
Oct 26, 2017
I wonder how much of the total money they have lost with these banks declining the charges for so many people. I know a ton of people will just not bother to fix it or get spooked by a fraud alert and not go through with it. Really dumb decision to charge in Yen.


Oct 27, 2017
When my bank initially declined it, all I did was say to accept any charges from Kickstarter and they got that through. Had to do with the Yen charge setting off the fraud detection, especially with such a large amount. Once I gave them the okay it went through fine.
Oct 27, 2017
Well I can't contact customer support at my bank until I dunno what to do. According to Kickstarter the charge went through, I even got an email from them verifying it, so no point in contacting them.

Platinum dropped the ball big time on this whole thing. Comment section on Kickstarter has a bunch of people whose pledges didn't go through and I'm sure many more haven't been noticed yet.

I'm pretty annoyed by the whole situation.


Oct 26, 2017
Well I can't contact customer support at my bank until I dunno what to do. According to Kickstarter the charge went through, I even got an email from them verifying it, so no point in contacting them.

Platinum dropped the ball big time on this whole thing. Comment section on Kickstarter has a bunch of people whose pledges didn't go through and I'm sure many more haven't been noticed yet.

I'm pretty annoyed by the whole situation.

It does seem that the charge in Yen is causing the issues, I would think that everyone on the list will get more time to sort the payment as I would think that Platinum would be in contact with the people at Kickstarter.


Alt account
Aug 29, 2019
Well the kickstarter message is saying we have 7 days to fix that, so it's fine to wait until monday at least.
Hopefully Kickstarter fixes that situation with Visa.


Oct 26, 2017
So when am I supposed to get the survey whereI choose my platform?

I have only done one Kickstarter before and the survey was a few days after it closed, however I think this will be in about a week considering the payment issues people are having, once the payments are all sorted I would think the survey will be sent.


Oct 26, 2017
My card got declined twice too, just called my bank this morning and they say it's because Visa thinks KS is a fraudulent website.
I've told them that I've used them multiple times in the past without any issues, and they told me to try again and they'll try something by Tuesday if it doesn't work lol...

Well, just placed second call to my cardholder and it is resolved. It is just a problem with VISA associating payments from Kickstarter using yen as the currency as being fraudulent. It took getting transferred to the fraud specialists with my bank and having them manually allow this payment to go through as I re-submitted it to them in real time. So annoying.

Looking at past Japanese Kickstarter's I did like Bloodstained and Shemnue 3- they were still collecting dollars with their campaign where this one was specifically in yen, so I'm guessing that's why those were not problems.

Still odd, as I did Yooka Laylee which was in Euros and there was no issue there. But yeah, anyone having problems- call your bank and press them on the yen issue through Kickstarter as that's the likely problem.

Considering the comment of fraudulent, I actually wonder if this has to do when people get pissed and end up doing chargebacks on Kickstarters because of XYZ reasons? And like, on top of the Yen thing. And like mentioned about, stuff like Yooka-Laylee was in Euros and some people put in bigger dollars into that no problem, along with others that have been in Yen before.

I ended up clicking "yes" on my bank's "did you charge these past transactions?" text, and then my card went through ok, so guess that's over.


Nov 19, 2019
Man, good thing I backed out of pledging in favor of preordering from a store, as these card charging issues sound like a headache to deal with.


Developer at Pixel Arc Studios
Oct 26, 2017
Harrisburg, Pa
Considering the comment of fraudulent, I actually wonder if this has to do when people get pissed and end up doing chargebacks on Kickstarters because of XYZ reasons? And like, on top of the Yen thing. And like mentioned about, stuff like Yooka-Laylee was in Euros and some people put in bigger dollars into that no problem, along with others that have been in Yen before.

I ended up clicking "yes" on my bank's "did you charge these past transactions?" text, and then my card went through ok, so guess that's over.

I think something changed with Visa... I didn't back this, but I backed Battle Axe, which ended a few weeks ago, and my initial charge was declined due to fraud measures. This was same account and card that I've used to back numerous other Kickstarters and never had this issue before.

Deleted member 49166

Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 30, 2018
I backed it and had no problems.
Mainly since I didn't want to pay for the DLC.
Instead of saving a bit with shop discounts I will save a bit with the DLC and have the game day one.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Oh man... i wasn't getting any confirmation when i backed this. And it being my first Kickstarter was nervous. I signed up with Facebook. but was trying to switch it over to a proper email. after thinking i successfully switched it over i discounted from my Facebook. now its telling me i haven't backed anything :( and it charged my card on the 6th i believe.
I hope support gets back to me soon.. really worried i messed up and screwed myself over..


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, Visa and foreign KS don't go well together. Visa and foreign transactions in general really. I always had to make a call to my bank to let a foreign payment go through if I couldn't bypass it with PayPal.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Philadelphia, PA
Normally you can't cancel your Kickstarter in the last 24 hours of a campaign to prevent fraudulent pledges but it seems some folks are using the currency conversion snafu to do exactly this. Some people are even justifying they'll just get the game cheaper down the road and it doesn't matter at this point.

I wonder how far ahead people are considering when they think it's just simply saving a couple of dollars canceling their pledge, losing out on the backer rewards or things like the free DLC. Nevermind giving your money to some other company as opposed to directly support Platinum instead through the campaign itself.

Platinum may have guaranteed funding through Nintendo to just port to the Switch but for the PS4 and Steam ports there was no such guarantee hence why they resorted to a crowdfunding campaign. Folks need to stop treating Kickstarter campaigns as a pre-order service.


Alt account
Aug 29, 2019
I've just retried it (tried it only once on saturday when my payment was declined a first time) and my card finally got through.
I guess Visa and KS fixed their issues since.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
Were you all getting Kickstarter E-Mails because of the failed transaction or how did you found it out? Just got one positive e-mail and that was it.


Alt account
Aug 29, 2019
Were you all getting Kickstarter E-Mails because of the failed transaction or how did you found it out? Just got one positive e-mail and that was it.
First email saying kickstarter couldn't use the card, then a mail every day saying to fix my payment method.


Oct 25, 2017
Mmm, i got an email when this finished were it says they collected my pledge, but ive gone today to my bank account and there doesntnt seem to be any transaction from kikckstater.
Even my account in the kickstater website says its processed and everything.

Do they not take your transaction till a month or something? I usually get my transactions on the banks website just at the same moment I pay (have a european debit card visa).
Havent receive any email of cancellation or anything either? Somebody is in the same situation I am? Sohould I contact my bank or kickstater?

Soul Lab

Nov 17, 2017
Mmm, i got an email when this finished were it says they collected my pledge, but ive gone today to my bank account and there doesntnt seem to be any transaction from kikckstater.
Even my account in the kickstater website says its processed and everything.

Do they not take your transaction till a month or something? I usually get my transactions on the banks website just at the same moment I pay (have a european debit card visa).
Havent receive any email of cancellation or anything either? Somebody is in the same situation I am? Sohould I contact my bank or kickstater?

The transaction is listed in my bank account. So I guess you should contact your bank / kickstarter.


Oct 25, 2017
The transaction is listed in my bank account. So I guess you should contact your bank / kickstarter.
Will contact tomorrow, but is strange that i didnt get any error email or message frommy bank or the kickstater itself.

People that didnt get the pledge through got an email from kickstater about that right?


Alt account
Aug 29, 2019
Will contact tomorrow, but is strange that i didnt get any error email or message frommy bank or the kickstater itself.

People that didnt get the pledge through got an email from kickstater about that right?
That has been the case for me yeah.
If Kickstarter says it's fine, I wouldn't worry, although you can contact them if you want.

My bank sometimes takes several days for a foreign currency charge to appear in my account, and KS said my pledge went through (after getting declined for 3 days). It's not showing yet in my bank account, but I'm not worried.


Oct 25, 2017
Just another headsup for people that got the confirmation email but didnt get any cancellation from the kikcstater or bank, but they havent been charged yet. Seems it sometimes takes sometime (even when using debit were the charge is always automatic and appears as soon as you buy something). Hadnt have to call my bank at the end but I was charged on the 10th of this month.

That has been the case for me yeah.
If Kickstarter says it's fine, I wouldn't worry, although you can contact them if you want.

My bank sometimes takes several days for a foreign currency charge to appear in my account, and KS said my pledge went through (after getting declined for 3 days). It's not showing yet in my bank account, but I'm not worried.

Yep, went thats what happened. Thanks for the heads up BTW.

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
The Survey won't go out until after all payments are processed, then it can be anytime after that. They probably won't take too long since this isn't that far off from launch though.

Brainiac 8

Oct 27, 2017
Just checked to make sure and my credit card allowed the payment to go through. Just waiting for the survey to get my Switch version now. :D


Nov 13, 2017
Normally you can't cancel your Kickstarter in the last 24 hours of a campaign to prevent fraudulent pledges but it seems some folks are using the currency conversion snafu to do exactly this. Some people are even justifying they'll just get the game cheaper down the road and it doesn't matter at this point.

I wonder how far ahead people are considering when they think it's just simply saving a couple of dollars canceling their pledge, losing out on the backer rewards or things like the free DLC. Nevermind giving your money to some other company as opposed to directly support Platinum instead through the campaign itself.

Platinum may have guaranteed funding through Nintendo to just port to the Switch but for the PS4 and Steam ports there was no such guarantee hence why they resorted to a crowdfunding campaign. Folks need to stop treating Kickstarter campaigns as a pre-order service.

Honestly, it's on them for charging in Yen, though. I don't consider this shady at all, it's not like you're intentionally declining the transaction.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Philadelphia, PA
Honestly, it's on them for charging in Yen, though. I don't consider this shady at all, it's not like you're intentionally declining the transaction.

There is going to be a currency conversion regardless depending on where people live. Not all Kickstarters deal in American dollars. Case in point if you lived in Europe. There would still be currency conversion in this case, or any other country for that matter. There is no one fits all universal currency exchange because of these reasons. Even the River City Ransom: Underground Kickstarter listed currency was in Canadian, they weren't criticized for using their native currency. Nor was PlayTronic criticized for using their native currency (Euros) for the Yooka-Laylee campaign either.

It's not unreasonable to expect a Japanese developer to list a crowdfunding campaign in their own currency from their country of origin. Kickstarter already has the option to show the exchange rates on page to begin with.

Kickstarter payments are locked in during the last 24 hours of any given campaign and using a banking issue not recognizing a charge because of foreign currency rates of a legitimate purchase and canceling to get around the 24 hour lock is using a loophole.
Oct 25, 2017
Glad we got further confirmation that the theme and Tables Turn will be re-orchestrated. Can't wait to hear them and the remix tracks.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Athens, Greece
Just fixed my payment, wasn't sure if I should, I already own the game on Wii U but the end I decided they deserve my support, plus the digital was only 32€.