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Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
The Utah GOP already did that (and it's not going to make a bit of difference in the voting booth).

This is a thing because they ignored the voters and decided to implement a noncompliant expansion (reducing eligibility and imposing work requirements). As such, they need approval for federal funding (because they're not following the law).

The administration is within its rights to tell them to stick it (and we would have done the same, for better reasons).

Ah gotcha. Scratch what I said, then.
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina

Betsy Woodruff @woodruffbets

Scoop: Sen. Rand Paul postponed the vote on a bill to sanction the Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline, and has privately urged colleagues to oppose sanctioning it …

9:18 PM - Jul 26, 2019


Well well well.

Maggie Haberman hinting that Trump is lying about not drinking alcohol.

Go play with your finger paint, Maggie.

Don't even care if it's true or not for the very reason Im running you off.


Nov 18, 2017
God bless Nadler.

Also, it's kind of pathetic that the Sanders campaign is trying to turn an offhand comment by a cable news contributor on a weekend show into a whole entire thing. I mean, s'alittle desperate, is all...

I mean, the dude wrote rape fanfiction. He's thrown potshots at Hillary Clinton only having support "because she's a woman" since 2016. So if a woman wants to say he makes her skin crawl, he's earned that. She said what she said.
You didn't read that article did you? It was about how traditional gender roles are poison and can lead to poisonous thoughts like rape. Bernie was making the case against men just wanting women to be submissive and in the kitchen. That was the context. It's not fair to just strip that article of its context.

Let's not revisit 2016.

Honestly, it's just tiring that even after it's clear how Bernie gets a bad rap on MSNBC more so than other candidates despite also being progressive, people still defend it.


Oct 27, 2017
I would not be remotely shock me if Trump's alleged clean booze/drugs bit was an act, since fucking everything else he tries to show himself as is a con job. For some reason that's the ONE thing I've actually chosen to believe though.
Not a person in the world thinks American wine is better than French wine.
Right, not even American wine snobs. Just getting close to elsewhere at a competitive price pleases them.


Nov 5, 2017
One thing I was researching on when people say The Squad is only four people or only seven justice Democrats won. This isn't exactly true. The Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 with Bernie Sanders as the chairman. It originally started with 6 members including Sanders and Maxine Waters. Pelosi and Nadler among a number of others joined the caucus as well. Granted Pelosi left the caucus long ago. Since that time, it has gained 10 seats in the 2016 elections and 17 more seats in the 2018 election. Growing the Congressional Progressive Caucus to 95 house of representatives members and one senator(Bernie Sanders). Notable house of representative reps include Ted Lieu, Maxine Waters, Katie Porter, Mike Levin among many others from CA, Elijah Cummings from MD, Ayanna Pressley, Jim McGovern, and Joe Kennedy III among others from MA. Rashida Tlaib and Andy Levin among others from MI. Omar is the Congressional Progressive Caucus' Whip. Andy Kim from NJ. Hakeem Jeffries, AOC, and Jerry Nadler among others from NY. Steve Cohen from TN including many other conservative southern/mid-western states that have at least one rep in the CPC. Mark Pocan and Pramila Prayapal are co-chairs of the caucus. Tulsa Gabbard is also apart of this caucus.

The caucus has some core guiding, unifying policies but there is quite a bit of range and diversity in the caucus itself. Note that 95 democratic house of representatives voted against tabling Trump impeachment and 95 democratic house of representatives voted against the Senate house border funding bill. A little over 95 house of reps publicly support impeachment. Which aligns with the PCP size. In addition to that they've supported recent initiatives such as the Green New Deal, initiatives for strict campaign finance reform, ending corporate loopholes, pro-LGBTQ, universal healthcare, etc. I think with the Squad they could become leaders of the PCP. Omar seems to be an effective whip and I could see AOC perhaps become chairman in 2020.

While people like to represent the progressive wing of the party as four freshmen or seven Justice Democrats. The truth is there is a much larger and more diverse progressive scene fighting for a diverse amount of issues. They recently have grown to their largest ever size reaching nearly 100 members in Congress. There are more than Justice Democrats focused on electing progressive Democrats and sharing many common ideals such as the Green New Deal, Universal Healthcare, . For example People For Democracy is a Progressive PAC that was started up after Howard Dean in 2004. They also campaigned heavily and worked heavily on grassroots efforts for Sanders in 2016. They are committed to BLM, Net Neutrality, Climate Change, Universal Healthcare, fight corporate power, ending and avoiding reckless wars, etc. They are currently backing 16 candidates so far for 2020 including the Squad, Katie Porter, Mike Levin, Laura Underwood, Veronica Escobar, and others. I expect that number to grow at the beginning of next year. They've also supported in prior years politicians such as Warren's Senate run, Obama's Senate and presidential run, Sherrod Brown's Senate run, Keith Ellison for DNC chair ,etc. they have endorsed over 500 candidates and raised 62 million dollars since they started up.

Another one is the Progressive Change Campaign Committee. They support things such as the Green New Deal, Medicare for All/ Universal Healthcare, Open and free internet, debt free college, wall street reform, etc. Their supported candidates include Warren, Prayapal, Veronica Escobar, Deb Haaland, Andy Kim, Andy Levin, Mike Levin, Marie Newman, Katie Porter, The Squad, and others. They have raised 29 million since they started up in 2009.

Our revolution is a Bernie supported one focused on financial disparity and corruption in politics. They backed 9 House of Reps that won in 2018 as well as Sanders for Senate. There were numerous other state and local elections they won.

There are broad political ranges for the progressive caucus that Bernie founded in 1991 but it has definitely grown much larger. It appears they tend to vote in unison on a variety of issues. The progressive movement is also larger than just seven justice democrats, as there are other progressive pacs funding and backing supporters that fit their agenda. In addition to the already broad range of members within the congressional progressive caucus. I feel in 2020 they will continue to grow in size. I also think that the Squad and AOC in particular will likely be the leaders and voices of the entire caucus here soon.


Dec 26, 2018
One thing I was researching on when people say The Squad is only four people or only seven justice Democrats won. This isn't exactly true. The Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 with Bernie Sanders as the chairman. It originally started with 6 members including Sanders and Maxine Waters. Pelosi and Nadler among a number of others joined the caucus as well. Granted Pelosi left the caucus long ago. Since that time, it has gained 10 seats in the 2016 elections and 17 more seats in the 2018 election. Growing the Congressional Progressive Caucus to 95 house of representatives members and one senator(Bernie Sanders). Notable house of representative reps include Ted Lieu, Maxine Waters, Katie Porter, Mike Levin among many others from CA, Elijah Cummings from MD, Ayanna Pressley, Jim McGovern, and Joe Kennedy III among others from MA. Rashida Tlaib and Andy Levin among others from MI. Omar is the Congressional Progressive Caucus' Whip. Andy Kim from NJ. Hakeem Jeffries, AOC, and Jerry Nadler among others from NY. Steve Cohen from TN including many other conservative southern/mid-western states that have at least one rep in the CPC. Mark Pocan and Pramila Prayapal are co-chairs of the caucus. Tulsa Gabbard is also apart of this caucus.

The caucus has some core guiding, unifying policies but there is quite a bit of range and diversity in the caucus itself. Note that 95 democratic house of representatives voted against tabling Trump impeachment and 95 democratic house of representatives voted against the Senate house border funding bill. A little over 95 house of reps publicly support impeachment. Which aligns with the PCP size. In addition to that they've supported recent initiatives such as the Green New Deal, initiatives for strict campaign finance reform, ending corporate loopholes, pro-LGBTQ, universal healthcare, etc. I think with the Squad they could become leaders of the PCP. Omar seems to be an effective whip and I could see AOC perhaps become chairman in 2020.

While people like to represent the progressive wing of the party as four freshmen or seven Justice Democrats. The truth is there is a much larger and more diverse progressive scene fighting for a diverse amount of issues. They recently have grown to their largest ever size reaching nearly 100 members in Congress. There are more than Justice Democrats focused on electing progressive Democrats and sharing many common ideals such as the Green New Deal, Universal Healthcare, . For example People For Democracy is a Progressive PAC that was started up after Howard Dean in 2004. They also campaigned heavily and worked heavily on grassroots efforts for Sanders in 2016. They are committed to BLM, Net Neutrality, Climate Change, Universal Healthcare, fight corporate power, ending and avoiding reckless wars, etc. They are currently backing 16 candidates so far for 2020 including the Squad, Katie Porter, Mike Levin, Laura Underwood, Veronica Escobar, and others. I expect that number to grow at the beginning of next year. They've also supported in prior years politicians such as Warren's Senate run, Obama's Senate and presidential run, Sherrod Brown's Senate run, Keith Ellison for DNC chair ,etc. they have endorsed over 500 candidates and raised 62 million dollars since they started up.

Another one is the Progressive Change Campaign Committee. They support things such as the Green New Deal, Medicare for All/ Universal Healthcare, Open and free internet, debt free college, wall street reform, etc. Their supported candidates include Warren, Prayapal, Veronica Escobar, Deb Haaland, Andy Kim, Andy Levin, Mike Levin, Marie Newman, Katie Porter, The Squad, and others. They have raised 29 million since they started up in 2009.

Our revolution is a Bernie supported one focused on financial disparity and corruption in politics. They backed 9 House of Reps that won in 2018 as well as Sanders for Senate. There were numerous other state and local elections they won.

There are broad political ranges for the progressive caucus that Bernie founded in 1991 but it has definitely grown much larger. It appears they tend to vote in unison on a variety of issues. The progressive movement is also larger than just seven justice democrats, as there are other progressive pacs funding and backing supporters that fit their agenda. In addition to the already broad range of members within the congressional progressive caucus. I feel in 2020 they will continue to grow in size. I also think that the Squad and AOC in particular will likely be the leaders and voices of the entire caucus here soon.

The Progressive Caucus is not the same organisation the Justice Democrats and assorted socialist affiliated politician's on the left (Our Revolution got some seats but very minor ones like city council's, DA's and state senators). That's why it's true. While Bernie was among the founders of the Progressive Caucus he's been the only socialist in it. The Justice Democrats are their own small sub-group who are exclusively leftist/socialists in the Democratic party, the rest aren't - which include many people in leadership they've been having disagreements with lately, like Pelosi and Hakeem Jeffries. They're not socialists, they're capitalists. Even someone like Elisabeth Warren, had she switched to the House wouldn't be joining the Justice Democrats since she is a capitalist.

There is definite overlap. The JD's andProgressive Caucus have many issues which they share common ground but the two are not the same groups. That's why the JD's are basically "Team Bernie" within congress, and a lot of the others are on "Team Pelosi" or some other group. They're liberals, not leftists.

It remains to be seen whether the JD's can go up the ranks in leadership, they've had a rougher ride then other elected liberals in the Progressive Caucus to put it mildly. Could they do it? Sure, but they have a lot to prove to get there by making the right alliances when the leadership slots open up.

Did Progressive politicians get big wins in '18, of course. But that's a general movement rather than a specific group and when people say the Justice Democrats didn't get a large number they mean exactly that. This is their roster of elected candidates in '18, which are seven people.

Sky Chief

Oct 30, 2017
Am I being hoodwinked but I'm actually happy what Nadler did today?

Obviously what he did is kind of muddled, but at minimum he managed to stop the bleeding of "Impeachment is Dead" that was building yesterday. And at best, he's given an ounce of momentum and some incentive for activist and voters to pressure their Reps during summer recess to get onboard the impeachment train.

I would prefer for Congressional Dems to be leaders and bring the public along with them on impeachment, but if during the summer recess voters can shock their Reps into doing their job then that could get us moving forward with an impeachment proper at the beginning of September with plenty of time to get through the whole circus before the 2020 election swings in full force.

If you care about Impeachment and sending a message to this criminal President, bang the drum to your Rep, EVEN if they're already on board. I know I'm going to keep nagging Mike Levin, so he understands his job depends on maintaining his full support for impeachment and fulfilling his oath of office to uphold the constitution.

I'm extremely happy and would be shocked if there aren't a dozen more Democrats who support an impeachment inquiry after the recess. I'm definitely going to my town hall and asking my rep if he's read the Mueller Report because he's not on board yet.


Nov 5, 2017
The Progressive Caucus is not the same organisation the Justice Democrats and assorted socialist affiliated politician's on the left (Our Revolution got some seats but very minor ones like city council's, DA's and state senators). That's why it's true. While Bernie was among the founders of the Progressive Caucus he's been the only socialist in it. The Justice Democrats are their own small sub-group who are exclusively leftist/socialists in the Democratic party, the rest aren't - which include many people in leadership they've been having disagreements with lately, like Pelosi and Hakeem Jeffries. They're not socialists, they're capitalists. Even someone like Elisabeth Warren, had she switched to the House wouldn't be joining the Justice Democrats since she is a capitalist.

There is definite overlap. The JD's andProgressive Caucus have many issues which they share common ground but the two are not the same groups. That's why the JD's are basically "Team Bernie" within congress, and a lot of the others are on "Team Pelosi" or some other group. They're liberals, not leftists.

It remains to be seen whether the JD's can go up the ranks in leadership, they've had a rougher ride then other elected liberals in the Progressive Caucus to put it mildly. Could they do it? Sure, but they have a lot to prove to get there by making the right alliances when the leadership slots open up.

Did Progressive politicians get big wins in '18, of course. But that's a general movement rather than a specific group and when people say the Justice Democrats didn't get a large number they mean exactly that. This is their roster of elected candidates in '18, which are seven people.
I dont think it is a requirement to be a socialist to be a Justice Democrat. Nor do I think there is any sort of sworn allegiance to Bernie. AOC in an interview not to long ago was asked if she endorsed Bernie for president. She said that she wasnt making any official endorsements and that she really likes Elizabeth Warren. She along with the squad were also very supportive of Pelosi for Speaker of the house. Justice Democrats are focused on flipping moderate, establishment Democrats seats. It doesn't seem like it is as ideologically different from what most within the Congressional Progressive Caucus are currently in support of. Marie Newman, Cori Bush and Jessica Cisneros are important seats to flip for a more progressive platform within the party as the seats they are targeting are one of the most conservative voting Democrats in the house. I believe two of them are challenging Democrats that vote over 60% of the time with Trump. .

Again, while all 95 of these people may not be Justice Democrats. If most of the people within the caucus have adopted and now support $15 min wage, Medicare for all, green new deal, overturn citizens united, Green New Deal, Impeachment for Trump, voted against Senate border bill, etc. Does it really matter how they personally identify? They are fighting for the same thing and generally voting in line about the same issues.

Finally, you say AOC has a long way to go to be leader of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. However, Prayapal was elected in 2016 to house of reps and is co-chairman of the caucus. She was also one of Bernie's first endorsements and is a Justice Democrat. In addition to that Omar is the current whip for the caucus.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm confused how anyone is reading shade in that AOC tweet. She's mocking the media who say the Dems are in disarray any time there's a little disagreement in the caucus, but will never say the same about Republicans regardless of the situation.


Oct 28, 2017
So how does Trump go around screaming that the left are socialists and then throw all of this money at farmers? And why are politicians not talking about this? I'm all for supporting those in need, but these people are in need because of Trump's ridiculous policies.

I know why...

Lol @ the tweet above... trump calling someone a bully is rich.
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Oct 25, 2017
Always projecting and spinning out

How anyone could support a leader that talks like Trump on social media is beyond me

the level of cognitive dissonance and ignorance required is fucking insane


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
You didn't read that article did you? It was about how traditional gender roles are poison and can lead to poisonous thoughts like rape. Bernie was making the case against men just wanting women to be submissive and in the kitchen. That was the context. It's not fair to just strip that article of its context.

Let's not revisit 2016.
You know someone is looking for anything they can to shit on Bernie when they go "r**e essays".

Bonus points if the same person has previously talked about moving past 2016 and how the party is stuck eternally fighting about the same thing.


Oct 25, 2017
So how does Trump go around screaming that the left are socialists and then throw all of this money at farmers? And why are politicians not talking about this? I'm all for supporting those in need, but these people are in need because of Trump's ridiculous policies.

I know why...

Lol @ the tweet above... trump calling someone a bully is rich.
As jon Stewart said once on the daily show "When they get a handout they deserve it, when you get a handout you're lazy and entitled"
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
Impeachment has begun in everything but name.

This ugliness, stupidity, and wierdness is going to get worse. He's cornered and has no bottom. Know and prepare.



"You scared, boy? You sound scared."


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Always projecting and spinning out

How anyone could support a leader that talks like Trump on social media is beyond me

the level of cognitive dissonance and ignorance required is fucking insane

It's about triggering the libs. They like him because we don't. Their victories now are our defeats since they don't really have a politically viable agenda of their own.


Oct 26, 2017
So I think the impeachment inquiry is officially started in full. That's the verbiage being used in the latest filings by the Judiciary Committee.
They are making it formal to enforce subpoenas, obtain classified and redacted information from the mueller report and more, and to expand the investigation to cover finances and conflicts of interest as well as obstruction.

By starting it fully during recess they potentially face less obstruction from republicans as well.


Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
what did Cummings even do recently to set him off? last thing I saw was when he warned that our democracy could disappear forever because of lack of election security.


Jul 25, 2018

A man who clearly loves this country.

Something something leave the country.

Also, "no human being would want to live there", is the empathy of a man being paid $200K from the age of 3 and inheriting $420M plus all the contacts and head starts, not having a clue how people live without that.
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Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017

Why are the most progressive candidates doing the shadiest shit when it comes to pay?


Oct 26, 2017
Dems launch official impeachment investigation.

More sources talking about how Friday's court filings change the narrative of generic investigations into formal impeachment inquiry.

Escobar was less cautious, saying at the press conference, "We're now crossing a threshold with this filing, and we are now officially entering into an examination of whether or not to recommend articles of impeachment."


Oct 25, 2017
Of fucking course.

Fox and Friends did a segment attacking Cummings.That's where he got those tweets from.
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