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Oct 27, 2017
Russia's gonna help with the Ukraine problem?

Man Trump is really digging his own grave. He's such a puppet.


Oct 27, 2017
Was there going to be any more Channel 4 UK goodness about Cambridge Analytica? I thought I heard yesterday's episode was part 3 of 5, is that right, or is there a gap between episodes?


Oct 25, 2017
As many predicted, he's now going to try to paint Russia as an ally to his brainless base. And they'll eat it up, of course.
Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit, did Trump just suggest that Russia would solve the Ukraine problems, as in the ones THEY FUCKING CAUSED?

Like this is hilariously desperate the way he ONLY is about the necessity for friendly relationships when it comes to Russia.

I am now 100% certain that the Kompromat involved Trump Fucking minors or something just as bad and not simply a piss tape with him saying the n-word. Like there is no other explanation for this level of desperately trying to maintain on Russia's good side.


Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit, did Trump just suggest that Russia would solve the Ukraine problems, as in the ones THEY FUCKING CAUSED?

Like this is hilariously desperate the way he ONLY is about the necessity for friendly relationships when it comes to Russia.

I am now 100% certain that the Kompromat involved Trump Fucking minors or something just as bad and not simply a piss tape with him saying the n-word. Like there is no other explanation for this level of desperately trying to maintain on Russia's good side.
Who needs sex scandal when you have decades of illicit financial dealings?


Oct 25, 2017
Shit, this quote from Corker pretty much explains it all and why everyone should be worried, because the republican base has been completely radicalized.
Republicans in Congress are hesitant to antagonize President Trump ahead of ahead of difficult midterm elections, wary of sparking a backlash from a committed grassroots base more loyal to the White House.

Amid sky-high Democratic enthusiasm and a developing "blue wave," Republicans can't afford a war with Trump that depresses GOP turnout. Republicans might be worried about Trump's attacks on special counsel Robert Mueller, but they are reluctant to push back, much less support legislation to curtail the president's ability to fire Mueller and sideline the federal probe …

"The president is, as you know — you've seen his numbers among the Republican base — it's very strong. It's more than strong, it's tribal in nature," said Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., who decided to retire when his second term concludes at year's end, after periodically sparring with Trump.*

"People who tell me, who are out on trail, say, look, people don't ask about issues anymore. They don't care about issues. They want to know if you're with Trump or not," Corker added.


Oct 25, 2017

Uhm hold up Russia is the problem with Ukraine you fuck.

Oct 25, 2017
Like if Trump wants to tie the GOP fanbase to Russia than GREAT. That only makes it more likely that the fanbase will get to a point where we can start categorizing the entire GOP hardcore fanbase as a foreign intelligence threat.

And it still will likely create a Roy Moore scenario where it doesn't matter if Trump and the GOP still have their very core fanbase because suddenly the line will be drawn such that everyone who isn't a Fucking racist lunatic will either vote Dem or sit out and we saw what margins that even in Alabama that causes the Democrat to win.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
Like if Trump wants to tie the GOP fanbase to Russia than GREAT. That only makes it more likely that the fanbase will get to a point where we can start categorizing the entire GOP hardcore fanbase as a foreign intelligence threat.

And it still will likely create a Roy Moore scenario where it doesn't matter if Trump and the GOP still have their very core fanbase because suddenly the line will be drawn such that everyone who isn't a Fucking racist lunatic will either vote Dem or sit out and we saw what margins that even in Alabama that causes the Democrat to win.

The sooner these psychopaths can be marginalized the better. A lot of them are actively pining to kill for Trump.


Oct 27, 2017
Holy shit, did Trump just suggest that Russia would solve the Ukraine problems, as in the ones THEY FUCKING CAUSED?

Like this is hilariously desperate the way he ONLY is about the necessity for friendly relationships when it comes to Russia.

I am now 100% certain that the Kompromat involved Trump Fucking minors or something just as bad and not simply a piss tape with him saying the n-word. Like there is no other explanation for this level of desperately trying to maintain on Russia's good side.

The ex-CIA director John Brennan was just on MSNBC giving an interview where he said the only possible explanation in his mind for Trump's behavior is that Russia has Kompromat on Trump, and that it's probably something personal. The fact alone that a former CIA director says that out loud speaks volumes to its probability. They certainly have something... what it is remains to be seen. Wonder if we'll ever find out.


I shed
Oct 25, 2017
It's become very clear that he's compromised, and still no one will stand up to him.


Oct 25, 2017
He so desperately wants to project himself as this badass, all powerful king to the rest of the world. His cheesy bravado and phony macho talk instead just comes off as embarrassing to anyone who isn't a MAGA loon.
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