
Oct 26, 2017

You gotta be kidding me, we actually have a fucking law for this type of thing.

Five states — California, Connecticut, Indiana, Washington and Oregon — have enacted "red-flag" laws that empower relatives and close friends, as well as law enforcement officers, to ask judges to issue "gun violence restraining orders."
Jan 29, 2018

Aghdam's father, Ismail, said she had been missing for several days and was located by police in Mountain View, California, early Tuesday morning. He told the Mercury News that he had informed police his daughter might be going to YouTube because she "hated" the company.

A spokesperson for the Mountain View Police Department confirmed that officers made contact with Aghdam.

"Officers located an adult female by the same name asleep in a vehicle in a Mountain View parking lot early this morning," Mountain View spokesperson Katie Nelson told BuzzFeed News in an email. "The woman confirmed her identity to us and answered subsequent questions."

Mad, i guess the cops could do nothing


Oct 25, 2017
Fiddler's Green
Very true, it's a very complex situation, but something must be done. I'm talking annual mental check ups on gun holders or something.

Something has to be done at least.
I'm with you that something has to be done. I'm also concerned about increasing the stigma of mental illness, since we already have about 60% of mentally ill people not in treatment - partially because of access, but also because societal admission of mental illness carries with it a huge price. In the long run, I don't think it's possible for any set of laws to stop deeply ill people or people who are incredibly angry from engaging in violence. Limiting access to guns overall would help. So would mental health care access. So would taking guns away from people who have engaged in domestic abuse or assault. But it's important to realize what those mean. If you target domestic abusers and assaulters, you're now talking about taking away guns from a lot of cops and a lot of soldiers, both of whom have higher than average domestic abuse rates. If we're talking about ratcheting down the limit of mental illness from being committed to, say, forcible reporting from therapists, you're not only going to catch literally millions of false positives, you're going to drive people away from seeking therapy. It's a complicated issue that can be addressed on a lot of fronts, and I find it bizarre that anyone thinks "fixing" mental illness is somehow easier than removing guns. We have dozens and dozens of examples of countries that have done the latter, and no examles of the former.

Deleted member 20296

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
What gun control would have stopped this? The only one I can think of is banning all handguns and somehow magically taking away the 300m+ that exist in the country currently.
The same kind that was implemented in Australia New Zealand and I think the UK in response to a mass shooting.

Its really annoying when people seem to forget this has happened and been effectively addressed 3 times at a national level in first world countries.

B-b-b-but America different. Isn't really a good argument for it, people do weird kind of mental gymnastics to pretend you have 'more freedom' based off nothing measurable to defend the right to get shot by crazy people. Its too weird


Oct 28, 2017
"Nasim the Persian Azeri female vegan bodybuilder, also animal rights activist promoting healthy and humane living. Nasim produced and launched the first Persian TV commercial and music video (Do You Dare) regarding animal rights and veganism through international Iranian satellite Television in 2010," reads the "About" section on her YouTube channel.


What the fuck. So many questions in this story. So the police found her after the missing persons report...and did nothing? They just let her be when her family was looking for her?

Did she really have an intended target and did that intended target even know her personally?

It's really baffling that the suspect was actually a disgruntled YouTuber, pure insanity.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Goodness these right wing idiots on twitter are really tying to tie her to some sort of Iranian terrorism plot smh. The sad thing is so many people will believe this crap.


Nov 11, 2017
So is the right going to cheerlead this as a warning to YouTube about this was being trolled on Twitter about some sort of payback for getting rid of gun content on YouTube..

Or does this score one for another foot on the imaginary wall...?

Oh no. She's Iranian.... yeah. Boltons mustache just twitched.


Mar 25, 2018
Yeah she was clearly not in the right mental state fucking hell

Her website is so fucking 1999 wow.

Her videos are something else....

It's very reminiscent of the cringe videos that hit forums or that end up going viral. She very clearly isn't some ISIS-affiliated terrorist.

I'm sorry but her videos and website are basically a Nigerian editor that has found out he has more options on his 2004 version of final cut pro.


Oct 25, 2017
This thread is exhibit Q in why I can't take this community seriously for following serious, breaking news events. Relentless shitting up of legitimate, interesting discussion and actual news with bizarro NRA conspiracy theories and woke forum posturing with precious few productive bans or warnings.

Good thing that there are actual news places you could go. Nice gaslighting tho
Oct 25, 2017
People ask what Gun laws could have stopped this.

First we need to see how she obtained said gun. If it was legal, maybe a waiting period plus some sort of background check could have stopped this.

Jobs go through your criminal history and even social media stuff these days. I have no issues with the same logic if people wish to own a gun. Maybe they could have searched her name and found a lot of this stuff and went from there.


Oct 27, 2017
wow damn maybe before we debate NRA and gun control we figure out why cops interviewed the lady but let her go. Asleep in her car, a few hours before the shooting because her dad called the cops and said he was concerned she may go attack youtube

They kind of need more to go on than that to keep a person detained... In a world where we all love our liberty, it means we take extra risks in that people like this can't actually be stopped until they actually do it. Different if he had some written journal or something with evidence he could show the police that she was serious and in the process of doing so and not just venting.

You gotta be kidding me, we actually have a fucking law for this type of thing.

Pretty sure this law is rarely used and you still need evidence that the person is a risk to others/themselves otherwise you can't detain them for long.


Dec 13, 2017
I cannot believe there was a mass shooter potentially because of the demonetisation of YouTube vids...what a world we live in....

This is the most likely reason.

Did she really have an intended target and did that intended target even know her personally?

It's really baffling that the suspect was actually a disgruntled YouTuber, pure insanity.

According to local police, who have confirmed her as the shooter, there was no specific target. It was not a domestic/personal issue.

San Bruno police identified the suspect late Tuesday as Nasim Najafi Aghdam, 39, who was found dead from what authorities believe is a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

San Bruno Police Chief Ed Barberini three people were transported to local hospitals with gunshot wounds.

The San Bruno Police Department said it is investigating a motive for this shooting. Earlier reports indicated the suspect may have known one of the victims, but police said late Tuesday that "at this time there is no evidence that the shooter knew the victims of this shooting or that individuals were specifically targeted."



Dog's Best Friend
Oct 29, 2017
I remember watching some of her videos on Instagram. Couple of her videos went pretty viral on Iranian Instagram pages some times ago. FUCK.
The scary thing is there are an unlimited number of clearly unstable persons on Instagram/youtube and they all share one ultimate goal: Attention. Hopefully this won't set a precedent :/


Oct 29, 2017
Gun laws aren't going to stop every single shooting so I don't get why the right is using this case as some "gotcha".

"gun laws wouldnt have stopped this" is a fantastically weak approach to not having any gun laws.


Oct 27, 2017
YouTuber terrorism is a thing now.....


Seriously though, it's not healthy to have your entire well being be in the hands of a single company. In this case they were obviously mentally ill, but I wonder about other circumstances where people have the rug pulled out from under them. YouTube has to be careful.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, so it was an youtuber went rogue after all. Insane.

Maybe YouTube will start looking into the kind of insanity (of all kinds) they allow to bloom on their platform in the name of growth/views/ads money?
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
Terrible news, but hopefully this is an event that could make YouTube take a look, and I do mean a really hard look at how they manage their content. Like it or not they have such a huge impact on how people view things so hopefully this is something that could force them to really take a stance in how they moderate their site.


Jan 17, 2018
This is terrible. But I wonder, how the hell did she entered HQ of a fucking YouTube? Do they even have security there? It's not a school or church, it's a part of one of the biggest corporate entities in the world.


User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I'm really not sure why people are blaming the cops in this scenario. They had no reason to arrest her.

Not arrest. If there law is like Florida's Baker Act it's not an arrest but more of an intervention. If someone reports that you may cause harm to yourself or others and police evaluate and find reasonable suspicion or evidence then they take you to a hospital or mental facility where you will be seen by doctors and involuntary kept for treatment for a certain amount of days or till the doctor clears you.

It's actually a very useful and life saving law. If it is indeed the same there I can't see how they didn't have enough evidence or suspicion to enact it and take her to a hospital. It would have saved her life and stopped this tragedy.


Nov 21, 2017
User banned (2 days): trolling in a serious thread by equating vegetarianism with mental illness.
eating fruit and vegetables is what? what if I am poor?

Well. Let's not talk about that.. it's a bit tricky to answer. But i personally believe people need enough nutrients to think straight. Lack of nutrients or stuff can be one of factors that affects the way people think and behave

In this case if she is a vegetarian, why is she a vegetarian? Is she trying to harm herself? I dont find any reason for someone should be a vegetarian, unless she is allergic to meat which is extremely rare.

Relating it to this event, i think there is a possibility that being vegetarian affects her state of mind thay she decided to do this


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Well. Let's not talk about that.. it's a bit tricky to answer. But i personally believe people need enough nutrients to think straight. Lack of nutrients or stuff can be one of factors that affects the way people think and behave

In this case if she is a vegetarian, why is she a vegetarian? Is she trying to harm herself? I dont find any reason for someone should be a vegetarian, unless she is allergic to meat which is extremely rare.

Of all the bad takes in this thread, this one takes the cake. Just, you have to be trolling with this.


Oct 25, 2017
Well. Let's not talk about that.. it's a bit tricky to answer. But i personally believe people need enough nutrients to think straight. Lack of nutrients or stuff can be one of factors that affects the way people think and behave

In this case if she is a vegetarian, why is she a vegetarian? Is she trying to harm herself? I dont find any reason for someone should be a vegetarian, unless she is allergic to meat which is extremely rare.

Is this a real post? you honestly view vegetarianism as a form of self harm? wow.



Oct 28, 2017
Well. Let's not talk about that.. it's a bit tricky to answer. But i personally believe people need enough nutrients to think straight. Lack of nutrients or stuff can be one of factors that affects the way people think and behave

In this case if she is a vegetarian, why is she a vegetarian? Is she trying to harm herself? I dont find any reason for someone should be a vegetarian, unless she is allergic to meat which is extremely rare.

Relating it to this event, i think there is a possibility that being vegetarian affects her state of mind thay she decided to do this
Welp, something might be wrong with your diet then.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Well he's gone for now so let's try to get the thread back on track. He doesn't need any more attention. My brain wasn't ready to read that at 3:45 in the morning though.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Well. Let's not talk about that.. it's a bit tricky to answer. But i personally believe people need enough nutrients to think straight. Lack of nutrients or stuff can be one of factors that affects the way people think and behave

In this case if she is a vegetarian, why is she a vegetarian? Is she trying to harm herself? I dont find any reason for someone should be a vegetarian, unless she is allergic to meat which is extremely rare.

Relating it to this event, i think there is a possibility that being vegetarian affects her state of mind thay she decided to do this

Oh boy.


Nov 28, 2017
Just woke up and saw the perp and the reason for the shooting. People losing their shit over age restricted videos now wtf. Scary to think that a supposedly harmless change in an algorithm running a site can lead to crazies showing up at your door.


Oct 25, 2017
If you didn't know what she did, and you just watched those videos, you'd think she was doing a really funny Tim and Ericesque bit. Well, to be fair i still can't 100% tell if she was doing a bit or that was just her derangedness showing.

Such a weird fucking thing.


Oct 27, 2017
If you didn't know what she did, and you just watched those videos, you'd think she was doing a really funny Tim and Ericesque bit. Well, to be fair i still can't 100% tell if she was doing a bit or that was just her derangedness showing.

Such a weird fucking thing.
I feel that way about a lot of youtubers. There are people out there that do this and have no other viable options as a career...

YouTube is really playing with fire.