Deleted member 3812

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Oct 25, 2017
I want to know why Sony believes they have the right to essentially steal people's Fortnite purchases. PC purchases cannot be transferred to XBox/Switch if you link your Epic Account that you created on PC to PSN.
Nov 12, 2017
This whole situation just made it onto Fox Business... Now I have to explain to my grandma what "cross play" is.



Oct 26, 2017
I would love to know what Epic's response would be if asked why it's okay that Sony can lock an account from being used on the other consoles. I mean, they can't think that's okay, right? And what kind of notice are people given the moment they associate their Epic account to Sony that this will happen?

Epic cant offend Sony so they will either kowtow to Sony or give a political correct answer
Oct 26, 2017
Is that Sony response real? Holy shit, that is awful. It just blows off the whole issue.

Microsoft better bring some heat next gen, because Sony is practically begging me throw their shit away and go back to Xbox.


Oct 25, 2017
This would be an even shittier thing to do. Plenty of folks who don't care about crossplay and enjoy the game would be completely fucked by this. I don't know how people think a good solution to the problem is to just turn off the game people paid for entirely
The better option would have been to not release it on their platform and hold it hostage, but they missed that opportunity. The idea is to wave the biggest thing in gaming at the moment in Sony's face and tell them they can't have it unless they stop being dicks.


Oct 31, 2017
Is paying to play the game online on other platforms really a talking point now?

Yall realize paying to play online is practically mandatory on all console platforms at this point, right?

Despite the fact that it IS bullshit, it has nothing to do with the topic at hand really. Same with the "Microsoft/Nintendo would do the same if they were in the lead" hypothetical nonsense.

It's just one of the few comebacks Sony Stans have left at this point to argue against something that's a positive for themselves lol


Oct 26, 2017
This whole situation is rather unfortunate.

I've not been interested in games with cross-play at the moment. Though I support the idea behind it. It's really puzzling why Sony continues to dodge this issue. This issue really should not have to boil to a head like this.

Is there any legal documentation about this particular issue? If not, that too is also a terrible idea.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm being serious here: talk about a lawsuit. Say that you're thinking about suing on twitter, get people to understand that this is most likely an illegal practice.

Nothing puts a fire under a company's ass like talk of lawsuits.

Good luck with that...

Why don't you just I don't know... STOP SUPPORTING THE GAME ON PS4? Instead of halfcocked legal action


Editor at Push Square
Oct 27, 2017
Unless Epic do something. Epic don't know how powerful they are. They could say to Sony " hey open people's accounts or say goodbye to the game on the platform" and that will force Sony hands because Fortnite is a monster. Epic won't though because we don't really matter that much.

Epic won't do that because they're making millions and millions of dollars off PlayStation customers. None of these companies really care about you.


Dec 11, 2017
You can't sign in and play on an Xbox One either. I was already console banned whenever I made the switch from PS4 to Xbox One X and I had no idea it was even a thing. I couldn't believe their answer after all the time I'd spent in the game, as well as all the gear I had purchased and obtained through BP, was to create a new account. I never did and I haven't played Fortnite since.

Now that's weird. I started on PC and have since linked both my PSN and XBL accounts. When I'm on PS4 I can play vs PS4, PC (and mobile? I can't remember) and when I'm on PC can play against Xbox and mobile (and PS4 I think?) But because my source account was PC, everything else works. I've been able to apply purchases across PC, PS4 and mobile just fine, as well as buy V-bucks on all just the same.

But yeah, at least let me log into my Epic account on my Switch, I don't care if you still want to restrict cross play to or from PS4 because I have options and can move platforms accordingly without losing progress.

But it's also kinda BS that I have to pay $60 to play this on an Xbox, but that's for another argument.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 19, 2018
To clarify, for PC and Mobile you have pay a yearly sub to play Fortnite ? I dont know about Nintendo or how smooth their online services are
No, you don't have to play a dime to play on PC or mobile. They are completely free. Fact is, ONLY Microsoft at this point require a sub for you to play Fortnite.

I've been playing Fortnite on Switch and haven't had any performance issues thus far even on Wi-Fi.


Oct 25, 2017
It is an interesting case for sure.

The more I think about it the clearer it is that this is illegal.

If you are buying something on Fortnite on PC you are purchasing an item that is yours to use across 5 platforms: PC, iOS, XB1, Switch and PS4. You can use your purchase freely on those platforms unless you decide to use it on a PS4, in which case you are stripped of the ability to use it on an XB1 or a Switch. Furthermore, you are not warned about this (except maybe in an EULA which nobody reads and which rarely hold up in court).

So Sony is removing your ability to use your purchases on platforms on which the original purchase was able to be used.

It's nebulous due to the digital nature of the product, but I think it would qualify as illegal. Not a lawyer though.

Deleted member 16609

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Harlem, NYC
Is paying to play the game online on other platforms really a talking point now?

Yall realize paying to play online is practically mandatory on all console platforms at this point, right?
Not for Fortnite, H1Z1, Warframe and other F2P type games on the PS4. I haven't re new my PS+ at all. All my online gaming is on the PC. But I totally understand what you are saying to console only players. The majority are paying for plus to play COD, BF, Madden, GTA, NBA2K, SFV and FIFA to name a few of the popular IP's out there. SONY needs to chill with this. Because companies don't forget practices like this.


Oct 28, 2017
Eh... I think the main reason the Battlefront issue was wider was because it affected everyone that played the game. This doesn't, not even close. There are a relatively small number for whom this situation absolutely sucks, but most will continue to play Fortnite in precisely the same way without knowing (or all in likelihood caring) about what is, frankly, a pretty awful mess.

Ultimately I think you exaggerate the size of the crossplay issue. You have to remember that, in this case, Sony are simply being conservative, sticking to a status quo that people are content with. There is no parallel to Microsoft proposing DRM in 2013, a move which damaged the Xbox launch immeasurably, where they wanted to change things from the way they always were.

For this to become a major issue, those that are for crossplay are going to have to prove how great it is, at which point Sony will seem like they're standing in the way of change. We're years from that happening, frankly, and that's not really Sony's fault. There are what... three high profile games that are pushing crossplay?
It's not the status quo no more, and with developers that want crossplay recognizing that and pushing for crossplay and crossprogression and likely other things that will allow gamers the freedom to play how they want, it's not an issue that will go away, no matter what Sony says.

And it's disingenuous to say the Battlefront issue effected everyone but this doesn't because it was a tweak in the way you get characters and not everyone is going to care about every character even to unlock them, let alone pay to unlock them. It's just when it's framed as content you are owed in paying for a "full game" and it being part of a bigger lootbox trend that is locking content behind random chance that you have to pay for that made the issue come to a head. People have ignored lootboxes and DLC of the sort before when it "didn't effect them" but with it being (typical greedy) EA and Star Wars, that's where it blew up into a bigger deal.

There is another reason Sony doesn't have the Minecraft Bedrock update and it's not just because of a lack of crossplay but also because Sony refuses to let people have a Microsoft account on their system. Fornite accounts being locked to their system after linking it once is just another example of this policy. It will continue being a thing for Sony as long as they have this policy and that does effect everyone, this just happens to be the latest egregious example for people because they were given no notification that Sony could and would do such a thing and now Sony refuses to acknowledge what they did or their decision in the matter, which all fingers point back to them. That's is what makes this ordeal big for Sony because usually this might fall on one developer to fix when something goes wrong with a game, but this is Sony's policy and Epic can't do anything about it and they've let it be known, so that means it comes down to the gamers to let Sony know they've messed up and all they have to do is tweak this aspect of the policy and the crossplay anger would likely die down with it. Instead, Sony is adding more fuel to the fire and making it a bigger deal by refusing to help resolve an issue that they alone created.
Apr 16, 2018
Until you do. That's the's not about these particular games or this one instance of bullishness. It's about their overall attitude toward openness. I can remember having an almost identical conversation last year about them not wanting to play nice with RL. This will keep happening.

Nah, I agree with you. Sony definitely needs to get this sorted out.

But I only really play one game online, with IRL friends, at that. Most of my multiplayer experience nowadays is just couch co-op/multiplayer on Nintendo consoles.

Cross play for all consoles needs to happen, though.


Oct 25, 2017
"Nothing can be done (even though the mainstream press is all over this snowballing monstrosity)"

"Sony is the best"

"This issue that has been going on since last year with Minecraft is suddenly going to go away because the industry is not, in fact, moving towards Crossplay"




Oct 28, 2017
Come on Sony get off your high horse. You can't say it's about protecting your player base when Nintendo of all companies is open to it. Cross platform play ideally would keep player counts higher for longer periods which in turn could drive more dlc, micro transactions (more money for you guys) and ps+ subs.


Oct 25, 2017

Get wrecked. Shame on Sony for not fixing this ages ago. Glad this is biting them in their asses. They better act soon.


Oct 27, 2017
At least Xbox offers cross play.

Does it offer TLOU, Horizon, God of War, Bloodborne, etc?

I'm good then. Care much more about the games than I do about a theoretical cross-play situation that I'll never utilize.

Come next gen, if I'm having a tough choice between the hardware availalble, maybe it becomes a factor. If their stance hasn't changed by then.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeh, i'll be extremely surprised if sony doesn't fix this within the next few weeks.

The outrage is nice and strong.


Oct 27, 2017
Not sure if you're aware but free-to-play titles like Fortnite don't require a PS+ Subscription to play on PS4, while they do require an Xbox Live subscription to play to Xbox One.

I am aware.

I am also aware that if i am playing any game that isn't free to play, that ill be paying monthly or yearly regardless.


Oct 27, 2017
Sony doesn't allow PS4 to cross play with Switch or Xbox.

Microsoft forces you to pay $60 per year to play a free-to-play online game.

Pick your poison.

Although I do think it's totally bullshit Sony is preventing folks from signing into Switch with an Epic account associated with a PSN account.

At least you don't require a Gold account to access your items on your Switch.
Oct 25, 2017
"Nothing can be done (even though the mainstream press is all over this snowballing monstrosity)"

"Sony is the best"

"This issue that has been going on since last year with Minecraft is suddenly going to go away because the industry is not, in fact, moving towards Crossplay"



Haven't seen anyone make a post like this. If they did it's definitely not majority of the thread.


Oct 25, 2017
Gamers had their purchases essentially stolen from them by Sony.

PC Epic Account holders who have purchased items on PC and linked their account to PSN has discovered that their purchases CANNOT be transferred to XBox One/Switch.
Lol I know that. I'm talking about the hashtag #4TheShareholders. Bad publicity and negative business consequences isn't exactly good for their shareholders. So sony's position here is incredibly stupid.