
Oct 25, 2017
SHINING FORCE III: SCENARIO 3 UPDATE (for Laevateinn & others)

in chapter 5 now, and shit's getting real!

godamn, that first battle in floaty town should've been easy but it was one of my closest ones yet! so, i'd read that i could just make a beeline for our HQ & take out the boss, right? which since i was hoping to tie this up in the next few days (plus there's so many goddamn enemies on the map the game had slowdown, haha) sounded good, but was off to a rough start: just coming around the first bend, we had Katie (our badass archer), Isa (princess healer) and whats-her-name badass mage wiped out with a quickness. it's okay, right? ive got a squad of badasses now, we'll make it!

...only, the boss & his buddies stay on the roof of HQ and don't budge. so now we turn & face the hordes, wipe them out (without losing anyone else! well. a red dragon we'd recruited but that was gonna happen) and...they still don't budge.

we veer off to the side to take out a barrel (they hide goodies!), wipe out another team that shows up, losing Thousand (our mighty white dragon) and...still nothing! so we head back to the start to pick off the remaining forces, thinking that's gotta trigger them, right?

big mistake

like twice as many baddies appear out of nowhere - numerous blue dragons & chimeras and such - and half the team is now in a pincer while lo and behold, the fucking boss & co decide now's the time to wake up. godchild-but-otherwise-not-super-useful-so-far Gracia is hit twice and is now paralyzed with less than 10 HP, a particular problem since this scenario forces him to share Julian (main character)'s trait of having the whole team lose if he loses (editor's note: Julian is a badass who never loses so this is only a concern for Gracia).

things are looking really bad here - one character can reach gracia but again, he's about to die, can't move, and has 2 tough enemies around him. do i:
a) heal gracia? i have one item that heals 30 HP, but that's not gonna be enough
b) wake him & hope he gets a turn to escape before dying?
c) attack one of the monsters and hope the other one misses?
these are all shitty options!

fortunately, there's a d): Spirel - who i busted my ass to not kill during Scenario 1 - can just barely reach the newly descended boss, who has like 70 HP...but she comes through with the clutch FATAL ATTACK or whatever shit she'd used on poor Symbios' team 2 games ago and kills said boss in 1 move, literally saving the day

goddamn are fights like that stressful but rewarding

onto the 1st trail tonight! and also figuring out if Primula is worth benching someone.

ps were those game devs i saw with their pictures as shopkeepers?

Man, that battle is pretty misleading but I love how it just overwhelms you. Actually, I think the best part is if you're paying attention, you can tell shit will go down because it takes so long between turns since there are too many enemies for the Saturn to keep track of. It's that barrel that gets you though. You need to get it for the sweet items but once you step over there you're fucked. If you do it right, you can bring Honesty with Thousand as support over there and not trigger enemy spawning at all but where's the fun in that.

I usually use that battle to power level since I want Julian and Gracia to be at least level 20 by the time I get to the next one for reasons.

Primula is a good healer because she can fly and gets summon spells but I usually skip her since you have excellent healers already.

You're right about the shopkeepers. That's totally the developers. You can tell Camelot put everything into SF3 which makes Sega's treachery that much worse.

As for the ending of Scenario One and why it's bullshit
There's no fucking way Domaric would be like "Due to the wishes of my son Medion I will cease this invasion and delay my lifelong dream of hegemony over east Parmecia." That bitch would kill his children to get Aspinia.

Deleted member 1162

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Oct 25, 2017


damn... ok time for me to get a copy.


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
I usually use that battle to power level since I want Julian and Gracia to be at least level 20 by the time I get to the next one for reasons.

Primula is a good healer because she can fly and gets summon spells but I usually skip her since you have excellent healers already.

You're right about the shopkeepers. That's totally the developers. You can tell Camelot put everything into SF3 which makes Sega's treachery that much worse.

As for the ending of Scenario One and why it's bullshit
There's no fucking way Domaric would be like "Due to the wishes of my son Medion I will cease this invasion and delay my lifelong dream of hegemony over east Parmecia." That bitch would kill his children to get Aspinia.

haha yeah, i was noticing the slowdown, was assuming it was that initial horde but NOPE

and fuck! i have julian and jubei and katie and like 1 more around 20 but Gracias is like level 12, haha. damn.

and i totally took pics of the shopkeepers, gotta post those later!

fuck, its been a bit since i finished scenario 1 so i'd forgotten he says that horseshit..yeah, i mean he literally used median's mom to blackmail him into the invasion at the end of 2, jesus is that a character betrayal there.

and i've no doubt the good emporer's fuckery isn't nearly done, heh.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Saturn still has the only good home ports of X-Men Vs. Street Fighter & Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter to this day.

Anyone here gonna play Christmas Nights in a couple of days?


Oct 25, 2017
haha yeah, i was noticing the slowdown, was assuming it was that initial horde but NOPE

and fuck! i have julian and jubei and katie and like 1 more around 20 but Gracias is like level 12, haha. damn.

and i totally took pics of the shopkeepers, gotta post those later!

fuck, its been a bit since i finished scenario 1 so i'd forgotten he says that horseshit..yeah, i mean he literally used median's mom to blackmail him into the invasion at the end of 2, jesus is that a character betrayal there.

and i've no doubt the good emporer's fuckery isn't nearly done, heh.

Bro, do you even aura?

Also, the end of Chapter 5 is so good. I'm excited for you to get there.


Dec 3, 2017
Sydney, Australia
So glad to see people experiencing the master piece that is Shining Force III trilogy in this thread.
SFIII was one of my all time favourite games, even when we only got the one scenario, playing all three sequentially is one of my favourite gaming experiences ever.

I must set aside some time to do it again someday. Is it possible to do on Saturn hardware with the patch, without having to open the Saturn and tinker with it's innards? If not I'll probably stick to emulation and my JAP discs.

I'm really glad it sounds like you're enjoying it, IrishNinja!

I recently bought a Japanese Saturn on my last trip to Japan and I'm loving the ability to play a bunch of cheap Japanese games I bought while there. Puyo Puyo Sun is so much fun!
Oct 25, 2017
So...this may or may not be news:

I won't say I'm optimistic (particularly with a Saturn clone), but I am curious.

Good on them if they can make a working (and decent) Saturn Clone, though.

Just thinking out-loud, but it'd be kind of funny that the only modern way to easily play Panzer Dragoon Saga would be through a licensed clone system.


Oct 27, 2017
So...this may or may not be news:

I won't say I'm optimistic (particularly with a Saturn clone), but I am curious.

Good on them if they can make a working (and decent) Saturn Clone, though.

Just thinking out-loud, but it'd be kind of funny that the only modern way to easily play Panzer Dragoon Saga would be through a licensed clone system.

I think this is just controllers. Which I'm fine with. An OEM quality Saturn pad with BT and USB would be something I'd buy in a heartbeat.


Dec 3, 2017
Sydney, Australia
Has anyone used their pads in the past? I'm cautious about Saturn pads ever since those horrible Mad Catz fight pads, but if they can make a really good Sega Saturn pad, I'd buy one in a heartbeat for retro styled games on the PC. Maybe even fighting games!


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
Shining Force III update - finished both the trials!

hoo boy, that first one would've been easier if i wasn't dumb. you quickly figure out that walking on the desert sand brings out big worms, but it took me a while to sort out that walking on the grass brings out infinite cerebus' too

puzzle wasn't too bad - leveled up Julian (who now looks like the dude at the end of Shining Force 1!), Jubei, Kate and the gunner guy, should have my centaur ready soon.

Gracia though..

Bro, do you even aura?

Also, the end of Chapter 5 is so good. I'm excited for you to get there.

clearly not enough, i was even letting him get in heals on people down 1HP for leveling just for the 10 XP but he's still at 12 or so! at least he has new spells now.

just about to fight a snow vampwitch, doesn't feel like there's too much left to go!


Oct 25, 2017
Shining Force III update - finished both the trials!

hoo boy, that first one would've been easier if i wasn't dumb. you quickly figure out that walking on the desert sand brings out big worms, but it took me a while to sort out that walking on the grass brings out infinite cerebus' too

puzzle wasn't too bad - leveled up Julian (who now looks like the dude at the end of Shining Force 1!), Jubei, Kate and the gunner guy, should have my centaur ready soon.

Gracia though..

clearly not enough, i was even letting him get in heals on people down 1HP for leveling just for the 10 XP but he's still at 12 or so! at least he has new spells now.

just about to fight a snow vampwitch, doesn't feel like there's too much left to go!

This is super important but talk to the snow witch with Julian or Gracia. Do not attack or kill her!


Oct 25, 2017
So I bought a second hand first gen Saturn(oblong buttons) at a thrift store for $10, planning on making it a rhea system. But weird problem-it doesn't have any screws holding it together. The system literally can be pulled apart. It works fine, I booted up VF2 just to test it. It came with the kinda crappy original american controller though. But yeah, I would like to reassemble this thing properly, anyone know the specs on the long screws and where I can get replacements?


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't been able to pull off the insta-kill on him in Christmas Nights. Although, it's pretty annoying to pull off in regular Nights so maybe I'm having a rough time.


Oct 25, 2017
while it's winter you should all look into this button masher sports game. It's one of the better ones




Dec 3, 2017
Sydney, Australia
congrats! IrishNinja

are you all playing Christmas Nights today?

i ran through chistmas NiGHTS last night, which is always magical but i can't recommend enough for christmas magic:

Christmas NiGHTS into Dreams - Dreams Dreams - Acapella

Ah man, I didn't get to play it yet. I might do so before the new year though. Such a treat to play. I remember getting it free with Sega Saturn Magazine here in Australia. Best front cover disc ever?

Currently my Mega Drive is hooked up, so I might have to swap it for the Sega Saturn for a few days.

while it's winter you should all look into this button masher sports game. It's one of the better ones


This game and Decathlete/Athlete Kings is so much fun! I picked it up for stupid cheap in Japan and was playing 2-player with my friend when he came to visit a month ago.

Great characters, simple yet addictive gameplay and lovely aesthetics. Such charming games.


Dec 3, 2017
Sydney, Australia
whoah, winter heat does look cool. any language barriers there for the JP one?

Not really, it's old school arcade game, designed to be picked up and played instantly.

All the events have a visual explanation of what to do which helps a great deal, anything still unclear you can google. There's no dialogue or story to speak of, so very easy to play and understand even if you have no understanding of Japanese. :)


Dec 3, 2017
Sydney, Australia
Great pickups! I played Die Hard Trilogy back in the day, but never owned it. Really cool game, and cool concept with a different gameplay for each movie. Do you have a light gun for the Die Harder segment?

Street Fighter collection is really sought after in Japan too. I believe it's a really good port of Super Turbo?

Deleted member 1162

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
they look in great condition
Great pickups! I played Die Hard Trilogy back in the day, but never owned it. Really cool game, and cool concept with a different gameplay for each movie. Do you have a light gun for the Die Harder segment?

Street Fighter collection is really sought after in Japan too. I believe it's a really good port of Super Turbo?
i never played die hard trilogy, but have tons of CRT's, time for me to get a lightgun!
i was looking for Street Fighter Alpha 2 gold and saw it was part of this collection =)


Dec 3, 2017
Sydney, Australia
i never played die hard trilogy, but have tons of CRT's, time for me to get a lightgun!
i was looking for Street Fighter Alpha 2 gold and saw it was part of this collection =)

SFA2 Gold is so good! Hope you enjoy. Best pad for fighting games ever, too.

On the topic of lightguns; I recently tried using my old PAL lightgun with a JP saturn on a 60Hz TV and it didn't work. The Lightgun I bought in Japan did work.

Any chance there is some regional/Hz thing stopping it, or could it just be a faulty lightgun with the age? Maybe I just need to give the lens a good cleaning, it got a bit dusty over the years. The start and trigger functions work fine, it just can't read on the screen where I'm aiming.

Deleted member 1162

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Oct 25, 2017
SFA2 Gold is so good! Hope you enjoy. Best pad for fighting games ever, too.

On the topic of lightguns; I recently tried using my old PAL lightgun with a JP saturn on a 60Hz TV and it didn't work. The Lightgun I bought in Japan did work.

Any chance there is some regional/Hz thing stopping it, or could it just be a faulty lightgun with the age? Maybe I just need to give the lens a good cleaning, it got a bit dusty over the years. The start and trigger functions work fine, it just can't read on the screen where I'm aiming.
it may be a faulty lightgun that the capacitors gone bad. i had a ps2 guncon2 that exhibited the same symptoms. i looked it up and found it was a common issue w/ aging guncon 2's.
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Deleted member 5956

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Street Fighter collection is really sought after in Japan too. I believe it's a really good port of Super Turbo?

The Japanese version is very common and affordable, Capcom Generations 5 is the pricey one.

Whilst on the subject its worth mentioning Zero 2 Dash also got a Satakore version if you want a stand alone release outside of the collection.


Deleted member 5956

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City

took all night, but totally worth it - Shining Force 3 trilogy complete! what an awesome ride, and seeing all the stories come together was incredible, especially for the late 90's. ending was a bit bittersweet knowing how things went with Camelot but still just grateful to finally see this series through

I adore this series. play the fan translations y'all!


Oct 25, 2017
It took a little while to get the OSSC, RGB cables, and to find these games in great condition (spine and registration card included), but it's all here at last.


I'm really impressed with the OSSC. So far I've tested it with the Sega Saturn and Genesis, and both look incredible. The scan lines look very good too.


There are a few other relatively cheap games I still need to pick up (Panzer Dragoon and Dynamite Deka), but the rest will have to come slowly.


Pictures from a phone that have to be resized doesn't quite do it justice, but the OSSC does an amazing job. Vampire Savior also has some incredible artwork.


Oct 25, 2017
Japan day 2 Akihabara pick ups.



took all night, but totally worth it - Shining Force 3 trilogy complete! what an awesome ride, and seeing all the stories come together was incredible, especially for the late 90's. ending was a bit bittersweet knowing how things went with Camelot but still just grateful to finally see this series through

I adore this series. play the fan translations y'all!

How about that game where Jane and Julian go battle Galm that we never got...


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
fuckin nice pickups man! that shining in the darkness cover is dope

How about that game where Jane and Julian go battle Galm that we never got...

oh god was that gonna be a thing?

and i was reaaaaly tired & a bit drunk but that was the fuckin ark that came down, wasn't it?! not only do the happy couple not see closure for julian (now that he knows how to waste a true vandal) but i was like oh shit, what's happening now?


Oct 25, 2017
fuckin nice pickups man! that shining in the darkness cover is dope

oh god was that gonna be a thing?

and i was reaaaaly tired & a bit drunk but that was the fuckin ark that came down, wasn't it?! not only do the happy couple not see closure for julian (now that he knows how to waste a true vandal) but i was like oh shit, what's happening now?
I mean, I don't think it was ever officially discussed but Shining the Holy Ark and the entirety of Shining Force 3 was set up to prepare you for a game with Galm as the main baddy. It would have been amazing :(


Dec 3, 2017
Sydney, Australia

took all night, but totally worth it - Shining Force 3 trilogy complete! what an awesome ride, and seeing all the stories come together was incredible, especially for the late 90's. ending was a bit bittersweet knowing how things went with Camelot but still just grateful to finally see this series through

I adore this series. play the fan translations y'all!

Bloody awesome games! One of my favourite gaming experiences ever was finally playing the trilogy in English after years and years of only playing the first, which alone was probably my favourite Saturn game.

Time to replay it I think. Once I've finished my current batch. Not sure if it's worth modding my Saturn or just going Emulators?

I mean, I don't think it was ever officially discussed but Shining the Holy Ark and the entirety of Shining Force 3 was set up to prepare you for a game with Galm as the main baddy. It would have been amazing :(

That would have been cool. Is SF3 as set up to StHA? I never played Ark.

The Japanese version is very common and affordable, Capcom Generations 5 is the pricey one.

Whilst on the subject its worth mentioning Zero 2 Dash also got a Satakore version if you want a stand alone release outside of the collection.


Ah yes, I'm thinking of Capcom Generations 5 then! I remember being surprised it was quite pricey, but it looked like a good collection.

it may be a faulty lightgun that the capacitors gone bad. i had a ps2 guncon2 that exhibited the same symptoms. i looked it up and found it was a common issue w/ aging guncon 2's.

Hmm, maybe I'll google that and see if it can be fixed. Do you know if it's an easy repair? I have a working gun, but I'd love to salvage the other if I can fix it.