
Dark Souls Man
Oct 24, 2017
So was the original sub HD? Also on that note are those screenshots really HD? I'm not pixel counting but I can clearly see some fat and chunky jagged lines all throughout the image on top of some general murkiness.
The original (which is the PS3 version in this case) was actually sub-HD. These images are native "full HD" (i.e. 1080p), but as you note they still have aliasing.

I'd hope that on PC at least 5k shouldn't be a problem for this game, to get rid of any aliasing.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Opinions - how do they work?

You prefer a battle system that lacks any subtle depth and characters that play in uninteresting ways with bosses that are paper boring and a customization so borderline minimal effort that it was a copy of FF9 (3 gens ago)? Good to know.

EDIT: I would like to note that liking inferior games is fine. I like games that are not that great. My issue with your post is that you believe Hearts R to be better instead of noting that you prefer Hearts R. This is like saying that CoD3's multiplayer is better than CoD4's.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I liked the last cutscene in Graces. If it wasn't ruined by shitty random pauses during mid sentence.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's about Tales of devs revisiting a great and modern entry in the series. They are in need of direction more than ever now, without Baba.

(I think Baba leaving was a good thing by the way, the latest Tales of games were dreadful, but his departure was abrupt, I doubt the team was prepared for that)

Yasuhiro Fukaya was the Assistant Producer for the localized version of Zestiria in 2015 despite not being attached to the Japanese release, and he then went on to be the producer of Berseria, which started development in late 2014. After Zestiria's Japanese release Baba also eventually stopped making public appearances as much.

Speculation was that he was laying low after Zestiria's reception, but in hindsight it seems Baba already decided to leave for one reason or another once Zestiria was finished, and he stayed around in the background until his two replacements (Kai Tanaka being the other guy) were up to speed on his job roles and he found a partner/sponsor for his new studio. It doesn't seem like he just abruptly left the entire team/franchise hanging, nor does it seem like he got kicked out.

Edit: I took too long to post this and now I look crazy in the middle of this discussion lol so I'll stop being lazy and add the quote
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Jan 11, 2018
I would like to note that liking inferior games is fine. I like games that are not that great. My issue with your post is that you believe Hearts R to be better instead of noting that you prefer Hearts R. This is like saying that CoD3's multiplayer is better than CoD4's.

I clearly put imo at the end of my post. You know what that means, right? That was me stating my preference and opinion. I did not try to pass my opinion off as fact. On the other hand, that's exactly what you're doing now. You're also the one who freaking out over someone else not sharing your opinion.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Philadelphia, PA
There is a similar case for for PS2 version of Symphonia I suppose. More content and additions over the Gamecube version but the cost of graphics / performance.


Oct 26, 2017
Tales of Hearts R is significantly better, imo.

Agreed. Hearts DS is so overrated imo. A lot of the gameplay subsystems were lame, underdeveloped, or plain useless. Hearts R is far better gameplay-wise. Both are fun, but the only thing Hearts did better than R is the story, by which I mean lot of the minor changes to story and cutscenes were worse in R.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I clearly put imo at the end of my post. You know what that means, right? That was me stating my preference and opinion. I did not try to pass my opinion off as fact. On the other hand, that's exactly what you're doing now. You're also the one who freaking out over someone else not sharing your opinion.

You can have the last word but ending things with "imo" is the one of the most egregious things you can do. It's like saying "your baby is ugly, no offense." Like... lol, why bother?


Self-requested ban
Jan 11, 2018
The original (which is the PS3 version in this case) was actually sub-HD. These images are native "full HD" (i.e. 1080p), but as you note they still have aliasing.

I'd hope that on PC at least 5k shouldn't be a problem for this game, to get rid of any aliasing.

I've never noticed 1080p looking so rough what's up with that?


Oct 26, 2017
My issue with your post is that you believe Hearts R to be better instead of noting that you prefer Hearts R. This is like saying that CoD3's multiplayer is better than CoD4's.

You can have the last word but ending things with "imo" is the one of the most egregious things you can do. It's like saying "your baby is ugly, no offense." Like... lol, why bother?

Jfc, when even adding "imo" at the end of your post isn't enough for some people


I would like to note that liking inferior games is fine.



Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
An opinion doesn't absolve any person's given statement. People throw this out and they think that immediately absolves them, invalidates any argument made against them (because oh, it's an opinion), and reduces proper discourse into a statement without offering any tangible explanation. It ruins proper discussion and becomes a yelling chamber of people shouting out what they want, when they want, with 0 accountability.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
An opinion doesn't absolve any person's given statement. People throw this out and they think that immediately absolves them, invalidates any argument made against them (because oh, it's an opinion), and reduces proper discourse into a statement without offering any tangible explanation. It ruins proper discussion and becomes a yelling chamber of people shouting out what they want, when they want, with 0 accountability.

Oh my fucking god, chill out.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Philadelphia, PA
How about this, Warrior of Light likes Tales of Hearts R over the DS version. There is not accountability in effect here. He likes it better than the DS game that really all that fucking matters for the sake of an opinion.

It's a subjective statement of personal preference. I think the really issue of accountability is trying to take an subjective statement and push it off as a fact.


Oct 25, 2017
The original (which is the PS3 version in this case) was actually sub-HD. These images are native "full HD" (i.e. 1080p), but as you note they still have aliasing.

I'd hope that on PC at least 5k shouldn't be a problem for this game, to get rid of any aliasing.
There was a way to use SGSSAA on Berseria, at 4x it really helped. Though you also needed to boost the resolution of DoF, Bloom and other stuff, as those would become too strong, as they don't scale up themselves.
Hope Special K releases another mod for this.


Oct 26, 2017
My guess for native resolutions would be:

720p: Switch undocked

1080p: Switch docked, PS4, Xbox One/S

1440p: PS4 Pro

4k: Xbox One X

4k+: Steam

And all versions will probably retain 60fps battle, 30fps field.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Vesperia won't be 720p for Switch undocked. It'll probably be the same resolution taht the PS3 was at, 576p.


Dark Souls Man
Oct 24, 2017
I fear that your expectation could be on point, but I really hope they fix the field framerate.
I find it very jarring when it switches between 30 and 60. (But battles in 30 are even worse)


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
PC will be the version to get in terms of technical changes possible in addition to mods.


Oct 26, 2017
Vesperia won't be 720p for Switch undocked. It'll probably be the same resolution taht the PS3 was at, 576p.
Based on what? Even undocked Switch outperforms the 360 which ran at native 720p?

I fear that your expectation could be on point, but I really hope they fix the field framerate.
I find it very jarring when it switches between 30 and 60. (But battles in 30 are even worse)
I'm expecting it mainly based off Symphonia HD retaining the 30fps from the PS2 port. I wouldn't be surprised if tri-Crescendo is behind this remaster as well.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Based on what? Even undocked Switch outperforms the 360 which ran at native 720p?

I'm expecting it mainly based off Symphonia HD retaining the 30fps from the PS2 port. I wouldn't be surprised if tri-Crescendo is behind this remaster as well.

They will do it most likely for the battery life. Not because it couldn't do it technically.


Oct 28, 2017
I haven't played any except Graces F which I didn't really like but have heard about Abyss, Berseria and Vesperia as best Tales games :)

I would personally avoid abyss at all costs, its awful. It drags on forever, has an annoying mc, and the story isn't very interesting :o. I'd replace abyss with symphonia on that list as 3rd best game.


Oct 25, 2017
Do you hink we'll get more info during E3? Maybe some Switch gameplay?

I don't know when we'll get gameplay but I'd expect them to at least share more info on it this weekend at the Tales Festival. It might be a part of their Sunday announcements with them talking about something else on Saturday, as Sunday is when some of the Vesperia cast members will make guest appearances and I assume they'll want to tie discussion of the remaster into that.


Oct 27, 2017
My guess for native resolutions would be:

720p: Switch undocked

1080p: Switch docked, PS4, Xbox One/S

1440p: PS4 Pro

4k: Xbox One X

4k+: Steam

And all versions will probably retain 60fps battle, 30fps field.

A thing worth noting is that it's one of the first (the first?) japanese game to be release day an date on 3 consoles with 6 specs and PC.
It's not even a big release (<1M) and the previous "remaster" we've got (Symphonia) cried low budget all around and was extremely lazy despite only being on PS3 and PC.

With that in mind I expect one or even few versions at least to suffer.

Second point as well : How many games target the same resolution on PS4/XB1/Switch ? Is that even realistic to think they'll go the extra mile for that?
The same way I don't see them working a lot on the Xbox One X version, of all versions it's by far the one that we should expect the least about so 4k seems like a pipedream.

One last point about the worldmap/battle fps transition: it's just a hunch but considering how Vesperia's director commented how hard and painful it was to implement it I would expect improvement/optimization to be harder on that front.


Oct 27, 2017
I might be embarrassed I posted this later on,
but hearing "Ring a Bell" during the reveal reminded me how much I actually love that song.

Looking forward to getting this. I bought the game digitally on 360, but only after my Limited Edition was stolen in part of a break-in at my apartment. That's one of the few physical games I wasn't able to replace because (at least at the time, I don't know about now) the limited edition was going for far more than I wanted to pay for a replacement. It's been like decade since I played it, but I do remember liking the game and the content that never made it here has always made me curious.
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