
Oct 25, 2017
How cheap? Cause it looks like Microsoft has a half price sale going on for the digital complete edition if that's an option for you.

If not though, The expansions are late game to finished game content, so you'd be fine to start with the basic edition. The dlcs are free anyways, so you should just be able to download them in the basic edition.
That digital price is pretty enticing gotta day. I'm looking at paying about $12-$15 for the base Wild Hunt. $25-$30 for the goty. Was personally looking for a physical copy but i'll look into it the digital one.

Looks like I'll have a good experience for hours on end regardless of which version I purchase. Good to know.


Oct 25, 2017
Double dipped on the Xbox sale and started this over. What's the easiest way to make money in White Orchard now that honeycombs are nerfed?


Nov 7, 2017
Not sure if anyone here likes watching streams but MANvsGAME is doing a full Witcher series playthrough. I'm really surprised to see him play it, doesn't seem like his type of games but also that he's starting with the first game rather than going straight to Witcher 3, I'm happy to see that he's playing all of them. Anyway, for those interested, he's pretty entertaining.
Oct 25, 2017
If he gets through any of them mad props.

I still need to continue. Got bored after Red Baron. Just have other things to play, once past pretty sure I will enjoy it again.

I couldn't and didn't last very long in the first two games either. First one I stopped after sending time running around to get to the witch lol.
Nov 13, 2017
I'm not super familiar with how HDR is supposed to look, but having come back from a 2 month break from this game, I'm not sure if I just don't remember how the game looked or if this HDR patch made it look incredible. Anyone else feeling the same way, popin issues aside?

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
never knew there was a witcher community. Joined. Replaying right now. But I didnt wanna 'the struggle' so I gave myself an unlimited money mod. Pimp Geralt best geralt.


Oct 25, 2017
Did they change the spawn/spawn rate of Water Hags in White Orchard? I remember back at launch getting some Water Essence in that little bog to the west of the Nilfgaardian Outpost but I don't see any now.


Oct 25, 2017
Witcher 3. Haven't touched the OG campaign since the year it came out so (2-3 years ago?) so I figured I might as well play it but with small annoyances gone.

Hmm, I kinda liked being tight on money in the beginning - it forces you to scrounge for any resources, but I do understand if that isn't a worthy investment of time for some. Come to think of it, after leaving White Orchard and buying the Temerian Set, I've never really spent any money in game except on schematics, maps or some rare ingredients. And at the blacksmith/armourer for weapon/armor forging whenever a new Witcher gear becomes available.

Did they change the spawn/spawn rate of Water Hags in White Orchard? I remember back at launch getting some Water Essence in that little bog to the west of the Nilfgaardian Outpost but I don't see any now.

Could be. They tweaked a lot of money exploits in the starting area. Used to be you could sell honeycombs for a hefty sum to the herbalist which made some people farm money that way. And that got patched too.

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I've already played the game with struggling for money as I repair equipment and miss out on schematics having to remember where to return for them.

Been there done that. So now I wanted to play specifically with everything else besides that. Played the first time around on medium and now playing on hard. The no healing on meditation has been the biggest takeaway so far. Now instead of meditating every 5 seconds I only do so when I need to have time pass or when I need to refill potions. Biggest issue so far was that the base swallow potion doesn't heal worth of shit. And the sun and stars skill glitches out all the time where I needed to continuously put it in/out of my skills.

I'm playing for the first time with the alternative movement controls for Geralt and I can't see how anyone could have issues as far proclaiming it's the worst thing ever. If you point at an enemy and hit attack Geralt will aim at that individual. Yes his attacks don't always hit exactly when you press the button depending on what he needs to do spin wise to get there, but you can cancel out to a dodge whenever.

As far as mods go, I can't recommend the Geralt cloak/hood enough. It's the one he has in the killing monsters teasers. As far as immersion goes it's amazing. Whenever I go out to kill beasts outside I put it on. If I'm sneaking through a city I put it on. Same when it starts raining. It's so fucking cool and immersive and Geralt looks dope with it.

It also mixes really well with the cool Witcher armor. Only armor I might take it off for is any that looks like a robe in any form.

Plus I also changed the Griffith armor to that mod that makes it slimmer and black. I can finally use it without feeling embarrassed lmao


Oct 25, 2017
Been there done that. So now I wanted to play specifically with everything else besides that. Played the first time around on medium and now playing on hard. The no healing on meditation has been the biggest takeaway so far. Now instead of meditating every 5 seconds I only do so when I need to have time pass or when I need to refill potions. Biggest issue so far was that the base swallow potion doesn't heal worth of shit. And the sun and stars skill glitches out all the time where I needed to continuously put it in/out of my skills.

I hotkeyed White Raffard's Decoction as a panic button in combat whenever Geralt's health goes too low. Works really well with Alchemy build since you can gulp more potions, their effects and duration are increased as well. Also, 'Sun and Stars' isn't really what you're looking for in this case. Use 'Gourmet' and you can pretty much forget about ever dying.

I'm playing for the first time with the alternative movement controls for Geralt and I can't see how anyone could have issues as far proclaiming it's the worst thing ever. If you point at an enemy and hit attack Geralt will aim at that individual. Yes his attacks don't always hit exactly when you press the button depending on what he needs to do spin wise to get there, but you can cancel out to a dodge whenever.

Same. I just can't deal with the hyperbolic statements that are thrown around here whenever TW3 combat or traversal is discussed. Video game nerds are truly the worst sometimes.
Oct 25, 2017
Ann Arbor, Mi
Hey yall, Luxorek brought me here.

Can't wait to talk a little about the books. I've read both short stories, Blood of Elves and 1/3 of Time of Contempt in just 3 weeks.

I've played all the games up to the expansions. I decided that I would read the books, then play Witcher 2 Roche path (I did Iorveth last time) and play Witcher 3 on max difficulty before going on to the expansions.

Before Cyberpunk comes out lol.

I love the Witcher series because unlike most "hero" stories, Geralt is not the center of the narrative. It literally is about everything alterior to him. He just happens to be a "hero" character to whom readers can relate--a protagonist who is a literary anchor.

Back when I played Witcher 2, it was on an 8800GT. I built a computer with a 970 in it to play Witcher 3. I now have a 1060 in my laptop and a 1070 in my desktop, so I could technically play Witcher on the go. We'll see.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey Phoenix, good to see another fan in here. Now we need you to play the Witcher 1 and your experience will be complete! Just kiddin', even though I love it to pieces I know it's a pretty archaic and janky game to play these days.

Have fun reading the books, they will shine a light on many characters that appear in the game and play a major part there. TW3 especially, since unlike its prequels it draws heavily in terms of story and characters from the novels. So far, which do you prefer? The episodic nature of the short stories or the continuous narrative of the novels?
Oct 25, 2017

Besides being pretty bland? Not trying to start something but just because pushing X makes Y happen don't always mean it is great.

The combat sucks but I was able to hold on as white orchard is not a good opener lol. Though I got bored after the Baron quest. Will definitely go back once I finished other stuff.

But not for the combat.

And not the nude mods.
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Oct 25, 2017
Ann Arbor, Mi
Hey Phoenix, good to see another fan in here. Now we need you to play the Witcher 1 and your experience will be complete! Just kiddin', even though I love it to pieces I know it's a pretty archaic and janky game to play these days.

Have fun reading the books, they will shine a light on many characters that appear in the game and play a major part there. TW3 especially, since unlike its prequels it draws heavily in terms of story and characters from the novels. So far, which do you prefer? The episodic nature of the short stories or the continuous narrative of the novels?

Lol, I WATCHED a YouTube movie of the first Witcher. The story is still excellent but the Neverwinter Nights Aurora engine, even when turbocharged was janky in 2009; I don't want anything to do with it in 2018.

But, in reading the books, I become hyper aware of several things. First of all, Triss merigold is a sound alert for taking advantage of Geralt's amnesia, lol.

Secondly, I can see how amnesia was a great way to get fans of the books to buy into these new adventures, it was not a smooth transition.

The scene where Shawni, Dandelion, Zoltan (who I have yet to see on the books), and Geralt get drunk and Dandelion who sings is also a shout out to fans.

The sexcapades...hmmm. IDK. I just read about the introduction to ______The black, who zombified in Witcher 1. Kind of sucks knowing what happens to her in advance, as soon as she is introduced in the second book.

The short stories are definitely better. A.S. writes his novels like they are short stories, skipping from one scene to another unrelated scene in the middle of a chapter. The only difference is that the short stories are complete. Do you have to wait much longer to see how the novel threads end.

Just so you know where I am, the wild Hunt appears to Ciri for the first time when she tries to run away from Yen. Geralt, Yen, Ciri all appear at the same place (lol).

City 17

Oct 25, 2017
Hey yall, Luxorek brought me here.

Can't wait to talk a little about the books. I've read both short stories, Blood of Elves and 1/3 of Time of Contempt in just 3 weeks.

I've played all the games up to the expansions. I decided that I would read the books, then play Witcher 2 Roche path (I did Iorveth last time) and play Witcher 3 on max difficulty before going on to the expansions.

Before Cyberpunk comes out lol.

I love the Witcher series because unlike most "hero" stories, Geralt is not the center of the narrative. It literally is about everything alterior to him. He just happens to be a "hero" character to whom readers can relate--a protagonist who is a literary anchor.

Back when I played Witcher 2, it was on an 8800GT. I built a computer with a 970 in it to play Witcher 3. I now have a 1060 in my laptop and a 1070 in my desktop, so I could technically play Witcher on the go. We'll see.
Your next step should be Gwent (the standalone one) since it also covers so many of the characters, books-only, games-only or both, and seeing their animated arts (some of which feature special moments in the books that only the readers understand) and some of the dialogues are really good.

The final version is gonna release in 5.5 months with a single player story-based expansion.
Oct 25, 2017
Ann Arbor, Mi
He's in the next book, Baptism of Fire. I was surprised how late into the books he appears given the importance the games gave him.

Indeed. Right now it's just Yarpen Zigrin, who I gave 0 respect in the games since I had never heard of him *is ashamed*.

Your next step should be Gwent (the standalone one) since it also covers so many of the characters, books-only, games-only or both, and seeing their animated arts (some of which feature special moments in the books that only the readers understand) and some of the dialogues are really good.

The final version is gonna release in 5.5 months with a single player story-based expansion.

I actually skipped Gwent in its entirety except for the one or two mandatory games through my Witcher 3 playthrough. I plan to play more rigorously in my next playthrough.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol, I WATCHED a YouTube movie of the first Witcher. The story is still excellent but the Neverwinter Nights Aurora engine, even when turbocharged was janky in 2009; I don't want anything to do with it in 2018.

Understandable. I wonder sometimes if I would be able to go back to TW1 so often If I weren't there on day one.

Secondly, I can see how amnesia was a great way to get fans of the books to buy into these new adventures, it was not a smooth transition.

Ain't that the truth. The problem with the games, or at least with the first one is that CDPR's writers thought they could somehow write their own story with Sapkowski's characters and at the same time ignore the vital parts of his books they didn't know how to tackle. Hence, the bizzare absence of Ciri and Yennefer in the first game and then a haste attempt to introduce them again into the story with the Witcher 2. To even buy into the story of TW1 you need to assume everyone of note around Geralt has some sort of amnesia too.

Now, I like their interpretation and adaption of the characters very much, but they do play loose with the canon when it doesn't suit their needs.

The short stories are definitely better. A.S. writes his novels like they are short stories, skipping from one scene to another unrelated scene in the middle of a chapter. The only difference is that the short stories are complete. Do you have to wait much longer to see how the novel threads end.

Agreed. Short form suited Sapkowski much better, but he does get better in later books. As for the novel threads - it depends, some of them are resolved in the book they originate in, others take a while. If there is one thing I really like about Sapkowski as a writer is that when he decides to drop the hammer, he does it hard. You will see.

Indeed. Right now it's just Yarpen Zigrin, who I gave 0 respect in the games since I had never heard of him *is ashamed*.

Oh yeah, it was a damn shame how little screentime was afforded to Yarpen. I was always much more fond of him than Zoltan, especially for that moment he has with Ciri at the beginning of Blood of Elves.


Oct 25, 2017
TW1 is janky buy the atmosphere is incredible, definitely still worth experiencing.

I should read the books again, its been a while. Love them so much.

On a different note, Witcher cosplay never ceases to blow my mind, I can't believe some of the stuff I see on twitter.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished The Witcher 3 and DLC's after a hiatus of what? 2 years or so? Bought it launch day, made my way to Skellige but put it down. Anyway picked it back up, finished it and did both DLC's. Great game is great. To my horror I just checked how many unvisited map markers I have. It's over a 100. Good lord. Going to pick back up the books too as I read Book 0 and Book 1 a while back - so The Last Wish and Blood of Elves? - but have the rest on my Kindle. Just wanted to check in to see if there was an OT. Thinking of going back and playing 2 - which again I bought day one but put it down. Sorry if bump was a bump of no consequence.
Oct 25, 2017
Ann Arbor, Mi
I finished A Time of Contempt.

By far my least-favorite Witcher novel. Way too much time invested in characters I don't really care about. The philosophical back-and-forth between Vilgefortz and Geralt, the way that the scene with Emhyr drags on just to demonstrate his wisdom in recognizing the false Ciri, the desert scene, the trappers, the knights, the Rats....My goodness I could not wait for this novel to be over.

I do wish I knew why/how Vilgefortz was able to defeat Geralt. The book says "and he realized why," but doesn't explain this. I kept reading to find out, but it never says.

Going to have to go back to figure out what was up with the slaughter at the sorcerer chapter. Too many threads to track at once. Vizimir being assassinated off-screen makes sense with Phillippa and Dijkstra lurking about. Tissaia committing suicide made no sense to me.

I feel like the novel should have ended after the comment about the fake Ciri. The next novel should have begun her desert trek.

A very unsatisfying novel compared to Blood of Elves.
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Oct 27, 2017
I finished A Time of Contempt.

By far my least-favorite Witcher novel. Way too much time invested in characters I don't really care about. The philosophical back-and-forth between Vilgefortz and Geralt, the way that the scene with Emhyr drags on just to demonstrate his wisdom in recognizing the false Ciri, the desert scene, the trappers, the knights, the Rats....My goodness I could not wait for this novel to be over.

I do wish I knew why/how Vilgefortz was able to defeat Geralt. The book says "and he realized why," but doesn't explain this. I kept reading to find out, but it never says.

Going to have to go back to figure out what was up with the slaughter at the sorcerer chapter. Too many threads to track at once. Vizimir being assassinated off-screen makes sense with Phillippa and Dijkstra lurking about. Tissaia committing suicide made no sense to me.

I feel like the novel should have ended after the comment about the fake Ciri. The next novel should have begun her desert trek.

A very unsatisfying novel compared to Blood of Elves.

I dont know why but I love the desert scene.
Oct 25, 2017
Ann Arbor, Mi
They only get better imo.

Man, Baptisim of Fire was...FIRE!!!! lol! The best novel for sure!

-Formation of the Sorceress' Lodge
(Yennifer is transfigured into a figurine like Triss is in Witcher 2)

-Milva (and the decision of her womb)
-Regis (and his horseshoe trick)

-Introduction of Bonhart
-Gearalt's nagging injuries
-Rescue of girl who survived the pox in small village
-Geralt's unintentional defense of Mieve gets him knighted

Cahir is meh.

The more I read the novels, though I picked Yen in the game before reading, the more I can begin to empathize with Triss. Though Geralt is the hero, it's fascinating to me how sorceresses gravitate toward him. In Time of Contempt, there are several sorceresses who would give it to him at once. He's a mutant. That makes him...attractive???

In the Swallow's Tower, so far, Ciri is just telling the hermit about how she left the rats....
Oct 28, 2017
I'm hoping somebody can help me out here. I decided to reinstall Witcher 3 today on my PS4 so that I could finish up my death march play-through. I have the game on disc and I have most of the DLC, so I waited until it was all downloaded (fully installed under notification). But every time I try to load up my game I'm greeted with this:


It's been stuck at 68% all day. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but it's the same thing, it always at 68%. I tried starting new game too, but it get's stuck at the loading screen.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm hoping somebody can help me out here. I decided to reinstall Witcher 3 today on my PS4 so that I could finish up my death march play-through. I have the game on disc and I have most of the DLC, so I waited until it was all downloaded (fully installed under notification). But every time I try to load up my game I'm greeted with this:

It's been stuck at 68% all day. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but it's the same thing, it always at 68%. I tried starting new game too, but it get's stuck at the loading screen.

Try this (sorry if you did this):

  1. Go to the home screen
  2. While on TW3 icon hit options
  3. Select Information
  4. Look for Downloaded

What does it say there?
Oct 25, 2017
Ann Arbor, Mi
I just finished The Tower of Swallows.

That one started off good but dragged on like Time of Contempt. Good ending though.

Poor Yennifer!

The Lady of the Lake has started off well, but I don't like the "Frame" characters at all. No need to speak of these events in the past as legend or whatever. Just get to it.
May 17, 2018
Huge fan of Witcher 3 here. Replaying again but I can never get away from playing with Feline armor. The leveled up magic spells look amazing but a Combat ready Geralt filled with potions and decoctions is the only one that fights my playstyle.

Do people regularly change their builds or do you stick with the same build in different playthroughs?
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
Huge fan of Witcher 3 here. Replaying again but I can never get away from playing with Feline armor. The leveled up magic spells look amazing but a Combat ready Geralt filled with potions and decoctions is the only one that fights my playstyle.

Do people regularly change their builds or do you stick with the same build in different playthroughs?
I used to switch up pretty frequently. I've fallen into the same trap as you; just feline, always. The only build I've spent basically no time on is an ursine tank because it's so completely antithetical to my playstyle. Pity, because the grandmaster ursine armor is gorgeous.


Nov 7, 2017
I usually play with Feline armor but my latest playthrough was with Ursine. I always switch to Manticore when it becomes available though.


Oct 28, 2017
Really struggling to get back into this

Played the game from start to finish, About 150 hours in total when it was 1st released. I was one of the poor unfortunates who then sold the game and re purchased the game plus DLC digitally and was not able to use my old save

But Its been nagging at me for a while that I just need to go in and do the DLC and use the pre-made character stats they offer. Started yesterday after putting it off for months (and about 2 years since I actually last played the game)

My God, I havent a clue whats going on. Everything appears so complicated. Bundled my way to the 1st mission and off to kill a giant frog in the sewers. Got destroyed, again and again. Put difficulty down to easiest. Same I cant beat the fecker

Tips please, any help appreciated.


Nov 7, 2017
Really struggling to get back into this

Played the game from start to finish, About 150 hours in total when it was 1st released. I was one of the poor unfortunates who then sold the game and re purchased the game plus DLC digitally and was not able to use my old save

But Its been nagging at me for a while that I just need to go in and do the DLC and use the pre-made character stats they offer. Started yesterday after putting it off for months (and about 2 years since I actually last played the game)

My God, I havent a clue whats going on. Everything appears so complicated. Bundled my way to the 1st mission and off to kill a giant frog in the sewers. Got destroyed, again and again. Put difficulty down to easiest. Same I cant beat the fecker

Tips please, any help appreciated.

The frog is vulnerable to fire so any bombs that use fire are very useful. Igni is also quite useful as well. You just can't spend too much time close to him or his dropping stomp attack will do a lot of damage.


Oct 25, 2017
Bundled my way to the 1st mission and off to kill a giant frog in the sewers. Got destroyed, again and again. Put difficulty down to easiest. Same I can't beat the fecker

Tips please, any help appreciated.
That frog was one of the hardest fights I had in that game. You have keep your distance. Quen obviously incase you get too close but get used to getting the f out of there. As Artdayne above - fire helps. Use a decoction - do you get those if you quick start? See if any help. You'll beat the slimy bugger.


Oct 29, 2017
Some screens I took recently. Doing my second playthrough now with some mods. I'm having almost more fun with NVIDIA Ansel than the the game itself. Kind of surprising the game doesn't have a photo mode.










Nov 7, 2017
Hot damn those are some nice screenshots! I'm getting more convinced that I need that hood mod.

Deleted member 30681

user requested account closure
Nov 4, 2017
decided to finally playthrough Witcher 3 again. Been over 3 years since I played this masterpiece and I couldn't wait to play it again especially since I never got the chance to play the DLC.

Currently about an hour in and I must say this game feels great on console. Also I absolutely love the UI changes they've done in the menus.


May 11, 2018
decided to finally playthrough Witcher 3 again. Been over 3 years since I played this masterpiece and I couldn't wait to play it again especially since I never got the chance to play the DLC.

Currently about an hour in and I must say this game feels great on console. Also I absolutely love the UI changes they've done in the menus.

Me neither and cannot wait to sink my teeth in the Dlc, but I also don't want to rush it since most of the side quests and contracts could become too easy if I burn through the main quest.

I was meh after my first playthrough but now that I have done it all over again I came to appreciate the small details and the storytelling much more. Gwent is probably the best minigame I have played so far but the horse riding can be improved upon a lot.


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
So been re playing witcher 3. No mini map, no question marks, hardest difficulty minimal hud . And its quite a bit more immersive not staring in the upper right corner all the time and getting lost and not knowing whats around the corner, feels like the world is a lot more tangible.
Combat wise I am having moderate enjoyment , due to knowing what to expect controls wise and I feel they tweaked enemy count and behavior a bit? It still is pretty damn basic but it does not feel as bad as I thought it would, but maybe that's cause its in my comfort zone so I'm ok with that.
Visually its a mixed bag, LOD is worse ,draw distance is worse, lighting is quite a bit flatter , there are some audio stutters and overall theres less grass in your periphery on the other hand HDR gives more colors and image just pops and coupled with my big TV it is quite an improvement compared to 23 inch pc monitor.
i just cant wait to play the expansions since i have played em once and thats it.
May 17, 2018
I used to switch up pretty frequently. I've fallen into the same trap as you; just feline, always. The only build I've spent basically no time on is an ursine tank because it's so completely antithetical to my playstyle. Pity, because the grandmaster ursine armor is gorgeous.

I tried to switch to the Wolf but I don't get to Kaer Morhan until so late in the game that I'm dead set in my ways.

Me neither and cannot wait to sink my teeth in the Dlc, but I also don't want to rush it since most of the side quests and contracts could become too easy if I burn through the main quest.

I was meh after my first playthrough but now that I have done it all over again I came to appreciate the small details and the storytelling much more. Gwent is probably the best minigame I have played so far but the horse riding can be improved upon a lot.

The amount of detail in this world is fantastic. Someone made a whole PDF full of events that happen in the world that could be missed. It's breathtaking just to read through
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May 17, 2018
So been re playing witcher 3. No mini map, no question marks, hardest difficulty minimal hud . And its quite a bit more immersive not staring in the upper right corner all the time and getting lost and not knowing whats around the corner, feels like the world is a lot more tangible.
Combat wise I am having moderate enjoyment , due to knowing what to expect controls wise and I feel they tweaked enemy count and behavior a bit? It still is pretty damn basic but it does not feel as bad as I thought it would, but maybe that's cause its in my comfort zone so I'm ok with that.
Visually its a mixed bag, LOD is worse ,draw distance is worse, lighting is quite a bit flatter , there are some audio stutters and overall theres less grass in your periphery on the other hand HDR gives more colors and image just pops and coupled with my big TV it is quite an improvement compared to 23 inch pc monitor.
i just cant wait to play the expansions since i have played em once and thats it.

One day I'll build up the courage to play with no mini map, but I just feel that would create such a frustrating gaming experience. Bravo to you.


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
One day I'll build up the courage to play with no mini map, but I just feel that would create such a frustrating gaming experience. Bravo to you.
I have to bring up the main map a lot . But I think if you focus enough and are not afraid to waste time when you are lost it makes the world a lot more immersive and feel like actual place , cause fuck i would def get lot in the woods in real life lol . And since w3 has such a naturalistic approach to its topography and landscape it kinda makes sense over more designed theme park approach for player engagement and ease of navigation like Bethesda games
May 17, 2018
I have to bring up the main map a lot . But I think if you focus enough and are not afraid to waste time when you are lost it makes the world a lot more immersive and feel like actual place , cause fuck i would def get lot in the woods in real life lol . And since w3 has such a naturalistic approach to its topography and landscape it kinda makes sense over more designed theme park approach for player engagement and ease of navigation like Bethesda games

Great point about the topography, the design is wonderful, and the attention to detail (having the ground roll down into the woods so that you get disoriented in the woods) is powerful.

I just wish there was an option on console that placed a marker of some sort out in the open (not on the mini map), the best I can do is turn off the suggested path feature.


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
Great point about the topography, the design is wonderful, and the attention to detail (having the ground roll down into the woods so that you get disoriented in the woods) is powerful.

I just wish there was an option on console that placed a marker of some sort out in the open (not on the mini map), the best I can do is turn off the suggested path feature.
yeah i think skyrim like compass as an alternative woulda been real nice. Also when you are in caves main map is useless, lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Im in my second play through trying to get the plat but that Kaer Morhen trained trophy is a pain for me. I see now how people can have more than two playthroughs. There's so much content in this game and I'm amazed how much I forgot. I just got to a point where Yen and Triss seemed to invite me to a ménage et toi, and I have no idea what's about to happen. Gonna do some contracts to get my mind right prior lol.