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Oct 25, 2017
I'm not one to deny anyone their gruntles, but I don't see anything unfair or controversial in the statements.

Yeah I don't think she's wrong. The only criticism I could maybe POSSIBLY have is that I wish we could cut out the infighting and get straight to beating Trump, but we're in a primary and that's what primaries are for, and in the grand scheme of things she's being pretty mild about it, so eh.


May 16, 2019
Yeah I don't think she's wrong. The only criticism I could maybe POSSIBLY have is that I wish we could cut out the infighting and get straight to beating Trump, but we're in a primary and that's what primaries are for, and in the grand scheme of things she's being pretty mild about it, so eh.
The primary has been pretty hard on this forum and this thread in particular. Once we have a nominee and can focus our attacks on Republicans the temperature around here will come down.

Although it's not going to happen, a contested convention would probably literally destroy this forum.


Oct 28, 2017
63% say Trump definitely/probably broke the law
51% say Trump should be removed from office

It's not THAT weird. Many people thought that Bill Clinton shouldn't be removed from office despite committing perjury. The discrepancy in both cases is due to people who think the crime or crimes weren't worthy of removal from office. Also, there is some wiggle room with the "probably" broke the law where they may find that it's not clear or provable enough. Of course, it's sad that both numbers are as low as they are, but they're still not great for Trump.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017



Oct 25, 2017

Calling it now. Someone Republican senator is lactose intolerate and is going to drink milk just to blast ass in the senate chambers.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The primary has been pretty hard on this forum and this thread in particular. Once we have a nominee and can focus our attacks on Republicans the temperature around here will come down.

Although it's not going to happen, a contested convention would probably literally destroy this forum.
If a contested convention is going to happen in our lifetimes, this is probably when it would happen.


Oct 27, 2017
If a contested convention is going to happen in our lifetimes, this is probably when it would happen.
This is a death knell for Sanders if it happens. The party is never going to hand someone who shits on their party regularly the nomination (among other issues).
The absolute state of our political system. I'm moving to the moon. There are no Republicans on the moon.
It's gonna be a hard sell to convince ActBlue to start a space travel program a la Kerbal.


Oct 25, 2017
So, follow up to my yesterday post.
No one in the top three should drop out.

Also, wrt when anyone will drop out, it will be when they run out of money.


Oct 27, 2017
Regardless of how it turns out and who wins or loses, it's a massive boost for Trump.
I don't entirely disagree, but you know damn well that almost all the normal party voters will come home to vote against Trump... except some Busters. Again. Hell, we'll be lucky if they're not total dicks and constantly try to interrupt speeches!
It'll cause a lot of drama the week of the convention but I think it would settle fairly quickly after. It'll basically be Biden throwing his weight around vs Obama behind the scenes really wishing someone else got the nomination. Of course there's Wildcard, Bitches! in play, which I'd find hilarious.


Oct 25, 2017
This is a death knell for Sanders if it happens. The party is never going to hand someone who shits on their party regularly the nomination (among other issues).

If Sanders is in the lead, denying him at the convention would destroy the party and probably the country. Of course, if he's not, it's a little easier.

I am hopeful things will get resolved before a brokered convention via all candidates dropping out but one, which is the traditional method of choosing a nominee. If we go to a brokered convention it will be, to say the least, quite difficult to find a compromise solution that leaves all parties feeling satisfied.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Damn Bernie catching dat heat.

That said this is hella tame. It doesn't specifically state that he is asking for cuts (he never said that), it's a pure insinuation on the term "adjust".

Also LMFAO @ the disclaimer at the bottom.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, but the attacks on Biden have explicitly leveraged the same word being used by him.
I know and it was a weak ass attack attempt by Bernie to begin with. Whatever either have said or implied in the past, both of them are for strengthening or expanding SS in their current platform. It's such a weird angle, much better to attack Biden on foreign policy. I guess Bernie is desperate to peel off the older age voting block from Biden.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
You know, something about the adjusting social security thing... You could technically lower the amount of funding for social security while increasing pay-outs. It's a possible thing. There are stupid things that have been tacked on, inefficiencies that have piled up due to raids of social security to pay for stupid tax cuts and the like.

Lemme put it this way, technically Pelosi's drug bill that allows Medicare to negotiate drug prices would cut medicare spending by hundreds of billions. But that's because it would make prescription drugs cheaper.

Yes, but the attacks on Biden have explicitly leveraged the same word being used by him.
Yeah, they were trying to be more specific by citing a speech by Biden that was a parody of how they'd have to cut social security for what they had in mind to work. Kinda like Biden has been saying "at least Bernie is honest about tax raises for healthcare" as a stupid backhand (taxes need to be raised on everyone anyway), though in that case it was less stupid.


Oct 25, 2017
I just heard my hardcore republican dad say "Trump had a legitimate reason to investigate Biden because it's illegal to use your position as vice president to enrich your relatives" and I want to scream


Oct 27, 2017
Is that a... brag about one poll where results are within the MOE? And isn't that from the same goofball outlier CNN poll? That's Trump-tier stupid like when he brags about somehow making it to 50% approval from Rass.
If Sanders is in the lead, denying him at the convention would destroy the party and probably the country. Of course, if he's not, it's a little easier.

I am hopeful things will get resolved before a brokered convention via all candidates dropping out but one, which is the traditional method of choosing a nominee. If we go to a brokered convention it will be, to say the least, quite difficult to find a compromise solution that leaves all parties feeling satisfied.
However much Sanders annoys the crap out of me, even I think the person who comes to the convention with the most delegates should get the nomination. God, I hate admitting this. Even sadder? I'm more terrified of Sanders making an atrocious VP pick than I actually am of him getting the nomination.

I'd expect a lot to happen behind the scenes coming up to the convention to try to avoid an awkward floor vote and confusion situation where candidates get eliminated. If it does end up with drama on the floor, I'd expect Biden to end up with it.


Oct 25, 2017
Hot take: Sanders is going to make an extremely anodyne VP pick if he wins the nomination, just like every other candidate does

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
Michelle Obama vp
Win by 35 points

actual possibilities:
Some sort of military veteran (female most likely) like Elaine Luria
POC with a national profile (Booker, Harris)
Kirsten Gillibrand or Klobuchar if he feels like his minority support is good enough


Jun 19, 2018
I just heard my hardcore republican dad say "Trump had a legitimate reason to investigate Biden because it's illegal to use your position as vice president to enrich your relatives" and I want to scream


Trump didn't have a legitimate reason. And even if he did, it doesn't fucking matter anyway, it's not the fucking point. He withheld aid to the Ukraine to get dirt on a political opponent. That is illegal. For fuck's sake, these asswipes can only spew fascist talking points and everything else just goes in one ear and out the other.
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