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Deleted member 224

Oct 25, 2017
I'm struggling to figure out what is genuine worry at this point, and what is concern trolling. There are a lot of people out there who hate Era and what the community stands for, and we know they've got accounts here too.

Here is how you sneak it through----you don't make an announcement. At all. I'm not saying there isn't some validity to wanting this in Off Topic, even if I disagree, but I'm getting frustrated at folks looking for the worst possible interpretations in regards to the sell and announcement, and then letting that worst possible view spread to the point where they're essentially shit talking admins and mods in here.
I'm not looking at the worst possible interpretation. I'm looking at what's in front of me. And I'm not shit talking admins and mods. Dealing with this topic is no doubt giving them headaches. And they want it to stop.

This thread should be better organized with a variety of threadmarks updating posters about the buyout itself, who made the buyout, and what their background/history looks like. Or it should be posted to off topic and gaming side in addition to the banner.

But again, it's not. And I wish people would stop trying to say that I'm creating some big conspiracy or painting people in the worst light here. This topic is being handled poorly, and I can only assume it's being handled this way on purpose.


Oct 27, 2017
That's fair. I guess the closest we'll get is the thread that was just linked:

Resetera revenue should go back to the community and gaming charity causes

It’s one person’s site plain and simple. There will eventually be ads and someone will profit and there’s nothing wrong with that. Just don’t click the ads if you don’t like them or use an ad-blocker. Patreon isn’t going to happen for ethical reasons - can create a major conflict of interest if...

It was locked after two days with this comment:

It's possible that I really believed it would be taken into consideration once the site started generating a profit. And I feel like I believed that based on similar discussions on the discords that involved the leaders making the transition possible. Apparently none of that was taken into serious consideration, and the Admins appear to be fine with that.

No one has brought up financial stuff in 4 years, so you could really say we were all fine with it. Wasn't until 2019 that someone even asked who owns this place.

Now we're slapped in the face with how things are and suddenly we care. A week ago I doubt any of this was even a thought to most people.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
That cat is having too much fun---those fingers need to be poking the cat in the face.

Oct 26, 2017
I'm not looking at the worst possible interpretation. I'm looking at what's in front of me. And I'm not shit talking admins and mods. Dealing with this topic is no doubt giving them headaches. And they want it to stop.

This thread should be better organized with a variety of threadmarks updating posters about the buyout itself, who made the buyout, and what their background/history looks like. Or it should be posted to off topic and gaming side in addition to the banner.

But again, it's not. And I wish people would stop trying to say that I'm creating some big conspiracy or painting people in the worst light here. This topic is being handled poorly, and I can only assume it's being handled this way on purpose.


The cutest v-tuber
Oct 25, 2017

Notice how much more active this thread got after that other thread was up for only 10 minutes or so.

Once the MOBA Network branding, ad takeovers, and cross-linking kicks in, it'll be a liiiiiittle bit harder to ignore.


Log out without an ad blocker era already looks like this and has for a long time


Oct 25, 2017
Something I've wondered for a bit; why aren't links to this section and The Vault included in the sidebar to the left or the dropdown menu at the top of every page?


Oct 25, 2017
It's possible that I really believed it would be taken into consideration once the site started generating a profit. And I feel like I believed that based on similar discussions on the discords that involved the leaders making the transition possible. Apparently none of that was taken into serious consideration, and the Admins appear to be fine with that.
Consideration is a nebulous term. It's possible they DID consider it, and just rejected it for other reasons, maybe not even profit driven reasons. Who knows. We can't read minds, let alone minds of four years ago. For what it's worth, I agree that I have my own apprehensions of being corperate owned and wish that things had moved in a different direction.

But not every disappointment in life is a personal betrayal.

The way members of the community make up narratives to vilify the moderators and admin is a practice that has long since gone beyond holding them accountable to their fuck ups, and the way the rhetoric of this thread up to now has been a series of attempts trying to find a framework wherein Cerium and mods can be made the betrayer and villain that sticks. But there really isn't a basis for it because here, they haven't betrayed any ideals, reneged on no promises, and done nothing to warrant the hostility, and the intellectual dishonesty of various users trying to find reasons they did all frustrates me.

Sometimes, things can just suck without anyone being at fault for it.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
No, it started because Evilore made the old platform uninhabitable.
What you're saying is "A lot of people thought this thing I'm saying". Assuming that's true, that's still not proof of anything. All you're actually saying is "A lot of people made the same erroneous assumption I made". A lot of people assuming something isn't proof of anything, it just means a lot of people were wrong the same way your are.
Correct on all counts.

Were you on every Discord at the time? Did you read every single post? Do you have perfect recall? I point out that others have the same memories, and yet you out right say that I'm definitively wrong. Good luck here. I think this is the post the broke the camel's back for me.
All this proves is that people spinning false narratives in Discords has been a thing since day 0 (or even before).... which frankly doesn't surprise me one bit, lol.

I was a staff member at launch and my impression of the ownership was always that Cerium had created an LLC and a few others owned shares (which, as it turns out, Cerium later bought from them). This was not hidden or obfuscated or anything (the ToS and Privacy Policy all reference the LLC). I never once got the impression that the ownership was some cooperative or whatever. Veelk is correct that this appears to be some sort of mass delusion, which would possibly explain why so many people are going "I thought this was community owned!!", but meh.

Personally I was fine with Cerium being the owner; he forked out the money and effort (including being automatically doxxed as LLCs are public information) to launch the site, he took the risk (Era could very well have not gotten any traction for all sorts of reasons and the site could have died pitifully within months) and the initiative. It was an investment, not a "grift", and it paid off. Hell, a lot of us posted on NeoGAF back then, despite knowing Evilore, who even pre-metoo was known to be a raging asshole, was the sole owner and was filthy rich from the content we all posted. 🤷‍♀️

To everyone saying "well, it shouldn't have been like that!!", I can only think: how, exactly, would you have made it happen differently? Did you (rhetorical "you" here) want to invest money in buying the software licenses, preparing the hosting, paying a tech team to create add-ons and run anti-DDOS scripts, doxxing yourself to create an LLC, hiring lawyers, overseeing policies and structures and staff and branding, overseeing the invite system for launch, and all that jazz? And if so, why didn't you?

"But I didn't know this was happening". Well, so what? Still nothing stopped you from taking the initiative with your "community" buddies to do what needed to be done to launch your community-owned websites. And let's assume that you had known: what would you have done to stop it? "Wait, no, Cerium, don't do this. I don't want the new forum to be owned by only you and 2 other guys." To which Cerium might have said : "ok, tough shit, I'm doing it anyway, you can join the new forum or make your own"... or maybe you'd say, "actually I do want to buy a share", but then Cerium might say "well I don't really trust you and/or like you actually so nah I'm good, you're on your own, best of luck". And he'd be within his rights honestly.

What I'm saying is that, like Veelk said, a lot of this discussion about "community ownership" is basically hot air. It sounds all feel-good and nice but no one seemingly knows what it means, how it would work in practice and reality. Same with "pay your mods", when you start to really think about what that would mean, and the ramifications of such a system, then even casting aside the staff's own wishes (which you shouldn't do, mind), suddenly you realize it's far more complicated than a feel-good slogan chant.

But, as was previously said, the idea of Era being "for the community" was in how it was driven and managed, not about how it was owned on a logistical level. That's just not how most websites are run at all, honestly.

Well it definitely leaves a bit of bad taste in your mouth doesn't it? The thought that a forum which lives because of its members gets sold and the members that contributed to its success don't get anything is a bit strange, leaves you with the feeling of getting used.

But in the end we can't complain, people provide content for free here and the admins made this possible, without them providing the infrastructure there would have been nothing. Let's hope for the best in the future and keep on keeping on.
See above. People were fine with making Evilore rich back on GAF. If you don't like how the content you create can drive traffic and generate revenue for someone... don't come. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Why is it that the "different opinions" that will get people banned are always in topics centering on race, bigotry, equality, and sexual representation?
I know right

I feel loved.

And by loved I mean hated.
You know I love you! <3

Why wasn't any of that cash poured back into ResetEra for all that good stuff we have been asking for for years:

Animated avatars
Bleeeeech. I'm rather glad they invested in all those cool add-ons like Giftbot or the GOTY voting system or the Ticket system instead. xD

Not everything is a conspiracy, there isn't some secret plan or ulterior motive, Cerium set up ERA with others, bought out the others and now has had enough of running the site and sold it to a company that will stay hands off (hopefully)
What is this? A sane post that accurately summarizes the situation without being inflammatory? Good sir, I think you are on the wrong forum! ^^


Oct 25, 2017
I mean I read the press release and it didn't say anything like I wouldn't be able to ban bigots.
True, but it says that ad revenue has to increase, new subscription models will receive a heavy push and get focused on, we will see new marketing campaigns like product placements and that Era will get included in their network and gets increased traffic by funneling their existing userbase to us.

Thats a lot of words for "nothing will change".

E: I mean I appreciate it when you plan to keep your personal stance on moderation issues. But there will definatly be changes introduced by the new owners.
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The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
What do people expect the staff to do other that reiterate that they're going to continue as they have been doing?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

Resetera revenue should go back to the community and gaming charity causes

It’s one person’s site plain and simple. There will eventually be ads and someone will profit and there’s nothing wrong with that. Just don’t click the ads if you don’t like them or use an ad-blocker. Patreon isn’t going to happen for ethical reasons - can create a major conflict of interest if...
It's still crazy to me how on the money the OP of that thread was.

Imagine all the good causes the community could have donated to with that money. Instead, one dude took it all and ran.
Oct 25, 2017
Taking something into consideration doesn't automatically mean that they're going to do that thing, though.

No, it doesn't, but from the sounds of it, it was never taken into consideration. Two years after that all ownership was quietly transferred to one person. Then two more years, it was transferred to a weird gaming forum corp. And Admins kept working for free without a peep. If the Admins don't care, ultimately, I don't either. If they feel one guy's contribution was worth $5 million dollars and their contributions weren't worth any compensation, or that any charities deserved the money more that that dude did, then whatever I guess. I'm not in any marginalized group, so if this place gets riddled with ads and users clicking one button to sign in through facebook, no sweat off my back.


Oct 27, 2017
Okay, but I emphasize again, you're not telling me Cerium or admins said this, you're just telling me 'a lot of people' said they expected it. Even if that's true and you could bring back those discord rooms to prove it, a bunch of people assuming something isn't substantial evidence that's how that thing is or that it was even presented as that thing. It can just mean that they were making a bad assumption (not just bad as in it turns out to be untrue, but bad as in they had no cause for believing it in the first place)

Obviously with the benefit of hindsight it's easy to say now "Of course Cerium and his stooges were the only names on the LLC!". But just look at these two threads from launch:

This is presented as if every Administrator is on the same level as Cerium himself. The truth is Cerium should have been in the "System Administrators" section, and that placed above "Administrators". That would be less deceptive, but still pretty shady. It is not clear at all that these big names from the community have fuck all to do with this new ResetEra LLC entity, and are only on this list as posters with access to the report queue and an ability to edit their own tags.

And this one:

Full of flowery platitudes about community and unison.

We are only here because we were not divided. And today we would like to make it clear that we never will be.

The absolute brass neck of the man!

And then there's this about potential future funding:

We've been fielding a lot of questions about this and we would like to stress that during the development of ResetEra we never made any plans for monetization as that would have only slowed us down when there was no time to lose. Even now the team is in agreement that we would like to deliver some essential improvements for the community without distractions.

Many of you have been eager to donate or contribute towards the site, and while we are deeply moved by your offers, we feel that this is the wrong model to pursue as it can create conflicts of interest as regards moderation.

For the time being ResetEra, LLC is committed to being 100% self-funded through the end of 2017. During this time we will examine all of our options for the long term funding of ResetEra, and will announce our plans at a later date.
It's of course perfectly valid, and any of us could have looked up the records to see it was only Cerium and his buddies listed on the board of Resetera LLC and none of the others. But I guess nobody did, and that worked out perfectly for him. Note that throughout all these posts, professional business terms are used to describe people the community expect are involved in the business - "Community Manager", "Staff", "On personal leave", "General Manager" etc. All implying to the community these a professional relationship, a workplace, a large organization. But it turns out are simply unpaid volunteers! An unpaid volunteer does not have to apply for leave and have it approved by their line manager! Not implying these volunteers weren't working hard - I'm sure they absolutely were! Only that this very hard work was intentionally spun so as to imply these big name community leaders were actually part of the business.

I'd think a lot of people expected the "later date long-term funding options announcement" to be the sort of thing where it was shared between community stakeholders or the like, and didn't worry about it too much for now. Again, that worked out perfectly for him. And in a few months all he announced was Ads and Era Clear.

And finally in this silly long post, there is the again already linked BoyAJ thread:

Resetera revenue should go back to the community and gaming charity causes

NeoGAF was the most popular video game forum. I suspect that era is over now. One of my concerns, and many, many other members' concerns with that forum is how the owner financially managed it. It became user hostile with viglinks, intrusive ads, and hijack your browser mobile ads. More...

This obviously shows that most of the users expected the stewardship of Era and the finances not the settled matter they actually were already, but a community topic still to be decided. In hindsight there should have been an exodus when this thread got locked. What the fuck. It was a sign of things to come, no doubt.

So yeah - you are right, of course. But it's not completely unbelievable that people thought things would be different back in the day. Cerium has clearly been running somewhat of a long con since the very start.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
True, but it says that ad revenue has to increase, new subscription models will receive a heavy push and get focused on, we will see new marketing campaigns like product placements and that Era will get included in their network with new traffic by funneling their existing userbase to us.

Thats a lot of words for "nothing will change".
As I said earlier, aggressive advertising is a thing to worry about, sure.

But people are literally peddling the idea that we're going to turn into some shit like 8chan, or that people won't be able to criticize corporations like Activision Blizzard anymore, because of the other forums. Some people- again- also think that this sale means people like me never cared about bigotry.

The amount of bad faith theorycrafting
is off the charts right now.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
But again, it's not. And I wish people would stop trying to say that I'm creating some big conspiracy or painting people in the worst light here. This topic is being handled poorly, and I can only assume it's being handled this way on purpose.

Look. I'm gonna be blunt here. I know I am prone to bouts of apocalyptic thinking. Everyone who knows me knows that. Morrigan can tell you stories, trust me.

But there's a difference between not trusting nebulous game publishers and not trusting the people I talk to and see every day on this board. If the admins and mods think nothing is going to change, I don't think it's a secret conspiracy to pull the wool over my eyes because what do they have to gain from it? They aren't MOBAnet employees any more than I was Cerium's employee when I was a mod.

If MOBAnet fucks around and ruins Era, it's on MOBAnet, not the admins and the mods. Maybe have a tiny bit of faith in the members of our community who try to keep the site running day to day instead of assuming they all want the worst for us?


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Did anyone actually see Cerium post saying he wasn't part of the illuminati?

Curious 🤔


Oct 25, 2017
You are the one painting the board as some echo chamber where just disagreeing on a topic will get you banned.

Give me an example which falls outside of those topics I listed where, when not expressing your view like an asshole, you could cop a ban simply for having a different opinion.

The TOS is what it is. People disagree civilly all day. You literally can't just disagree with someone on some mundane topic and get banned, that is utter bullshit.
Off the top of my head: The recent thread about Jim Ryan is full of them because users had the absolute nerve to try to put some measure of context to a single sentence, out of context quote.
And then the ban on Markratos in that same thread for calling out how users were being insulted for expressing their opinion in that thread.
Haze's post in the Dragon Age 4 thread.
Polyh3dron's post in the Avowed details thread under the guise of "console wars." Vexii being warned for "hostility" for saying "use your brain" in a response in the DF Alan Wake thread.
Haunted's ban in the Jonathan Blow thread because they had the audacity to suggest they're looking forward to the dev's next game.
Cerulean_skylark's being warned for their post in the "Will SMTV be the break out hit for the series..." thread because of "port-begging?" When all they said was that they'd buy the game if it saw "a wider console release later on down the road."
Oh, and then there's TsuWave's ban in the thread about Pokemon Legends details from Kotaku They said "ugly ass game" and caught a day-long ban for "drive-by posting." Seriously?
Sophistry's post in the Koichi Sugiyama thread where they said, and I quote: "Some of the criticism in this thread is thoughtfully constructed. Some of the criticism in this thread is teen edgelord twitter-quality garbage. Noting this difference isn't the same as saying criticism is bad. But to each their own." Their ban reason was "tone policing." Tone policing for voicing their opinion. Several others in that thread snagging bans for daring to say that they find it bizarre or disgusting to celebrate someone's death. Many of those posts opening with the "as much as I found him despicable, I find it bizarre to celebrate someone's death."

These are just from the past few days and from what I saw and remembered off the top of my head. I'm not here to do your homework for you.

I also don't care if you agree with me on this one, but this site is very much an echo chamber.

The TOS is a standard legal necessity full of the typical jargon that covers Era's ass when it comes to data collection, laws (such as adhering to COPPA regulations), covering bases for things like DMCA takedowns, and the like. It is not a set of forum rules that users abide by. In fact, the link in the footer, despite saying it contains the Terms and Rules does not include any such site rules whatsoever. To even see any of the supremely vague rules (with a couple of rare exceptions) on this site, you need to scroll down on the site's FAQ page.
Oct 25, 2017
If it truly was sold in the interest of the community, and not mainly for the payout, why wasn't the wider community given a heads-up that more people were needed to help keep things running (in terms of effort as we can see the funding was coming in fine), with the warning that we were heading towards potentially losing our community's independence if we didn't pull together, before looking for external buyers who we can now only hope won't change things for the worse?
Was there a reason to think that "the community" was going to handle ownership/boost mod ranks?


Jun 25, 2021
Not a single admin is against what is happening. There must be a reason for it.

Before we get to the part where we extrapolate every intention to malice or some conspiracy theory, what do you think that reason is?

The simplest reason is that they looked at the facts presented them, weighed it against their experience with Cerium, and decided it was something they were ok with, or at the very least neutral. Borrowing from Occam's Razor, I'd count on this being the most

Yet, despite these efforts, the forum has been steadily bleeding users. In fact, as of the past year and a bit, the steady bleeding has turned into a hemorrhage.

This, to me, makes it seem like the very structure of those efforts was wrong. As I see it, effort on its own has no intrinsic value. It's worthless. You can put in your best effort and end up with Monkey Jesus.

I think the issue isn't effort (or lack thereof), but rather clarity of focus (or lack thereof).

When something is organized and run by volunteers, there are going to be mistakes. This isn't some pro operation that you're paying big bucks for. Instead of beating them up over those mistakes, why not offer suggestions? Or at the very least recognize that their efforts are well-intentioned and be supportive?

I'm reminded of the thread I just read in OT regarding legendary coach meltdowns. I'd highly recommend watching this one from Mike Gundy addressing the press who have been attacking his college athletes:

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Deleted member 224

Oct 25, 2017
Look. I'm gonna be blunt here. I know I am prone to bouts of apocalyptic thinking. Everyone who knows me knows that. Morrigan can tell you stories, trust me.

But there's a difference between not trusting nebulous game publishers and not trusting the people I talk to and see every day on this board. If the admins and mods think nothing is going to change, I don't think it's a secret conspiracy to pull the wool over my eyes because what do they have to gain from it? They aren't MOBAnet employees any more than I was Cerium's employee when I was a mod.

If MOBAnet fucks around and ruins Era, it's on MOBAnet, not the admins and the mods. Maybe have a tiny bit of faith in the members of our community who try to keep the site running day to day instead of assuming they all want the worst for us?
1.I don't think the mods/admins are trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes. I think they simply don't want to draw any more attention to the topic than it has already gathered.
2. The mods/admins had no say in the sale. Again, I am not speaking negatively towards them. I fully expect a variety of the mod and admin team to leave if things start negatively changing.
3. The official press release stated that changes were coming in the form of finding ways to make more money from the forum. It will be interesting to see what this place looks like in 3 years for example.
4. It should be easier for users to find this thread. It should be posted in both off topic and gaming side.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
What do people expect the staff to do other that reiterate that they're going to continue as they have been doing?
They need to show their crystal ball into the future where they can guarantee MOBA will never renege on their promises/contracts/whatever it was. Anything less will never be satisfactory, clearly. 😏

I mean this really is the lesson here
Yup. Same for any site with user-generated content, tbh. From Wikipedia to Facebook to a random comment section in some news site.

But being real, vast majority of websites I've participated in/contributed to over the years, I haven't cared about who the owner(s) were, so long as said owners didn't do anything that impacted my experience.

When something is organized and run by volunteers, there are going to be mistakes.
I know you aren't implying otherwise but I'll add that mistakes happen even with paid staff. Mistakes are a result of being human, period.


Oct 27, 2017
This place is a community made up of many smaller communities and individual posters of varying post quality/quantity.

Continuously alienating those, banning them for sometimes spurious reasons, and just chasing them away in general — pretending like they're utterly expendable to the greater community — is only going to lead in one growth direction: downward.

With fewer communities, there's less activity. With the loss of crucial posters who maintain communities, they die or go elsewhere. With fewer community safe spaces and fewer posters in general, discussion dwindles and becomes stagnant.

Look at any given thread from a year or more ago and it's a graveyard of bannings. Not all of those people were bigoted or doing things that actually warranted swift and final removal; indeed, most probably weren't, from my observations of how frivolously bans can be handed out despite an ostensible council approach.

The internet in general has become more negative, it's true, in no small part to do massive disinformation campaigns, political upheaval, and rise in hate that have embittered and divided so many. But that started before Era's founding, and for a period of months, Era was actually a rather positive place with thriving communities. Then its policies and staff began shifting for various reasons, and that atmosphere slowly began to change, with easily avoidable fiasco after easily avoidable fiasco toxifying the relationship between community and staff — something that has fault on both ends, but which only one end has the actual power over policy to change, as the other side is a powerless non-monolith who can only adjust their individual behavior.

And now we're still at a place where the community has little trust in the staff because of bad behavior, and the staff is embittered toward the community because of bad behavior — an ouroboros of negativity and a downward spiral, with seemingly little willingness or energy to effect change that might reverse that and rekindle mutual trust. There's really no where to go from here unless those things manifest, but at a certain point with off-shoot forums being created and people being content with their discords, the full community becomes an unsalvageable memory.

Oh well. Don't know why I wrote this except that the whole situation continues to be needless, frustrating, and sad, and I wish this place could be repaired.

Great post. I don't think there are many posters that have put more thoughtful posts than you have in to attempting to repair the damage this place has suffered, so thank you greatly from this lowly user.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
We all know facebook is doing great things with moderation.

Why is there an angry mob descending on my capital building?

Makoto Yuki

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe that money should have been invested in AI Mods.

Who can sense the bad faith through algorithms and what not.


Oct 25, 2017
No one has brought up financial stuff in 4 years, so you could really say we were all fine with it. Wasn't until 2019 that someone even asked who owns this place.

Now we're slapped in the face with how things are and suddenly we care. A week ago I doubt any of this was even a thought to most people.

Speaking for myself, I assumed that this place was treading water given all of the mentioning of keeping ad blockers off to help pay the bills and whatnot. It never occurred to me that the place was making the kind of profits that would warrant a discussion of what to do with it.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
Off the top of my head: The recent thread about Jim Ryan is full of them because users had the absolute nerve to try to put some measure of context to a single sentence, out of context quote.
And then the ban on Markratos in that same thread for calling out how users were being insulted for expressing their opinion in that thread.
Haze's post in the Dragon Age 4 thread.
Polyh3dron's post in the Avowed details thread under the guise of "console wars." Vexii being warned for "hostility" for saying "use your brain" in a response in the DF Alan Wake thread.
Haunted's ban in the Jonathan Blow thread because they had the audacity to suggest they're looking forward to the dev's next game.
Cerulean_skylark's being warned for their post in the "Will SMTV be the break out hit for the series..." thread because of "port-begging?" When all they said was that they'd buy the game if it saw "a wider console release later on down the road."
Oh, and then there's TsuWave's ban in the thread about Pokemon Legends details from Kotaku They said "ugly ass game" and caught a day-long ban for "drive-by posting." Seriously?
Sophistry's post in the Koichi Sugiyama thread where they said, and I quote: "Some of the criticism in this thread is thoughtfully constructed. Some of the criticism in this thread is teen edgelord twitter-quality garbage. Noting this difference isn't the same as saying criticism is bad. But to each their own." Their ban reason was "tone policing." Tone policing for voicing their opinion. Several others in that thread snagging bans for daring to say that they find it bizarre or disgusting to celebrate someone's death. Many of those posts opening with the "as much as I found him despicable, I find it bizarre to celebrate someone's death."

These are just from the past few days and from what I saw and remembered off the top of my head. I'm not here to do your homework for you.

I also don't care if you agree with me on this one, but this site is very much an echo chamber.
I looked up every single one of these, and I have to say, thank you. All of these actions are completely in line with how we handle these types of posts in the corresponding threads.


Jun 25, 2021
I know you aren't implying otherwise but I'll add that mistakes happen even with paid staff. Mistakes are a result of being human, period.

Yes, sorry I didn't elaborate on that more. Everyone makes mistakes, but our expectations are out of whack when we look to a volunteer team to have the same outcomes as a professional one and hold them to the fire for it. Not just because of fact that money has exchanged hands, but because a professional team has the time, training, and overall resources to operate at that level. It's not fair nor realistic.

I've seen a lot of comments about how people thought Era was a "for community, by community" website. Regardless of the sale, It would be nice if that was reflected in the majority of our posts.
Oct 26, 2017
I'm gonna be real though, I don't like that as many have said, those millions could go somewhere other than one person's bank account. It being his right to keep it doesn't make it the right thing to do. Seems pretty antithetical to the aim of the community he's profiting from. It's really fucking exhausting that you can hardly do anything without enriching someone you barely know and who isn't even really part of that community.


Oct 25, 2017
- Staff have said plenty of times we're understaffed for years and most no one gave a shit.

People including myself have put forward potential solutions to this before in an effort to help, and were summarily dismissed. Please don't say "no one gave a shit." You haven't given them any opportunity to volunteer, because...

- That plenty of people we invite don't want to come aboard either because they're too busy or because they don't be want to deal with all of the effort it takes to maintain this place.

...Invites to staff are done by PMing individuals in small numbers.

The reality is Era is filled with people who would volunteer to help support it at a moment's notice. I have bashed my head against a wall writing veritable novellas of suggestions and attempts to defuse the fundamental issues that have toxified relations between staff and members and repair shit.

We are not a demonic horde at the gates of the staff. If you want good faith to be assumed of staff, you have to treat your members with good faith too, rather than inherent suspicion or even contempt. I understand and empathize with why these feelings have arisen, but dwelling on them is not helpful. There are lots of us passionate about this community and its values -- that trait is not exclusive to staff!

If you want an influx of eager help without wasting your time asking people who aren't interested for whatever reason (time, commitments, value of sanity), then you have to actually ask the community publicly (or, at least, publicly to members -- not lurkers, for obvious reasons).This is what I mean in that such community engagement needs to be ramped up, so that people can be reminded that this is a community, and not... whatever this has become.

There's no real jeopardy to doing so. People could be given trial runs with limited accesses, and still be vetted by their posting history or what-have-you. It'd be far more efficient than trying to extend invitations to friends-of-friends or random people or thread-runners who catch your eye on the forum.

- That the effort is honestly less the physical workload than the mental health effects of trying in earnest to get a place like Era to work and having that earnestness dismissed or even taken advantage of by trolls and drama mongers.
- That members have outright said on numerous occasions, including in this very thread, that our mental health literally just does not matter.

With regard to the former, look, a lot of users feel the exact same way. Only their earnestness has been dismissed by y'all.

With regard to the latter, some people are just raging assholes. What is there to say about them? It's the internet. You cannot rub what a few people have said in the faces of the many a if we're a nasty monolith.
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