Player List and Vote Tool Link
  • OP


    Nov 29, 2018
    Player Roster:
    1. [He/Him] Funky Dude Sparks UTC-6
    2. [He/Him] Stantastic UTC+13 Stan
    3. [She/Her] lokiduck UTC-8 Ms. Bird/Loki/Ms. Duck
    4. [He/Him] Soneji UTC-5
    5. [He/Him] EzekelRAGE UTC-6
    6. [She/Her] Kitsunelaine UTC+13 Kits/Elaine
    7. [He/Him] Stuart444 UTC+0 Stu replaced by [He/Him] Vincent Alexander UTC-6 VA
    8. [He/Him] Fran UTC-3
    9. [She/Her] Pirate Bae replaced by [He/Him] malus UTC+1
    10. [He/Him] Fantomas UTC-6 replaced by [He/Him] TheChuggernaut UTC-6
    11. [He/Him] Kalor UTC+0
    12. [He/Him] Turmoil7 UTC-3 Turm
    13. [He/Him] Z-Beat UTC-8
    14. [He/Him] Kopite UTC+8
    15. [He/Him] rac UTC-5
    16. [He/Him] Lone_Prodigy UTC-5 LP
    17. [He/Him] CoolestSpot
    18. [He/Him] nin UTC+1
    19. [They/Her] weemadarthur UTC-5 Wee
    20. [He/Him] absolutbro UTC-5

    1. [She/Her] Docter Monkey UTC-5

    Because next week is Thanksgiving in the US we are more than likely going to be extended a Day or Night phases during that time to compensate. We will let you know when that happens.

    Day Start/End can be tracked via Threadmarks.

    Fireblend's Vote Tool:

    Day 1 Starts in: (unless PM's aren't confirmed)
    Last edited:
    Fran dies
  • OP


    Nov 29, 2018
    Fran has died!
    Welcome to the First Annual Coolsville Costume Party! You are an Innocent Partygoer, aka a Vanilla Townie.

    The costume party seemed like a groovy idea at first but apparently there are monsters somewhere in the mansion? And now they're making people disappear? This was much more than you signed up for.

    You don't have any powers, except maybe wearing a sweet costume, but you can Vote.

    You are aligned with Town and win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

    Game thread is HERE
    Day Continues
    Day 1 Ends
  • OP


    Nov 29, 2018
    Pedro: So it seems scooby-doo is pretty much ready for me to put up for adoption, though I have one small change I'd recommend.

    Sawneeks: What is it?

    Pedro: The SK/Cop hybrid is a bit confusing especially as you've said you want to advertise this as a normal game, maybe tone it down a bit?

    Sawneeks: Nah I'm not that invested in it, just make it a vanilla townie mate.


    CoolestSpot has died!
    Welcome to the First Annual Coolsville Costume Party! You are an Innocent Partygoer, aka a Vanilla Townie.

    The costume party seemed like a groovy idea at first but apparently there are monsters somewhere in the mansion? And now they're making people disappear? This was much more than you signed up for.

    You don't have any powers, except maybe wearing a sweet costume, but you can Vote.

    You are aligned with Town and win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

    Game thread is HERE.

    Night 1 ends in:

    Night actions are due 2 hours before the start of the next Day.
    Day 2 Begins
  • OP


    Nov 29, 2018
    I really liked Scooby Dum as a child. Admittedly he isn't a great character, Scooby Doo but even less intelligent isn't exactly fantastic character writing but given he only appears in four episodes the fact he's remembered at all means he did something right.

    Doesn't look like we'll find out what in this game though.

    rac has died!
    Welcome to the First Annual Coolsville Costume Party!

    You are an Innocent Partygoer, aka a Vanilla Townie. The costume party seemed like a groovy idea at first but apparently there are monsters somewhere in the mansion? And now they're making people disappear? This was much more than you signed up for.

    You don't have any powers, except maybe wearing a sweet costume, but you can Vote.

    You are aligned with Town and win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

    Game thread is HERE

    Kopite has died!
    Welcome to the First Annual Coolsville Costume Party!

    You are Scooby-Dum, a Hider. Deciding to surprise your cousin Scooby-Doo by suddenly showing up for his Birthday (you are 99.999999% sure this is his Birthday Party) you travelled all the way to Coolsville with a special gift. Unfortunately you forgot it back home in all the excitement but at least you got here in time! And now there's clues to find! You're great at that!

    ….at least, that's what you tell yourself.

    Once per night you MUST send the command Clue? Dum, dum, dum, DUM: <PLAYER NAME> to hide, er, ''search'' the targeted player for any clues. You will not be able to be targeted by other roles when you do this. Unfortunately, if your target gets eliminated you will also be eliminated with them. If you hide behind any non-town player you will get caught and also be eliminated.

    Maybe you should practice your detective work a bit more….

    You are aligned with Town and win when all threats to Town are eliminated.

    Game thread is HERE

    Day 2 Begins

    Day 2 Ends:

    Majority is 9

    Vote tool:
    Day 2 Ends
  • OP


    Nov 29, 2018
    No way man, like no way! Me and Scoobs aren't going in that spooky mansion in a million years!

    "Would you do it for a big Tolberone?"

    Kitsunelaine has died!
    Welcome to the First Annual Coolsville Costume Party!

    You are an Innocent Partygoer, aka a Vanilla Townie. The costume party seemed like a groovy idea at first but apparently there are monsters somewhere in the mansion? And now they're making people disappear? This was much more than you signed up for.

    You don't have any powers, except maybe wearing a sweet costume, but you can Vote.

    You are aligned with Town and win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

    Game thread is HERE

    Night 2 ends in:

    Night 2 will be 48 hours due to Thanksgiving!

    Night actions are due 2 hours before the start of the next Day.
    Last edited:
    Day 3 Begins
  • OP


    Nov 29, 2018
    Rise and shine! Time for another day of mystery!

    (hope everyone enjoyed (are enjoying?) Thanksgiving)

    turmoil7 has died!
    Welcome to the First Annual Coolsville Costume Party!

    You are Sheriff Bronson Stone, a Tracker. Your years as Sheriff of Coolsville has taught you many things, some good, some bad, and some of which brought you here tonight. First off, spooky monsters always appear around big gatherings and scary mansions. Secondly, wherever that 'Mystery Gang' goes trouble always follows.

    And you aren't about to let trouble ruin your town.

    Once per night you may submit the command If there's a crime here, I'll find it: <PLAYER NAME> to track that player. You will learn who they visit that night phase if applicable.

    You are aligned with Town and win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

    Game thread is HERE

    Day 3 Begins

    Day 3 Ends:

    Majority is 8

    Vote tool:
    Last edited:
    Day 3 Ends
  • OP


    Nov 29, 2018

    malus has died!
    You're tired of living in your Uncle Scooby-Doo's shadow, always being compared to him. Never being as good as him. You're sick to death of it. But you have a way out of this; gold. Unimaginable mountains of gold said to be hidden in this mansion. And you put together the perfect team to steal it.

    You are Scrappy-Doo, a Mafia Goon. This whole plan was your idea. You got the people, you planned out the route, and you are prepared for any change to the plan. You're small but make no mistake, you're calling the shots here.

    You do not have any special abilities.

    As a Mafia team you share a faction kill you may perform once per night with the command KILL: <PLAYER NAME>.

    You are aligned with Mafia and win when the Mafia team has a majority of the votes at the start of the day phase..

    Your fellow Mafia members are [Ta da da da da Puppy Power!!].

    Night 3 ends in:

    Night actions are due 2 hours before the start of the next Day.
    Day 4 Begins
  • OP


    Nov 29, 2018

    Kalor has died!
    Welcome to the First Annual Coolsville Costume Party!

    You are Velma Dinkley, a Jailer. This costume party seemed like a great vacation from all the mystery solving and monsters even if a party wasn't really your thing. You were planning to sneak away and check out the mansion library when the lights suddenly went out and you heard screams! You should've guessed that monsters would have followed you here too! It's a perfect setting for a mystery!

    Once per night you may target one player using the command Jinkies!: <PLAYER NAME> to get their attention and stop any night actions they may have. This will also protect that player from night kills since everyone knows monsters don't make people disappear in groups. You may not target the same player twice in a row.

    You are aligned with Town and win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

    Game thread is HERE

    Day 4 Begins

    Day 4 Ends:

    Majority is 7

    Vote tool:
    Day 5 Begins
  • OP


    Nov 29, 2018

    weemadarthur has died!
    Welcome to the First Annual Coolsville Costume Party!

    You are Fred Jones, a 1-shot Lunchproof. It has been ages since you and your friends had been to such a groovy party like this one. You'd been solving mysteries and finding monsters for so long you almost forgot how much fun this was! Unfortunately it looks like the mysteries seemed to follow you here and now it's time to get to work!

    You've got a bit of a problem though. You came up with your costume idea all on your own after having seen so many people unmasked and figured you'd pull a fast one on the Gang by wearing not one, but TWO masks! Somehow...the masks got stuck and you can't seem to get them off on your own.

    The first time you are lunched the day will instead end in a No Lunch. After that you can be lunched like normal.

    You are aligned with Town and win when all threats to Town are eliminated.

    Game thread is HERE

    Day 5 Begins

    Day 5 Ends:

    Majority is 6

    Vote tool:
    Day 5 Ends
  • OP


    Nov 29, 2018
    Did you know?: Actor Tim Curry provided voicework for the final boss theme of Scooby-Doo Night of 100 Frights (PS2/GBN/XBOX)

    absolutbro has died!
    Those meddling kids won't get in the way of your plans this time, not since you have a team. They say there's gold beyond measure hidden somewhere in this mansion, but first you just have to make all these people 'disappear'.

    You are 'Big Bob' Oakley aka The Actor, a 1-shot Ninja/1-shot Strongman. You were a well-known actor before you turned to a life of crime, using your acting prowess to scare people away so you could steal the Franken Jewels. Using a myriad of costumes you terrified people and were able to get close to your prize and almost became filthy rich….until those meddling kids showed up.

    As a Mafia team you share a faction kill you may perform once per night with the command KILL: <PLAYER NAME>. However, during the night you may instead submit the command Dracula: <PLAYER NAME> or Frankenstein's Monster: <PLAYER NAME> to don the respective costume and perform a Ninja kill or a Strongman kill. Both of these abilities are 1-shot only. This replaces the Mafia's faction kill for that night.

    You are aligned with Mafia and win when the Mafia team has a majority of the votes at the start of the day phase..

    Your fellow Mafia members are [Redacted]. The Mafia chat can be found [Redacted].

    Game thread is HERE.

    Night 5 will end when all night actions are in! (if actions are not provided before 10pm utc tommorow day will start regardless)
    Last edited:
    Day 6 Begins
  • OP


    Nov 29, 2018

    lokiduck has died!
    Welcome to the First Annual Coolsville Costume Party!

    You are an Innocent Partygoer, aka a Vanilla Townie. The costume party seemed like a groovy idea at first but apparently there are monsters somewhere in the mansion? And now they're making people disappear? This was much more than you signed up for.

    You don't have any powers, except maybe wearing a sweet costume, but you can Vote.

    You are aligned with Town and win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

    Game thread is HERE

    Day 6 Begins

    Day 6 ends in:

    Majority is 5

    Vote tool:

    Remaining Players:
    Funky Dude Sparks
    Vincent Alexander
    Last edited:
    Day 6 Ends
  • OP


    Nov 29, 2018

    Lone_Prodigy has died!
    Those meddling kids won't get in the way of your plans this time, not since you have a team. They say there's gold beyond measure hidden somewhere in this mansion, but first you just have to make all these people 'disappear'.

    You are Terry aka The Roller Ghoster, an Even Night Switcher. Brilliance and knowledge in engineering can only get you so far, especially when you have a history of sabotaging theme park rides and endangering lives. Money has been hard to come by and you still dream of one day opening up your own Roller Coaster Theme what's the disappearing of a little over a dozen people in pursuit of that goal?

    During even nights you may submit the command Sabotage: <PLAYER 1>,<PLAYER 2> to switch both players' positions. Any action that would target Player 1 would target Player 2 instead, and vice versa.

    As a Mafia team you share a faction kill you may perform once per night with the command KILL: <PLAYER NAME>. You may not use your power and the faction kill on the same night unless you are the last Mafia player alive.

    You are aligned with Mafia and win when the Mafia team has a majority of the votes at the start of the day phase..

    Your fellow Mafia members are [Redacted].

    The Mafia chat can be found [Redacted].

    Game thread is HERE.

    Night 6 ends in:

    Night actions are due 2 hours before the start of the next Day.
    Day 7 Begins
  • OP


    Nov 29, 2018

    nin has died!

    Welcome to the First Annual Coolsville Costume Party!

    You are an Innocent Partygoer, aka a Vanilla Townie.

    The costume party seemed like a groovy idea at first but apparently there are monsters somewhere in the mansion? And now they're making people disappear? This was much more than you signed up for.

    You don't have any powers, except maybe wearing a sweet costume, but you can Vote.

    You are aligned with Town and win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

    Game thread is HERE

    Day 7 Begins

    Day 7 ends in:

    Majority is 4

    Vote tool:
    Day 7 Ends
  • Sawneeks

    One Winged Slayer
    Oct 25, 2017

    Stantastic has died!
    "Welcome to the First Annual Coolsville Costume Party!

    You are an Innocent Partygoer, aka a Vanilla Townie. The costume party seemed like a groovy idea at first but apparently there are monsters somewhere in the mansion? And now they're making people disappear? This was much more than you signed up for.

    You don't have any powers, except maybe wearing a sweet costume, but you can Vote.

    You are aligned with Town and win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

    Game thread is HERE"

    Night 7 Ends in:

    Night Actions are due 2 hours before Day Start
    Day 8 Begins
  • OP


    Nov 29, 2018

    TheChuggernaut has died!
    Welcome to the First Annual Coolsville Costume Party!

    You are an Innocent Partygoer, aka a Vanilla Townie. The costume party seemed like a groovy idea at first but apparently there are monsters somewhere in the mansion? And now they're making people disappear? This was much more than you signed up for.

    You don't have any powers, except maybe wearing a sweet costume, but you can Vote.

    You are aligned with Town and win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

    Game thread is HERE

    Day 8 Begins

    Day 8 ends in:

    Majority is 3

    Vote tool:
    Day 8 Ends
  • OP


    Nov 29, 2018
    Z-Beat has died
    Welcome to the First Annual Coolsville Costume Party!

    You are an Innocent Partygoer, aka a Vanilla Townie. The costume party seemed like a groovy idea at first but apparently there are monsters somewhere in the mansion? And now they're making people disappear? This was much more than you signed up for.

    You don't have any powers, except maybe wearing a sweet costume, but you can Vote.

    You are aligned with Town and win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

    Game thread is HERE

    Night 8 ends when all night actions are in!
    Night 8 Ends + GAME END
  • OP


    Nov 29, 2018

    Soneji has died!
    Welcome to the First Annual Coolsville Costume Party!

    You are Shaggy Rogers, a Scooby-Cop. You totally didn't want to go to this party but everyone promised there 'wouldn't be any monsters this time' and 'there'll be a huge all-you-can-eat buffet at the mansion!'. Well, they were right about the food (and it was delicious), but now there's monsters running around! The food ran out! And you can't find your bestest pal Scooby-Doo anywhere!

    Therefore, once per night you MUST investigate a player using the command Scooby-Doo, Where are you!? <PLAYER NAME> to try and find your pal Scooby-Doo. You will receive "Yes" or "No" results depending on whether or not you find your pal. You also can not target the same player twice.

    If you are able to find Scooby-Doo you will lose your Cop ability and enter a secret chat with your best pal. Once this happens if either you or Scooby are eliminated you will both be removed from the game.

    You are aligned with Town and win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

    Game thread is HERE

    Funky Dude Sparks has died!
    Welcome to the First Annual Coolsville Costume Party!


    You are Scooby-Doo, a Lost Partner. You and your best pal Shaggy, <put Shaggy's player's name here>, were chowing down on the all-you-can-eat buffet when all the lights went out! You're pretty sure you felt something cold, slimy, and claw-like grab your shoulder and you did the first thing you could think. Run!

    Now you're on your own in this confusing and terrifying mansion and you know Shaggy is looking for you. Unfortunately, he has no idea where (or more specifically who) you are.

    If Shaggy is able to find you, you will both join a secret chat. Once this happens if either you or Shaggy are eliminated you will both be removed from the game.

    You are aligned with Town and win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

    Game thread is HERE

    Vincent Alexander has been endgamed!
    Welcome to the First Annual Coolsville Costume Party!

    You are an Innocent Partygoer, aka a Vanilla Townie. The costume party seemed like a groovy idea at first but apparently there are monsters somewhere in the mansion? And now they're making people disappear? This was much more than you signed up for.

    You don't have any powers, except maybe wearing a sweet costume, but you can Vote.

    You are aligned with Town and win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

    Game thread is HERE


    EzekelRAGE has won!
    Those meddling kids won't get in the way of your plans this time, not since you have a team. They say there's gold beyond measure hidden somewhere in this mansion, but first you just have to make all these people 'disappear'.

    You are Bill McLemore aka The Phantom Virus, a 1-shot Day Vigilante. You still remember that day when you created a living computer virus to sabotage your classmate's project so your's could win. Things were going great too, you even digitized those meddling kids into the game and figured that was the last you'd see of them. But somehow they escaped and you got expelled…and a desire for revenge.

    Once per game during the day you may PM me the command Let's play ball<PLAYER NAME> to eliminate that player from the game. This power may not be used in a MyLo/LyLo situation.

    As a Mafia team you share a faction kill you may perform once per night with the command KILL: <PLAYER NAME>.

    You are aligned with Mafia and win when the Mafia team has a majority of the votes at the start of the day phase..

    Your fellow Mafia members are [Redacted].

    The Mafia chat can be found [Redacted].

    Game thread is HERE.

    And Posthumously:
    absolutbro has won!
    Pirate Bae has won!
    Malus has won!
    Lone_Prodigy has won!
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