if Sony don't change, will you change?

  • No

    Votes: 3,385 73.0%
  • yes

    Votes: 1,253 27.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
Are we to pretend multiplayer social anxiety doesn't exist? I was not pointing the finger at anyone directly, and certainly not judging. I pity those people. Sorry if I offended you. That was not my intent.

Dude..what the actual fuck are you going on about? PS4 most likely have a bigger online MP community than xbox. You think all these MP games sell so well on PS4 despite some MP social anxiety? At first I thought you are joking but apparently not. This has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever read on Era. If anyone should be subjected to pity it's you for believing the nonsense you are typing out


Oct 27, 2017
Nope.. Playstation will always be my main console platform. PS5 will be day 1 for me.

Most of the games/series that I like are Sony's exclusives (story-driven single-player game) .

But i will probably buy most multiplayers games on PC.


Oct 26, 2017
Backwards compatibility is going to be important. I already have a pc so there really is no incentive to buy an Xbox console. When I get a 4K TV I'll buy one for 4K Blurays


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Nah. All my friends play on either PS4 or PC. Unless something crazy happens all my friends will likely get PS5s or continue playing on PC. So as long as they don't go in the opposite direction and get rid of PC cross platform play, I don't care. If they did that, honestly, I don't think I'd go with another console, but I'd probably start getting multiplayer games on PC, and maybe transition into making that my main platform. Depends on how much I play MP games at that point. That's been dropping recently and may well be completely gone by then.


Oct 25, 2017
Nope. I don't about the cross play stuff, and I barely play any of the games that would benefit from it. Not saying that Sony shouldn't open up to it, but their decision doesn't affect my experience on PlayStation.
Oct 25, 2017
I buy all consoles so nope, I won't be.

The PS4 is my primary console and likely will be next gen because I love the controller better and I tend to like the simple and clean interface...

PSN works for me and does what it needs to do. Crossplay doesn't matter that much to me but I hope they truly change their stance. I still like Sony exclusives better and I don't think that me sticking with and Xbox next or Nintendo next will ever be enough. I'm however not in a at rush for a new console so I wouldn't buy one day one though.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 29, 2017
What for , Sony first parties games are still some of my favourites . If I need cross platform I can just play on PC .

PC + PS4/PS5 is still the best combo .


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I need to see what the ps5 and nextbox offer before I make that call. My love of Japanese games means I'll likely get a ps5 eventually, but I could see buying a nextbox for the majorty of 3rd party games going forward.


Oct 26, 2017
Helsinki, Finland
Um what the hell are you talking about? I never implied anything like that....

One last time. The majority in this thread are saying they play single player games ONLY.

I was saying this was an "Era bubble" because the majority of gamers do not play single player games ONLY.

I never said that single player games are not successful and I'm really not sure where you are getting that from.

This thread really does show the Era bubble. So many people are saying that they don't play multiplayer games.
I guess I took it the wrong way, as people have in the past tried to downplay single player games in a similar manner, which is always both annoying and amusing. The majority of older gamers I know outside of this forum only play single player games. Only few them play online occasionally, and only a couple of them do that regularly. Based on that, I could also provide a blanket statement, that only teenagers care about online games that much.


Oct 26, 2017
Are we to pretend multiplayer social anxiety doesn't exist? I was not pointing the finger at anyone directly, and certainly not judging. I pity those people. Sorry if I offended you. That was not my intent.
Are we pretending public chat isn't more often than not, a toxic, cesspit, filled with bellends? Especially if you have anything other than a generic accent. I have no issues talking to people from a LFG site or here, but Public chat I'm good without.

Not sure what this has to do with the thread though, it's unfortunately not exclusive to anyone platform.


Oct 25, 2017
Nope. It's a complete non-issue for me. The few multiplayer games that I do play will have large enough userbases regardless.


Editor at Push Square
Oct 27, 2017
Nope, I understand why it bothers some, but the cross-console play stuff matters not one jot to me. I think the vast majority feel the same.

Cross-play with PC, which they've always supported, is enough really — but I barely play online personally. Not a big deal to me.


Dec 27, 2017
Are we pretending public chat isn't more often than not, a toxic, cesspit, filled with bellends? Especially if you have anything other than a generic accent. I have no issues talking to people from a LFG site or here, but Public chat I'm good without.
For the most part MP chat on PC games are pretty tame so I do enable chat or use discord. However, if I do any type of MP on consoles best believe I am muting everyone or chatting only with friends in a private party. Console game chat is cancer x 1230012458190858957182

Deleted member 32018

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Nov 8, 2017
I guess I took it the wrong way, as people have in the past tried to downplay single player games in a similar manner, which is always both annoying and amusing. The majority of older gamers I know outside of this forum only play single player games. Only few them play online occasionally, and only a couple of them do that regularly. Based on that, I could also provide a blanket statement, that only teenagers care about online games that much.

I certainly was not downplaying single player games. I am well aware of how successful many of them have been and yes you obviously misunderstood me as what you quoted from me doesn't say what you obviously think it does.


Oct 30, 2017
No, you consider that a social interaction. I do not. I never believed that age old adage...

Nintendo fans have real friends.
Microsoft fans have online friends.
Sony fans have no friends.

And I will not generalize, but just wow at this thread. Eye opening indeed.

Thanks for bringing to light that profound made-up old adage lmao

But seriously:
Can't get hurt by cross-play if you have no friends.




Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Please link it, I wanna see it. LOL

I guess they mean this? But that isn't what happened at all?

I don't really care if people aren't invested or care about crossplay and stuff, but to say the fortnite thread specifically is full of fake outrage is ridiculous. That thread is not about crossplay and is a more serious problem, people invested in that game have every right to be pissed by what's happening with their account.


Oct 27, 2017
No. I hope they do cross platform some day. I feel like they refuse to do it because they don't have to give a shit about it because they've sold way more units. But it's not enough to keep me away.


May 19, 2018
I'll still buy a PlayStation as long as there are exclusive games I care about. Crossplay would be nice but not a deal-breaker.


Oct 26, 2017
Helsinki, Finland
Bringing up the past and acting like what's currently going on with Fortnite is somehow the same thing to me implies you are fueling the platform wars if anything.

The past infuences the present. Hell, it's not long since Spencer tried to imply there's some sort of exclusivity deal with Sony and Square, when FFXIV wasn't coming to XBO, and Square revealed that it was all about Microsoft not offering crossplay, unlike Sony did with PC.

Then there's this.

eh , for all the righteous bullshit being tossed around in this thread, i havent heard a single soul even ask for cross play on pubg, ms's poster child from last year. much less question why it isnt there.


Oct 31, 2017
I own both a PS4 Pro and X1X, and I will own whatever the next release of those consoles are. Cross play doesnt really matter to me and I play fortnite. But I also play it with friends on PS4 and my two brother in laws on PC. I wouldnt even notice a difference if I was able to play with friends on Xbox or any other platform as I dont have friends who play it on said platform. To miss out on an entire generation of amazing 1st party exclusive games cause you cannot play one game cross platform seems like such a waste of energy. I can understand if the situation effects you differently but it just doesnt apply to me at all as I can enjoy all the games with my friends with no issues.

Also people who think this will have any major impact, especially enough to move the needle either way in regards to sales are seriously delusional. But I respect an individuals choice to avoid the Playstation platform should they choose to do so cause of the current situation.


Oct 30, 2017
Hell no and I suspect most are the same.

It's not a deal breaker despite all the noise some (definitely the minority) seem to make it out to be. Heck, Microsoft charging to play a free to play game when no other platform does is much worse.


Apr 16, 2018
Lol bro. I told many times, moment Sony announces their exclusives people will go after PS doesn't matter if it's BC or not or support Cross platform.


Oct 25, 2017
It'll probably make me wait longer to get a PS5. Persona and Yakuza probably aren't gonna come to Xbox or Switch anytime soon.


Oct 25, 2017
Of course not. They will eventually sort this out anyways, and as long as the amazing games keep flowing the ps platform is the place to be.

Heroin Cat

Oct 27, 2017
New Zealand
1) The PS4's lifeblood is its exclusives (for me) and 2) Crossplay isn't really that important. Crossplay has never been important or all that major until recently (See that Xbox Shadowrun game). Cross play at this point is more of an extra on other platforms than a missing feature for PS.

To be fair, my friends either have a PS4 or PC, so I usually play mp/coop stuff on PC. Don't care about crossplay on PC either.


Oct 26, 2017
Exclusive games are worth much more to me than crossplay. I barely play anything online anyway, and when I do I make sure I get it on the platform I can play with friends on. Like with Rocket League we play on PC. It's not like I could party up with Xbox or Switch people anyway so to me it's a non-feature.

So nah, PS5 is pretty much a lock for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Blocking fortnite accounts is a fucking shitty thing to do, but I see why they block crossplay. Regardless, it would not impact my decision to go with Sony again next gen, especially seeing how strong their first party is now.


Feb 6, 2018
I play mainly single player games, so yes as long as ND stays with Sony, I'll be gaming on ps5. If MS bought ND somehow and games like TLOU end up on MS console, then I wouldn't have a problem going with MS.

The MP games that I do play have pretty big communities already, so as long as I can find a match online, crossplay doesn't matter to me.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Lol bro. I told many times, moment Sony announces their exclusives people will go after PS doesn't matter if it's BC or not or support Cross platform.

Yep, Sony games have a huge pull, but BC isn't in the same league as CP-Play, especially now that purchasing digital has become so common. In 2019 or 2020, telling people they'll lose all their digital games would be a pretty big deal. It would be a major mistake from Sony.

I know I'd be pretty fucking pissed. I own over 50 digital games on PS4 and the gen is not over. I had less than 10 on PS3.

The same thread but with BC as its main topic would have much more interesting responses I think.


Oct 25, 2017
Neo Yokio
Yes, I mostly game on multiplayer and not having crossplay is shit.

Sad about people not knowing the joys of playing multiplayer games.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
Haha, no. It doesn't affect me in any way, shape or form.
Feels like a real issue but one that's being blown ridiculously out of proportion because it's potent fuel for platform warring and little more.


Oct 27, 2017
If they continue to have crappy policies, there are plenty of other places for me to spend my gaming dollar.


Knows Too Much
Oct 25, 2017
Over cross play? No, I'll just know to not open any third party accounts on my PlayStation account and play those elsewhere.

Now a lack of backward compatibility on the other hand would be a deal breaker at this point.


Nov 17, 2017
No, I don't care about cross play. I mainly play on my pc mp games. Don't get me wrong it's nice and better player base but it's not a thing to dying for.


Oct 25, 2017
Is this a serious question?

While sonys stance on this sucks big time, its not a deal breaker in any shape or form.
Xbox is playing nice with crossplay only because they sold half as much as playstation this gen. You would be naive to think xbox would allow cross play if the roles were reversed.

Deleted member 19533

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Oct 27, 2017
Nope. Xbox has nothing to offer me personally that PlayStation does not.

The cross-play issue is complete non-issue for me. I rarely play online games outside of fighters, and the ones I do are co-op games I play with friends, and they all have PlayStation as well.

That being said, a good 30-40% of the games I play are PlayStation exclusive, and a lot of them I feel are the best games. I play video games to enjoy video games, and if I don't have access to those games.... yeah.

I understand that this affects some people, but the reality is this is something we've never had. It's always been expected to have separate accounts per platform, and people double and triple dip all the time on the same titles for this reason. I find it somewhat amusing people all of a sudden now have a problem. Anyway, I think the issue will resolve itself. And please remember, when Xbox had the market share, they were doing the exact same thing last gen. Giving access to your huge market to a competitor, from a business perspective, is not the best idea. So there's going to be some time before cross-play is standard across all platforms. Times are changing, but it takes time for these policies to change for, what I feel, are obvious reasons.

Deleted member 135

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Oct 25, 2017
Fuck no. I don't care about cross play in the slightest. Backwards compatibility on the other hand...