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Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I mean, again, I'd really caution anyone to read too much into this without more information. When you say "look at their body language!", that doesn't really mean much because, as we are doing here and as we are doing on cable news, we're overanalyzing people and making a litany of assumptions based on body language alone, something that humans aren't particularly skilled at yet believe they are. Maybe it was a huge fight and they're still super angry at each other and she called him an asshole. Or not.

Hey here's a standard post debate handshake. No I'm not doing that. Words exchanged. Person who offered hand shrugs and walks away.

It's more than body language lol.
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder what happens to Bernie's Asylum of Surrogates and Staff, Sirota will go back to writing attack pieces against dems but the rest seem screwed without Bernie.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
Hey here's a standard post debate handshake. No I'm not doing that. Words exchanged. Person who offered hand shrugs and walks away.

It's more than body language lol.

Not really but okay! Again -- this is all body language and assumptions. It could be exactly what you think it is, or more benign. This is sort of a dumb discussion, but running with stuff like this is sort of silly.
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder what happens to Bernie's Asylum of Surrogates and Staff, Sirota will go back to writing attack pieces against dems but the rest seem screwed without Bernie.
Who was the Bernie or Bust guy who went full MAGA. I'm blanking on the name, but they were an author or something?

Edit: I was thinking of HA Goodman. Thank you all who let me know.
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Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019
lol Partnership for America's Healthcare Future ad on CNN, Public Option: BAD, Medicare for All: BAD, Medicare Buy-in: BAD, Single Payer: BAD
Oct 25, 2017
And where did that strategy get them?
Well Eric was a fucking nobody with no real path regardless and Harris couldn't capitalize on the attention she was getting and did not have any way to spin her record.

Warren and Sanders should have focused on Biden, not each other. No one has attempted to peel Biden's main group, older black voters, away from him.

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
This Bernie Warren scerfuffle really should've happened months ago, this is way too close to the actual votes to know who the winner of them is.


Oct 25, 2017
I cannot believe people seem to think they can take this nomination without absolutely crushing biden into dust. They might as well just hand it to him.
Oct 25, 2017
HA Goodman

I knew someone who endlessly shared his articles.
Yeah, they're... something:
While this might be a nightmarish comparison to many Bernie supporters in 2019, the reality is that President Trump embodies many of the progressive icon's prior messages. For these reasons, Trump 2020 should be embraced by people who once loved Sanders, but don't recognize Bernie 2.0.


Oct 25, 2017
possible, but also that one Morning Consult poll showing Sanders with a bizarrely high share of the black vote relative to literally everyone else in the field keeps showing up in all of my feeds everywhere so I'm covering every possible Take Base

what are you talking about, Bernie consistently polls higher than Warren with non white voters. this isn't a secret.

Deleted member 2426

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Thank god I didn't watch the debate lmao.

That last exchange, without any context of what happened, gives me the impression that Warren is bitter she's losing idk lol

Hours Left

Oct 26, 2017
The sexism that plagues America continues to rear its ugly head, and prevents the country from making the necessary strides it needs to stop the hellscape it has become.
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