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Oct 25, 2017
"Im finally leaving the Democratic Party because they talk about something that has always been a part of the platform, sensible gun control"
"I just realized after a massacre of High school students that Democrats don't like high powered rifles being easily obtainable"
"btw i just joined the NRA after a massacre"

So how many boxes did that tic all at the same time?


Oct 27, 2017
Even Justice Scalia is like "Woah guys, woah. 2nd Amendment doesn't block reasonable restrictions on guns. Ya'll just can't ban guns or enable laws that effectively criminalize their use by lawful owners entirely."

"Im finally leaving the Democratic Party because they talk about something that has always been a part of the platform, sensible gun control"
"I just realized after a massacre of High school students that Democrats don't like high powered rifles being easily obtainable"
"btw i just joined the NRA after a massacre"

So how many boxes did that tic all at the same time?

I reported it. I've got low patience for dog whistles right now.


Oct 26, 2017
Tim Kaine and 15 other dems pushing for scaling back of banking regulations is the legit weirdest shit today.
I'm not sure I grasp the point of exempting institutions between $50b and $250b from being stress tested.
Coutrywide fit into that category. "Small banks" nudge wink, wink.

The argument that it's not so bad but not leveraging it passing w/ anything else is sorta confusing.
Oct 25, 2017

This is actually misleading considering this part in the story:

Gowdy noted that he has not joined other Republicans in seeking a second special counsel on various issues, and has been resistant to calling for investigations Justice Department or FBI conduct before. But he said there are at least two dozen potential witnesses that would shed additional light on the Page FISA process that the inspector general does not have authority to compel testimony from. And Sessions' recusal from Russia-related matters makes it difficult for other department officials to engage as well.

So unlike his colleagues, Gowdy is not calling for a SECOND special counsel to look into this. He's literally saying "since technically no one else can, have Mueller's team do it".


Oct 25, 2017

WASHINGTON — An adviser to the United Arab Emirates with ties to current and former aides to President Trump is cooperating with the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, and gave testimony last week to a grand jury, according to two people familiar with the matter

Mr. Mueller appears to be examining the influence of foreign money on Mr. Trump's political activities and has asked witnesses about the possibility that the adviser, George Nader, funneled money from the Emirates to the president's political efforts.

Mr. Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who advises Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, the effective ruler of the Emirates, also attended a January 2017 meeting in the Seychelles that Mr. Mueller's investigators have examined. The meeting, convened by the crown prince, brought together a Russian investor close to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia with Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater and an informal adviser to Mr. Trump's team during the presidential transition, according to three people familiar with the meeting.

Mr. Nader was first served with search warrants and a grand jury subpoena on Jan. 17, shortly after landing at Washington Dulles International Airport, according to two people familiar with the episode. He had intended to travel on to Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump's Florida estate, to celebrate the president's first year in office, but the F.B.I. had other plans, questioning him for more than two hours and seizing his electronics.
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Oct 25, 2017
GRVO's are good and appear to be working.

What has pushed me Republican is actually the 2018 AWB. It bans every semi-auto firearm, and many bolt action rifles. Semi-auto's constitutes the majority of modern guns. Many pistols are on the list of guns to be banned. Over 175 Democrats signing on something that bans something that is a constitutional right is completely anti-ethical, especially in a time of sky rocketing hate crime numbers. Democrats have also employed a dangerous rhetoric that likens all gun owners and supporters - even on their own team - as child killers. I believe in the Second Amendment because as a black person, the 13th amendment grants me freedom from slavery. The 14th amendment guarantees that I have equal protection and that I have the right of the 2nd to protect myself and my family. In a time of rising hate crimes against minorities, as a black trans woman I find the need to bear arms an intrinsic right for my own safety and individual liberty. Democrats signing a bill that bans almost all modern firearms is a betrayal. Of course, they don't expect the bill to get past committee, and therefore is a symbolic bill to show they're "doing something", but it deeply shows their preferable mindset on guns and do not find gun ownership for self protection to be an inherent right but a privilege. I find this to be highly un-American and will do anything in my power to put them in their place. The fact they claim to speak for me, that they care for me, but don't want me to protect myself in a time of bubbling hate is an injustice. The fact that Democrats concentrate on guns like the AR-15 despite the fact that most gun homicides are achieved via the handgun shows how much they really care about the issue. To make matters worse, most of these deaths take place in urban centers and are black victims. The fact they claim to care about black people but really just don't seem to give one fuck about gang crime but care tons about the happy suburban town that is affected by one single school shooting tells me everything: they are either ineffectual or simply do not care about black lives. I am therefore, just a vote. I am one of hundreds of thousands that have joined the NRA since Parkland and the awful rhetoric surrounding that horrific event. I have also joined other 2A organizations.

I will answer only one of your questions because the rest are typical anti-gun virtue signaling.

It is in relation to AR's. I will post this in rebuttal:

Personally, I will be purchasing an AR-15 for home defense. My neighborhood has had a string of robberies lately and I live alone. Right now I only have pistols. It's not enough. This is without mentioning that in Texas at least, there is a need for the AR-15 in certain places due to overpopulation of destructive animals. They're used to hunt them. Further, let's flip the question. Do you really need your high powered computer or iPad? Nope. "Assault rifles" kill less than 400 people a year but Democrats are willing to bet it all on that. They will lose, and lose hard.

So this is the apotheosis of the "minority deludes themselves into believing that a gun will protect them from systemic inequality" sentiment, right? With a bonus "I need semiautomatic rifles to protect myself from wild hogs, the most dangerous game"?

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
LOL, CNN is covering the Russian escort offering tapes for release from Thai jail.


Oct 27, 2017
Best part is after the tariffs collapse the economy into recession, the tax cuts will prevent us from pulling ourselves out.

Not that the nuclear war will help
matters much.
Oct 27, 2017
So this is the apotheosis of the "minority deludes themselves into believing that a gun will protect them from systemic inequality" sentiment, right? With a bonus "I need semiautomatic rifles to protect myself from wild hogs, the most dangerous game"?

Who knows. That post sounds like a whole lot of BS. But I suspect that Mr. Drive-by is somewhere else complaining about being dog-piled or some other excuse for having shitty, unsupportable opinions


Oct 25, 2017
Who knows. That post sounds like a whole lot of BS. But I suspect that Mr. Drive-by is somewhere else complaining about being dog-piled or some other excuse for having shitty, unsupportable opinions

Cindi Mayweather is known to post a lot of bullshit on a variety of topics.

I'd be surprised if the trash posted here is even honestly held opinions.
Oct 26, 2017
So this is the apotheosis of the "minority deludes themselves into believing that a gun will protect them from systemic inequality" sentiment, right? With a bonus "I need semiautomatic rifles to protect myself from wild hogs, the most dangerous game"?

I won't speak for any other minority, but I do believe in defending myself as a right. My people fought tooth and nail to be seen as equal. They fought with sweat, tears, and blood for those amendments. As far as I'm concerned we have fought for that constitution, or at least the idea of it. I truly believe that and will fight anyone who stands in the way. I feel the same about the 1st and 4th amendments, which are similarly being gutted.

The fact you belittle my perspective tells me all I need to know about Democrats: you are only our friends so long as we prove useful to you.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

Man what?

Surprised there was no Soros shoutout in that too.



Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
I won't speak for any other minority, but I do believe in defending myself as a right. My people fought tooth and nail to be seen as equal. They fought with sweat, tears, and blood for those amendments. As far as I'm concerned we have fought for that constitution, or at least the idea of it. I truly believe that and will fight anyone who stands in the way. I feel the same about the 1st and 4th amendments, which are similarly being gutted.

The fact you belittle my perspective tells me all I need to know about Democrats: you are only our friends so long as we prove useful to you.

Lmao, if you think generic Republicans don't feel exactly the same way. News flash, most people politician or not only care about you if you are useful to them.


Oct 25, 2017
I won't speak for any other minority, but I do believe in defending myself as a right. My people fought tooth and nail to be seen as equal. They fought with sweat, tears, and blood for those amendments. As far as I'm concerned we have fought for that constitution, or at least the idea of it. I truly believe that and will fight anyone who stands in the way. I feel the same about the 1st and 4th amendments, which are similarly being gutted.

The fact you belittle my perspective tells me all I need to know about Democrats: you are only our friends so long as we prove useful to you.

Democrats aren't going to take away your guns.
Oct 26, 2017
Lmao, if you think generic Republicans don't feel exactly the same way. News flash, most people politician or not only care about you if you are useful to them.

I actually agree.

Republicans want to take away my rights.

Democrats want to take away my right to defend those rights while having fuck all to show for over 40 years of support from black people. Something isn't working.

Neither party is working fully for their constituents. The Democratic Party don't even have a vision, much less a rebuttal to the Republican Party. All they have is,"I am not Trump". Same as in 2016. And frankly, it's not good enough.

Democrats aren't going to take away your guns.

I think that rings hollow after the last few weeks.


Oct 30, 2017
I actually agree.

Republicans want to take away my rights.

Democrats want to take away my right to defend those rights while having fuck all to show for over 40 years of support from black people. Something isn't working.

Neither party is working fully for their constituents. The Democratic Party don't even have a vision, much less a rebuttal to the Republican Party. All they have is,"I am not Trump". Same as in 2016. And frankly, it's not good enough.

I think that rings hollow after the last few weeks.

Repealing the second amendment involves more than passing a bill in Congress - it's never getting repealed.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought Cindi was joking when I saw a post earlier today. What blows my mind is less the "liberals gonna take all our guns" nonsense and that she's somehow trying to equate the complete lack of care for a minoritys well being by the GOP as a problem only solved with ARs instead of voting a party into office that actually gives a shit about you (yes that's the Democrat party) and will work to enact legislation that protects and helps you as a minority


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
I would love the second amendment to be repealed but it never will be so why are we even talking about it.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually agree.

Republicans want to take away my rights.

Democrats want to take away my right to defend those rights while having fuck all to show for over 40 years of support from black people. Something isn't working.

Neither party is working fully for their constituents. The Democratic Party don't even have a vision, much less a rebuttal to the Republican Party. All they have is,"I am not Trump". Same as in 2016. And frankly, it's not good enough.

I think that rings hollow after the last few weeks.
Fight the fire in the bedroom before you deal with the leak in the bathroom.
Oct 25, 2017
Democrats like guns too, and there's no way there's going to be a second amendment repeal in your lifetime. Sensible gun laws, and rolling back some of the NRA's gimmes, like, oh, liability, would be a start, though.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm laughing at the thought of minorities having gun "rights".

I suspect that if there is an incident and you get the wrong policeman, you're dead anyway.
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