Oct 25, 2017
i don't think they deserve the heat they're getting now but if they'd just said "look we're a tiny company operating in a hugely volatile market with no certainty about revenue and epic wrote us a huge check, please understand" then the reaction would have been much much milder

I mean, I don't even really see what they said as being all that bad, to be honest. I don't think it's unfair to say that people invest too much energy into being upset about Epic Games Store exclusivity, and when we see harassment as a common element in this, they're very correct.


Oct 25, 2017
If they gave a completely neutral response, would that have resulted in a much more positive response than we are seeing here?

Definitely. Most people including me totally understand indie devs going for the EGS money. It's usually a timed exclusive - if I preferred it on Steam, I'd wait; no big deal. PR-wise you really don't want to make "negative" statements. And boy did they double down on those.


Alt account
Jul 27, 2019
I have 0 issue with that post from the developers.

I'll take it over a boilerplate PR statement any day.

If you identify with the toxic gamers the devs are talking about, then perhaps you're the problem?

I'm not a fan of this EGS shit either, but business realities are what they are. It's unreasonable to expect devs to just bet on themselves every time in a volatile market when they're made an offer with guarantees hard to turn down.

Deleted member 15440

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I mean, I don't even really see what they said as being all that bad, to be honest. I don't think it's unfair to say that people invest too much energy into being upset about Epic Games Store exclusivity, and when we see harassment as a common element in this, they're very correct.
correct or not it's not necessary to deliberately rile people up. lots of people getting mad were never going to buy the game, sure, but i'd bet a lot of people who were already in their discord and had the game wishlisted were put off by the blog post.

nothing justifies the kind of venom they're getting now, but some of it was definitely avoidable


Oct 25, 2017
Strange that they immediately went on the defensive about this. The transparency is welcome but why invite conflict?

Regardless, who even cares at this point. Aren't we all desensitized to the exclusivity nabs yet? Frankly, Steam needs to do more than the bare minimum anyway.

IF steam is bare minium then what is EGS? one foot in the grave?


Aug 29, 2018
Great! I'm gonna wishlist so I don't forge...

Wait, EGS does not have a wishlist feature, have it?


Oct 25, 2017
sure a whole lot of people in this thread who don't care about climate change because they put all this energy into posting on the internet instead of fighting it


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Era we need more perspective in our life!

I don't think the user was too angry either.



Oct 25, 2017
I have 0 issue with that post from the developers.

I'll take it over a boilerplate PR statement any day.

If you identify with the toxic gamers the devs are talking about, then perhaps you're the problem?

I'm not a fan of this EGS shit either, but business realities are what they are. It's unreasonable to expect devs to just bet on themselves every time in a volatile market when they're made an offer with guarantees hard to turn down.

If you have legitimate issues with EGS you're not automatically a toxic gamer no. Then again, it's pretty clear what the devs thinks about those EGS complaints.


Oct 25, 2017
None. But what does that matter? The fact that some of you expect Epic to sit by and play by some unspoken rules in the PC gaming world is laughable. They have the capital right now thanks to Fortnite to really make some moves in the industry and they are doing just that.
Oh cool they can do it, so nothing's wrong with it. Wow, who knew all you had to do was be able to recognize that they're doing anything at all to make a point and then say it as such.


Oct 27, 2017
I have 0 issue with that post from the developers.

I'll take it over a boilerplate PR statement any day.

If you identify with the toxic gamers the devs are talking about, then perhaps you're the problem?

I'm not a fan of this EGS shit either, but business realities are what they are. It's unreasonable to expect devs to just bet on themselves every time in a volatile market when they're made an offer with guarantees hard to turn down.
Exactly. The only way I can see people taking that personally is if they're being way too serious over this, in which case they deserve it tbh

Deleted member 1105

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
My perspective on this issue is that I should be able to choose where I spend my money and who I give it to. Acting like a prick isn't helping your case.


Alt account
Jul 27, 2019
If you have legitimate issues with EGS you're not automatically a toxic gamer no. Then again, it's pretty clear what the devs thinks about those EGS complaints.

They haven't called anyone toxic for not messing with EGS.

You know they haven't.

They're referring to people engaging in toxic behaviour over this decision.

If you can't see the difference, perhaps you should consider calming down just a little bit.

1000% H

Oct 25, 2017
If they gave a completely neutral response, would that have resulted in a much more positive response than we are seeing here?
Yes, I've been following the game for a while and had every intention of getting it (regardless of EGS) but their attitude is turning me off. They're basically saying they don't need me as a customer and then I think of all the countless games I could play because I don't need Ooblets either.


Oct 25, 2017
Is "lazy devs" justified when they take a lazy shortcut to easy money, rather than doing their best to sell the product they've been working on for years to the people meant to play it? Or when they attempt to justify said shortcut with intellectually lazy and dishonest rhetoric?

Either way, as someone who has been following this game for several years by now, I am deeply disappointed by this outcome. Literally went from a day one purchase to something I might at most get as a bundled goodie now, all because of the dev's toxic behavior.
Lazy Dev is never justified because it's simply not true, even with issues with what they are doing, it's not that they are being lazy for the sake of it.
i don't think they deserve the heat they're getting now but if they'd just said "look we're a tiny company operating in a hugely volatile market with no certainty about revenue and epic wrote us a huge check, please understand" then the reaction would have been much much milder
Pretty much. It's how they handled it that's made it blow up so much more.


May 31, 2018
If you can't see the difference, perhaps you should consider calming down just a little bit.
If you identify with the toxic gamers the devs are talking about, then perhaps you're the problem?

These kinds of posts are just a more modern version of "u mad bro." Literally anything anyone can say to argue against it will, in your eyes, prove the statement right, even if it's inherently wrong (because the statement being directed solely at 'toxic gamers' is a complete and utter lie)


Nov 17, 2017
If they gave a completely neutral response, would that have resulted in a much more positive response than we are seeing here?

I think so.

If they just said "hey we need cash" and left it at that there'd be no problem from me and I'd pick it up when it reaches steam or gog. It's the additional cutesy shit, the accusations that people who are upset wouldn't have bought the game anyway and all the stuff that's wrapped up in how they're communicating that's a bummer more than the deal itself.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol that attitude in their PR post wasn't really necessary, makes them come across as douches.
"It's just another launcher guys!!1!!!1!"


Oct 25, 2017
If they're going down that road, then sure. I don't "need" their videogame either. I'll give that money to some charity instead.


Oct 25, 2017
They haven't called anyone toxic for not messing with EGS.

You know they haven't.

They're referring to people engaging in toxic behaviour over this decision.

If you can't see the difference, perhaps you should consider calming down just a little bit.

The blog post was clearly condescending and rattled off the usual EGS defense force arguments.

Deleted member 1273

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Here i come for people who were not going to buy the game to screenshot every single message in their discord so they can justify it


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Yeah invoking Karl Marx trying to justify being what amounts to be being bribed by a billion dollar corporation is so fucking stupid to me.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
The blog post seems unnecessarily snarky and condescending, but I don't blame them a bit for taking the money. I can only speak anecdotally, but it might not be a terribly bad bit of advertising for them. I've gone from never having heard of this game to mildly interested in it.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah invoking Karl Marx trying to justify being what amounts to be being bribed by a billion dollar corporation is so fucking stupid to me.

Publishing deals are bribes now?

When, say, some anime shows up on Netflix because they made an agreement and it's not on other platforms, is that a bribe? If not, what makes something count as a bribe?


Oct 25, 2017
Publishing deals are bribes now?

When, say, some anime shows up on Netflix because they made an agreement and it's not on other platforms, is that a bribe? If not, what makes something count as a bribe?
Eh. I'm with you, but invoking Karl Marx in an example of cynical execution of capitalist behaviour is so fucking stupid.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
And now their trying to deflect with tweets about Ninja, guess EPIC is trying to get them to advertise their golden goose now...



Alt account
Jul 27, 2019
These kinds of posts are just a more modern version of "u mad bro." Literally anything anyone can say to argue against it will, in your eyes, prove the statement right, even if it's inherently wrong (because the statement being directed solely at 'toxic gamers' is a complete and utter lie)

I can't tell you how to interpret my posts, but that wasn't the intent.

If you're angry about it, you have every right.

EGS spending all this money on making exclusives is annoying as shit, but they're clearly not going to stop any time soon, so be mad at them, I'll be right there with you.

I'm just not on board with tearing developers a new one for taking deals they think are too good to turn down. It's a business decision I despise but I don't believe warrants the vitriol I'm seeing online.

The blog post was clearly condescending and rattled off the usual EGS defense force arguments.

Perhaps the blog post is a bit inelegant, but at least it's the developers themselves reaching out and explaining why.

It's not perfect but I'll take it.

I'm not sure if you can even claim there's an EGS defence force here. I'm certainly not rooting for EGS or similar practices, I think they're bad for the industry. I'm just not down with the vitriol in response to it to developers that obviously wouldn't take the money if they could help it.


Oct 27, 2017
Publishing deals are bribes now?

When, say, some anime shows up on Netflix because they made an agreement and it's not on other platforms, is that a bribe? If not, what makes something count as a bribe?
In EGS threads everything is a bribe.
And now their trying to deflect with tweets about Ninja, guess EPIC is trying to get them to advertise their golden goose now...

...or maybe they're just continuing on with their business like normal people?

People are really proving the points they made in the blog, huh?


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
I can't tell you how to interpret my posts, but that wasn't the intent.

If you're angry about it, you have every right.

EGS spending all this money on making exclusives is annoying as shit, but they're clearly not going to stop any time soon, so be mad at them, I'll be right there with you.

I'm just not on board with tearing developers a new one for taking deals they think are too good to turn down. It's a business decision I despise but I don't believe warrants the vitriol I'm seeing online.

Perhaps the blog post is a bit inelegant, but at least it's the developers themselves reaching out and explaining why.

It's not perfect but I'll take it.

I'm not sure if you can even claim there's an EGS defence force here. I'm certainly not rooting for EGS or similar practices, I think they're bad for the industry. I'm just not down with the vitriol in response to it to developers that obviously wouldn't take the money if they could help it.

do i have the right to be apoplectic though?

Deleted member 42

user requested account closure
Oct 24, 2017


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Publishing deals are bribes now?

When, say, some anime shows up on Netflix because they made an agreement and it's not on other platforms, is that a bribe? If not, what makes something count as a bribe?
It's the sheer insanity of saying something like "Marx would support our decision to sell out to a company that's known to work it's workers to exhaustion!"


May 31, 2018
I can't tell you how to interpret my posts, but that wasn't the intent.

If you're angry about it, you have every right.

EGS spending all this money on making exclusives is annoying as shit, but they're clearly not going to stop any time soon, so be mad at them, I'll be right there with you.

I'm just not on board with tearing developers a new one for taking deals they think are too good to turn down. It's a business decision I despise but I don't believe warrants the vitriol I'm seeing online.

You were saying that anyone angry with the blog post was "part of the problem." How else was I supposed to interpret that? You're arguing that anyone angry at the developers is angry at the simple fact that they took the money, and not angry at them for being incredibly condescending and insulting towards anyone who might have even a slight issue with what Epic is doing: that's simply not true, and arguing that it's something else is ignoring what they actually said.


Oct 25, 2017
People are really proving the points they made in the blog, huh?
Epic defenders are really reaching today.

I'm not sure if you can even claim there's an EGS defence force here. I'm certainly not rooting for EGS or similar practices, I think they're bad for the industry. I'm just not down with the vitriol in response to it to developers that obviously wouldn't take the money if they could help it.
I'm not sure you can claim there's not an EGS defence force.


Oct 27, 2017
Hard to fault their decision. And I can't blame them for anticipating the inevitable harassment they're going to get.

Sputnik Sweetheart

Oct 31, 2017

Wow. EGS finally got me. Hades was a good push but this is the one that's got me. I'm so excited for Ooblets and I'm glad they've found a way to keep refining it.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't tell you how to interpret my posts, but that wasn't the intent.

If you're angry about it, you have every right.

EGS spending all this money on making exclusives is annoying as shit, but they're clearly not going to stop any time soon, so be mad at them, I'll be right there with you.

I'm just not on board with tearing developers a new one for taking deals they think are too good to turn down. It's a business decision I despise but I don't believe warrants the vitriol I'm seeing online.

Perhaps the blog post is a bit inelegant, but at least it's the developers themselves reaching out and explaining why.

It's not perfect but I'll take it.

I'm not sure if you can even claim there's an EGS defence force here. I'm certainly not rooting for EGS or similar practices, I think they're bad for the industry. I'm just not down with the vitriol in response to it to developers that obviously wouldn't take the money if they could help it.

Again, most people in this thread understand indie devs going for the EGS money. The issue is specifically them being very condescending about anyone who has issues with EGS. The blog post clearly takes aim at these people and was posted before any toxic replies they might have gotten in their discord/twitter.