Oct 26, 2017
Too early to tell if new Sym is strong but she's super mobile. Tracer got triple fucked by the bomb nerf (not as severe, but still stupid), Brigette got introduced and Hanzo got reworked, which gave us the double sniper meta (and 3-3).
New Symmetra totes' counter Tracer as well.
I mean i get it, Tracer have been strong since day one. But she was honestly the best balanced hero (as evident from the two nerfs she's got since beta).
I'm just super salty though. Can't recall having as much fun as playing tracer, in any game, ever. Oh well. My Widow and Zen and a couple of off tanks are getting there

Well super mobile is kind of hyperbole, but her teleport cooldown is way too low and have so much utility.

Ah okay I get where you were coming from. I think new Sym is definitely mobile now but still restricted - tele has a low cooldown but also can't be placed regularly. Makes Sym's movement much more linear in the short term, compared to Tracy who can still move constantly. I was also a Tracer one trick for a long time (still second most played hero) so I understand salt - but her bomb's nerf isn't that bad. Depending if they've got a Brig I guess. Movement and being cheeky still melts plenty of players. :)


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
Something I never understood is this idea that in order to be on a roster for a game, a character has to be canonically alive at present. That's...really strange. Like, I've heard so many "x can't be in Street Fighter/MK/whatever because they died." So? Especially for non-narrative or story-focused things like fighting games or Overwatch. Just put whoever on the roster.
You are the reason KOF Dream Match exists.

I love the playful nature of overwatch. I don't understand all this outrage over it being a hamster. The concept of Lucio as a character in a shooter seems just as crazy to me honestly. Bring Hamsters and Cats.. give me crazy backstories for them to tie them all in too. It's all fun.

I agree. Overwatch started its story very comic bookish (Straight up reawakening a dormant super hero team), and now they're going full crazy comic book. I love it. Bring that shit on.


Oct 25, 2017
The way this is being handled tells me this probably isn't the full reveal and that they're still holding back on something


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
I guess I should watch those animated shorts, seems to be the only thing I'm missing. I see no reason why they couldn't add them to the game tho, like in an "Extras" option. I mean if you just play the game there is no way of knowing they exist.

Yeah, agreed. Might just be too avoid cluttering it up too much.


Oct 25, 2017
HOTS just pushed out two Dev Videos on hero reworks at 1PM EST (3 hours after OW), so there's likely content staggering going on today.

I'd expect more info on Hammond at 3-4 EST.


Oct 25, 2017
So the name of the new hero is "Wrecking Ball"

The name of the hamster is PH Hammond and the mech is Wrecking Ball, and the whole hero is just named Wrecking Ball.


Oct 27, 2017
Mashing F5 on the patch notes like a mother fucker



Oct 25, 2017
Overwatch PTR Patch Notes – June 28, 2018
A new Overwatch patch is currently in development and now available for testing. To share your feedback or report and issue, please post in the PTR Feedback or PTR Bug Report forums.

Please note that the below patch notes only include changes currently available for testing on the PTR. While many of these changes will also be available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in a future patch, the PTR is PC-only and therefore will only reflect changes coming specifically to that platform.

New Hero: Wrecking Ball (Tank):

Wrecking Ball's tinkering capabilities and iron-clad mech make him a formidable tank hero, capable of bowling through the front line of the opposition and causing mayhem in the back line. His primary weapon, Quad Cannons, are two sets of twin machine guns that shred enemies caught in their crosshairs. No team is too much for Wrecking Ball to engage against with his Adaptive Shield, which generates more health based on the number of enemies nearby. This shield makes him incredibly difficult to kill when he bulldozes into the fray and, once he starts to get low on health, also provides him the endurance to escape. The Roll ability allows Wrecking Ball to withdraw the mech's robotic limbs, transforming it into a ball with increased movement speed. No obstacle can stand in Wrecking Ball's way when he uses Grappling Claw, a short-range ability that grips the environment, letting him swing across terrain gaps or around corners to smash enemies. Grappling Claw also allows Wrecking Ball to reach top speed and ram into foes, dealing destructive damage and knocking them back. While airborne, the mech's Piledriver ability causes Wrecking Ball to slam down from the air and knock his enemies off their feet.

When Wrecking Ball is at his strongest, he can use Minefield which flings mines onto the ground that deal a considerable amount of damage to enemies unfortunate enough to trigger them.

  • Several heroes have received major changes to their damage falloff:
    • Bastion
      • Configuration: Sentry and Configuration: Recon - Minimum damage at max range increased from 30% to 50%.
    • McCree
      • Peacekeeper - Minimum damage at max range increased from 30% to 50%
    • Mei
      • Endothermic Blaster - Removed all damage falloff from her secondary fire projectile
    • Soldier: 76
      • Heavy Pulse Rifle - Minimum damage at max range increased from 30% to 50%
    • Widowmaker
      • Widow's Kiss - Now has damage falloff applied on her automatic primary fire (50% at max range)
Developer Comments:The goal of these changes is to slightly reduce the impact of damage falloff on mid-range weapons. While assessing falloff mechanics across the board, weapons intended primarily for close-range combat benefited too greatly from lowering their falloff restrictions. We also normalized a couple of outliers in that Mei had a long-range travel time projectile with falloff applied and Widowmaker's automatic fire did not have any.

  • Storm Arrows
    • Duration reduced from 6 to 5 seconds
    • Cooldown increased from 8 to 10 seconds
Developer Comments: Hanzo's new kit has proven to be a bit too powerful, especially his new Storm Arrows ability. We're lowering the frequency that he can have this ability available to make it more reasonable to play around.

  • Stealth
    • Now lasts forever
    • No longer can contest objectives while invisible
    • Enemy detection radius increased from 2 meters to 4 meters
    • Now lasts forever
    • Can now be destroyed (has 5 health)
Developer Comments: These changes allow Sombra to more easily play as an infiltrator and scout for her team, as well as give her time to pick and choose when to reveal herself to ambush her enemies.

Assault Maps
  • Objective time reduced from 5 minutes to 4 minutes per control point in Quick Play and Arcade modes
Developer Comments: We have reduced the overall game time for Assault maps in Quickplay and Arcade Modes. Players now have four minutes to capture each point instead of the current five minutes per point. In some games, Point A would be captured rather quickly resulting in what could be lengthy battle over Point B. Point B is typically more defendable than Point A and, in some games, defenders were able to hold for the entire duration of remaining time which could potentially be 8 minutes or more. We felt that in these instances the overall time was simply too long for either team, with attackers unable to take the point and defenders having to hold. The reduction in time is now consistent with the Competitive Play times which provides an ample amount of time for both attackers and defenders, but hopefully removes the occasional game where it feels like you are playing against the timer and not the other team.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the group leader's UI to appear that they're canceling or leaving Waiting for Players when using a controller
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from receiving an AFK warning for not moving after receiving the No XP warning for not being in combat
  • Fixed a bug that caused Competitive Elimination to display as your last match played in the Recent Players menu
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players added to Avoid as Teammate from being removed if that player was added to their friends list
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Team Information screen to display an Endorsement level of a player who left the game
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Endorsement input from opening the Endorsement tray if it shared that input with another input
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Nearby Players menu from displaying Endorsement levels
Game Browser & Custom Games
  • Fixed a bug that allowed heroes to deploy multiple barriers or turrets when a decreased cooldown modifier was applied in a Custom Game
  • Fixed a bug that caused players to sometimes spawn into a wall or floor when playing a Deathmatch Custom Game with Respawn as Random Hero enabled

  • Fixed a bug that prevented heroes from playing a hit reaction animation when shot
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist's Rising Uppercut animation from playing when used after hitting something with Rocket Punch
  • Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte's portrait to show a non-existent ponytail with her Shieldmaiden skin equipped
  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist's Rocket Punch to stop if he hit Symmetra's Turret when it was in midair
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist's Meteor Strike from hitting Reinhardt if he faced his Field Barrier upward
  • Fixed a bug with Doomfist's Rocket Punch that prevented it from canceling Genji's Cyber-agility, Lúcio's Wall Ride, or Hanzo's Wall Climb on impact
  • Fixed a bug that prevented D.Va's mech rear hatch from connecting to her mech when viewing D.Va's Peace Victory Pose.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Junkrat's Frag Launcher grenades from dealing the correct amount of damage on direct hits
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Junkrat to set multiple Steel Traps in Custom Games
  • Fixed a bug that prevented teammates from viewing Junkrat's respawn timer if he died while piloting RIP-Tire.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the player to move the camera when Junkrat's RIP-Tire was frozen
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Moira's Healing Orb from healing friendly training bots in the Practice Range
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Moira's Biotic Orbs from trigging controller vibration when using a controller
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Reinhardt's Charge from propelling him forward if he was airborne due to Doomfist's Rising Uppercut
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Roadhog's Chain Hook target to be pulled to his new location when he used Symmetra's Teleporter.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Symmetra's Turrets from displaying a red outline when viewed by the enemy team
  • Fixed a bug that caused Reinhardt's Earthshatter to sometimes go through Symmetra's Photon Barrier
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Symmetra's Teleporter from using visual effects with her Oasis skin equipped
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Symmetra to receive credit toward her Huge Success achievement if she teleported her Sentry Turrets
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Tracer to gain capture point progress during her Recall ability
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Zarya's Particle Cannon from gaining energy when attacked by an enemy Symmetra or Zarya if they were too close to her when she used Particle Barrier
Looking for Group
  • Fixed a bug that caused all game modes to be selectable when adding a player to an LFG group
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Choose Roles menu from offering a default role when accessed
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from receiving messaging notifying them why they were unable to change a Looking for Group title if they were suspended from changing Custom Game names
  • Fixed a bug that prevented role icons from displaying on hero portraits
  • Fixed a bug that allowed two players were able to queue for the same Looking for Group spot


Oct 27, 2017
Seems strange to me that the character's name is "Wrecking Ball" instead of "Hammond."


Oct 27, 2017
Looks like I got my fun activity for my lunch break. Kind of glad this dropped before and not after since I really do want to find out more about Wrecking Ball. I'll just take a guess and say that like other heroes such as Mercy, Reaper, Junkrat, Roadhog and 76, Hammond will go under the codename of "Wrecking Ball" if this is indeed Hammond.


My lunch break can't come soon enough...

AHH!!! LOOK AT HIS TINY HANDS! And he even uses a ball mouse! :D

Oh and needless to say that the move looks badass and can't wait to see what players do with his kit.


Oct 26, 2017
Damn, he (she?) is by far the most mobile tank now.
Also the damage falloff changes for Soldier and McCree are massive as well.

Shake Appeal

Oct 27, 2017
New hero is cool and all, but OH MY GOD!
That detection radius is huge, and (presumably) enemies can destroy your transloc and screw you. Having infinite stealth is cool and all, but it doesn't address her central problem, which is you're giving up a huge amount of damage potential in favor of utility that requires very close coordination with your team.

Plus people (especially support) are just going to whine and she will get nerfed to obscurity again.