" someone who can't even read what's being written about them.

Yes, people need a healthy support network to recover. But that isn't on the onus of strangers. Even for those of us who are mentally ill, as adults we have to come to terms with where we struggle with and create healthy environments to curb it as much as possible; continuing to go back to things that only make it worse will... well, it'll make it worse.

Not everybody is coming from the same place, or can discern between "not mentally well" and "straight-up bigoted." Words affect people in a lot of different ways. I'm not defending people's dismissal of Etika's cries for help as anything but abhorrent, but at the same time I'm not going to get mad at somebody who has been harassed and attacked emotionally and even physically for their sexual orientation when they react in anger or hurt when somebody starts throwing the word "fag" around at them. Appreciation for mental health goes both ways. In general this whole sorry episode should be a reminder that people are dealing with a lot of things that they don't expose on the surface, and we could ALL use a lot more empathy.

PK Gaming

Oct 25, 2017
When your first post in a month's time is about how the community is conveniently during a time where some members are genuinely concerned out of emotion then no I don't think you're being genuine. Especially when a quick look at posting histories reveals a repeat of that exact
-being dormant---->commenting only to make metacommentary on Era specifically:

Just a thought. 👍

You're literally indulging in the things people are complaining about. Going through posting histories to "invalidate" someone's opinion without addressing any of the problems head-on. So what if the user in question has been dormant; that doesn't preclude their points from having any weight.

If things can change for the better, then everyone should be all for it.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Imagine setting the bar so low that when you fail to meet it then "other sites arent that better" is an actual talking point

Welcome to the internet. If you haven't realized yet, most of the big sites have a pest problem that's far more dangerous than anything here.

But hey, ERA is the problem.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
I just saw the story on CNN. Jesus Christ. RIP.

It's a fucking shame he wasn't able to get help. He was sending giant red flags out that this was going to happen sooner than later, especially after the SWAT team incident. I know people definitely tried to help. I wish his family could have put him into forced mental care or something.

Also how about we stop making this about us. It's really disgusting honestly. Who cares. A deeply troubled young person in the community just took his own life. There are more imports things than how this fucking online forum is perceived.


Dec 16, 2017
... I was shocked to read this on Twitter earlier.

To be honest, I just watched a video or two of him before. From that, he seemed very upbeat, which was too upbeat a persona for my personal liking (but that's just preferences). So I can't say much about him except that whenever I heard other YouTubers talk about him they had nothing but good words for the kind of person he was behind the scenes. Which is saying something, considering all the hate he apparently got.

Maybe some people need to think about how what you might think of as "attention-seeking" is actually a cry for help.

I won't say that that cry wasn't answered in Etika's case cause from what I read in this thread it was. Apparently, that wasn't enough though. I speak from experience when I say that sometimes... You can do all you can and it's still not enough to help someone that is struggling with depression or similar mental illnesses. So I hope those close to him don't blame themselves, as I am sure they did their best.

RIP Etika. I hope those who made light of this situation learned their lesson.

Deleted member 12867

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
But WE are HERE right now and WE can DO BETTER.
We can't talk about this in a fucking mythical "everywhere", we can talk about this in the spaces we move in such as this one.
Stop deflecting this bullshit with "#NOTJUSTUS" takes, who fucking gives a shit if others failed as well, this community fucking failed, we are part of this community and we can talk about in this community, especially when plenty of people on this forum love to stroke their cock to the idea of how progressive "we" are.
I wasn't aware other threads were shutdown for this discussion. It is very important that this behavior is prevented in the future. I'm sorry if I've pissed you off this is just very close to my heart. Just very unfortunate and the people who piled on probably have someone very close to themselves going through the same struggles Etika went through but are too embarrassed or concerned with how it will be used against them to talk about it.

Edit: I guess what my rambling is was trying to hit is it's wrong to solely blame the mods we are all part of this community. They probably feel just as terrible that it wasn't handled differently as the posters who were dismissive and insulting from earlier threads. I hope they are working on ideas to change this mentality and lack of compassion in the future.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
It's possible to comment on how Etika's remarks were offensive, but I think right now is really not the time to delve into it. I also think he'd have apologised for what he said if he got the help he needed, but he didn't get it.

Frankly I'm still shocked at how little help he received from the state itself. I'm not too familiar with US healthcare and the laws surrounding it, but if he wasn't posing a risk to himself with those clear meltdowns, where is that line drawn? I'm not saying he should have been locked up but there needs to be something in place for situations like that.

YouTube and social media sites in general should pour some funding into clinics, too. So many other industries have things like that in place, but so many internet companies take a hands-off approach that obviously isn't working.


Oct 25, 2017
We routinely see threads of some of these streamers and social media folks being vile and trollish so I'm not sure why some want to feign ignorance at the fact some might not then take these same people seriously or be concerned for them in their time of need. Many times we have some of them doing or saying something shitty, apologizing, doing or saying something shitty again, and then apologizing again. Its almost like the wolf and sheep metaphor. You run out of fucks to give and that's tragic as some then do take these same people issues like contemplatying suicide seriously. And now that it is confirmed he did indeed take his life I'm not sure we then can then lay blame at the feet of those that did not take him seriously. No, we have to take a look at both sides and work this out.


Nov 29, 2017
We now equating a website owner sexual assaulting someone with this?


lol stay frost era

You were an administrator, at least have some standards on posting and be a positive force in changing things instead of dog-piling like you just did.
Oct 25, 2017
This is a brilliant post, and I hope you don't get banned for it. I've wanted to make a thread about this for so long, but every thread I've seen made has been locked. I think your assessment is spot on, and I hope the community as a whole, moderation included, changes for the better.

Everybody gets a word in about Era except for those of us who want to use it.

This was brilliantly said.

This is a fantastic post.

This discussions happen. They just happen without the whole input of the community...places like discord, twitter, being guided into a backdoor conversation via a PM, etc. Which...doesn't make sense.

This is a very well thought out and delivered response, I do hope people take the time to read it. The way this thread has morphed isn't an attempt to harm or weaken reset, it's a an attempt to strengthen it through discussion and reflection. Both by the users and moderators. We're all responsible here for making it better than it is.

Thanks for all the support (including those I haven't quoted—this thread is moving too quickly for me to keep up). I've wanted to raise this for a long time but it was frankly easier to just hide the worst threads, let somebody else deal with the mess, and get back to grumbling about games. I suppose that was part of the problem, and I'm as sorry as anyone that we have to pollute a thread in this poor young man's memory with this guff.


Oct 26, 2017
I get what you mean but maybe the OP having "this place is 10x worse than any other place" (that is actually... worse) perhaps isn't getting off on the right foot. But what do I know, perhaps any and all forum meta discussion truly is banned from being thread-worthy.
Yeah, I don't think it's generally allowed, even with a nicer OP, though a neutral OP would of course be sensible. It should be a discussion on the topic, not OPs tone after all. I do think that it's thread-worthy to talk about meta events and the moderations actions. It's okay to make mistakes, it gets ugly if you try to bury and deny them, or even deny discussion on them.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
How many post did you make in this thread that weren't related to Etika ?

Fuck off and let people mourn the death of a young man that didn't deserve his terrible fate.

Nobody cares about your take on the problem.
You're saying this to me and not the sheer amount of people who want to witch hunt other members of the site and the moderation team rn and hijacked the thread specifically for that purpose including at this point linking to shitty twitter accounts? Trying to seek out someone to blame out of anger, (aka another form of sadness in this context), is not "mourning."


Sep 2, 2018
The sudden influx of low post count accounts coming into the thread apparently SUPER KNOWLEDGEABLE about Era is a really good indication of why a public discussion about moderation and the community is not possible. 👍
this post reminds me of the attitude against junior accounts on gaf. a reall shitty and unwelcoming attitude it was.
and it still is no excuse for avoiding the discussion entirely


Oct 29, 2017
This is so sad, rest in piece Etika. Such a shame you did not get the help you desperately looked for. It didnt have to end like this :(
I wish this thread could be about Etika and memories of him. Thanks to those who shared pictures and other memories of him.

There's definately room to talk about how this community and it's moderation definately needs to be better. We need to talk about it. What others say and do on other platforms has no bearing on what is and should be ok here. But how about make another thread about that?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
I don't quite get how this stirred a controversy. I always found the guy obnoxious and that combined with all his breakdowns I suspected that he has some kind of mental problem. I think it was sensible to close the thread since at that point in time there was no way to tell 100% if that really was the case. I also get why people where angry at Etika for what he said. There was just no way to tell if it was a mental illness or just his supposed schtick.

I was actually hoping after not hearing about him for a while that he finally found the help he needed. A shame it had to end this way. There is no denying he made some people happy, even if I wasn't one of them.

He very clearly needed help.

Those close to him know as much.

If you watch that video and aren't concerned idk what to tell you. Just moved along I guess.