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Oct 26, 2017
Okay is anyone else having a weird thing where every time they refresh the page there's suddenly more or less posts than there's supposed to be? I think I'm going nuts


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
And you would be ok with anyone else to apply that same logic to your family and kids based on your own personal beliefs?
Psychoward isn't a Nazi. these aren't just "beliefs", Tucker Carlson has blood on his hands. He has promoted white nationalism and radical right-wing conspiracy theories, transphobia, you name it.


Nov 11, 2017
Okay, let's analyze this backward-ass logic. When the fucking alt-right trolls say this to women, are you okay with it because they haven't laid hands on anyone?

The women they run over with cars, or shoot to death?


Fuck him and his family. Fascism is about to be confronted as it should be. God bless these people. Harassed around the clock is what the future should be. No, not physical violence unless its self defense.


Oct 25, 2017
Escalation is ALWAYS a bad idea. This is only goin to grow more sour. And blaming the right wing terrorists for YOUR misdeeds is not an excuse.

The right is going to keep escalating and becoming more and more nazi-like so the only response to that is force. We didn't win WW2 with words we gathered up a group and beat the fucking shit out of nazis.

The Real Abed

Oct 25, 2017

Conservatives are going crazy about it on Twitter.


Happy New Year!!
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
After mail bombs, synagogue killings and plowing through a crowd on a street, Fox News and all it hosts can go straight to hell with all their radicalizing rhetoric.

They should be on Sean Hannity's doorstep though. Tucker is just a dopey clownshoe. Hannity is a much more vile creature.

watch video and then tell me tucker is just a dopey clown (based on his words).

he gets away with it because he looks like a doofus and is relatively scandal free.


Oct 26, 2017
Escalation is ALWAYS a bad idea. This is only goin to grow more sour. And blaming the right wing terrorists for YOUR misdeeds is not an excuse.

Spoken like someone who either has zero skin in the game or is so craven as to not matter. As I just said in another thread, the right has been radicalizing for decades and liberals have been the ones trying to play the bipartisan/moderate game every step of the way. I'm sure you're fine with people like tucker carlson pushing white supremacist talking points on national tv but not everyone else is.


Aug 27, 2018
You don't get to equivocate white supremacism with non white supremacism. But sure, people are free to protest outside my house at any time.
It's clear we're not in any danger of agreeing here, but what I will say - because some others are taking it that way - is that I'm not literally equating any beliefs you may hold as an individual with the hateful thoughts that fill Carlson's head.

I'm certain you're a much better person than that.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
I approve. Just direct some of this fervor at Republican politicians as well.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Mouthpieces peddling hateful rhetoric to millions of people are just as complicit as the politicians they serve. If politicians can be peacefully protested, so can they.


Happy New Year!!
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
And you would be ok with anyone else to apply that same logic to your family and kids based on your own personal beliefs?

What even is the point of such a hypothetical? One protest can be good and right, and another protest can be bad and wrong. Based on who's being protested and why.


Aug 27, 2018
Mouthpieces peddling hateful rhetoric to millions of people are just as complicit as the politicians they serve. If politicians can be peacefully protested, so can they.
So fuck him up at Applebee's. Dont scare his children in their home.

also shitty: abusing a politician in front of their kids at Applebee's


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So fuck him up at Applebee's. Dont scare his children in their home.

also shitty: abusing a politician in front of their kids at Applebee's

So you do realize you're basically making the argument that you can be as awful as you want and get away with anything with the defense of having kids?


Oct 29, 2017
Oh, I get it. You don't have any answers, you're just uncomfortable because of all the loud noises.
I'm uncomfortable with you aggressively replying to me, yes.

Once again, I didn't claim to have the right answer. I don't need to have the right answer to know that this is the wrong one.


Oct 29, 2017
Of course. However, running into a public official off chance and trying to talk to them is different than showing up and ringing their door bell at night with the family inside. Imagine if our opponents did this stuff. People would lose their shit, but I think that's the way we're heading. We're super divided.
What the fuck? Racists and bigots have been doing this shit in the US throughout its history.


Oct 27, 2017
It pisses me off that day after day pieces of crap like Tucker spends his days spewing hateful and dangerous rhetoric that empower these fools to do harm people.

But Oh no no one can ever protest him that is wrong!

Deleted member 47942

User requested account closure
Sep 20, 2018
Oh, I get it. You don't have any answers, you're just uncomfortable because of all the loud noises.
Maybe tone down the doxxing/harassment and target his advertisers and threaten boycotts? Makes it a little tougher to prevent some moderates from sympathizing with scumbags like Tucker when you see people screaming "We know where you sleep!" outside of his home.

The loud noises are just reckless catharsis. They aren't doing shit to help.


Oct 27, 2017
They should all just surround him and quietly stare with their mouth slightly open and their eybrows raised like a dog that's just been showed a card trick while he talks.


Oct 25, 2017
What's a better way to get Carlson and his racist rhetoric off the TV? Come on, smart guy.
going after the sponsors will probably be more effective (I know folks have been contacting sponsors and it's not a secret what kind of hate Tucker promulgates and he's still on the air, but still). Personally I'm not gonna say people are wrong to protest his house, but I don't think it's gonna make him reconsider his career? Like half of Tucker's show, when he's not being racist, is fearmongering about the "out of control left wing mobs". He probably loves that there's now footage of "the mobs" protesting outside of his house. Like, protest if you want but "this is how we take down Tucker Carlson" seems unrealistic. I think the dynamic is a little different than with protesting a shitstain like Richard Spencer who doesn't have the media reach to turn protests into fodder for his narrative and isn't making tens of millions of dollars being a nazi.


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
Maybe tone down the doxxing/harassment and target his advertisers and threaten boycotts? Makes it a little tougher to prevent some moderates from sympathizing with scumbags like Tucker when you see people screaming "We know where you sleep!" outside of his home.

The loud noises are just reckless catharsis. They aren't doing shit to help.
You're not wrong about targeting advertisers and threatening boycotts. Those are great additions to what's currently happening.

But if you think someone who abandons their principles when they see Carlson get rightfully harassed, if you think that person is a moderate, I don't know what to tell you. That person was a conservative who temporarily thought it was more comfortable to feign independence.

The loud noises remind people oh that's right, something needs to be done about Carlson's evils. We can't just stand by while he keeps getting away with it.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Won't somebody please think of the children? No, not the children in cages, the other children! No, not the minority kids being harassed and killed by police, the other children! No, not the LGBT kids committing suicide, the other kids! No, not the kids dying because they don't have proper healthcare, the other children! The white kids in their mansion!

Some people would look at the boot on their neck and ask where the person holding it there got such nice boots.


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
Can you imagine it? Running over people? Burning crosses in peoples' yards? Shooting up churches? The Horror!!
Shhh. Those were isolated incidents and people with mental health problems. Not that we should do anything about the mental health problems in our culture, but that's definitely the culprit. Not institutionalized racism and patriarchy as led by institution heads like Carlson.

Deleted member 47942

User requested account closure
Sep 20, 2018
But if you think someone who abandons their principles when they see Carlson get rightfully harassed, if you think that person is a moderate, I don't know what to tell you. That person was a conservative who temporarily thought it was more comfortable to feign independence.

I'm sorry but that logic is up there with the gunner from Full Metal Jacket that says, "Anyone who runs is a V.C. Anyone who stands still is a well trained V.C."


Oct 27, 2017
"We know where you sleep at night" is too excessive . It'll be interpreted as a physical threat and should not have been said .


Oct 25, 2017

watch video and then tell me tucker is just a dopey clown (based on his words).

he gets away with it because he looks like a doofus and is relatively scandal free.

Ok, I stand corrected.


I don't watch Tucker much, at all. Usually just the brief soundbites, which themselves are gross and annoying.

But yea, he's basically paraphrasing Richard Spencer and David Duke with that shit.

I didn't realize he was one of those white ethnostate dudes.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
I'm sorry but that logic is up there with the gunner from Full Metal Jacket that says, "Anyone who runs is a V.C. Anyone who stands still is a well trained V.C."
Nazis are bad. Decent people should not want them around, decent people should be uncomfortable with them, but especially not in positions of power and spreading their views to tens of millions of people every night. This isn't something that's up for debate, the debate was settled over 60 years ago.
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