
Completely non-threatening
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
"I've been playing for a couple of hours and have gotten a bunch of moons in this kingdom. I bet I've gotten most of them here."

Looks at the list of what I've collected so far.

"Well, that's not very many at all!" lol


Oct 25, 2017
Ok I laughed.

I started screwing around with moves to check some jump combinations while on the edge of the place you land at. Obviously soon enough I jumped beyond boundaries of the stage and laughed it off, that's what obviously was going to happen, while waiting fir death animation.

Only I didn't die, that's the way to reach another part of the world

That's kind of crazy.

Edit: oh god

And I just accidentally turned into a rock

Ok now that's something


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 26, 2017
I love that Mario is given a little more character than we have come to expect outside of the RPGs!
Oct 27, 2017
Only played for a bit on the bus this morning and just now at lunch and I don't want to stop. Music is top notch, graphics are great. I'm not a fan of motion controls but it's not a game breaker though.

Won't spoil anything but taking over enemies or animals is awesome and love the open world levels.


Oct 27, 2017
Also, these levels are huuuuge. I thought the first two would be small because they're tutorials but they're way bigger than they seem!
Seriously! I was disappointed in Fossil Falls for the first few minutes when I felt that I had seen it all. BUT, the level design sort of organically strings you along at a pace that leads to you discovering the little nooks and crannies that you might overlook at first. Really loving it so far.


Oct 27, 2017
So I've been playing about 5 hours in total scouring every nook and cranny before I move on to the next world or area and despite enjoying it a lot, I just haven't clicked with the controls 100% (Pro Controller).

I had one 'this controller could go through the TV' moment as I lost about 150 coins on an area which required steering Bullet Bills through some tricky moving terrain in a tight corridor. Could do the first three changes fine and then suddenly the controls were invesersed compared to the BB I'd just jumped from and I'd slam immediately into a wall I'd intended to go the opposite direction to. Had to backtrack and get out the area in the end.

I've dyslexia and mild dyspraxia and my brain just couldn't handle the sudden change in controls. In fairness, this was in a secret area (or at least off the beaten track) and I'd already collected more than enough moons to progress to the next world so I think it was one of the harder challenges for completionists rather than the usual progression path.

I'm loving the world building and attention to detail which touches like needles sticking out of Mario's nose if he rolls into a cactus. Odyssey and BOTW are really demonstrating that Nintendo know how to to make a game world feel vibrant and alive.


Oct 25, 2017
I just realized the subtitle for this thread is striking a very direct contrast to something. Mind. Blown.



Oct 26, 2017
The split controls are so good. I still feel kind of like an idiot when I use them, but it feels like there's potential there.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't stop thinking about this game. Legit feels like the 64 days where I keep thinking about the levels and what secrets I might have missed.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Oh my god, putting on
Bowser's hat during the first fight
. There have been a few times I've laughed my ass off after taking control of something lol

Deleted member 7148

Oct 25, 2017
I'm currently in that 'refuse to move on until I've found everything in this stage' mode right now. I hate leaving unfinished things behind.


Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit
Lake Lemode, it's so beautiful. That moment you enter and the music kicks in, damn.
Oct 27, 2017
Fantastic game. First 30 minutes were a little underwhelming, but once i got through the tutorial stuff it got so much better.

Can't wait to get back into it tonight.


Oct 27, 2017
This game is fantastic! I'm having such a good time with it! Super glad they went back to the Mario 64 / Sunshine format. The only thing I'm not really into is the motion controls. Feels like they don't work as well as they should? Maybe I'm just horrible with them lol.

Deleted member 8117

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
That final level was something else. Easily the best final level in the whole series and top 5 best levels I've ever played.

Like, if this was the ending for the entire Mario series, I would've been satisfied.

Holy fuck.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
My Amazon order shipped from nearby yesterday now it says "unexpected delay" :(


Oct 27, 2017
Yes! I'm so happy to be here just in time to celebrate this game! I'm only a few worlds in and have avoided spoilers but absorbed the hype and my body is absolutely not ready.


Oct 25, 2017
I love the Broodals so far, especially that earlier one that's not on the ship with the others.

Don't want to post anything about it because that one was new to me ❤️


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 26, 2017
I don't know how to do spoilers yet on this forum, but the Jaxi moon in the desert area surprised me with how sweet it was.


Oct 26, 2017
Won't stick around this thread for fear of spoilers, but wanted to drop in and say how wonderful this is already (i'm A couple of hours or so in). If it stays this good it will go down as one of the all time greats.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, this game is so full of energy and ideas, even by 3D Mario standards. Having been on almost complete media blackout, I'm kind of in awe right now. This first transformation had me laughing at a game for the first time in forever.


Oct 27, 2017
Got my copy in the mail this afternoon, and I managed to get to the desert kingdom so far.
Liking it very much from what I played, Seen some mad skillz clips on twitter that look to be well beyond my potential skill level.
This game is gonna have me occupied for the coming weeks for sure.


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
I'm only on the Sand Kingdom, but god damn this is amazing. I love the exploration, I love finding moons all over the place. It feels like the kind of game built for short bursts, but still paced properly for long sessions.

I especially love how the game front loads some weirdness just to give you a taste of what the game is capable of throwing at you, and it's so incredibly endearing.

I haven't really liked a 3D Mario in a while, but this is doing it for me. I can't wait to unlock more worlds.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a couple hours in and am enjoying it, I bought the red Mario wired controller from BB mainly because 30 bucks for a wired controller is a better investment then a pro controller for me since I do 95% of my gaming on my PS4. I feel like I'm missing a bit because of no motion that the pro controller has for spinning the hat around me easier but I think I'll live, and imagine worst case scenario I can use the joy cons even though I'm not a huge fan since I have large hands and am not the biggest fan of motion contols to begin with


Oct 25, 2017
UGGGHHHHH Best Buy fucked up my delivery, it still hasn't even shipped yet. I guess I can't complain too much since I'm getting it at a discount and with a $10 certificate but shit, man, I was really looking forward to playing this today.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Also I couldn't help but notice that Bowser's airship theme in the opening intro was a remix of Mario Maker's original airship theme for the SMB1 graphic style.

That's a nice touch.

Deleted member 4262

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Played it for a bit earlier with my niece and was very impressed. Lots of interesting little details everywhere. Trying to teach a 5yo to use the camera is proving difficult though :P.


Oct 25, 2017
I played with 15 mins on my first break earlier and already the controls (pro controller) and Mario's movement feels pretty great.

I mostly wasted time using Cappy to light up if the street lights and look for secrets in my brief time but I'll be digging in deeper during my lunch in 15 mins.


Oct 25, 2017
That final level was something else. Easily the best final level in the whole series and top 5 best levels I've ever played.

Like, if this was the ending for the entire Mario series, I would've been satisfied.

Holy fuck.

As of this work day couldn't get any longer. I got to play some at lunch, but damn I can't wait to dive back in tonight! I'm only a couple hours in so far, but it's all been amazing. The music is especially great.


Oct 25, 2017
Mario coping with the fact that he just transferred his life force into another sentient being and his body, state, and mind are now being hurled into a frog's brain is my 2017 moment of the year.