Oct 28, 2017
I'm not celebrating what she did, it was tasteless and I can think only think of very few cases and situations I would do something like that, all way worse people than TB.

But a lot of people has right to be pissed for what TB did, is not something she did out of the blue.

Still that's her personal opinion on the matter and I don't see how digging for old twitter posts has anything to do with the matter at case. Do you realize how many people says tasteless things in their daily lives but still they aren't getting fired?

It wasn't digging. She said those comments earlier in the month. This is her opinion on the matter, now.

This is digging and kinda ironic, considering how she ruined her career over her freedom to say stupid shit:

Oct 25, 2017
This is so ignorant and shortsighted. Like, everyone from gaming media to critics to industry veterans are telling you that this is a clear cut issue of supporting workers, especially harassed women at that, and their employment rights, yet people here and there are too concerned about how impolite and rude a harassed woman was on social media. Meanwhile, there is now a chilling effect on Game developers while bigot gamers are emboldened and going after other women they don't like.

Seriously, *listen*
I did listen.

I expect you got my back when I start personally insulting customers then, right?


Apr 21, 2018
This is so ignorant and shortsighted. Like, everyone from gaming media to critics to industry veterans are telling you that this is a clear cut issue of supporting workers, especially harassed women at that, and their employment rights

I thought it was about ethics in gaming journalism.

No, but really, how does the issue being about supporting workers means that if you believe Price did something warrant being fired that somehow you're a GamerGater?

Meanwhile, there is now a chilling effect on Game developers while bigot gamers are emboldened and going after other women they don't like.

You'd think people still obsessed with a 4-year old hate campaign would have a good enough memory to know that's what they've always been doing.


Oct 25, 2017
But why fire <i>him</i>? I haven't seen exactly how the mob stuff went down, but was that literally in response to demands of an angry gamergate mob from reddit? Like, if they just terminated relations with her because she was breaking company media policies, who could bat an eyelash. But the second firing seems to taint the justifications of the first.
That's the baffling thing though they had no social media policies. Cause if they had you sure as hell would see a company plea to other arenanet employers to correct her "lies" in that interview then. But radio silence on that one. So I just have to take it and believe her on that given that if this was an actual lie her future in the industry would be even more fucked backfiring on her.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Professional standards haven't been replaced by the standards of general no name internet asshattery. This isn't something judged on the basis of the lowest common denominator.

"Professional standards" on my personal twitter outside of job.

24/7 working, either as a dev or a service customer. What a nice future for the workers all around the world.


Jun 14, 2018
Professional standards haven't been replaced by the standards of general no name internet asshattery. This isn't something judged on the basis of the lowest common denominator.

While that is obviously true (kind of, at least, since you know, personal twitter account), the people pretending to be offended and making a big deal out of it are dudes very well versed in no name internet asshattery.

The same kind of dudes rabidly defending the use of homophobic slurs by male gaming personalities. Sure, streamers and e-sports idiots aren't "~~representing a company~~" but the gaming community's hypocrisy is so obvious it's hilarious

Blade Wolf

Oct 27, 2017
Aw, poor little Deroir.

With all due respect that is a bit dismissive, Deroir did not deserve any of the name callings and harassment.

He was polite and respectful to Jessica the whole time and he handled the whole situation very maturely even after the things she said to him.

In the end it's either Jessica's own fault or ArenaNet's fault, but no matter which side of the argument you are on, I think we can all agree that Deroir is at no fault here. He is genuinely a good person that admired Jessica and didn't deserve any of this.


Oct 25, 2017

Why was Homer so rude to these fans? Boy, I sure hope he got fired for that blunder.

I wasn't sure what she said about TB so I looked it up and it was a lot tamer than I expected.

The cult really doesn't like it when you bring up Bain's atrocious behavior. Any criticism of him is forbidden.
Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, with the way people are acting about it, you'd think she said something actually rude like "bye bitch"

Oh right, that'll surely make his recently widowed wife feel a whole lot better, knowing it was just light stepping on his grave rather than kicking up the flowers on his tombstone. Oh wait, no it doesn't:


The cult really doesn't like it when you bring up Bain's atrocious behavior. Any criticism of him is forbidden.

It's fine to critical of someone, but publicly celebrating his death when he's no longer around to defend himself and his family is still grieving is so fucking crude.

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
While that is obviously true (kind of, at least, since you know, personal twitter account), the people pretending to be offended and making a big deal out of it are dudes very well versed in no name internet asshattery.

The same kind of dudes rabidly defending the use of homophobic slurs by male gaming personalities. Sure, streamers and e-sports idiots aren't "~~representing a company~~" but the gaming community's hypocrisy is so obvious it's hilarious

Is it possible to think someone should behave appropriately with their employer's partner/customer and not be a homophobe or nah

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You never did tell me what job you have where you're free to insult customers with reckless abandon because I want in. Where do I apply?

Any decent job out there.

literally posted a giant ama about the game before that tweet chain

personal twitter btw.

She posted a personal opinion about her job and the difficulties that comes from writing on a MMO.

Something she did in her free time and does NOT belong to her line of work, which is...write videogames.
Oct 29, 2017
This is so ignorant and shortsighted. Like, everyone from gaming media to critics to industry veterans are telling you that this is a clear cut issue of supporting workers, especially harassed women at that, and their employment rights, yet people here and there are too concerned about how impolite and rude a harassed woman was on social media. Meanwhile, there is now a chilling effect on Game developers while bigot gamers are emboldened and going after other women they don't like.

Seriously, *listen*

There's certainly a deeper meaning of the sheer amount of posts that are exclusively obsessed with "woman was rude on Twitter!"


Oct 25, 2017
Professional standards haven't been replaced by the standards of general no name internet asshattery. This isn't something judged on the basis of the lowest common denominator.
If you are off-work hours, there is no reason to be civil and professional in a public forum. As everyone knows, your affiliation with your company ends the second you leave the office building, (even if you have a badge with the company name on it, the company name is plastered on the Twitter account and the discussion is about your job and work) and no punishments can be given to people who act unprofessionally outside of work hours. People should be free to call their company's customers asshats in public as soon as their work day ends because it is clearly not representative of the company's stance against their customer.

Deleted member 16657

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I think most people would be willing to give the benefit of the doubt to a friend. When a friend offers advice and suggestions you know that they're doing it from a place of wanting to help you. When it's some random person on the internet who doesn't know you, or a coworker with whom you don't have much of a relationship, it's more frustrating. Also, in many cases a person actually might be looking for your advice when they discuss something. Usually an easy way to tell (in person) is if they're making eye contact or waiting for your responses, which would suggest they want your input, versus sort of just ranting aimlessly, which would indicate they probably aren't looking for suggestions.

Honestly, it doesn't even hurt to just ask. "Do you want to just vent for a bit?"

That's a good point, the context of the physical aspect of the conversation is important and adds to the meaning behind what the man is saying.

In the case of the online realm, is there just no good way to offer suggestions to a woman as a man? Or I guess should you only give feedback to women that you are close to?


Oct 29, 2017
You get snarky with a customer or a business partner in public, you pay the price. It's just common sense.

Don't display the name of your employer on your twitter bio. Go private when things get hairy. Again, common sense.


Oct 25, 2017
If you are off-work hours, there is no reason to be civil and professional in a public forum. As everyone knows, your affiliation with your company ends the second you leave the office building, (even if you have a badge with the company name on it, the company name is plastered on the Twitter account and the discussion is about your job and work) and no punishments can be given to people who act unprofessionally outside of work hours. People should be free to call their company's customers asshats in public as soon as their work day ends because it is clearly not representative of the company's stance against their customer.
Dammit. Almost didn't realize there was an invisible /s at the end of this.


Oct 27, 2017
I wasn't sure what she said about TB so I looked it up and it was a lot tamer than I expected.

She absolutely did not deserve to get fired over the tb thing

But a lot of people has right to be pissed for what TB did, is not something she did out of the blue.

when you are attacking a recently deceased person, you arent really hurting that person. you are hurting their family, their friends, loved ones, and anyone who ever had an iota of appreciation for who they were or what they did, who are already incredibly hurt and in mourning.

that, in my opinion, is far from being tame.
Last edited:


Oct 30, 2017
This is so ignorant and shortsighted. Like, everyone from gaming media to critics to industry veterans are telling you that this is a clear cut issue of supporting workers, especially harassed women at that, and their employment rights, yet people here and there are too concerned about how impolite and rude a harassed woman was on social media. Meanwhile, there is now a chilling effect on Game developers while bigot gamers are emboldened and going after other women they don't like.

Seriously, *listen*

Media, critics, veterans... of an industry that at times like this reminds me how sheltered and juvenile it really is. And usually I think that's actually a net positive. But I think there's a good reason the overwhelming sentiment from people on the consumer side of this is that ArenaNet was justified: Price's shit absolutely wouldn't fly in an engineering/architecture/finance/whatever setting. It's clear and obvious to most people outside the silicon bubble.


SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
Oh right, that'll surely make his recently widowed wife feel a whole lot better, knowing it was just light stepping on his grave rather than kicking up the flowers on his tombstone. Oh wait, no it doesn't:

TotalBiscuit spent a good deal of the four years following his initial diagnosis caught up in some awful shit, of his own volition. That is part of his legacy, too.


Oct 25, 2017
If you are off-work hours, there is no reason to be civil and professional in a public forum. As everyone knows, your affiliation with your company ends the second you leave the office building, (even if you have a badge with the company name on it, the company name is plastered on the Twitter account and the discussion is about your job and work) and no punishments can be given to people who act unprofessionally outside of work hours. People should be free to call their company's customers asshats in public as soon as their work day ends because it is clearly not representative of the company's stance against their customer.

There absolutely is if you represent yourself as an employee for a company on your "private" twitter account.

If she was using a private account with no ties to ANet and people dug it up and doxxed her something, that would be completely different. But she was very public about who she worked for on Twitter. Twitter is not a private space. Its public.

Very Public. Why is that so hard for SO MANY people who show their asses on Social Media?


Oct 29, 2017
She got offended and said a mean word

They got offended, started a hate campaign and got two people fired from their jobs

Yes, these are exactly the same

Please point me to where he started a hate campaign? I was under the impression GG joined in AFTER the fact.

But hey, if you can directly link Deroir to the mob, Id be more than happy to admit he's wrong.


Oct 27, 2017
This is so ignorant and shortsighted. Like, everyone from gaming media to critics to industry veterans are telling you that this is a clear cut issue of supporting workers, especially harassed women at that, and their employment rights, yet people here and there are too concerned about how impolite and rude a harassed woman was on social media. Meanwhile, there is now a chilling effect on Game developers while bigot gamers are emboldened and going after other women they don't like.

Seriously, *listen*

Firing an employee for not upholding company standards is actually upholding their employment rights, including the right to be terminated for violating company policy. Regarding there being a chilling effect, maybe there is an issue if they aren't already chilled to the point where feedback is reciprocated the way it was and this might address that.

When did support of marginalized individuals require ignoring the occasions of hostile behavior of those individuals and mandate immunity from the issues they cause?

Janna OP

Oct 25, 2017
She posted a personal opinion about her job and the difficulties that comes from writing on a MMO.

Something she did in her free time and does NOT belong to her line of work, which is...write videogames.
try not advertising your personal account with your job description then? usually helps with not being associated with your job lmao

Deleted member 2171

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Because firing someone for what Price did is not the same as firing employee's without cause while being the target of a misogynistic hate campaign.

Price was the target of a misogynistic hate campaign. The @s towards here and other female devs is 99% GamerGaters and about 1% Guild Wars players. This is their standard mode of operation, they suddenly show up no matter the size of the community when they finally corner a target they've been chasing.

Anyone claiming GamerGate has no involvement here is either hopeless naive, or a GamerGater runniing the ol' "wasn't me" script. It'd be great if the administration here didn't allow the second one to be done, but for a forum founded around the concept of believing woman that have been harassed, it sure seems to have turned it's back on them already and now you have to carefully manage what you say along the lines of the ol "Republicans buy shoes too" shlock. Interesting how in women's issues threads, the women here have to fucking do everything themselves with a bunch of men telling them something isn't happening, with no help from the administration, and the result is Era is losing multiple long time women posters every week because they are fucking tired of having to "careful" with their honesty and viewpoints so that it doesn't hurt the feelings of Era's ad clickers.

And save me the ol' "the team here has ____ on it and we care". Words don't mean fuck all. Actions do. It's been tracked for a while now that this forum cares more about throwing out warnings for console wars posts, but does weird shit like only ban misogynistic for 3 days. You can be more transparent without also allowing people to metagame you like Kasparov playing a 5 year old in Tic Tac Toe.

That people even offering the idea that her firing occuring in a vacuum not only receives oxygen here on Era, let alone results in honest call outs of that resulting in decent posters getting warned for it, speaks to how much this forum has failed those it supposedly cared about when founded. I am in the thick of this in twitter right now; male devs going hard against these people do not get a mob on us, even when we're VERY blunt, but female devs that literally just have their company in their bio are getting DMs, mail and email and voice mails sent to their employers at them, hoping to get lucky and another spineless CEO will toss them. Women like Hazel were under the radar, and GamerGate didn't lock onto her until they started keyword searching for tweets supporting Price

So, let's review:

- There is an active, prolonged campaign against women in the games industry.
- This campaign is actively managed and participated in by GamerGate, and can be confirmed by simply searching their subreddit.
- ERA has done a really, REALLY poor job of not giving GamerGate a free megaphone here, proved by facts and community feedback in the relevant community threads, because your "process" is so easily metagamed that I've almost wanted to become a troll account just to prove how broken it is because your moderators hands are so fucking tied not even Houdini could ban an obvious troll account
- Developers are not your property, are not on the clock 24/7, do not owe you a smile, and do not owe you the response you think you deserve
- The things people are claiming these devs on twitter owe them can all be obtained through the company's official support methods, you don't need to go after devs personally
- Critiquing games is okay, constructive critcism is great. Asking for someone to be fired because your feelings got hurt is bullshit, especially when male devs do it all the time and don't get a peep, and a bunch of people actually praise or like smartass male devs (see how many people brag about being blocked by Kamiya) while female devs doing the same are "misrepresenting their company" makes you immediately suspect as to your actual reasons for supporting Price's firing. As it should.

Thanksfully, the industry is about 90% on Price's side on this matter. O'Brian has done more damage to the industry as a whole than the mob could have ever done to his company. It's so fucking ironic that people want devs to be more open and "honest", and when they are, they want them to go back to being PR-laden call center script interactions because some people can't seem to remember that gaming is a hobby, not a goddamn identity and lifestyle.


Oct 30, 2017
If you are off-work hours, there is no reason to be civil and professional in a public forum. As everyone knows, your affiliation with your company ends the second you leave the office building, (even if you have a badge with the company name on it, the company name is plastered on the Twitter account and the discussion is about your job and work) and no punishments can be given to people who act unprofessionally outside of work hours. People should be free to call their company's customers asshats in public as soon as their work day ends because it is clearly not representative of the company's stance against their customer.

It would be rad if it worked like this.

It does not actually work like this. To think otherwise is delusional.


Jun 14, 2018
Please point me to where he started a hate campaign? I was under the impression GG joined in AFTER the fact.

But hey, if you can directly link Deroir to the mob, Id be more than happy to admit he's wrong.

Notice how I didn't mention Deroir at all

That's because it was the community at large, certainly with help of the usual suspects from the internet sewers that started it

At least as far as I know, whether Deroir told them about it or not I do not know.