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Chairmanchuck (另一个我)

Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Watching this retrospective of American McGee's Alice and Alice: Madness Returns. Loved those games, really beautiful level designs and themes. Shame they aren't on Steam anymore.

I really enjoyed the first Alice game but never got around to Madness Returns when it came out. Guess I should give it a go.


Oct 25, 2017
Very good. Very good.

Watching this retrospective of American McGee's Alice and Alice: Madness Returns. Loved those games, really beautiful level designs and themes. Shame they aren't on Steam anymore.

Rather enjoyed this retrospective. Given the number of years between them, I had forgotten how the original ended and thus the disconnect in story between it and Madness Returns, but the game was so enthralling that I didn't mind at the time. I too would love a 3rd go round with McGee shaping Alice's world, but would also like the ideas and mechanics of the original to be done with other works.


Oct 25, 2017
You should. It's a longer than it should be, but not terribly so. I believe it's only available for purchase on Origin these days though.


Guess I did make an account for Anthem that I haven't used since the beta...

How is the ps3 version?

Rather enjoyed this retrospective. Given the number of years between them, I had forgotten how the original ended and thus the disconnect in story between it and Madness Returns,

This is honestly why I held off on playing the second, when I saw impressions of it that talked about that. Didn't feel the game needed a sequel, then before long I just forgot about it. Beat the original like 10 times or something and still have the box around somewhere.


Oct 25, 2017
any alan wake pc vets here?

I have a pc server connected to a TV in the living room. The game runs like shit but that's to be expected, however when I try to run the game fullscreen the audio defaults to the server's speakers, windowed it goes to the TV as usual. When I try to disable the server's sound capabilities the game just goes silent (on fullscreen) and won't use the other sound device. When I switch it back to windowed and restart the game the sound then works again.


Nov 4, 2017
I started playing Hellblade and I have to say, while I haven't played all the newest hotness, it probably has the best acting and facial expressions I've seen in a game. Like, I get that playing "person with psychosis" can be a real problematic thing, but if I'm just looking at "emotion trying to be conveyed" and divorce it from the context, there's some really convincing acting by Melina Juegens here.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Australia
I started playing Hellblade and I have to say, while I haven't played all the newest hotness, it probably has the best acting and facial expressions I've seen in a game.

Naughty Dog's stable of actors have, and rightly so, received a lot of plaudits for their performances, but Melina Juergens raised the bar something fierce. There's a potent rawness and enthralling conviction to literally everything she does that places her well and truly beyond the reach of her peers. She fucking earned that BAFTA.


Nov 4, 2017
Naughty Dog's stable of actors have, and rightly so, received a lot of plaudits for their performances, but Melina Juergens raised the bar something fierce. There's a potent rawness and enthralling conviction to literally everything she does that places her well and truly beyond the reach of her peers. She fucking earned that BAFTA.

Yeah, rawness and conviction are probably the best descriptors. There's a scene, right near the beginning of the game where she gets the rot on her arm and there's something so convincing about the way she acts out the pain of it happening. So many actors "act" severe pain, and while you get what they are going for, it usually feels acted. The way Melina did it, it didn't seem like acting, it was legitimately hard to watch (and kudos to the animators who undoubtedly had to do a lot of work to maintain the performance).

EDIT: I'll say this - Naughty Dog's actors are likely hamstrung not by the quality of the material they are given, but the genres. As 'heavy' as Last of Us tries to get, it's always going to be limited by still being genre fiction.


Oct 25, 2017
Lots of cool announcements at EVO, a quick list:

- Granblue Fantasy Versus release date.
- Street Fighter V Lucia, E. Honda and Poison DLC characters out now, more announcements in November and December.
- Cassandra for Soul Calibur 6, season 2 for SC6, Haohmaru from Samurai Shodown as as a guest character.
- New Under-Night coming 2020
- New Guilty Gear announced coming 2020.
- Samurai Shodown one DLC character every month in 2019, another season in 2020.
- Tekken season 3
- King of Fighters XV officially announced.
- Blazblue Cross Tag Battle 2.0 update: 9 new characters, Senran Karuga girl, Blitztank! Akatsuki, Neopolitan and 5 others.

Chairmanchuck (另一个我)

Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I kinda want to go to GamesCom, since its just like 20km from here, but I dont want to go during the normal days....

I went there one time during the press days, since a friend helped building some stalls and it was soooo comfortable.


Oct 25, 2017
I kinda want to go to GamesCom, since its just like 20km from here, but I dont want to go during the normal days....

I went there one time during the press days, since a friend helped building some stalls and it was soooo comfortable.
Cant you try to get a press pass through Era? PC-Era official envoy!



Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK

Guess I did make an account for Anthem that I haven't used since the beta...

How is the ps3 version?

I originally played it on 360, but I've not heard anything awful about the PS3 version. I've not heard anything great either, so.

Naughty Dog's stable of actors have, and rightly so, received a lot of plaudits for their performances, but Melina Juergens raised the bar something fierce. There's a potent rawness and enthralling conviction to literally everything she does that places her well and truly beyond the reach of her peers. She fucking earned that BAFTA.

Melina Juergens' rawness is probably due to her not actually being an actor, but rather a video editor at Ninja Theory who had to stand in to start with, until she ended up getting the lead role. Which is even more impressive.


Oct 28, 2017
And what to expect from "gamers" when they are always sidelined in these reportings?

I know it's but that is really useless article, that simply tells one side of the story, as most here recognise.
There certainly seems to have been no "shock" from the communications provided on their part, and ask one of the price "community" of theirs originally, it seems clear they don't understand their own audience either.
No one would have any issues with developers looking out for themselves and avoiding risk, but having contempt for your customers and in essence lying to them, and dismissing all their issues as well as justified reasoning for either not buying / avoiding the Epic Store, is ridiculous


Oct 25, 2017
I know it's but that is really useless article, that simply tells one side of the story, as most here recognise.
There certainly seems to have been no "shock" from the communications provided on their part, and ask one of the price "community" of theirs originally, it seems clear they don't understand their own audience either.
No one would have any issues with developers looking out for themselves and avoiding risk, but having contempt for your customers and in essence lying to them, and dismissing all their issues as well as justified reasoning for either not buying / avoiding the Epic Store, is ridiculous
RPS had a better article:

As many good-lookin' small-budget games are wont to, Ooblets has signed a timed exclusivity deal with the Epic Games Store in exchange for extra funding. That's common enough that we didn't even post about it. Also disappointingly common is the harrassment which follows, here directed at Glumberland, the tiny two-person development team behind the 'kinda Pokémon with cute dance-offs' game. The studio misjudged the tone of their announcement and that's being used to justify some real unjustifiable garbage

Which, y'know, makes sense. Their post tried to preempt upset by pointing out video game store choices are tiny issues compared to climate change or human rights abuses, saying "Look at the things going on around you and ask yourself if there might be anything just a tad more worthwhile to be upset about." It was patronising. Being patronising did not justify the torrent of outrage which has since been directed at the two (2) people making Ooblets.

They have seemed to make some tone-deaf responses to legitimate complaints about the shortcomings of Epic's substandard Store, which also sucks (do note that some of the Discord screenshots circulating online are out of context, and some even faked). But Glumberland are a two-person team without a PR filter or buffer, who've spent several days as the latest punching bag for Internauts to express ire over Epic buying exclusives


Oct 26, 2017
The motion capture live-performance-for-real-time-animation gear is impressive too. The camera is in her face while she acts.

It seems she has to wear green lipstick for the upper lip, and blue for the lower lip.


Oct 25, 2017
Still one-sided and deflective.
And not having a PR agency or Person is not an excuse that should be used. If someone said something offensive, it shouldn't be excused with the lack of PR.
I said better! I have some issues with it (such as not all the comments being out of context as they said, and the husband being much more confrontational and bad at PR than the wife, not comparing with other no-shitstorm EGS exclusives in similar situations like in Goose), but it at least wasnt totally one-sided.


Oct 25, 2017
I started playing Hellblade and I have to say, while I haven't played all the newest hotness, it probably has the best acting and facial expressions I've seen in a game. Like, I get that playing "person with psychosis" can be a real problematic thing, but if I'm just looking at "emotion trying to be conveyed" and divorce it from the context, there's some really convincing acting by Melina Juegens here.
Naughty Dog's stable of actors have, and rightly so, received a lot of plaudits for their performances, but Melina Juergens raised the bar something fierce. There's a potent rawness and enthralling conviction to literally everything she does that places her well and truly beyond the reach of her peers. She fucking earned that BAFTA.
Yeah, rawness and conviction are probably the best descriptors. There's a scene, right near the beginning of the game where she gets the rot on her arm and there's something so convincing about the way she acts out the pain of it happening. So many actors "act" severe pain, and while you get what they are going for, it usually feels acted. The way Melina did it, it didn't seem like acting, it was legitimately hard to watch (and kudos to the animators who undoubtedly had to do a lot of work to maintain the performance).

EDIT: I'll say this - Naughty Dog's actors are likely hamstrung not by the quality of the material they are given, but the genres. As 'heavy' as Last of Us tries to get, it's always going to be limited by still being genre fiction.
I wonder how seasoned actors feel about being one upped by a video editor.
Impressive all around, and based on all the dev blogs she seems like a delightful person too.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm currently looking for a relaxing game to play on PC, without much story, without time pressure, etc
Maybe with some exploration and nice music.

I had something like Journey, Abzu, Forager, Skate or No Mans Sky (although I find the meters stressing) in mind.


Oct 25, 2017
Of course Eniko is out there on Twitter calling people who don't like Epic's moves gamergaters or buying in to gamergater-instigated propaganda. The amount of gaslighting around this entire subject is completely spiraling out of control. Why would people go to these lengths because they think everyone should up and like Epic's initiatives? I can already feel that this narrative is going to take root and it sucks. Sorry to bring this in here but I had to vent this some of this frustration.

Chairmanchuck (另一个我)

Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Of course Eniko is out there on Twitter calling people who don't like Epic's moves gamergaters or buying in to gamergater-instigated propaganda. The amount of gaslighting around this entire subject is completely spiraling out of control. Why would people go to these lengths because they think people should up and like Epic's initiatives? I can already feel that this narrative is going to take root and it sucks.

It already is, so I mostly try to ignore it.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm currently looking for a relaxing game to play on PC, without much story, without time pressure, etc
Maybe with some exploration and nice music.

I had something like Journey, Abzu, Forager, Skate or No Mans Sky (although I find the meters stressing) in mind.
Consider eastshade too.
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