blame space

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
man I'm go glad I didn't watch a lot of coverage or previews on this one. just got to
the Moon (it should have been obvious in retrospect.

game makes me really happy


Oct 27, 2017
Even with assist mode, sometimes it's frustrating. I had my parents play in co-op mode, and most of the time, my dad would have the camera looking down at the floor half the time. Still pleasantly surprised that they managed to beat the golden chain chomp at the top though, after about an hour.
Yeah my sons had some issues with jumps I've had to help him with but the assist is a huge help with directions and recharging his hearts.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm about 570~ moons in and I think I'm done with the game. I'd say everything up through a few hours into the game is an amazing 10/10 but once your focus entirely gets to collecting moons the issues with easy difficulty become super apparent imo. I still love the movement (koopa races are a blast) but the lack of challenge keeps it from being really engaging. If there is one thing I want from the next Mario game it's more post-game challenge.

Deleted member 2834

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Well, that's not bad, I played it more though:

Where can I see this precise overview of how much time I spent with the game?
Oct 29, 2017
I have started going back and forth. I put them in the grip if I need to actually concentrate on the platforming, otherwise I use split.

The motion controls feel 100 million times better when using them split, but overall I was struggling getting used to the feel of split joy-cons in my hands.

I like Odyssey, but it hasn't grabbed me like Galaxy and Galaxy 2 did. I was constantly amazed at the creativity of the Galaxy games.

Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
So I'm having almost the exact same feelings with this game as I did with BotW. I consider both good games with great moments but I cannot for the life of me see the "greatest game ever" that so many people have been throwing around.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not getting the moon complaints people are making in here. I finished the game with around 260 moons and I felt that they were spaced out enough for me to not feel like I was just stumbling into them. More often than not those spots that I'd think contained a moon actually contained coins or something. Perhaps I just like exploring and collecting stuff though.
I agree. It might be different if I felt compelled to collect every single moon, but I don't. I've just been finding them naturally as I explore the kingdoms. I've got about 300 right now and am probably nearing the end of my time with the game, but it's nice to know I can always go back and find a lot more if I want to.


Oct 25, 2017
So I'm having almost the exact same feelings with this game as I did with BotW. I consider both good games with great moments but I cannot for the life of me see the "greatest game ever" that so many people have been throwing around.

I feel this hits the same ditches Zelda did. By giving you lots of what you expected in prior games but in smaller chunks -- dungeons and Stars/Sprites -- they actually lose a lot of their wow factor.

I got all of the moons in the game, and I bet in a week I'd forget half of them with just memory. They're not memorable, and a lot of them are like this.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Am I the only one who...

Didn't realise the blocks had to be ground pounded on? Even after initially losing the cap and chasing it, when it gave the hint of hitting from below. Still, nada.

Anyone else have this completely baffle them or am I alone here?
Oct 27, 2017
Just finished the game and I have the say the last part of the story
(stuff after you fight bowser)
was awesome and I really hope we get a Mario Odyssey 2 as I have to say that I think Cappy is a much better sidekick than Yoshi ever was.

Haven't touched any of the after story stuff but I had to buy one of the costumes/hats that you can get after the game. But I am really looking forward to playing and collecting more moons.

Nose Master

Oct 27, 2017
Any unlocks after darker side of the moon, outside of costumes? Not sure I wanna torture myself for some of the more ridiculous moons like the bottom floor bullet bill challenge secret one on dark side.


Sausage Tycoon
Oct 25, 2017
Trying to find the 4th seed in the seaside (is that what it's called) kingdom... it is driving me up the wall. I can't find it anywhere.


Oct 25, 2017
the controls are clunky. The cap never seems to go in the direction you want, the motion control for more advanced cap movements don't work the way you're hoping and mario never seems to grab onto ledges.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm about 55 moons deep, and the controls just seem floaty. At least, floaty for a Mario game. They're by no means bad, just not what I expect from 3D Mario. The game is incredible, though - at least so far. I'm only about to head to the third kingdom.

My only major complaint is locking certain moves behind split JoyCon play.


Oct 28, 2017
Got the 50 and 100 jump rope moons on my first try! Good gracious, I was focused as a laser beam and very, very tense when I got to around 75 haha.


Oct 25, 2017
So, I just got to Seaside Kingdom, and I'm currently wondering:

Are there ANY kingdoms in the game that we HAVEN'T seen in pre-release videos?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Oddly enough the game confining lots of the platforming heavy parts to challenges actually worked out perfectly for me. My gf wanted to play this game real bad despite never playing anything but 2d games or The Sims etc. Having the hub be largely an interaction playground works great for her since she can take her time and collect tons of moons still.

The diversity of content in the game is great for making sure there's a bit of something for everyone IMO


Oct 25, 2017
Meh to Bad Stuff
-Overall a bit too easy on the main storyline (haven't done all the post game stuff).-Too much dead space in some of the kingdoms.
-I don't like how they handled the motion controls. I'm not against them in general, but given the Switch's hybrid nature having some of these moves mapped to them seems like a bad call because they just don't work in handheld form. Given that so many actions have two buttons dedicated to them, I'm not sure why they didn't just use some of them either. A bit of a headscratcher.
-Wasn't crazy about the Broodal designs, but that is kind of minor.

I think Nintendo is brilliant for the accessibility on hand. The main story line is not excessively challenging which can keep casuals/younger gamers interested. For more challenge, the later moons extend gameplay. We have handheld/console gamers combined now and I think the balance works well overall.

Haven't had to really use motion controls much but when I did they worked pretty good with the Pro. And this is coming from someone who is not a big fan of motion controls. Maybe in undocked mode it is different.

Love the Broodals. They crack me up. Nice to see some new characters in there.


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Luncheon Kingdom was great, perfect size and good amount of variety. Some difficult parts also. Haven't 100% the kingdom, but have around 30 moons I'd guess.
I was spoiled earlier that Peaches Castle was in the game but wow I wasn't expecting to be able to just stumble across it like that, haha. Couldn't explore it but I can't wait.

I've enjoyed pretty much every kingdom. Wasted potential though would probably go to the
snow kingdom
. It looks the part but it's pretty small and doesn't seem to be a whole lot to explore. I could be wrong though, haven't spent an extreme amount of time there. I also wish
the Lost Kingdom or whatever it's called
was bigger also. I really enjoy that place but there's not much of it. Same could be said for the beach level but the water depth helps in adding variety.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Even while playing and enjoying this game, I'm still not getting over how hideous the humans look from Metro.

Awful. Every time I see one of the Cap store cashiers, I wish Mario could squish them.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Just gotta do the final challenge of the game (and grind coins for costumes <___<) to 100% the game.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm only the five hundredth person to say it, but the end game is absolutely fantastic. I would heartily recommend critical pathing to the end then going back to explore. It's worth it.

Cat Dad

Oct 25, 2017
Have not read many replies but I just started this yesterday and 2 things really stuck out to me: 1. This really feels like 64 in the opening area and 2. I'm taking photos and videos of every thing but man that title card was amazing!


Oct 25, 2017
Spent the whole day and finally managed to finish Super Mario Odyssey and man. Oh man oh man oh man oh MAN, I really really need to talk about it now!
Everything from here on is Spoiler-heavy. Haven't finished the main-campaign? Please don't read it. Most of my enjoyment came out of how surprising the game is. Soooooo...


Just got enough moons in Luncheon Kingdom (easy peasy) and was since the game told me the next stop is Bowser, I was ready to kick his butt. With the cutscene playing and announcing Bowser's arrival, I was prepared for those bunny-fights. BUT NOPE, BOWSER RIDING A DRAGON. WHAT?!
I was NOT prepared for that. I was not prepared for Bloodborne in my Mario. And this battle epic and I enjoyed it a lot. After I finished this battle, I was heading to Bowser's Kingdom and somehow expected "not a Lava-Level" and an actual surprise...and boy, I was NOT disappointed, Nintendo outmatched my expectations again.
Bowser's Kingdom is Medieval Japan can this game be more awesome? By launching into the moon with moon-physics!
And the final boss...oh man. At first, I was really disappointed when they rehashed a Bowser-Fight. But what followed was amazing.
Controlling Bowser was AWESOME and now I want I game just with him. And thanks to the song, it was so anime for the right reasons. I always questioned myself if this was really developed by Nintendo. And die Ending-cutscene was so cute, I think I'm going to replay this fight (if possible) just to see this adorable end again.

I might sound way to enthusiastic but SMO was just a great experience with so much creativity and I had to let it out somewhere. Really happy that Nintendo greenlighted such a crazy Mario-Game, which is too good to be real. Hope it sells well.

I might give proper impressions of SMO at a later day when I'm more used to the game and have a better judgment of what I liked and what not. But I really wanted to express how much I like the game right now and how I'm happy that this is real.
Oct 27, 2017
OMG I literally jumped off the couch in joy when I found the
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I legit lost my shit. This game is magic.


Oct 29, 2017
Game is a delight for sure. Nintendo is hitting me with all of these childhood feelings this year with this and BOTW.

While my Switch hasn't seen a ton of playing time compared to my other systems, there's no doubt it's got two of the best games this year.
man I'm go glad I didn't watch a lot of coverage or previews on this one. just got to
the Moon (it should have been obvious in retrospect.

game makes me really happy
Me too. Glad I didn't really check it out besides the reveal trailer.


Oct 27, 2017
I keep on thinking about Kingdoms I didn't like in the game and nothing really comes to mind.

I would say a few are disappointing though. For example, I was expecting the Lake Kingdom to be a lot bigger than it was.