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Sep 19, 2019
User Banned (permanent): dismissing concerns on harassment


Oct 25, 2017
But what does that have to do with elites?
Do you really think that people mean only rich people when they invoke "elites"? Because that's not how it plays out- people are often very much talking about elites outside of raw net worth. It's why you'll see it invoked w/ right wing populists as well. It's the "We've had enough of those stuffy pilots sneering down at us, who thinks I should fly this plane!" thing.

Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
Do you really think that people mean only rich people when they invoke "elites"? Because that's not how it plays out- people are often very much talking about elites outside of raw net worth. It's why you'll see it invoked w/ right wing populists as well. It's the "We've had enough of those stuffy pilots sneering down at us, who thinks I should fly this plane!" thing.
So you think leftists are talking about the same people as the right wing when they say elites? No wonder you hate them so much.


Oct 25, 2017
is someone who has been a part of the ruling body of the largest empire the world has ever seen for literally decades considered an elite

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Do you really think that people mean only rich people when they invoke "elites"? Because that's not how it plays out- people are often very much talking about elites outside of raw net worth. It's why you'll see it invoked w/ right wing populists as well. It's the "We've had enough of those stuffy pilots sneering down at us, who thinks I should fly this plane!" thing.
Are you confusing left-wing critiques of the elite with right-wing rhetoric? Because when I see leftists and even liberals talk about elites, they are very much speaking about rich people wielding their wealth as a means to keep people in their place via economic strife. They're talking about oil executives holding dinners for candidates. They're talking about lobbyists who convince politicians to do things that won't help the people. When Bernie criticizes the elite do you really think he's talking about it in the way right-wing populists do it?


Nov 27, 2017
Those are some real milquetoast tweets from the Bernie supporters. Pretty tiring to see disagreements labeled as harassment. Twitter is a public platform.

Deleted member 3896

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Those are some real milquetoast tweets from the Bernie supporters. Pretty tiring to see disagreements labeled as harassment. Twitter is a public platform.
Huh. I find it tiring to see a top five candidate skip a historic town hall on the LGBTQ community then for their campaign and supporters to be anything but contrite about it.


Nov 27, 2017
Also, did we already forget that Bernie's campaign already had to have this talk with their supporters like four times this cycle already? Including this week when Black Progressive leaders had to write him and ask him to tell his people to stop attacking people of color over the WFP endorsement? Once is an instance, twice is a hobby.


Oct 25, 2017
Greetings, friends. I am so TIRED of whiny trans people needing their safe spaces!!! Also, something something Pocahontas and did you know Elizabeth Warren was a Republican and supports Charter Schools. Also Nate Silver is a racist!

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
Also, did we already forget that Bernie's campaign already had to have this talk with their supporters like four times this cycle already? Including this week when Black Progressive leaders had to write him and ask him to tell his people to stop attacking people of color over the WFP endorsement? Once is an instance, twice is a hobby.
While I love piling on Bernie, I do wonder why his supporters are so quick to show themselves at the detriment to his campaign.


Oct 25, 2017
Are you confusing left-wing critiques of the elite with right-wing rhetoric? Because when I see leftists and even liberals talk about elites, they are very much speaking about rich people wielding their wealth as a means to keep people in their place via economic strife. They're talking about oil executives holding dinners for candidates. They're talking about lobbyists who convince politicians to do things that won't help the people. When Bernie criticizes the elite do you really think he's talking about it in the way right-wing populists do it?
When he hires a guy like David Sirota who's spent his entire career attacking the truth, and when he repeatedly just refuses to actually adapt? I'm not sure. That stubbornness you may like about him is something I view with massive amounts of unease.

I'm not conflating the rhetoric, Economic data, polling numbers, etc.- when you see people repeatedly going after stuff like this alarm bells go off.


Oct 25, 2017
Shade never made anyone less gay.
I'm trying to give them room to change course and actually show up to the October one.
Lol, so again. It was announced in March. Pretty much the only reason someone would have a scheduling clash... Is if it was intentional.

I'm going to go with he still hates Human Rights Campaign for endorsing Clinton.

I wonder whether he'd go to Planned Parenthood Action Fund forum.
Oct 25, 2017
Looking back at all the white male beltway analysis about how Kamala would obviously get black voters is going to be funny.

It does make you think where the race would be without a candidate with fake ties to the community (Biden). At least we won't try to run prosecutors with bad records again.


Nov 27, 2017
While I love piling on Bernie, I do wonder why his supporters are so quick to show themselves at the detriment to his campaign.
I think it's just a lot of them are young. A lot of them are male (not all!). A lot of them are so absolutely sure that ~identity politics~ is going to get in the way of their glorious revolution. They're mostly incredibly online. And, honestly, Bernie did very ltitel to try to control them previously, because it was advantageous. Then he surrounds himself with staffers who literally do some of the same shit, and it makes it real hard for him to take the moral high ground on this stuff. Plus, for some (again some! not all!) their entire world view is centered on the supposition that Bernie's ideology is 100% infallibly perfect. And it's easier to double down on being bad than to being realistic about where your candidate's campaign is maybe going off the rails. It's tribalism which everyone is guilty of...just some are louder at it than others.

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
When he hires a guy like David Sirota who's spent his entire career attacking the truth, and when he repeatedly just refuses to actually adapt? I'm not sure. That stubbornness you may like about him is something I view with massive amounts of unease.

I'm not conflating the rhetoric, Economic data, polling numbers, etc.- when you see people repeatedly going after stuff like this alarm bells go off.
You really think Bernie could possibly be attacking elites from the right? Well that explains a lot.

You keep trying to shift from the actual elites, the ones who hold power in our capitalist system, and making it about data.


Oct 25, 2017
You really think Bernie could possibly be attacking elites from the right? Well that explains a lot.

You keep trying to shift from the actual elites, the ones who hold power in our capitalist system, and making it about data.
No, I'm saying Bernie has a habit of surrounding himself with people who attack others when they say things they don't like. And no I'm not talking about wealthy people because I could give a shit about the implications there, if it were limited to that definition I wouldn't be concerned.

I'm making it about the OTHER implication because that's where the problem is. Where Bernie puts Rent Control in his platform despite the mountains of evidence pointing to it actively hurting attempts to bring down housing prices? That's a red flag. He's picking the policy that sounds good over the one that's sound policy.


Oct 31, 2017
lol no they're not. Elites are the ones who hold power and the professions you named don't really hold power.

Well, we were told an organization that works to get poor women abortions was part of the evil Establishment before.

Elites seem to be quickly growing to anybody who won't support Bernie.

Also, I've seen plenty of Bernie supporters basically claim Warren's whole supporter base is only "liberal white degree holders," which isn't a direct claim of elitism, but we can all the connect the dots here, that some woman who works in the biotech sector and makes $65k isn't really a member of the proletariat, because we should continue to try to win over coal miners in West Virginia or something.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
I do find it funny how quickly rent control became a dealbreaker once it was a difference between Sanders and Warren.

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
And no I'm not talking about wealthy people because I could give a shit about the implications there, if it were limited to that definition I wouldn't be concerned.
But it is limited to that definition from a leftist and even liberal standpoint. Wealthy people have an inordinate amount of power in this system and their interests are no aligned with the interests of working people.

But, I see that you don't care about that which is why you don't consider them to be bad. We have a clear ideological difference here.


Oct 25, 2017
But it is limited to that definition from a leftist and even liberal standpoint. Wealthy people have an inordinate amount of power in this system and their interests are no aligned with the interests of working people.

But, I see that you don't care about that which is why you don't consider them to be bad. We have a clear ideological difference here.
It does not matter what it says from a liberal/left standpoint when people don't break evenly on left/right axes and you get chucklefucks like Michael Tracey and co. The word's got multiple shadings and the easiest way to avoid issues is to just not use it.

I do care about addressing that power imbalance. But I also care about not just replacing braindead GOP policy with braindead left policy that ignores reality in favor of ideology.


Nov 27, 2017
Or like when Bernie supporters told a rape victim they were glad she got raped? Or called POC who dont' support him "Uncle Toms" Or a million other racially and sexually charged attacks that seem to ONLY come from this one specific campaign?

I have never in my 32 years on this earth been lectured by supporters of another candidate like I was Bernies. I had straight bros lecture me on how I was a traitor to LGBT folks because I didn't support their guy. Never. Not once. Not even in the most acrimonious part of the 2008 primary. And it keeps happening! So at a certain point, folks need to have a come to Jesus moment that maybe the problem starts at the top. There's no reason this shit keeps happening, and it's damaging as hell to his chances of getting the nomination. There's a reason folks aren't considering him.

Edit: In fairness, Yang has some trash supporters too but their just 4chan loons who will crawl back under a rock after this whole thing is over.


Oct 27, 2017
Or like when Bernie supporters told a rape victim they were glad she got raped? Or called POC who dont' support him "Uncle Toms" Or a million other racially and sexually charged attacks that seem to ONLY come from this one specific campaign?

I have never in my 32 years on this earth been lectured by supporters of another candidate like I was Bernies. I had straight bros lecture me on how I was a traitor to LGBT folks because I didn't support their guy. Never. Not once. Not even in the most acrimonious part of the 2008 primary. And it keeps happening! So at a certain point, folks need to have a come to Jesus moment that maybe the problem starts at the top. There's no reason this shit keeps happening, and it's damaging as hell to his chances of getting the nomination. There's a reason folks aren't considering him.

Edit: In fairness, Yang has some trash supporters too but their just 4chan loons who will crawl back under a rock after this whole thing is over.

How do you know they were Bernie Supporters in an age where trolling exists and foreign interference campaigns still exist?

It makes sense for foreign governments to continue to foment distrust and hate between various candidate's fanbase.

And I've seen absolute abuse coming from people towards Sanders supporters. They're from Warren or Harris base and are #stillwithher.


Oct 25, 2017
How do you know they were Bernie Supporters in an age where trolling exists and foreign interference campaigns still exist?

It makes sense for foreign governments to continue to foment distrust and hate between various candidate's fanbase.

And I've seen absolute abuse coming from people towards Sanders supporters. They're from Warren or Harris base and are #stillwithher.
Gray's profile name says "Residue". Come on.


Sep 19, 2019
So would you not agree that telling calling someone dishonest, biased or uninformed for raising valid criticism is not a good look? Like instead of acknowledging your candidate's possible issues, just attacking someone else is not cute.

There's a wide gap between "fuck off" and "here's my view..."

I agree that it'd be nice for him to attend one of the forums. And I'd bet most of his supporters would too. Twitter discussions can be reductive due to the character limit, and not everyone couches their statements with a "Yes, but". It's still not great to label every argument as bad faith.


Nov 27, 2017
How do you know they were Bernie Supporters in an age where trolling exists and foreign interference campaigns still exist?

It makes sense for foreign governments to continue to foment distrust and hate between various candidate's fanbase.

And I've seen absolute abuse coming from people towards Sanders supporters. They're from Warren or Harris base and are #stillwithher.

So, the people that literally called me a traitor to LGBT folks were in person. In my face yeling at me when my husband and I were out in pubic, so you know...I know. lol

But, ya, just a joke! Just a foreign op! And I have literally never seen a Warren supporter attempt to get people's personal shit on twitter. Or text people that they're glad they got raped. I have never seen another candidate receive a letter from folks asking them to remind their supporters to stop with the harassment. So nice straw man.


Oct 27, 2017
So, the people that literally called me a traitor to LGBT folks were in person. In my face yeling at me when my husband and I were out in pubic, so you know...I know. lol

But, ya, just a joke! Just a foreign op! And I have literally never seen a Warren supporter attempt to get people's personal shit on twitter. Or text people that they're glad they got raped. I have never seen another candidate receive a letter from folks asking them to remind their supporters to stop with the harassment. So nice straw man.

It depends on who you follow.
I'm sorry for what happened to you but it is absolutely not representative of the vast vast majority of people. There's deranged people on all sides and I don't think you've been exposed to them.

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