
Oct 27, 2017
I have been wary of him every since I read this reddit post:

"We were a small college club with around 10 members and on a whim one of our members emailed tyson's agent to see if we could book him. We found out it would cost 40k (it raised to 50k in December of that year where I think it still might be) for his speaking fee plus expenses to have him come to our college for 1 day where he'd host a small lecture, a press meeting, dinner with up to 6 people, and the main lecture and a book signing time permitting. We decided to go for it, and spent a year where our club exclusively worked on bringing him in.

When he arrived, myself and others introduced ourselves and our fields of study. He went after first of us in humanities or soft sciences pretty much relentlessly from the get go. We're all used to the philosophy major working at McDonald's joke, but he wasn't trying to be funny, and spent the ride from the airport making repeated comments about the uselessness of our majors. Additionally he spent about 5 minutes trying to show that logic was stupid but he was citing logical rules and Occam's razor.

The small lecture was him bragging about how famous he was, and how easy it is to pull yourself out of poverty or etc. The dinner was for leaders of other clubs so helped us raise money. He took the piss out of how one student held her fork, and was impossibly smug when giving advice to physics students.

The main event was a terribly boring lecture consisting of fart jokes and fan service; teasing the upcoming TV series he was in and not much else. He spent a quarter of the time reading Sagan's blue dot, which is nice but shouldn't have cost us because it wasn't his material.

He left at about 2am, and we were all exhausted because we had spent the day busy setting up and tearing down. The whole affair cost nearly 85k. The additional money being for locations, personnel, air fare, Tyson's hotel, catering, etc.

We all decided he was an asshole."

Thanks to Svadhyaya for digging up the link:

There was a post 3 years ago from 2 separate redditors talking about how they raised a large amount of money to have NDT speak at their university, and how he was an absolute asshole the entire time.


That tattoo incident reminded me of this moment

Yeah...do you still think he isn't capable of sexually assaulting women after watching this?


Oct 27, 2017
He is a pretty unique figure. How many POC in the scientific field having the kind of name recognition that he has? Not many, if any.

Which makes this whole situation even sadder for many folks.

This is what bummed me the fuck out. But it is what it is. There are other black men doing science. (Also a lot of black women as well.) We just don't hear from them as much. I wish we did.

Made science more visible in popular culture. And yes we need that in the US where half the country is anti science (at least half).

Over half. Take out the religious folks and you still have the idiots who think their opinions supersede studies and research.


Oct 26, 2017
Damn. I thought he was a good person. That reddit post if true makes these allegations more plausible for me. :(

Is it possible that he is autistic or has asperger's or is on the spectrum? Obviously doesn't excuse his behavior if true. I'm just trying to get a read on his personality. I heard Bill Nye is the same way unfortunately.


Oct 27, 2017
At least he says openly investigate the claims, he is not denying them and gave his side of the story, which is very reasonable.

We don't know the full story and may never, but that silly comment of potentially wanting more than a hug was pretty creepy. The rest seems pretty tame, but it's from his side.

I'll hold judgement until an investigation is completed.
Oct 27, 2017
There was a post 3 years ago [Have you ever met a celebrity who turned out to be a total douche?] from 2 separate redditors talking about how they raised a large amount of money to have NDT speak at their university, and how he was an absolute asshole the entire time.

Damn. I thought he was a good person. That reddit post if true makes these allegations more plausible for me. :(
I have been wary of him every since I read this reddit post...
Thanks to Svadhyaya for digging up the link...
...Just look at the post count (and media presence at large) between sexual assault from beloved celebrities and everyone else - Cristiano Ronaldo being one of the big recent examples.

The silence is defeaning.
To follow up on Sanstesy's post, as an interesting coincidence, it may be worth mentioning that Cristiano Ronaldo came up in that very same reddit thread [Have you ever met a celebrity who turned out to be a total douche?] which Svadhyaya, Painguy, and Gozu have cited, in relation to NDT. Direct link here.

For the threads here in ResetEra about the Ronaldo case: Gaming Section thread, EtcetEra Section thread.

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Oct 25, 2017
At least he says openly investigate the claims, he is not denying them and gave his side of the story, which is very reasonable.

We don't know the full story and may never, but that silly comment of potentially wanting more than a hug was pretty creepy. The rest seems pretty tame, but it's from his side.

I'll hold judgement until an investigation is completed.

I feel that it's very 'he said she said', and he knows that. So he's safe in saying to investigate because in the end, it'll come down to the words of two people?

It's a shame to hear this come out about NDT, but if he's a scumbag, then that's that.
Oct 25, 2017
This is part of the reason why Lance Armstrong would never admit to doping back then (even though he surely would have denied it regardless). He had an entire cancer organization on the shoulders of him and his inspirational story, and when you're at that point it becomes much much bigger than just you

Uh...nah. Lance ruined people's lives over this because of his stupid ego. He didn't want to give up his jerseys and the fame he got from it. The cancer org has gotten on just fine without him.

I really don't like how he opened this up and sure enough the first comment is about how things are a "manhunt" which then divulged into "hurting the real victims of sexual assault"


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If the allegations are true, at least I have a more valid reason to hate him now, instead of his insufferable egotism.
Oct 25, 2017
There was a post 3 years ago from 2 separate redditors talking about how they raised a large amount of money to have NDT speak at their university, and how he was an absolute asshole the entire time.


I remember the time my school got a famous non-NDT astro-person to speak at our colloquim, and he spent the entire reception dinner consstantly flirting with our one female grad student right in front of her boyfriend. Turns at that the guy's first wife and his second (current) wife were both grad students much younger than him, that me met through flouting his celebrity through work events.

This type of creepiness is entirely too common, and NDT and this guy are neither for the first nor the last.


Oct 25, 2017
His statement seems direct and honest. Guess we'll see what the investigation turns up but some of those accusations seem iffy.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll wait and see what they dig up from the investigation.

He for sure wanted to and tried to sleep with his assistant though. That much is clear. He never mentioned that he took his shirt off and put romantic music on like she did but they both brought up the creepy "(if I hug you) I'll want more".

He's intelligent and I hope he didn't actually harm anyone because I really enjoy his talks.