
Jul 16, 2018
Is it true that NG+ difficulties are harder than regular ones? I beat the game on Survivor and it was pretty damn tough.

I'll go step down to Hard, probably.


Oct 27, 2017
And Platinum.

Hell of a game. Can't state in enough words.


Mugen X

Oct 27, 2017
so, question:

I'm on hard mode, and the difficulty seems fair, where I have to conserve ammo and really think about how to avoid enemies, but human encounters are just a shitshow, and now the dogs have appeared. Is there a 'right' way to approach these setpieces? I usually sneak around, maybe take one or two people out with stealth, but as soon as dogs get a scent it's just hell on earth as I run around getting shot (all the NPC's have perfect aim) and the fights end up feeling like I'm cheesing them. After the encounters, I'm just staring at a pile of dead bodies and I'm out of resources, wondering if I'm even doing this right. It doesn't feel fun, it just feels stressful.

Should I be approaching this differently? Are there 'right' ways to be clearing these encounters, or am I supposed to be a ridiculous angel of chaotic death?
Take your time observing everyone before you take action, I try to form a plan but it's important that you're constantly moving. The enemies are very perceptive and can even see your flashlight if you're behind cover so you're hardly ever fully hidden. I found my best tactic was using listening mode a lot as I move around and kill, also if you kill the dogs owner the dogs are usually discombobulated and they're too busy grieving to be tracking your scent. The human enemies are definitely a different beast from the infected but you just gotta be accurate with your shots and stay moving, if you try to stealth through the way you would in AC it typically won't work out.


Oct 28, 2017
New York
It's Star Wars all over again. It's going to phase out with time. Most threads repeat the same thing you can read and talk about in OTs.

Yes, I guess that's my main issue. Most all new threads so far could be discussions had in the three main threads (this one, the review thread or the spoilers thread). Instead, I have to worry about reading and ignoring another spoilery title every time I click on the games section. I don't mean to thread whine though so I apologize.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Is it true that NG+ difficulties are harder than regular ones? I beat the game on Survivor and it was pretty damn tough.

I'll go step down to Hard, probably.

I played on Normal and started NG+ on Survival but with resources turned all the way up and I'm still having issues. I just got past

the school section where you first fight human enemies

and it's basically impossible to sneak around on this difficulty. Luckily with the resources I have ammo all the time and it's more like a straight up action game because one way or another, everything ends up in a firefight. I swear to god even clickers have x-ray vision on Survivor+.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol damn at hillcrest at the bar where you can find the safe code there is a pool table with some balls, I was curious and found that you can kick them balls into the pockets xD

Deleted member 15360

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Can Naughty Dog please just fuck off these shit force set piece melee fights. They're always awful. I'm so disappointed in the sequence I just played (mid-late game spoilers);

Towards the tail end of Day 1 Redux the introduction to the two kids and Abby being strung up is so gorgeous and moody. The infected starting to roll in, screeching in the dark, surrounded by rain, fire, and dense forest. It looked incredible and oozed atmosphere. So what you do? Have an absolutely fucking garbage set of melee fistfights followed by an equally shit boss fist fight. No moody dark forest storm stealth. No strategy. No agency. Just a series of brain dead punch-and-dodge fights with the occasional brick or bottle thrown in for good measure. The entire sequence was mechanically regressive as it did away with precisely everything that makes TLOU2 play so well, underutilised its own visual and conceptual setup, and dragged out a series of fights that were not exciting or rewarding. And then you cap it off with an equally boring and anticlimactic Dodge The Big Person With Hammer melee fight. Fuck off.

This is precisely an example of where an interactive sequence built on the core gameplay systems, such as trying to make your way through an incredibly dark and moody forest illuminated by spotted fires, using foliage to hide, and having to pay careful attention to your audio and surroundings, would have been infinitely more evocative of fear and tension than the scripted ass end bullshit they pulled. In addition to diversifying the set pieces and gameplay sequences, which the game otherwise does a decent job of. Naughty Dog is the fucking worst for cutting off their own legs when they have a good idea because they'd rather do something that looks pretty and presents as exciting, forcing them to throw the gameplay loop in the bin in favour of scripting and game system regression, when it's everything but exciting. It's just a bad series of events that play like ass and so transparently strung along with scripting that they're not exciting or tense.

End rant but man, what a bummer.

I didn't like that section that much but it got redeemed with the next 2 hrs of gameplay.

The game really peaked post that


Nov 2, 2017
I think i'm really far in the game and

Man that sequence with fighting sniper Tommy was great. So intense, I obviously let him get a few kills on Abby as retribution. Then when he killed Manny it felt so good. It's funny how different the game feels with Abby than with Ellie. I'm super protective of Ellie so I want her to survive and I'm always stressed when she's in situations where she has to fight against something.

With Abby I just let some things happen in order to see some deaths, man some of these animations are gruesome. Especially the one when you get killed by the Blob in the hospital. That was an intense fight. Ground Zero has been a highlight of the game for me so far as far as level design goes. Just wish I could have explored it with Ellie.


Dec 5, 2017
If I beat the game on Hard mode, will NG+ still unlock the most difficult possible mode for my next replay? Hoping I don't need to beat Survivor mode first. I should have started on it but I'm way too far to start over.


Nov 12, 2017
I had a few questions regarding the third to last chapter in the game

I just finished playing as Abby and I'm back with Ellie on the farm. Although playing as Abby was unexpected, I kind of liked it in the end. Do a lot of people hate the game because you play as abby? Or is there more controversial stuff to come?


Oct 27, 2017
You know what's a really annoying minor gameplay thing. "Hey this way" or "over here" from your companion, but you have no clue where they are. Sometimes I would do circles in listen mode and still not find them.


Oct 27, 2017
I had a few questions regarding the third to last chapter in the game

I just finished playing as Abby and I'm back with Ellie on the farm. Although playing as Abby was unexpected, I kind of liked it in the end. Do a lot of people hate the game because you play as abby? Or is there more controversial stuff to come?

The reasons some people hate the game are different and diverse. Some if it is what you say, some of it is the alt right crowd screaming into a void about gay characters or
the trans character.
Some of it is even very reasonable criticism sometimes.


Oct 28, 2017
I just want to know how much I have left, not in a hurry its getting harder avoiding the spoilers.

I just left the Aquarium with one of the kids while the other one is getting her arm amputated


Oct 25, 2017
I just want to know how much I have left, not in a hurry its getting harder avoiding the spoilers.

I just left the Aquarium with one of the kids while the other one is getting her arm amputated
At least 35% of the game left I would imagine.


Oct 25, 2017
I just want to know how much I have left, not in a hurry its getting harder avoiding the spoilers.

I just left the Aquarium with one of the kids while the other one is getting her arm amputated
Still ways off from completion but your getting to the good stuff soon!


Oct 27, 2017
I think I'm a good way through this epic game, but damn is it much longer than I expected lol.

I'm in the aquarium as Abby, hanging out with Owen.
I do like seeing the other side of the WLF when they're not hunting you down, and getting to play with Bear who I certainly remember horribly blowing up with a mine as Ellie. :(

I like it when games do stuff like this. Even if it's not the MOST DEEP THING EVER it's still good to play.


Oct 26, 2017
Just beat the game. I really enjoyed it overall but I definitely think it overstays it's welcome a bit. I enjoyed the story a lot though. Still a 5/5 I think with some minor issues.


Oct 25, 2017
Could anyone tell me how far I am into the game?

I'm back to Seattle Day 1 controlling Abby this time


Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
I had a few questions regarding the third to last chapter in the game

I just finished playing as Abby and I'm back with Ellie on the farm. Although playing as Abby was unexpected, I kind of liked it in the end. Do a lot of people hate the game because you play as abby? Or is there more controversial stuff to come?

Its mostly that

Could anyone tell me how far I am into the game?

I'm back to Seattle Day 1 controlling Abby this time

Little less than halfway


Oct 28, 2017
so, question:

I'm on hard mode, and the difficulty seems fair, where I have to conserve ammo and really think about how to avoid enemies, but human encounters are just a shitshow, and now the dogs have appeared. Is there a 'right' way to approach these setpieces? I usually sneak around, maybe take one or two people out with stealth, but as soon as dogs get a scent it's just hell on earth as I run around getting shot (all the NPC's have perfect aim) and the fights end up feeling like I'm cheesing them. After the encounters, I'm just staring at a pile of dead bodies and I'm out of resources, wondering if I'm even doing this right. It doesn't feel fun, it just feels stressful.

Should I be approaching this differently? Are there 'right' ways to be clearing these encounters, or am I supposed to be a ridiculous angel of chaotic death?
I'm playing on hard and that sounds about right, Almost every gun fight I feel like I have barely made it out alive. I would advise playing this game more like Uncharted 4 which is more run and gun, while the stealth is more to lose the enemies/get your bearings.

There are tons of tools at your disposal so don't get stuck behind one wall or desk and start shooting. The NPCs don't have perfect aim, use dodge and prone more.

Also you should be exploring every nook and cranny. I explore everything and still barely have enough ammo for most fights.
At least 35% of the game left I would imagine.
Still ways off from completion but your getting to the good stuff soon!
Thanks! I can't believe I'm not at the good stuff yet. Everything is exceptional so far.


The Flagpole is Wider
Oct 25, 2017
Remember when that TLOU2 reveal got released and we all thought that jacked woman was Ellies mom.

Good times.


Oct 25, 2017
so, question:

I'm on hard mode, and the difficulty seems fair, where I have to conserve ammo and really think about how to avoid enemies, but human encounters are just a shitshow, and now the dogs have appeared. Is there a 'right' way to approach these setpieces? I usually sneak around, maybe take one or two people out with stealth, but as soon as dogs get a scent it's just hell on earth as I run around getting shot (all the NPC's have perfect aim) and the fights end up feeling like I'm cheesing them. After the encounters, I'm just staring at a pile of dead bodies and I'm out of resources, wondering if I'm even doing this right. It doesn't feel fun, it just feels stressful.

Should I be approaching this differently? Are there 'right' ways to be clearing these encounters, or am I supposed to be a ridiculous angel of chaotic death?
Just lower the difficulty if the combat doesn't feel fun - or increase the resources. You will still have to find creative ways to win, but resources will be more abundant.

Mugen X

Oct 27, 2017
Remember when that TLOU2 reveal got released and we all thought that jacked woman was Ellies mom.

Good times.
Naughty Dog was so slick with that, I remember after that trailer they put out a series of tweet with all the featured characters and their names, but next to Abbys pic the name was blacked out, like they're trying to hide her name cause it's recognizable. They knew ppl would assume it was Anna. Moral of the story, never trust a ND trailer lol. Not that one in particular but there's so much bait and switch in their trailers it's crazy.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
So has anyone gone back to revisit the original reveal trailer? Think it was a masterfully crafted trailer tbh.

I was team #joelghost since day 1


The imagery in that teaser was extremely revealing. And yet ND managed to trick me with their fake-ass trailers lol.

Mugen X

Oct 27, 2017

The imagery in that teaser was extremely revealing. And yet ND managed to trick me with their fake-ass trailers lol.
The song she sings is revealing, she mentions being blind to good or evil, it's all the same to her cause she can't see the light in ppl. She also sings how she'll dwell on this earth forever more, and that she can't walk the path of the right, cause she's wrong. I think the song she sings in the trailer, reveals a lot of her inner struggles and also maybe what she's up to after she left the vacant farm house.


Oct 25, 2017
Can Naughty Dog please just fuck off these shit force set piece melee fights. They're always awful. I'm so disappointed in the sequence I just played (mid-late game spoilers);

Towards the tail end of Day 1 Redux the introduction to the two kids and Abby being strung up is so gorgeous and moody. The infected starting to roll in, screeching in the dark, surrounded by rain, fire, and dense forest. It looked incredible and oozed atmosphere. So what you do? Have an absolutely fucking garbage set of melee fistfights followed by an equally shit boss fist fight. No moody dark forest storm stealth. No strategy. No agency. Just a series of brain dead punch-and-dodge fights with the occasional brick or bottle thrown in for good measure. The entire sequence was mechanically regressive as it did away with precisely everything that makes TLOU2 play so well, underutilised its own visual and conceptual setup, and dragged out a series of fights that were not exciting or rewarding. And then you cap it off with an equally boring and anticlimactic Dodge The Big Person With Hammer melee fight. Fuck off.

This is precisely an example of where an interactive sequence built on the core gameplay systems, such as trying to make your way through an incredibly dark and moody forest illuminated by spotted fires, using foliage to hide, and having to pay careful attention to your audio and surroundings, would have been infinitely more evocative of fear and tension than the scripted ass end bullshit they pulled. In addition to diversifying the set pieces and gameplay sequences, which the game otherwise does a decent job of. Naughty Dog is the fucking worst for cutting off their own legs when they have a good idea because they'd rather do something that looks pretty and presents as exciting, forcing them to throw the gameplay loop in the bin in favour of scripting and game system regression, when it's everything but exciting. It's just a bad series of events that play like ass and so transparently strung along with scripting that they're not exciting or tense.

End rant but man, what a bummer.
i couldnt disagree more. that sequence is one of my favorite sequences in the game. its when the melee system is practically forced on you and i got to appreciate how visceral they play out. there are plenty of sections in the game where you can do stealth in moody foresty areas. this was perfect the way it was.


Oct 25, 2017

The imagery in that teaser was extremely revealing. And yet ND managed to trick me with their fake-ass trailers lol.

I think that's why we saw them lean really hard into making it seem like Dina was the one that was going to die. The E3 demo where the camera gets a closeup of Dina's bracelet and it transitions into gameplay and we see Ellie suddenly wearing it was very smart on their part.

Mugen X

Oct 27, 2017
i couldnt disagree more. that sequence is one of my favorite sequences in the game. its when the melee system is practically forced on you and i got to appreciate how visceral they play out. there are plenty of sections in the game where you can do stealth in moody foresty areas. this was perfect the way it was.
I agree, I loved it. I felt anxious and that whole sequence was intense having to engage in hand to hand. And ND is arguably the king of set pieces so idk what this dude is talking about lol


Aug 1, 2019
I swear, if Ashley doesnt win an award for this game I dont know what I'll do.

The end to Day 2 broke my fucking heart.
Yup. Then after Ellie wakes up on day 3 and walks past the guitar and asks if you want to practice, and I'm all, "Are you fucking kidding me right now?"


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I think that's why we saw them lean really hard into making it seem like Dina was the one that was going to die. The E3 demo where the camera gets a closeup of Dina's bracelet and it transitions into gameplay and we see Ellie suddenly wearing it was very smart on their part.
Yeah it was very obvious what they were doing.

You could say too obvious that some people were still not buying it.

So they decided to Kojima it up and make misleading trailers with switched out character models. That is so funny man. Twenty years later we got another MGS2 in multiple ways. I'm sure you must appreciate that. :P


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
i couldnt disagree more. that sequence is one of my favorite sequences in the game. its when the melee system is practically forced on you and i got to appreciate how visceral they play out. there are plenty of sections in the game where you can do stealth in moody foresty areas. this was perfect the way it was.

I agree, I absolutely loved it. It was atmosphere and up close visceral animations turned up to 11. Literally felt like playing a violent horror based beat em up in CGI quality. Shit was intense, and made for a nice change in gameplay pacing.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
Who are the Scars? And they who the WLF refer to as Ellie's people?

This gets into spoilers so I'll spoiler tag just in case:

The Scars are a derogatory name for the Seraphites, usually said by the WLF. The Scars physically scar themselves on each cheek. They are a fundamentalist religious cult. During the course of Ellie's journey both the Scars and the WLF mistake Ellie for the other faction or as a 'stray'.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
So has anyone gone back to revisit the original reveal trailer? Think it was a masterfully crafted trailer tbh.

I was team #joelghost since day 1

Those early trailers and cutscenes all seem better now on reflection. So much trickery and foreshadowing, even in the damn lyrics.

"I can't walk on the path of the right, when I'm wrong"


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
Is it true that NG+ difficulties are harder than regular ones? I beat the game on Survivor and it was pretty damn tough.

I'll go step down to Hard, probably.
Says so in game.

If I beat the game on Hard mode, will NG+ still unlock the most difficult possible mode for my next replay? Hoping I don't need to beat Survivor mode first. I should have started on it but I'm way too far to start over.

The only "harder" mode I have seen past survivor is Survivor+, the New Game+ Variant of Survivor. There is no grounded in this game, I don't think.