
Oct 27, 2017
Evil keeps you young.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't know, guys. I haven't been following the trial and this is my first time posting in the thread, but I think he's going to be found not guilty on all charges. I mean, does anyone else remember the 2016 election????


I highly doubt he's guilty on 17 of 18. He'll probably get somewhere around 12-14 guilty tops. Just because they're unanimous doesn't mean they're all the same. I think on Rachel Maddow she had an attorney or ex-DA on her show that said he thought, at that point, the prosecution had proven 11. Guilty on all counts seems kind of unrealistic for what they're trying to prove. But who knows?


Oct 25, 2017
You really think so? I guess some people are actually fooled by his filler work and Just For Men dye job.

I haven't asked myself so I never looked closely, but he must have done some lifting or botox. He looks very youg and of course he dyes his hair. But he looks way younger than Trump and more natural, hence why I'm surprised. He doesnt look the usual botched up


Oct 25, 2017
A man who looks that young at 69 clearly does not have a lot weighing on him. My guess is that his wealth has detached him from the reality of his actions. Not guilty on account of affluenza.


Oct 27, 2017
Manafort did look like he aged considerably in that prison photo of him compared to previous photos, depending on what happens can you image what he's gonna look like 6 months from now? He's going to look his age and probably even more so.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Would love to see a prison photo of Trump without the tan, make up and hairspray assisted hair.


Jan 10, 2018
From the CNN live blog:

"Judge T.S. Ellis today told jurors to keep deliberating and instructed them with a "Sawyers charge" — more commonly known as an "Allen charge." The term Sawyers comes from a 1970 court case in the 4th Circuit, US v. Sawyers.

So what is an Allen or Sawyers charge? It is a supplemental instruction given by the trial court when a jury has reached an impasse in its deliberations and is unable to reach a consensus.

What must it contain? The judge may instruct the jury to go back and try their deliberations again, but the charge must not coerce a jury, and it must be fair, neutral and balanced. The judge must also incorporate a specific reminder to jurors on both sides (minority and majority jurors) that they must reconsider their positions in light of the other side's views.

Can a judge give multiple Allen charges? Yes. The judge can instruct the jury multiple times to go back and try again if they are deadlocked.

But sometimes, they're controversial.

The way a judge delivers Allen charges and how juries react to them can be controversial as defendants have argued they can be coercive to the jury. It is notable, therefore, that Ellis today emphasized to jurors they should stay true to their convictions and take all the time they need. He even told jurors they could ignore this instruction altogether.

"You should not surrender your honest conviction" simply to reach a verdict, Ellis told the jury Tuesday while he spoke for them about five minutes. He encouraged each juror to make their own decisions on each count, but if some were in the minority on a decision, they could think about what the other jurors believe.

"You're the exclusive judges," he said, encouraging them to make their own decisions about witness testimony and evidence in the case.

"Take all the time which you feel is necessary," he said."

Deleted member 25712

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Manafort did look like he aged considerably in that prison photo of him compared to previous photos, depending on what happens can you image what he's gonna look like 6 months from now? He's going to look his age and probably even more so.

If all of this ends with a Trump mug shot where he's not able to have his hair manicured and colored in its traditional ridiculous way I'll almost think these past couple years will have been worth it.



My wife saw Manafort in NYC late last year and she mentioned that it looked like his face was melting off. Coincidentally, she also had an event that day where Tucker Carlson was in the room. So maybe, thinking back, she was in some circle of Hell.


Oct 27, 2017
Limbus Patrum
IF only I could be a fly on the wall in either the FBI room with Cohen or Trump's room when he found out. Specially if this a corroboration instead of a plea agreement.

Manafort has to be wondering what Cohen could say about him too.


Oct 25, 2017
For the sake of my relationship, I need this trial to end. My SO is sick of hearing me rant about Manafort every day on our drive home. She cares about it, but I've been a bit obsessed for about a month now.

You do realize there is another trial next month and that trial specifically is going to have potentially way worse charges right? That trial is related to Manafort's time in Ukraine and his attempted witness tampering and conspiracy against the United States.
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Oct 30, 2017
The poetry of Cohen pleading Guilty and Manafort being found guilty on the same day is too strong.
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Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, as long as they want to keep deliberating I'm not sure there's any law or rule saying they ever have to stop. I mean, theoretically they could go all night if they wanted (but who wants to do that...).
Eventually the judge would declare a mistrial if the jury was hopelessly deadlocked, but yeah there's no limit on deliberation. If a judge set a limit for deliberation it would create a strong justification for appeal of any guilty verdicts.