Oct 27, 2017
they work the same way as ships

you can earn them in game

if the rough $ to UEC translates like ships, it'll be 1.5 to 2 million UEC, basically 2-3 days worth of bounty hunting grinding

also funding slump is nonsense. the game had consistent funding from 2014 to 2019. see: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/oa3173/star_citizen_funding_year_on_year_by_month/

homestead demo was 2016. so uh... what are you trying to say exactly?

I might be confusing things, the below is what I was talking about. Also, I wasn't implying that they weren't going to allow players to get land claims in-game. It's just hard to think the feature would have materialized (at least at the point it was introduced), if it wasn't attached to fundraising.


Q&A: UEE Land Claim Licenses - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.


Nov 8, 2018
Scam or not, I wonder if parts of the game are going to be redone once development tools become 'archaic/obsolete' because of SC's long development cycle.


Oct 26, 2017
When is server meshing actually coming?



Server Meshing and Persistent Streaming Q&A - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.


Oct 31, 2017
I check out the game every 6 months or so to see whats changed, and to be honest, it's cool. Flying above that new floating city and seeing the volumetric clouds, its pretty insane. I hope server meshing comes at some point soon. I know its easy to say scam but when you play the game as it is now, idk, there's some really cool stuff in there. You can see the massive potential of a game like this. I paid $30 back in 2014 for the full game and nothing more.


Nov 9, 2017
Who are the people putting 400 mill into this? Is it lots of small contributions or do they have some huge investors?


Oct 28, 2017
Am I missing something with Star Citizen? I've kept glancing at it over the years but haven't really looked in depth into what it *actually* is. Based on what I've read it seems to be a money pit that people keep throwing millions of dollars into (who are these people??) but will there ever actually be a game at the end of it?
It's kinda like GTA. But if you took all the hard talented work that went into making a bustling city and missions, and instead had a less competent team putting man-hours into spreading in thinly across a solar system, resulting in a threadbare vertical slice of sub-par gameplay experiences strung together by a rendering engine.


Oct 27, 2017
Who are the people putting 400 mill into this? Is it lots of small contributions or do they have some huge investors?

I think initially it was both (I got in for 20$ during some flash sale), but now I think it's mainly whales.

I'm into flight sims so I have some pretty expensive flight gear, and whenever I look at reviews it's pretty crazy that most often, reviews for the highest end sticks and throttles revolve around Star Citizen. In fact some of the highest end sticks (see VKB Space Combat Grip or Virpil Constellation Alpha) are developed with SC customers in mind even more than Elite Dangerous or flight sim players. It's actually quite crazy that some hardware companies make a good part of their business around a game that doesn't exist.

People who want this game are ready to spend a LOT. At some point you've invested so much mental energy and money into this that you figure you might as well buy another 1000$ ship to help development so you can finally get your dream game.


Oct 27, 2017
The Concierge system is everything you need to know to avoid Star Citizen like the plague.

Concierges or Chairman's Club Members are backers who have spent 1,000 USD or more on the same account on the official pledge store. Concierges are given access to a dedicated support system, in game rewards, Concierge exclusive offers and other benefits. The members of the Chairman's Club are divided in levels that represent the amount spent in the pledge store. Concierge exclusive offers are not available to all Concierges equally, high value concierge exclusive ship packages may only be offered to Concierges with a higher level.

If $1,000 is the buy-in, how high could the top tier possibly be?

The 600i Executive is a large touring ship from Origin Jumpworks GmbH. It is a special edition of the 600i Explorer that features a gold and white painted exterior, it is only obtainable as a reward for reaching the Concierge rank Legatus Navium, which equals to a total spending of $25,000.The ship's weaponry consists of two turrets, three gun hardpoints and four missile racks. The ship can transport a ground vehicle and is outfitted with two support stations.
Anyone defending this shit is already too bought-in. They're lost souls.

And sure, it's not a scam; it's more of a religion at this point


Feb 28, 2019
just remember to install it on a fast ssd and that the server capacities are working at their limit thanks to the freefly (and until server meshing is online).

(and a high end pc wouldn't hurt either)

People should just play it to see that this project is not a scam
This is not because the game FIFA is fun that FUT isn't a scam.
It has to be in some sort of playable state to continue to get money.


Oct 26, 2017
It has to be in some sort of playable state to continue to get money.
the alpha is in a playable state, even when there are not many gameplay loops fleshed out. And that is why the project has already reached 400 mio in crowdfunding. Last year was the most successful year in the crowdfunding campaign and that is not because it's a scam or "a dream", it's because the people are having fun playing the alpha (even with the bugs).

There are 3,3 million players/accounts already.

And they are using the money to grow:

Star Citizen developer plans 1000-person Manchester mega studio

Star Citizen and Squadron 42 developer Cloud Imperium Games plans to open a huge new studio in Manchester, making it on…

Elite players are switching too:


Feb 28, 2019
Scam or not, I wonder if parts of the game are going to be redone once development tools become 'archaic/obsolete' because of SC's long development cycle.
Obviously. Even features will goes against each others.
You can see the massive potential of a game like this. I paid $30 back in 2014 for the full game and nothing more.
Can print that on a t-shirt 🤣
the alpha is in a playable state, even when there are not many gameplay loops fleshed out. And that is why the project has already reached 400 mio in crowdfunding. Last year was the most successful year in the crowdfunding campaign and that is not because it's a scam or "a dream", it's because the people are having fun playing the alpha (even with the bugs).

There are 3,3 million players/accounts already.

And they are using the money to grow:

Star Citizen developer plans 1000-person Manchester mega studio

Star Citizen and Squadron 42 developer Cloud Imperium Games plans to open a huge new studio in Manchester, making it on…

Elite players are switching too:

Again, the fact people have fun is the first thing in any scam. Or hope.
You have to ask yourself why you are so adamant to defend the game.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017

Server Meshing and Persistent Streaming Q&A - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.
Our current aim is to release Persistent Streaming and the first version of the Replication layer, ideally, between Q1 and Q2 next year. We'll then follow up with the first version of a static server mesh, barring any unforeseen technical complications, between Q3 and Q4, of next year.
Those are some worrying qualifications for a project that has already missed too many deadlines to count.

I think it's fine to enjoy what is there, but I don't understand why people have faith to invest based on any future promises.


Oct 26, 2017
Again, the fact people have fun is the first thing in any scam. Or hope.
You have to ask yourself why you are so adamant to defend the game.
did you even play the game?
Maybe you should watch the video i posted.

And maybe you should ask yourself: why are you not only bashing the game but the people who have fun with it.
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Prophet of Regret - A King's Landing
Dec 8, 2018
Those are some worrying qualifications for a project that has already missed too many deadlines to count.

I think it's fine to enjoy what is there, but I don't understand why people have faith to invest based on any future promises.
From all the talk in the past i thought server meshing was just around the corner. Might not even come in 2022 based on how the development history of this game.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Seems like a lot, but games like Fortnite and Apex are making literal billions in micro transactions.

This makes me wonder how much a new mass effect game could raise

Not even the same genre of game really. I don't think it would attract even similar attention. People are caught up in the fantasy of living in sci-simulation with Star Citizen.

You could probably see similar funding for a Ready Player One style experience with a strong pitch and the right marketing.


Oct 30, 2017
Sigh - ok.

A few weeks ago - I bought into the game. I had registered an account back when RSI first started, but didn't want to pay money for a concept and told myself I'd wait until something was tangible before pledging.

Some considerable amount of time later; I bought a starter pack at the start of the month and I've invested over $1k into the game this week.

High for a game, but comparable to Wishes over the course of Genshins release and Hearthstone packs/expansions - kinda avg. I'm kinda ashamed in retrospect on Genhin [I clearly cared far too much about getting great damage numbers/characters]. To some - this is reprehensible behaviour - but the level of salt [for the lack of a better word] feels out of proportion.

I get if posters here were backers at the start, sold in on the timeframe/single player experience that still hasn't materialised and feel like the game's direction from scripted to sandbox is unjustified - I'd be salty too if I bought into the hype that early and that seriously. Or those that paid money to a game [that while clearly states its in Alpha, markets itself as if it was a live-service game like Destiny] and they don't want to spend any time fighting through a slew of game breaking bugs and half built gameplay loops to be [effectively] an unpaid feedback tester [at this stage].

But for me, the past few weeks of game time I've spent and sold me on a game that could [in a few years] be a great MMO and space simulator - and I decided to invest in ships that would enhance that experience immediately.

To those who's only experience of this project is through early marketing materials, hit pieces & one line forum posts, I'd recommend [if you have the time & the open mind] to download the free trial this week which gives you at the moment free access to all the ships. There are some good videos [Morpholgist is particularly great here] that give you a clear guide on how to get the most out of your experience, the official website curates them into a playlist so you don't need to search far and wide.

I would love for there to be some actual journalism to occur in this space, because about 4 years ago they seemed to start from scratch again on pretty much everything [New engine, so I get new code - but they appeared to evolve their entire thinking process on art/mechancies which meant any of the gameplay loops they had in development looked like they had to start from scratch]. What happened here and what changed SC42's release window from 'next year' to 'it's done when it's done' would be an interesting story to tell.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
Sigh - ok.

A few weeks ago - I bought into the game. I had registered an account back when RSI first started, but didn't want to pay money for a concept and told myself I'd wait until something was tangible before pledging.

Some considerable amount of time later; I bought a starter pack at the start of the month and I've invested over $1k into the game this week.

High for a game, but comparable to Wishes over the course of Genshins release and Hearthstone packs/expansions - kinda avg. I'm kinda ashamed in retrospect on Genhin [I clearly cared far too much about getting great damage numbers/characters]. To some - this is reprehensible behaviour - but the level of salt [for the lack of a better word] feels out of proportion.

I get if posters here were backers at the start, sold in on the timeframe/single player experience that still hasn't materialised and feel like the game's direction from scripted to sandbox is unjustified - I'd be salty too if I bought into the hype that early and that seriously. Or those that paid money to a game [that while clearly states its in Alpha, markets itself as if it was a live-service game like Destiny] and they don't want to spend any time fighting through a slew of game breaking bugs and half built gameplay loops to be [effectively] an unpaid feedback tester [at this stage].

But for me, the past few weeks of game time I've spent and sold me on a game that could [in a few years] be a great MMO and space simulator - and I decided to invest in ships that would enhance that experience immediately.

To those who's only experience of this project is through early marketing materials, hit pieces & one line forum posts, I'd recommend [if you have the time & the open mind] to download the free trial this week which gives you at the moment free access to all the ships. There are some good videos [Morpholgist is particularly great here] that give you a clear guide on how to get the most out of your experience, the official website curates them into a playlist so you don't need to search far and wide.

I would love for there to be some actual journalism to occur in this space, because about 4 years ago they seemed to start from scratch again on pretty much everything [New engine, so I get new code - but they appeared to evolve their entire thinking process on art/mechancies which meant any of the gameplay loops they had in development looked like they had to start from scratch]. What happened here and what changed SC42's release window from 'next year' to 'it's done when it's done' would be an interesting story to tell.

If you ever feel the need to spend on Genshin again, come by the OT, most of us will do our best to beat it outta your head. ;)

Also, more on topic, yeah, this so far doesn't look like a 400m game, it's still broken as hell and at the pace they're going, I think the funds will dry up before they push it to an acceptable state for your regular customer. Would love to be wrong, but I just don't see it panning out.


Oct 30, 2017
If you ever feel the need to spend on Genshin again, come by the OT, most of us will do our best to beat it outta your head. ;)

Also, more on topic, yeah, this so far doesn't look like a 400m game, it's still broken as hell and at the pace they're going, I think the funds will dry up before they push it to an acceptable state for your regular customer. Would love to be wrong, but I just don't see it panning out.

Haha thank you! I'll be around when the next part of the map gets added I imagine........

I suspect they will release SQ42 as SC goes from Alpha to Beta, as development costs of SC42 is currently covered off - so it's going to be profit + production money for SC's remaining development. The real question is what the monetisation model will be on SC's eventual release as a service, to ensure contained development of gameplay loops and systems that clearly will not be built in time for even a Beta.


Oct 26, 2017
I haven't done that. I blame scammer not victims.

And you haven't answered 😉
and why did you call the game a scam and the people who have fun "victims"? Because you clearly don't know what a scam is nor why people are having fun with the game.

Seems like a lot, but games like Fortnite and Apex are making literal billions in micro transactions.

and that in one year and not in 10 years.


Oct 27, 2017
daym 400m, companies with competent project management could probably produce like 3-4 AAA games with that budget in the almost 10 years time lol.


Someone is plagiarizing this post
Oct 25, 2017
They're in a self perpetuating cycle: they want the best visuals and features so it takes AGES, by the time their stuff is ready to show it no longer looks like the best visuals or has the best features so they remake it to up date it and the cycle begins again.

This is a classic case of dreadful management. What they are trying to do isn't ambitious, it's ludicrous. If I said "I'm going to set up a space station at the edge of the solar system, please crowd fund me", that's not ambition; that's madness.
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Oct 30, 2017
They're in a self perpetuating cycle: they want the best visuals and features so it takes AGES, buy the time their stuff is ready to show it no longer looks like the best visuals or has the best features so they remake it to up date it and the cycle begins again.

This is a classic case of dreadful management. What they are trying to do isn't ambitious, it's ludicrous. If I said "I'm going to set up a space station at the edge of the solar system, please crowd fund me", that's not ambition; that's madness.

It's Agile Development - which is really rare for a big video game developer to truly use because publishers need to budget off Waterfall [logic steps from concept > release that are based off of previous experiances]. Here, they are truly tackling unknowns in development and have to figure out how to make them work - and someones they don't even know if it will work after multiple months/years of development. I find having a real-world use case for agile fascinating, but it's not for everyone thats for sure.

The lack of MvP publicly could give both backers and the development team something tangible to work towards, and we would hope manage lead times - but I suspect after what appears to be a ton of hit pieces, upper management have gone into hiding on that front and either have it, and are not sharing - or keeping it hidden until the project is effectively completed.


Apr 9, 2019
Didnt have many people to play it with but kinda got it purely as a "ill play this one day so whatever" honestly curious how this game is at this point, I got the basic level of it back a few years ago when I built my previous PC
Nov 14, 2017
It's Agile Development - which is really rare for a big video game developer to truly use because publishers need to budget off Waterfall [logic steps from concept > release that are based off of previous experiances]. Here, they are truly tackling unknowns in development and have to figure out how to make them work - and someones they don't even know if it will work after multiple months/years of development. I find having a real-world use case for agile fascinating, but it's not for everyone thats for sure.

The lack of MvP publicly could give both backers and the development team something tangible to work towards, and we would hope manage lead times - but I suspect after what appears to be a ton of hit pieces, upper management have gone into hiding on that front and either have it, and are not sharing - or keeping it hidden until the project is effectively completed.
If this is Agile, I'm Santa Claus.
Oct 31, 2017
User Banned (2 Months): Long history of hostility and antagonism towards other members
the alpha is in a playable state, even when there are not many gameplay loops fleshed out. And that is why the project has already reached 400 mio in crowdfunding. Last year was the most successful year in the crowdfunding campaign and that is not because it's a scam or "a dream", it's because the people are having fun playing the alpha (even with the bugs).

There are 3,3 million players/accounts already.

And they are using the money to grow:

Star Citizen developer plans 1000-person Manchester mega studio

Star Citizen and Squadron 42 developer Cloud Imperium Games plans to open a huge new studio in Manchester, making it on…

Elite players are switching too:

You again?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Sigh - ok.

A few weeks ago - I bought into the game. I had registered an account back when RSI first started, but didn't want to pay money for a concept and told myself I'd wait until something was tangible before pledging.

Some considerable amount of time later; I bought a starter pack at the start of the month and I've invested over $1k into the game this week.

High for a game, but comparable to Wishes over the course of Genshins release and Hearthstone packs/expansions - kinda avg. I'm kinda ashamed in retrospect on Genhin [I clearly cared far too much about getting great damage numbers/characters]. To some - this is reprehensible behaviour - but the level of salt [for the lack of a better word] feels out of proportion.

I get if posters here were backers at the start, sold in on the timeframe/single player experience that still hasn't materialised and feel like the game's direction from scripted to sandbox is unjustified - I'd be salty too if I bought into the hype that early and that seriously. Or those that paid money to a game [that while clearly states its in Alpha, markets itself as if it was a live-service game like Destiny] and they don't want to spend any time fighting through a slew of game breaking bugs and half built gameplay loops to be [effectively] an unpaid feedback tester [at this stage].

But for me, the past few weeks of game time I've spent and sold me on a game that could [in a few years] be a great MMO and space simulator - and I decided to invest in ships that would enhance that experience immediately.

To those who's only experience of this project is through early marketing materials, hit pieces & one line forum posts, I'd recommend [if you have the time & the open mind] to download the free trial this week which gives you at the moment free access to all the ships. There are some good videos [Morpholgist is particularly great here] that give you a clear guide on how to get the most out of your experience, the official website curates them into a playlist so you don't need to search far and wide.

I would love for there to be some actual journalism to occur in this space, because about 4 years ago they seemed to start from scratch again on pretty much everything [New engine, so I get new code - but they appeared to evolve their entire thinking process on art/mechancies which meant any of the gameplay loops they had in development looked like they had to start from scratch]. What happened here and what changed SC42's release window from 'next year' to 'it's done when it's done' would be an interesting story to tell.

If you're looking for someone to play with, we have an org. Still lots of discussion happening in Discord, not so much on here these days.

Starbound Universal [E503] - Organizations - Roberts Space Industries

Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.

Digital Foundry has put out some good articles on the tech along the way. An attempt at a full story would make for a hefty coffee table tome.


Oct 26, 2017
You know you're gone when you describe dropping $1k on video game space ships as an investment.
I will probably upgrade to Avenger, a nice all-around solo ship. The most I see myself going is Cutlass Black, a medium fighter/freighter that can be flown solo.

Anything above that is too expensive and unrealistic for my solo play where I usually just explore.
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Oct 27, 2017
I don't think it's a scam at all.

It's a fucking Chris Roberts project with nearly unlimited money flowing in.

None of this is surprising knowing his history.


May 14, 2020
Also, more on topic, yeah, this so far doesn't look like a 400m game, it's still broken as hell and at the pace they're going, I think the funds will dry up before they push it to an acceptable state for your regular customer. Would love to be wrong, but I just don't see it panning out.

This news broke 10 days ago.

They are hiring up to 700 people in the next 2 years and aiming for 1000 in the next 5.

$400 million is not a lot of money when you have hundreads of people to pay every month.

Cloud Imperium already has 700 people across their studios


Cloud Imperium to open Manchester studio

Cloud Imperium has announced the opening of a new studio in Manchester, UK.Established in the Enterprise City district,…


Oct 29, 2017
saying it's a scam is very anti-developer.

developers having jobs is all that should matter to any of you.

Deleted member 93841

User-requested account closure
Mar 17, 2021
saying it's a scam is very anti-developer.

developers having jobs is all that should matter to any of you.

Is this satire?

I don't think it's a scam at all.

It's a fucking Chris Roberts project with nearly unlimited money flowing in.

None of this is surprising knowing his history.

I don't think it's an intentional scam, but a lot of people are going to lose their money because of Chris Roberts' recklenssness and incompetence. He's going to end up being a case study for why projects like these need someone to keep the game designer's ambitions in check.

The situation with Star Citizen has been inexcusable for several years now. We all know what the problem is and yet people keep throwing money at this man.
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Oct 27, 2017

Server Meshing and Persistent Streaming Q&A - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as well as all the community tools used by our fans.

Ah nice! With an exhaustive Q&A like that, it seems like the path to server meshing is finally relatively clear. Would be awesome if they'd manage to get it out next year around Q2-4.

That feature is gonna be a game changer.


Oct 25, 2017
saying it's a scam is very anti-developer.

developers having jobs is all that should matter to any of you.
BRB raising $500,000 for video game development, hiring one developer for one year as a token effort to complete the project while I spend 90% of the money on hookers and coke. Nothing wrong with this because "all that matters is developers having jobs". lmao