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Oct 25, 2017
They were treating her like a child. We know they really love her, but the way their relationship was back then they most likely would have believed that forcing her to "grow up" and act like a Diamond would be the best love; protecting Pink from her own foolishness.

It's clever they used Connie's mom as a metaphor for Yellow Diamond because there's a lot of similarity between what Pink Diamond did and Connie hiding her sword training from her mom. Her mom wouldn't accept Connie's feelings after being told the truth and had to be shown Connie's conviction through her actions. Had Connie asked her mom if she could sword train her mom would have most likely said no.

But that doesn't stop them from potentially being convinced, especially if Pink showed similar conviction like Connie did.

Yet she instead showed that conviction in the form of another which ended up not being the best idea.


Nov 9, 2017
They keep treating Lapis like the awesome RPG character that keeps showing up, being cool, then doesn't join the party.

And every time you see them you just scream "JOIN THE GODDAMN PARTY ALREADY!"


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Lapidot has never been more sunk either.
Lapis: *misses Peridot, sings about missing Peridot, stalks Peridot from space*
Me: What are you waiting for. Go to her. Go to her and your pumpkin child. Go home and be a family gem.
Lapis: *hears the word diamond and nopes the fuck out*

I'm not even a serious shipper but lmao


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
Lapis has some serious issues....all these gems need a goddamn therapist


Oct 25, 2017
Oh hey the organic server farm-esque serialized plot-guessing machine was right again. What a success rate


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
secret best part about the episode was Amethyst's reaction

The Last One

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I just watched the last episode and I think that my head just exploded thanks to it

Oct 25, 2017
with mrs. glitches
Had a thought, what if Pearl is actually a White Diamond Pearl that was a gift or something?

Gem placement on the pearls have been the same as their diamonds, her appearance in the far past (as seen tonight) incorporated the colors of every Diamond.

Side note really miss Pearl having that vibrant pink hair.


Oct 30, 2017
We don't know that though.

But that's the thing with the whole hindsight being 20/20 snafu

Pink was probably right to think only a rebellion would stop the destruction of Earth.

The diamonds gave Earth to Pink because she kept asking for a colony or as a consolidation prize and we are shown that Pink did propose to them a way to save organic life's on Earh and they didn't seem to care. Her human zoo is probably a last attempt as a diamond to save the humans. She most likely saw the Crystal Gems and the rebellion as her last hope to save Earth. That Blue took control of it after Pink was supposedly shattered, means the diamonds never shared her love for organics or cared about preserving them.

Where Rose/Pink did make a mistake is probably trying to preserve her life as Rose at the cost of the other gems (although she managed to save organic life). But even so, we've learned that the rebellion only had a chance after Rose shattered Pink diamond, giving strength to the rebellion.

So yeah, loved the episodes and too many people are judging Pink wrongly, for the most part.

It Pink would've just stayed as Pink, who knows if the rebellion would've been the same as well.


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
also Pink could just make some dirt look like shards of her gem? what powers didn't she have?


Oct 26, 2017
But that doesn't stop them from potentially being convinced, especially if Pink showed similar conviction like Connie did.

Yet she instead showed that conviction in the form of another which ended up not being the best idea.

Connie's mom had to be forced to accept Connie's decision by an extreme situation. Connie saved her mom from gem experiments and proved she knew what she was doing. Showing her conviction saved her mother's life.

Pink's situation was totally opposed to her sisters. Anything she did to show her convictions would just be an insult and attack on their way of life.

Pink was probably right to think only a rebellion would stop the destruction of Earth.

The diamonds gave Earth to Pink because she kept asking for a colony or as a consolidation prize and we are shown that Pink did propose to them a way to save organic life's on Earh and they didn't seem to care. Her human zoo is probably a last attempt as a diamond to save the humans. She most likely saw the Crystal Gems and the rebellion as her last hope to save Earth. That Blue took control of it after Pink was supposedly shattered, means the diamonds never shared her love for organics or cared about preserving them.

Where Rose/Pink did make a mistake is probably trying to preserve her life as Rose at the cost of the other gems (although she managed to save organic life). But even so, we've learned that the rebellion only had a chance after Rose shattered Pink diamond, giving strength to the rebellion.

So yeah, loved the episodes and too many people are judging Pink wrongly, for the most part.

It Pink would've just stayed as Pink, who knows if the rebellion would've been the same as well.
Well, in Jungle Moon we saw Yellow telling subordinates to continue harvesting that planet's resources despite the organic life on it. In Can't Go Back Blue and Yellow both show they don't care about organics. But in the human zoo episodes we saw that Blue at least has capacity to respect organic life. She took over the human zoo as a shrine to Pink's memory and hit it off with Greg.

If you're referring to the Garnet flashback episode, though, I don't think that was after the shattering. I imagine the shattering was immediately followed by the corruption attack. The Garnet flashback probably happened early in the rebellion, Rose didn't have her sword. The war ended 4000 years ago, and Garnet became Garnet 5,750 years ago, so it happened 1,750 years before the corruption attack.

also Pink could just make some dirt look like shards of her gem? what powers didn't she have?
She crushed the dirt into diamond. If you exert enough pressure on carbon-rich soil you'll get a diamond. She has superstrength and the ability to control the density of her form.

It was a nod to this:
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Oct 27, 2017
Really enjoyed "Can't Go Back". Something about the artwork and animation in that episode just felt cleaner than a lot of others. I was struck by a lot of Lapis' expressions because they seemed...appropriate I guess? I dunno, I have a hard time verbalizing why it felt right, but it did. Like in the very next episode I felt like proportions were kind of off and the character reactions were more exaggerated.

Also she sang, and it was great. Now for the long, disappointing wait before she shows up again.


Oct 29, 2017
We're going to need a Summer of Steven to see all the different "No Way!" reactions from all the different characters and the fallouts. You could probably fill a season with each one coming to terms with it.


Oct 27, 2017
So, uh, still playing catch up.
I hear Cartoon Network fucked up yet again and uploaded a bunch of spoilers?
Oct 25, 2017
USA, Sol 3, Universe 1
It's basically the same thing. I'm just looking at it in the way that
Rose Quartz was basically a disguise and not someone that existed as a different entity.
Pink wanted to blend in, what better way than to blend in as a grunt, a quartz soldier? Like, it's been obvious since that promo from a few weeks ago, and the music was excellent, but jeez, what a weird execution for the reveal. Felt quite lacking.


Oct 25, 2017
Okay so I think I know what's in the chest in lion.

It's a video of RQ/PD that she made before Steven was born, it's likely addressed to BD/YD where she will admit she created the rebellion. She'll probably shift between her two forms, maybe even start the video as PD and shift to RQ. She'll probably talk about how much the earth means to her and she's sorry for deceiving them. This will end up being jesus-no-jutsu. I'm thinking RQ made the video not thinking they'd ever see it, but decided to hide it away in Lion so that, just in case, Steven could decide what to do with the tape, free from any outside influence.

Edit : might also be a part of why pearl never found out about lion, to make sure the tape was hidden and only Steven would be able to get it.
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Oct 25, 2017
Pink wanted to blend in, what better way than to blend in as a grunt, a quartz soldier? Like, it's been obvious since that promo from a few weeks ago, and the music was excellent, but jeez, what a weird execution for the reveal. Felt quite lacking.

I didn't dislike it and I'm glad we finally got the answer. Buuuuuuut, I expected it to be more of a slow-burn than a single episode nuke.


Oct 25, 2017

I'm really impressed with how the reveal has been handled. It's the best kind of twist, really, in that it opens up a whole new raft of potential storylines and interactions going forwards. As well as opening up interesting new ways to interact with antagonists (how will Jasper react when she finds out that Steven is, in her eyes, Pink Diamond? Will Bismuth's disgust at the Gem elites survive the knowledge that Pink led the rebellion? How do you communicate this to the other Diamonds, and how does each react?), the ramifications for the Crystal Gems are huge too;
  • It's a proper existential crisis for Garnet- one of the biggest things that enabled her to embrace who she is was Rose's support. The knowledge that Rose was never who she said she was, plus the fact that she was one of the figureheads who was underpinning the whole corrupt system that Garnet was escaping, is going to be huge- we can see as much in the trailer for the next episodes.
  • Pearl's pain and torment about Rose's death just seems all the more acute in the aftermath of this. It's not just a lost love (although it's still that as well)- Pearl lost the person that she was made for, and for who she sacrificed everything. There have been allusions that Pearl was not just a true believer in the liberation of Earth, and was more on-board for Rose's sake than anything (Space Race comes to mind)- to go through all of that, to give up your entire life, and for the person that you did it all for to dip out for a guy she'd just met is awful for her. Her attitude in Rose's Scabbard makes even more sense now- she was literally the only person that Rose trusted with her greatest secret, after all. This also raises HUGE questions about the power imbalance in the relationship between Rose and Pearl, and how much Rose actually saw her as an equal. We're nowhere near done with this, I'd guess.
  • Peridot's rebelled against her Diamond, and tried to move past her Homeworld conditioning, but we still regularly see that it's a huge part of how she sees things- how on Earth is she going to react when she finds out that Steven is descended from Pink Diamond?
  • Lapis has a profound and crippling terror of the Diamonds, and real trauma that's directly connected to the actions of both sides of the war. If she learns that Rose was Pink Diamond, that could either open up the door to her beginning to actually deal with her feelings or to become flat-out antagonistic again.
It's a development to rival Jailbreak or Earthlings- the next few years of stories are going to come directly out of this one.

I didn't dislike it and I'm glad we finally got the answer. Buuuuuuut, I expected it to be more of a slow-burn than a single episode nuke.

They've been building up to it for a while, between Zircon's observation that only a Diamond could have orchestrated Pink's shattering, to Pearl's obvious inability to talk about the circumstances of it, to the vision of Pink on the Jungle Moon, to the years of hinting that Rose and Steven have abilities that it would make absolutely no sense for a standard Quartz to have. The reveal came over the course of an episode, but it was seeded for an incredibly long time.

The slow burn will come as everyone else reacts to it, and the ongoing ramifications of Steven revealing it play out- as I said, there's enough episodes that will come directly from this episode to fuel multiple seasons, in the same way that Jailbreak fuelled seasons 2 and 3, and Earthlings set up 4 and most of 5.
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Apr 5, 2018
All the fusions with steven/"rose" are actually bullshit.
There is no "smoky quartz" or "rainbow quartz".
Oct 25, 2017
These new episodes made me remember why I loved this show in the first place.

And it makes me sad knowing that the series is beginning to wrap up.


Oct 25, 2017
These new episodes made me remember why I loved this show in the first place.

And it makes me sad knowing that the series is beginning to wrap up.
I don't think so.

This revelation makes a reconciliation with the Diamonds (well... Yellow and Blue, at least) seem far more attainable than before, and White Diamond is nowhere to be seen in the leaks. I would not at all be surprised to learn that the clips in that video were far more imminent than they first appeared, and that there was a lot more to come after that point.


Apr 5, 2018
This revelation makes a reconciliation with the Diamonds (well... Yellow and Blue, at least) seem far more attainable than before, and White Diamond is nowhere to be seen in the leaks. I would not at all be surprised to learn that the clips in that video were far more imminent than they first appeared, and that there was a lot more to come after that point.

Will yellow just stop wanting the cluster though? "I want my cluster!" is the most concrete desire that she has ever expressed in the entire series so far. That's not just gonna disappear off screen.


Oct 25, 2017
Will yellow just stop wanting the cluster though? "I want my cluster!" is the most concrete desire that she has ever expressed in the entire series so far. That's not just gonna disappear off screen.
You're right, but all we've seen is the Gems and the Diamonds interacting. We have no idea what that interaction is, or how it will shape up from that clip- for all we know, it could just be some kind of parley that breaks down about the Cluster, or White Diamond or whatever.

John Doe

Jan 24, 2018
Okay so we know why Steven has a connection to the Diamonds. But why does it seem to only be one way? Shouldn't the other Diamonds be able to see his thoughts, memories and emotions?


Oct 25, 2017
I would say this show has one more season left

I could potentially see it being wrapped up at the end of season 6, but given that they're apparently restarting after something of a production hiatus and the recent ramping-up of merchandise, I'd be kinda surprised.

Okay so we know why Steven has a connection to the Diamonds. But why does it seem to only be one way? Shouldn't the other Diamonds be able to see his thoughts, memories and emotions?
What is Pink Diamond is the only one who has empathetic powers like that? The Diamonds seem to have their own individual powers, such as Yellow's lighting, and it'd make sense of why she was the only one of the Diamonds who gave a shit about the life they were destroying, at least.
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